Emperor Ming Dynasty

Chapter 1046 Benefits

At this time, Qi Wang Zhu Cunhua was taking his Prime Minister Gu Yuan to inspect the city of Penglai.

The huge state of Qi, after years of development, already has two prefectures and seven counties.

They are Linzi, the capital of Qi, and the fundamental counties of Jimo and Langya, which are the prefecture of Linzi, which belongs to Gyeonggi.

After the destruction of the Sulu Kingdom, Dongdao County, Dongdao County, and some islands were established as Xihai Prefecture.

After the Penglai Gold Mine was excavated, many silver mines, iron mines, and coal mines were discovered nearby. These are all minerals that the State of Qi urgently needs. Therefore, Penglai Mansion was immediately established, under the jurisdiction of Penglai and Chengshan Counties.

Among the seven counties, Xihai Mansion has a total of [-] people, Linzi Mansion has nearly [-] people, and Penglai Mansion, which has only been developed for two years, has a sharp increase to [-].

The population of Qi State jumped to 17, and the growth rate continued to accelerate. Immigrants from the interior and Qin State continued to increase. It is expected that within ten years, 50 people are expected.

The reason for the rapid development is none other than the lack of capital and people's strength in Qi State, which allowed overseas merchants from Daming and its subordinate countries to mine gold mines in Baoshan.

After paying an authorization fee of [-] silver dollars, you can search for forests to mine at will. If it is a gold mine, you only need to hand in half of the gold.

Even if Qi State has grasped the richest part of the gold mine, for businessmen, the profits in it cannot be underestimated.

In this way, merchants from all over the world gathered together, including wealthy merchants from East India, as well as merchants from Luzon, Qin, and even Guangdong and Fujian.

Either in small groups or alone, it can be said that the work is in full swing.

In view of the lack of manpower in Qi, besides going to other island countries to buy slaves, they also often transfer civilian husbands from their own countries.

After all, slaves are rebellious and can't understand the words, so it's no good for fellow villagers.

Gold mines, silver mines, can be exchanged for silver dollars, coal mines, and lime mines can be transported to Qi, and they will never lose money, they will only earn more and less.

"Gu Qing's development strategy has already paid off."

King Qi looked at the motorcades that kept coming out of the city, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "Although the gold mines make money, they have something to give up. They exchanged half of the gold for immigrants. They have to use a lot of grain to sell gold. Those who really give up Not more than two or three percent."

"It's worth it."

"Gold mining requires people to eat and chew horses. It costs a lot, and the mine is uncertain. It may be empty. Only the business of gold mines can let these businessmen keep their gold in Qi. due."

Gu Yuan hunched slightly, his hunched back did not affect his speech at all, and his face was full of flying colors: "The reason why I asked His Highness to set up two counties is because I saw the potential of Penglai Mansion."

"Next year, more people will come to open gold mines, and more workers will be brought in. Who wouldn't be happy to win him over to our country of Qi and grant land and houses?"

"The fields in Qi are not enough."

King Qi hesitated for a while: "If you blindly grant land, I'm afraid it will be disrespectful, and it's not fair to the common people."

Gu Yuan frowned.

It was beyond his expectation that King Qi said such words.

But he has been in power for many years, he is no longer Wuxia Amon, and his political level has improved a lot. After thinking about it, he understood the general idea.

The interests of the Qi State and the interests of the King of Qi are not the same.

For example, mines, this kind of mountains and rivers are the property of King Qi. If they are in Daming, they must pay authorization fees and pay high taxes to the emperor.

And like gold mines and silver mines, only the emperor can mine exclusively, and now it is a big profit.

At the same time, the granting of land and houses also violated the interests of King Qi.

The army spent a lot of effort to capture wild slaves to open up wasteland, and all the land was granted to immigrants. You must know that these lands are theoretically owned by King Qi.

The huge state of Qi was entrusted to King Qi by Emperor Ming, no matter it was people or land.

In Daming, the emperor may not be able to use power to decide all the land in the country, but King Qi can.

The long-term profit concession has made King Qi dissatisfied.

After all, Qi State is changing with each passing day. Although it is not a giant, it is still worthy of a land in the interior. It is time to harvest.

In other words, King Qi has been wronged for many years, it's time for him to enjoy it.

After all, King Qi is only 21 years old, very young.

No matter how powerful the prime minister is, he is no match for the king of a country.

Gu Yuan changed his mind, and said casually: "The feudal court reclaims tens of thousands of acres of land every year, which consumes a lot, which makes people feel unjustifiable."

"And there are so many people, it's inappropriate to let some strangers in."

"Your Majesty, I wish that Linzi Mansion is an important place in the capital, and the confidantes of the court can no longer grant land, but they can grant land and houses in Penglai Mansion. After a few years, the land will no longer be granted, but sold at a low price..."

"Very good!" King Qi nodded and smiled.

Linzi Mansion is located in the southwest of this big island, facing the sea plains and harbors. It has been developed for many years and is already the most prosperous area.

King Qi is satisfied with his benefits.

Although he is greedy, he is not stupid. Development and enjoyment can go hand in hand.

There was too much profit before, but now it has been withdrawn, which is enough.

Seeing that King Qi was satisfied, Gu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "Your Highness, now our country of Qi has had close contacts with Naxiyi, and he actually wants to preach..."

"Impossible." King Qi sneered after hearing the words: "Now that the people are at peace, it should be the time when Confucianism and Taoism are flourishing. How can the Western religion show its prestige?"

"As far as I know, the Eastern Diocese mentioned by His Majesty did not say that it is preaching in our country? Even if it is a mission, it is the Jesuits, and the bishop of our country is also appointed by me. What are the Dutch?"

Qi State was newly built. Like Qin State, many people's minds were not peaceful, so a large number of temples were built to entrust their homesickness.

Even Taoism, many people came.

Thanks to the emperor's vassal gift package, Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism, the three schools are complete, Taoist temples, temples, and schools quickly appease the hearts of the people.

As for the ancestral halls that spread all over the world in Ming Dynasty, only some officials would get them.

Even, in order to establish a ruling order as soon as possible, from thought to behavior, it is completely done in accordance with the Neo-Confucianism model of Zhu Zi.

Because this is the most effective way of education.

The so-called Qin School in Ming Dynasty was based on Neo Confucianism, but Qi State did not even have Neo Confucianism, so the backward Neo Confucianism of Zhu Zi took root in Qi State from the very beginning and was very deep.

In a sense, to an extreme level.

Under such circumstances, the idea of ​​opposing the Western Yi missions is naturally common.

Just like North Korea and Japan today, even though they know about the compromise policy of the Jesuits, they still resist it.

North Korea only allows the Jesuits to preach in the commercial Yeongjong Island, while Japan only allows missions in Nagasaki City, and every move is monitored.

"Your Highness, I think you can preach in the two counties of Dongdao and Dongtai. After all, the Peace Sect is very powerful there..."

Gu Yuan said softly.

Xihai Mansion was built after the destruction of the Sulu Kingdom, but it received the baptism of the Peace Sect two or three hundred years ago.

Although the Peace Sect at this time is very easy-going and has a strong compromise, it is not as easy to handle as Confucianism, even if King Qi is honored as the Sultan.

Therefore, for the Xihai Mansion, Qi State has been working hard to assimilate it, but the time is too short to achieve little effect.

"You mean, let the two religions conflict?"

King Qi narrowed his eyes: "Or, with the help of the Dutch?"

The Dutch East Indies are not far away, and if they preach, they must compete with each other and use their strength to fight against the Peace Sect.

When they both lose, it is appropriate for the imperial court to intervene.

"That's a good idea." King Qi nodded: "However, we want to make the "Quran" and "Bible" into Chinese characters..."

The Peace Sect that the Sulu Kingdom believes in uses Arabic characters. Although it is only in the hands of the imam, it is also a hidden danger.

Rewriting can not only instill Chinese characters, but also tamper with some unfavorable aspects.

After all, how many ordinary people at the bottom can read?

The monarch and his ministers reached a consensus.


Qin State, Hanoi.

It was the rainy season, the sky was dark and cloudy, and it could rain three or four times a day. People on the streets wore bamboo hats, and only those with a little money held umbrellas.

"Please, fifty pieces of iron money!"

The bullock cart was parked in front of the Yuelai Inn, the cover was drenched and drooping, but the huge signboard was very conspicuous.

As soon as Han Lin opened the curtain of the car, he saw the coachman stammering these words, which was very convoluted and awkward.

Obviously, he is a native of Qin.

"It's too expensive, forty coins will do?"

"No, it's fine." The coachman shook his head with a firm face.

"That's all." Han Lin took out eight copper coins from his pocket and put them in his hands.

The latter left happily.

He shook his head and entered the inn with a salute.

In Qin State, the silver-copper-iron model was implemented.

That is, one copper coin is exchanged for five iron coins, one thousand copper coins and five thousand iron coins per silver round.

There is really no way, who made Qin lack copper and silver.

So you can only forge iron money to activate the economy.

It's just that iron money is cheap, and whether it's private or official, they prefer copper coins, so it's actually one copper for eight irons.

But this group of Qin people are smart, they can recognize outsiders at a glance, and it's fine to pay iron coins. Once copper coins are given out, they must be exchanged according to the obvious exchange.

Of course, copper coins and silver cents are also accepted, but Han Lin is afraid that they will not be able to find them.

Han Lin stepped into the inn with the same style as Daming.

A room includes three meals, and it costs one penny a day.

It is very cheap in Ming Dynasty, but it is expensive in Qin State.

"My penny is not easy to take." Han Lin took out the penny, looked at the shopkeeper and said, "You are taking advantage of my hundred iron coins. You have to add another pot of wine, and you have to have meat."

The copper rounds automatically rise by [-]%, which is much more than copper coins, so naturally we can't let it go easily.

"Guest officer, don't worry, sure, sure!"

The shopkeeper's heart ached and he had no choice but to respond.

A vegetable tofu, a plate of small fish, plus a bowl of thick rice, and a pot of rice wine, it is considered complete.

Han Lin sat at the table and ate. He looked at the waiter who was serving the food and rewarded him with a copper coin.

The latter pursed his lips, his eyes were full of joy, but he knew it clearly: "Guest officer, do you have any questions?"

"I heard that Qin's food is controlled by the royal family?"

"The guest officer wants to sell grain?" Xiaoer chuckled and said, "You are late. Now there are only three grain merchants in the whole of Qin Dynasty, and they are basically in the pockets of King Qin and senior officials."

"Now I'm afraid I won't even be able to eat leftovers."

Hearing this, Han Lin was not discouraged.

Because among the exports of the Qin State, although there are special products such as spices and silk cloth, the bulk is grain.

Such a huge profit is naturally coveted, and the monopoly is also the due result.

According to legend, the state of Qin peddled grain from Yunnan, Guangxi, Hainan, Guangdong, Luzon and other places for more than one million shi a year.

Even if it is calculated on the basis of five pennies per grain, it is 50 silver dollars. For Qin, which is short of copper and silver, it has really quenched a lot of thirst.

"What interesting things does Qin have?"

"I don't know about that. Daming is different from Qin after all." Xiaoer said helplessly, "If I knew, I would have gone to Zhennanguan to sell it and made a lot of money."

On land, Qin State borders Yunnan and Guangxi, with convenient transportation and frequent exchanges. There are "three passes" and "hundred passes" in Guangxi.

Among them, Zhennan Pass, Pinger Pass and Shuikou Pass are the most famous.

Qin State is a vassal state, so it is naturally eager for trade with Daming, and Daming is also open to his own sons, allowing the establishment of bargaining places in the three gates to collect tax transactions.

In these three levels, no matter it is pearl agate, ivory rhinoceros horn, even iron, salt, gunpowder, they can all be peddled, with very few restrictions and no restrictions like Mongolia.

Han Lin had no choice but to let him introduce Hanoi City.

"Guest officer, there are 30 people in Hanoi now, and there are [-] to [-] imperial troops nearby. People come and go every day. It is a first-class city in Daqin. The copper coins that flow every day have gone to Haizi..."

After listening to the introduction, his stomach was full, so Han Lin left the inn to look for business opportunities.

However, he still found two guides to lead the way.

Moving along the street, because it is the consumption of princes and nobles, there are all kinds of shops and commodities.

It's just that the northern goods are more expensive.

As for southern goods, vendors along the street hawked them one after another.

Whether it is a signboard or a cover, they are all Chinese characters, making people very friendly, just like being in Daming.

He wandered around the outer city, and then looked around in the village outside the city.

At this time, he found that the buffaloes in Qin State were very common, and there were many cattle in every village, which were suitable for their growth.

Of course, beef tendon and leather are expensive, and they are also military supplies, so he dare not set foot in them.

But there are so many horns!

In Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, Guizhou, and Huguang areas, it is customary to use horns to make musical instruments.

Not to mention, it can be used as a bugle, horn comb, scabbard, and even a town house to ward off evil spirits.

Of course, ox horn is a kind of medicinal material, and all kinds of pharmacies have to collect it.

The naughty boy played around with the horns at will, obviously not knowing its value.

That's right, it's too much stuff, it's not worth the money.

It seems to be close to Hanoi, there is a school in the village, some children are shaking their heads, reading aloud Mandarin which is slightly out of tune.

The content of the lectures is nothing more than the Three Character Classic and the hundred surnames.

With a guide, the difference in language was resolved, so Han Lin received five copper coins and one horn in the village, which was widely welcomed.

All of a sudden, I got about [-] qualified horns.

If you go back to Guangzhou, you can get one silver cent for one horn, which is twenty times more.

Suddenly, a man secretly asked: "Do you take the rhino horn?"

Huge surprise appeared on Han Lin's face.

Rhino horns are extremely valuable, one tael is comparable to ten taels of gold.

If it is true, this trip will make a lot of money.

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