Emperor Ming Dynasty

Chapter 376 Armed Merchant Ships

Chapter 376 Armed Merchant Ships
If you guard the river, you must guard the Huai River.

This has been the norm for millennia.

However, the importance of navy has never been lowered.

For Zhu Yixi, the strength of the navy is not only the last wall of Nanjing, but also the basis for escape.

So as soon as he arrived in Nanjing, he gathered all the craftsmen and started a large-scale renovation of the navy, so as to gain a sense of security.

After several months, finally, the first armed sailing ship imitated from the Dutch was finally built almost.

The emperor couldn't restrain the joy in his heart, and came out of the city against the scorching sun.

Although Fuchuan has many conveniences, especially because of the secret cabin, Fuchuan on the sea still dominates the mainstream.

But, to be honest, if it wasn't for the crowd tactics, Zheng Zhilong's ocean empire would have already collapsed.

Learn from the barbarians to control barbarians.

That's right, it's not a shame to learn from others' strengths.

Although the shipwrights of Ming Dynasty were proud, they were very obedient, and they learned as soon as they were asked to learn, and soon the imitation was almost the same.

The 24 muzzles, double masts, huge deck, and white sails all moved the emperor.

"If there are more ships like this, there will be no rivals in the world."

The emperor was very happy.

This is the progress of science and technology, the progress of the military, and the progress of his great cause, which must not be ignored.

"Your Majesty, if there are more people, we can test the waters within a month."

With red hair, deep eyes, a standard hawk nose, and a simple and honest smile, a Frankie is introducing with a blushing face.

His name is very popular. His name is Ban Li. He is a craftsman who comes from Macau.

The emperor spent a thousand taels of annuity before he could afford to move.

Before coming, he even abducted a model ship.

Since then, according to a certain proportion of restoration, it is an armed ship.

The large-scale two-masted ship is extremely eye-catching.

"Take it easy."

The emperor calmly said: "Your next task is to teach them more and let them learn how to build this kind of boat."

"Your Majesty, please rest assured that Ban Li will never be stingy!"

The red-haired Benli nodded and said sincerely.

"is it?"

Of course the emperor knew he was insincere.

Immediately, he looked over and said, "Are you a commoner?"

"That's right!" Ban Li said helplessly, "Only a person like me would travel all the way to Macau just for a chance."

"Opportunity? Isn't it here now?"

Zhu Yixi laughed softly: "As long as you work hard, I will not be stingy with a title."

"Oh, God, my lord, you are the most pleasant lord I have ever seen, it is so good!"

With ecstasy on Ban Li's face, he couldn't stop saying: "I want to pledge my allegiance to you, Your Majesty, please allow me to do so."

As he spoke, he was about to kneel down on one knee.

"Get up!" The emperor shook his head and said with a light smile, "Let's talk about it later, there is no title yet!"

Inland navy and ocean navy must be two concepts.

From the sea, you can go north directly along the continental shelf, land in Tianjin, and take Beijing directly.

This is much more convenient than going north along the canal.

This idea had popped up in his mind a long time ago, but there were no conditions for its implementation.

Now, the arrival of Hong Mao Banli has made such an idea a reality.

No matter at present or in the future, the shipbuilding industry needs to develop, inherit and develop.

"Your Majesty, as long as you give me enough gold, I can call a large number of craftsmen for you, and build a large number of ships for you, across the entire China Sea."

Benley said in a hurry.

"Let's get people here first!"

Hearing this, Zhu Yixi's heart was moved instantly, and he kept tempting:
"If you can recruit a powerful craftsman, I will give you ten taels of gold."

"Ten taels? My God, Your Majesty, you are so generous. You are the most generous monarch I have ever seen."

Ben Li was ecstatic and began to dance with his arms and legs.

With the discovery of the New World, the value of silver continued to depreciate, while the price of gold continued to rise.

Compared with petite gold, it is more popular.

Resisting the idea of ​​boarding the ship, the emperor looked again and again before giving up.

Countless words are accumulated in the mouth, but in the end they cannot be uttered.

This is an important step for Ming to go to the ocean.

In comparison, there is not much difference in artillery.

Even, iron molded guns are ahead of the world.

At the end of the Ming Dynasty, the arrival of the Portuguese and the Spaniards awakened some literati.

Now, it is not too late.

When he saw old man Wang Yan, the emperor felt that he couldn't recognize him.

Mr. Wang has made outstanding achievements, especially in the aspect of casting and manufacturing artillery, the importance cannot be added.

Therefore, he became the first baron among artisans.

Mr. Wang was supported, with a gray beard, a trembling body, deep wrinkles and tiredness, all of which can be seen as his age.

"His Majesty!"

Seeing the emperor, Wang Yu burst into tears: "From Shaanxi to Hanzhong, and then to Nanjing, you became the emperor, and the Ming Dynasty came back. I will die without regret."

"Only, only one request, I really have to..."

"You and I have known each other for several years, old man, just say what you can, I will try my best to do it."

For such contributions, Zhu Yixi has a good temper and is very tolerant.

Speaking of this, Wang Wei seemed a little embarrassed, and he said slowly after a long time:

"Your Majesty, the old minister originally believed in the Western religion, which emphasizes monogamy and does not accept two people, but I have been childless for a long time, so I had to take a concubine, which is already a serious crime."

"So, now that I am old, I want to build a church in Nanjing to show my repentance."

"Building a church?"

Zhu Yixi was taken aback for a moment, then squinted his eyes, and said, "Of course it's possible, you're so old-fashioned, why should I object?"

"It's just that I have something to say first. You have built this church, but you are not allowed to let others enter."

"It can only be considered private."

Wang Yan was taken aback for a moment, then nodded slowly: "My minister thanks Your Majesty Long En!"

As he spoke, he broke free from the shackles and knelt down.

Finally, the emperor said: "Old man, don't believe what those missionaries say, it's not good if you are used as a gunman."

After a few words of relief, Zhu Yixi left.

Wang Yan's smile suddenly froze.

Back home, Wang Yan met some missionaries who had just come from Macau.

According to the original plan, they were going to Beijing.

But with King Yu proclaiming himself emperor, the situation in the south suddenly changed, and several people stayed in Nanjing.

A burly missionary with a thick yellow beard: "What did the Emperor of Ming say?"

"Churches are allowed, but missions are not allowed."

Wang Yan sighed, sat down slowly, and said helplessly: "This matter cannot be rushed, the more urgent the more mistakes will be made."

"You have to stay in Nanjing for a while."

"Why don't you go to Beijing? I heard that Father Tang Ruowang is very popular."

Another priest looked up.

(End of this chapter)

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