Emperor Ming Dynasty

Chapter 422 Guess

Chapter 422 Guess
And the group who left Jining was Li Dingguo.

After spying on the lax defense of Jining City, he and Gao Yigong made a surprise attack and captured the important city almost instantly.

"This time I made a lot of money!"

Gao Yigong rode his horse and laughed loudly: "Not only did we replenish the horses we lacked, but we also seized a lot of gold and silver. Brothers, this trip was not in vain."

Li Dingguo looked back and saw that almost everyone was leading one or two donkeys or mules, carrying a large amount of gold and silver, as well as rations.

The cavalry were elated, their faces full of joy.

Isn't it just for this moment to rush hundreds of miles from Huai'an to Shandong?

"Where are we going next?"

"Wu Sangui was stabbed in the waist by us, I'm afraid he will become angry from embarrassment, we have to go far away."

Li Dingguo showed a smile.

"Go to Caozhou? Yuyuan Army is safer after all."

Gao Yigong asked tentatively.

"It's a dead place, you can't go there."

Li Dingguo raised his head and said, "There are river beaches all over the place, which is not where our cavalry go."

After finishing speaking, he raised his head, looked to the east, and showed a smile:
"In the huge Shandong, if there is anything comparable to the canal, then only the Confucian Mansion in Qufu."

"Fucking good!"

Gao Yigong shouted loudly: "We hijacked Yan Shenggong, this is a great achievement!"

"Yan Shenggong?" Li Dingguo smiled slightly: "I want to make military exploits—"

Immediately, he raised his whip and quickened his pace.

Followed by Wu Sangui's cavalry.

In the military newspapers to Jinan and Beijing, it was reported that a group of more than ten thousand Ming cavalry raided Jining and disturbed the entire Shandong.


In Yangzhou City, with the arrival of the entire Luanjia, it became more and more prosperous. The massacre more than a year ago seemed to have been forgotten.

However, the nearly [-] Beijing camp surrounded the city densely to ensure the safety of the emperor.

"In Yangzhou City, it is really prosperous, much better than Xuzhou."

Li Chengdong and Qin Dapeng walk in parallel.

Along the way, there are many small people in the market, the vendors are crowded, the shouts are endless, and it is full of fireworks.

"It's not far from Nanjing!" Qin Dapeng said in a loud voice, looking around, with a trace of worry in his heart.

Ever since they betrayed Gao Jie and returned to the battlefield, these senior generals have been sent to Nanjing.

Including him and Li Chengdong, seven people were conferred the title of baron, from officials to generals, mansions, servants, gold, silver and jewelry, not to mention everything they need, but there is absolutely no lack of it. It can be said to be extremely honorable.

But no one can guess the emperor's mind.

Among the seven, Cao Hu, Shen Bao, Li Maozhen, Li Benshen, and Li Yuanyin successively went to the north to fight against the slaves, or went to the Beijing camp to lead troops,
However, he and Li Chengdong seemed to have been forgotten. After winning the emptiness, they accompanied Luanjia to Yangzhou. They had no soldiers and no power, and they were extremely uncomfortable.

"It's different from Nanjing!"

Li Chengdong showed a smile, and whispered to Qin Dapeng: "You and I have a chance here in Yangzhou City."

"Nanjing's danger lies in the Yangtze River, but Yangzhou is on land!"

"But I feel that it is very difficult for Manchus to come to Yangzhou."

Qin Dapeng shook his head, and muttered, "It's been almost two months since we fought, and we didn't arrive in Huai'an. It's not like you haven't seen the banks of the canal. There are bastions everywhere. It's estimated that we will fight until the beginning of next spring."

"Once the spring rain falls and the ground is muddy, the red cannons will not work, and the cavalry will also be useless!"

"There are no absolutes!"

Li Chengdong's eyes were deep: "If we are useless, how could we be in Yangzhou?"

"There is some truth in what you said."

Qin Dapeng grinned and said, "This is the best."

With that said, the two continued to go shopping and play, and the two who had no shortage of money could be said to have enjoyed themselves.

"Is Huai'an so difficult to fight?"

In the former enemy's Marshal's Mansion, the ministers were sitting and discussing military affairs, while at the sand table, Feng Xianzong frowned and stared at Huai'an Mansion's Zhishanyang City seriously.

After the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, Huai'an, Huaiyin, and Xincheng counties were incorporated into Shanyang, so Shanyang County cannot be regarded as a county.

It borders the Huaihe River in the north, Gaojiayan in the west, Sheyang Lake in the southeast, and Maluo, Miaowan Town, and Yangzhaizi in the northeast. It can be described as a dangerous place.

However, seven days have passed since the Manchus attacked the city, and Shanyang County is still stable. Although it is in danger, it can always save the day.

After two years as the deputy director of the General Staff Department, Feng Xianzong was quite sensitive to war.

"Shanyang County is dangerous, and after several months of repairs, it must be difficult for the Manchus to conquer it."

At this time, Lu Daqi, the real minister of the Ministry of War, came over, looked at the young man who was lost in thought, and said involuntarily:
"Man Qing must not want to die in vain."

"Lu Gong!"

Feng Xianzong cupped his hands respectfully, and immediately said with a smile: "This statement should be justified."

"However——" There was a hint of doubt on his face: "The daily expenditure of one hundred thousand soldiers in the Manchu Qing Dynasty is immeasurable. It is amazing to spend all the energy in Huai'an like this."


At this time, Zhao Shu, the chief assistant of the cabinet, came over. He was from Sun Chuanting's staff and had more experience in the military:

"Whether it is to divide the troops to Hefei, or go south regardless of everything, it is better than staying in Huai'an."

"There must be a conspiracy in the Qing Dynasty!"

Several people nodded and reached a consensus.

On the other side, the emperor was also analyzing the next path of Manchu Qing.

The main function of the former enemy marshal's office is to coordinate the court's supply of materials to the army, and to deal with military reports and military affairs in a timely manner.

As for the analysis of the war situation, he is not good at it.

Therefore, the young staff members of the Staff Department began to reason one by one, with various ideas, and the emperor asked them to file them, and then slowly analyze them.

In the end, the staff came to three analytical conclusions:

The first possibility: The Manchu Qing supplies were insufficient, such as gunpowder, grain and grass, etc. were not supplied in a timely manner.

The reasoning is based on the news from Jin Yiwei that the instigated rebel army followed one after another, and Li Dingguo and other cavalry also went north.

The second type: The Manchus made a feint attack, or deliberately slowed down to cover another operation.

There are two consequences, either go to Fengyang Mansion, plunder the people, and occupy Huaibei area.

Or, it is preparing to take a detour to attack Yangzhou, capture the thief first and capture the king first.

The third type: there were contradictions within the Manchu Qing Dynasty, so that Jierhalang deliberately lingered.

"These three, the first and the second, are very likely."

Zhu Yixi commented: "Shandong's people are not strong enough, and there are many rebels making troubles. It is very likely that there will be insufficient food and grass."

"As for the surprise attack on Yangzhou—"

The emperor was lost in thought: "Do you have any guesses? How did they march?"

"Report to Your Majesty, there are only three routes for slaves to go to Yangzhou, the easiest one is along the canal, but it must be impossible without beacon fire along the way."

"The second is to go from both sides of the canal, especially to the east of the canal, where there are very few lakes, which is most suitable for cavalry."

"The third is to take a sea ship and land near Yangzhou Prefecture."

(End of this chapter)

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