Chapter 482

It sounds drastic, but in essence, Zhu Yixi's reform is very feasible.

First of all, the cabinet, as a temporarily unorganized department, can only be ravaged by the emperor.

As for the Hanlin Academy, not to mention, the concubine scholars have just entered for a few months, and they are humble and have no right to speak at all.

In a sense, the six departments are equivalent to increasing the establishment, which is beneficial to the middle and bottom officials.

Step by step is the best way to change.

In contrast, the Reform Movement of [-] during the Guangxu period was immature from the beginning.

From the very beginning, stereotyped essays in the imperial examinations were abolished. Wouldn't scholars who have studied hard for decades in the cold window study for nothing?

A large number of redundant officials had good intentions, but they were reckless. Nearly [-] people were dismissed in the capital alone, and there was no way out. Isn't this forcing rebellion?
There are also some that have not been published, such as cutting off hair and changing clothes, moving the capital to Shanghai, respecting Confucius as the state religion, etc., which are too radical, full of childishness and fantasy.

When Emperor Shaowu first saw the reform charter, the Imperial Academy took the lead in blowing up the pot.

But it's useless, the influence is too small.

Many people talked about it, expressing fear of the decline in the gold content of the Imperial Academy, and at the same time they were in a state of confusion about the future.

Boiling qualifications has become a thing of the past, what should we do in the future?

"Oki, are you not nervous?"

Seeing the calm Zheng Sen like this, Huang Zongxi immediately became curious and couldn't help asking.

"There is still a year and a half before the museum closes!"

Zheng Sen shook his head, and said helplessly: "And we have been in the Imperial Academy for almost half a year, and we have listened to the Shangshu and Minister's classes for ten days.

"You mean, the noise will dissipate when the political observation is over?"

Huang Zongxi came to his senses and smiled knowingly: "Whether it's good to observe politics, it's better than studying in the Imperial Academy every day."

Sure enough, within two days, the Imperial Academy really issued a list of government officials.

However, what is more novel is the rotation system.

That is to say, the positions of observing politics this time are the living minister and the cabinet secretary, and everyone rotates between the two positions.

However, there are only two people in the living room, so every two people serve as one term, and one term is for one month, and the rest of the time is Zhongshusheren.

After two years of circulation, the library will be disbanded (originally three years), and it will no longer serve as the local examiner, but will go to the local office.

"Where did you hear it from?" Huang Zongxi was stunned.

"Money can turn ghosts." Zheng Sen said to himself: "Besides, my mentor is the leader of Donglin, so I still have some connections."

Huang Zongxi was startled, he was a little suffocated.

"Are you the living man?"

"Are you a living man too?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, never thought that the first rotation would be the same, it was destined!
The next day, the two entered the palace. The former living man, that is, the imperial servant, was probably dissatisfied with losing his position, so he taught with a stern face:
"Liujuzhu originated from the "Jijuzhu in the Banzhong" in the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, but it was compiled by the inner palace without any credibility. It was not until the Jin Dynasty that there was a special editor for the Zhujuzhu..."

"Even in this dynasty, the Imperial Academy was used to read and lecture, and the lecturer of Jingyan was the official. Now, His Majesty is serving as a scholar like you. It can be said to be earth-shattering..."

"Zheng Sen, do you know what the daily life note involves?"

The waiter asked directly with a straight face.

Zheng Sen hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "First of all, it should be to record the events or whereabouts of the emperor's etiquette, such as offering sacrifices to heaven, offering sacrifices to the Taimiao, and so on.

Then write the imperial decree of the emperor.

Write the memorials and title books of each department.

Finally, it is the memorials of officials from various places. "

"As for similar matters, they are recorded in order of severity."

"That's right." Shi Du raised his eyebrows, boasted, and still scolded: "But it's still not enough. Except for the emperor's private affairs, everything else must be remembered, and must not be omitted."

Zheng Sen hesitated to speak, so he could only bow down.

He didn't foolishly ask which are the emperor's private affairs.

For example, the establishment of a prince, or the emperor's lingering in the harem, etc., in the eyes of scholars, the emperor's family has no personal affairs.

"Huang Zongxi, why do you set up a living note?"

"Emperor Kuang's gains and losses have aroused the fear of today."

"Okay—" Shi Du happily clapped his hands and said, "That's right, that's it."

"Changing gains and losses, attracting fear, and it is difficult for a courtier to make an appointment with the emperor. We can only use the notes as a material for future generations to compile history, so that the king will be taboo and dare not act recklessly."

"Remember, there are two taboos in daily life notes, one is only true and not false, and the other is that the Lord is not allowed to read it. If you break one, your future will be ruined and you will have a bad reputation forever."

Back then, Tang Taizong forced Chu Suiliang to let him watch the notes on daily life, and Chu Suiliang dared to submit it only after he deleted it.

And because the daily life notes are the main reference part of history books, the history of Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty was labeled as unreliable.

The two of them naturally knew the taboo, so they quickly responded.

"Huang Zongxi is in charge of recording words, while Zheng Sen is in charge of recording events."

After explaining, Qi just left.

Immediately, after a while, the eunuch directed the two of them to take office.

"Your Majesty is waiting to greet you—"

"Get up!"

As soon as they looked up, the two saw the emperor's face with an inexplicable smile.

There was an inexplicable chill in my heart, so I could only stand up and bury my head on the desk.

After a while, Zhu Mou, Minister of the Ministry of household affairs, came to see him.

Zheng Sen had sharp eyes and quick hands, and wrote directly: In the first year of Shaowu, on Gengxu day in the month of Guihai, the emperor summoned Zhu Mou, the Minister of the Household Department, to ask him about the autumn grain.

Huang Zongxi took his time, listened for a while, and then wrote: In the first year of Shaowu, on the day of Gengxu in the month of Guihai, the emperor summoned Zhu Mou, and sighed:
It's been a long time, and it's autumn harvest again. Now that I'm back in the northern capital, there's very little money and food. I don't know what Qing's family can teach me?

Zhu Mou worshiped and said: Trust in the protection of the ancestors, Your Majesty's kindness, this summer, the weather in the southern country will be smooth...

"Oh?" A trace of surprise appeared on the emperor's face, and he said:
"How much autumn grain can there be?"

"It's much higher than the summer tax."

Zhu Mou thought about it, and said: "The army station in Huguang is on the right track, and the autumn harvest can get a million stones, and Fujian will also send grain and grass this autumn, totaling more than 170 million."

"As for the silver dollar, the tax card of the canal is gradually operating, together with the tax card of the Shipbuilding Company and various places, Huaiyan, it will increase to 5 million taels this autumn."

The summer tax is collected in June, and in October there are only four months to collect 5 million taels.

And you must know that the summer tax lasts for seven or eight months, and it is only 5 million taels, which shows its huge increase.

"Silver coins are barely enough, only food and grass!"

Saying that, Zhu Mou sighed.

In order to rebuild the Beijing city and the imperial palace, one million taels of silver was spent at one time.

As for grain and grass, it is the bulk.

"Shandong people are struggling to make ends meet. They are scraping the ground to get money and food. After the autumn harvest, there will be another famine."

"Shanxi doesn't give way too much, but in northern Zhili, plagues, military disasters, the people are struggling to survive, and it is difficult to protect themselves. How can we supply Beijing with food and grass?"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yixi felt that the mess in the north was too embarrassing: "The intruders in the northwest, I heard that they went to fight the Heshuote people, they must have raised troops again, and they have to garrison troops again."

(End of this chapter)

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