Chapter 505
Since the Song Dynasty, officials were divided into different fields. In addition to the formal economic system, such as Cang Ambassadors, post officials, etc., the rest of the servants, in other words, were temporary workers.

There is no establishment, no salary, but it belongs to the humble family, and can only rely on the power in hand to get money.

But now that the emperor holds the provincial examination, it is tantamount to giving the subordinate officials a staff. At this time, the official department will naturally have to play.

Wang Yingxiong said calmly: "Although it is said that he is a lowly official and does not enter the ranks, he is an official ordered by the imperial court, and he must be registered with the Ministry of Officials to prevent counterfeiting."

In terms of personnel rights, the Ministry of Officials naturally cannot win, but with official status, it is natural to have to be registered as an official.

In this way, it is better to have a certificate for the entry of officials in the future.

"Officials have edicts (letter of appointment) and complaints (identity cards), so officials should do the same."

The emperor muttered: "But the governor's yamen does not have permanent staff. If you hand it over to him, isn't it a private office? You can't let the official department set up a branch office in the local area!"

"This..." Wang Yingxiong was taken aback, and was also asked by the emperor.

Although the governor has become a permanent post and ranks as the head of a province, he is still a Beijing official after all. His job is to be a censor, and the governor's place is only dispatched.

That is to say, the governor did not have his own yamen and subordinate officials, but just some handymen and staff he hired.

Using one person's expenses to rule the whole province is really a great way to save money.

Wang Yingxiong was silent for a while, and then said: "If there is a governor's office, although the Zhengyin officials are in the official department, the subordinate officials are in the local staff, I'm afraid..."

The words revealed cautiousness and a little fear.

To put it bluntly, the governor's greatest authority over local officials is the right to evaluate, and whether he can be promoted depends entirely on the governor's comments.

Therefore, the establishment of the governor's yamen is afraid that the power of the governor will expand, so that the outside is more important than the inside.

"No problem."

The emperor shook his head and said: "According to my opinion, after the provincial examination, the subordinate officials will be appointed in different places and scattered. The evaluation will not be performed by the governor, but by the chief officials and the inspectors in various places."

"As for the position of governor, it gradually deviates and becomes the chief officer of a province. Then let them take charge of one side and no longer do supervision."

"Other than that, the governor's power is handed over to the inspector censor!"

As soon as the words "Xun Yan Yu Shi" came out, Wang Yingxiong was startled, his lips parted slightly, he hesitated to speak.

The so-called patrol censors are officials sent by the Metropolitan Procuratorate to inspect places on behalf of the emperor.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the inspector censor and the local inspectors constrained each other, and the evaluation by the same person was often very different, and the court was very annoyed.

Later, because of the low position and low status of the inspector censor, the governor was appointed to supervise the place.

Only in this way, the governor became the chief official, and under the principle of mutual protection between officials and officials, local officials immediately relaxed, and the clean and honest officialdom that Zhu Yuanzhang worked so hard to maintain disappeared immediately.

Therefore, in Zhu Yixi's view, the monitoring system must not merge with the local government, otherwise it will lose fighting spirit and become superficial.

"According to the inspector is responsible for the officials of the prefectures and counties, while the inspector is responsible for the officials of the prefecture and the province. Isn't it harmonious?"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Wang Yingxiong narrowed his eyes and thought, this is beneficial to the centralization of power, and as a member of the center, he naturally agreed.

Seeing his appearance, the emperor said meaningfully: "In the future, regarding the appointment and removal of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, the Ministry of Officials does not need to submit it to the cabinet, and it will be directly handed over to me."

"If the cabinet is allowed to act on its own, wouldn't the Metropolitan Procuratorate become a tool for party struggle?"

Hearing this, Wang Yingxiong even felt suffocated. Is the emperor seizing or cutting power?
In the party struggle after Wanli, the Procuratorate completely became a tool man and lost its neutrality, so it was manipulated by others and impeached by rumors.

Because of Zhu Yuanzhang's regulations, even if they are impeached, there will be no punishment, which gives them great freedom, even to the point of abuse.

Streamlining its personnel and dividing its powers are what the emperor will do to the Metropolitan Procuratorate in the future. Now, through the matter of the provincial examination, it is only briefly mentioned. The key lies in the governor's office that has been drawn out.

"There are six houses in each prefecture and county. According to the wishes of the veterans, the governor's office can also set up six houses."

When talking about the establishment, Wang Yingxiong immediately cheered up, and said in a continuous manner: "In addition to the six offices of officials, households, rites, soldiers, punishments, and workers, a provincial hall should be set up to take charge of overall planning, including a number of classics and history."

"There are two more departments and one office. The experience department is in charge of documents; the Zhaomao office is in charge of examining and grinding files; the prison department is in charge of all matters related to prisoners."

"In addition, medicine, yin and yang studies, monk gang department, and Taoist discipline department should also be established."

After talking a lot, in fact, patrolling the yamen is just a copy of the county and government. It's just that there are no teachings and professors for Confucianism, but there are academic officials.

"In this way, isn't the promotion of officials narrow?"

The emperor is dissatisfied, this is still the division of officials and officials, the upper road is still blocked, and there are no future officials, so what is the point of the provincial examination?
"The counties are called Liufang, which is from the ninth rank; the government is called the six divisions, which are from the sixth rank; the province is called the six divisions, which are from the fourth rank; the central government is called the six divisions, which are from the third rank."

Zhu Yixi narrated it word by word, and Huang Zongxi, the living man beside him, recorded word by word, the evidence of the future imperial reform, otherwise who would remember these?
"The promotion of the county magistrate first enters the six departments of the government for a period of one year, and then he can be promoted to the magistrate. After the magistrate, he will go to the six departments, and then go to the three divisions, and then enter Beijing, or be transferred to the governor of another province."

Speaking of this, the emperor's voice resounded: "One step at a time, do practical things, instead of serving as an official position like a vain spectator."

Generally, the local Jinshi is the top three Jinshi, and its typical promotion route: county magistrate (seventh rank)→zhou Tongzhi (from the sixth rank)→prefect state (from the fifth rank)→Fu Tongzhi (the fifth rank)→prefect (the fourth rank) .

At the prefect level, it is the top of the top three Jinshi, and it is difficult to break through.

However, the emperor opened the door of convenience and went straight to the provincial level. This was the first time in the Ming Dynasty.

Wang Yingxiong was completely shocked. He felt that this day, why was something so wrong, so unbelievable?
Is this a confluence of officials?Something big happened in the world again.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I'm afraid this is against the rules. The position of a lowly official must not be filled by Jinshi!"

Official positions at the provincial level are exclusively reserved for second-class Jinshi, so how could they be easily given up.

Wang Yingxiong couldn't wait to bow down, his tone was quite weak.

"Rules? Rules are meant to be broken, and things that are out of date should be greatly changed."

The emperor said loudly: "You pretend I don't know, why is it so difficult for a top three Jinshi to be promoted? It's just a radish and a hole, and his experience is spent on grinding. There is no way to save promotion, so he has to stop at the magistrate."

"A humble official? You can only get promoted. I see how many people refuse to do it."

From magistrate to magistrate, although there are only three levels of state magistrate, state magistrate, and prefectural magistrate, they are extremely competitive.

What's even more pitiful is that there are only 139 states in the world as the middle part of prefectures and counties, while there are 1000 counties.

But now that the sixth department and the sixth room are released, there are more pits to serve as pedals. Naturally, there is no need to be entangled in the state, and the promotion path is naturally easy.

A preliminary attempt at the integration of officials and officials.

(End of this chapter)

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