Emperor Ming Dynasty

Chapter 590 Rewards

Chapter 590 Rewards
Compared with the previous founding emperors, Zhu Yixi is extremely special.

In terms of family, he does not have Yang Jian and Li Yuan, who help each other, but he is not like Zhu Yuanzhang and Liu Bang, who rely on their father-in-law to start a family.

Talk a lot, but the real blood relatives are very few, very few; talk less, but the Prince Heyang family is more than 100 years old, and you can always come up with a few. Countless.

Less is never less, more is never more.

Therefore, what Zhu Yixi really trusted was Zhu Jing, Zhu Mou, Zhu Meng, as well as Zhu Yi, Sun Lin and others who had been with him from the beginning.

Zhu Jing has the closest relationship. It can be said that Zhu Yixi is raised as a younger brother.

Learn characters, learn arithmetic, train soldiers, and teach them personally by your side.

For the sake of his future, he was sent directly to Beijing as a commander of soldiers and horses for more than a year, and he started out as a sixth rank.

The issue of rank has been resolved, but what about titles?
You have to give a chance to make meritorious deeds if you don't get knighted for meritorious service!

Zhu Yixi felt as if she was doing things for her own son, and she was heartbroken.

Sometimes he really doubts that Zhu Jing is the protagonist, and his wife and official titles are well arranged.

"Go and follow Lu Daqi, I will give you three thousand cavalry to protect him and carry out his orders."

The emperor said earnestly, his eyes full of expectations.

Looking at Zhu Jing's astonished and joyful eyes, Zhu Yixi suddenly thought of something, and raised his eyebrows.

The titles are divided into two categories, one is meritorious ministers, princes and uncles, and the other is clan titles, princes, county kings, and third-class generals of Zhenguo, Fuguo, and Fengguo, as well as third-class lieutenants.

However, just like the meritorious official title, only when the prince and county prince can reduce the last two ranks of the hereditary line, the hereditary line will remain unchanged.

Compared with the eighth rank of clan nobles, but the fifth rank of meritorious officials, many people will definitely be missed.

And like the Manchu Qing Dynasty, there are 27 ranks in the ninth class, which is extremely complicated. Most of the knights are from the Eight Banners, and the scale exceeds a thousand people.

Like Zhu Jing, who has produced five clothes, if it is counted as a meritorious official, even the simplest baron, at least have to kill thousands of people to be awarded, and the chances are slim.

After crossing the river by touching Manqing all the time, Zhu Yixi felt a little moved at this moment:
"You said, if under the baron, add a hundred households, a thousand households and two nobles, with a yearly salary of a hundred stones, how about it?"

"I don't understand these things."

Zhu Jing suddenly wanted to nod, but she still shook her head, as if in a daze.

"Then add it!"

Speaking of this, Zhu Yixi's expression was inexplicable.

"I am sure that the Baron will be inherited for two generations, just from the thousand households and the hundred households."

"Furthermore, when I ascended the throne back then, I took it for granted. He worked so hard for our Zhu family, and fought through mountains of swords and fires. If you don't become a prince, it will be difficult for hereditary succession. It's really impersonal."

"Maybe there are many people who call me ungrateful!"

These self-deprecating words made the eunuchs and maids beside them tremble with fear, even Zhu Jing was no exception.

How do you know if the emperor is angry or laughing at himself?
"Preach the password to the cabinet, the duke is limited to sons, and the uncle and son is limited to thousands or hundreds of households!"

The eunuch at the side responded immediately, impatiently wanting to leave.

After giving the order, Zhu Yixi was inexplicably relieved, and pondered: "As for the baron, it's too much, almost half of a lord, and it only needs to be inherited for five generations (two generations before), otherwise the burden on the court will be too great."

Comparing heart to heart, all dynasties, except the Song Dynasty, which was extremely heavy on literature and despise military and literature, and only granted lifetime titles, other dynasties basically hereditary titles to meritorious officials.

How could Zhu Jing dare to speak at this time, this is the emperor checking for gaps!
Suddenly, years of political training made him realize:

This is for a sweet date, for future slaps.

And the rectification of the frontier army, isn't it just this slap?

When a good thing happens suddenly, who would dare to fall out with the court over a little land?

He glanced at the living man beside him who was writing hard, and he didn't know how to write it in the history books.
Of course, the daily life note is only to describe the facts, and beautification is definitely necessary.

After chatting with the emperor for a few more words, Zhu Jing went to see the queen after taking on the role of tool person.

From the 16th year of Chongzhen to the second year of Shaowu, he has been the guard of the emperor and the harem, or a messenger.

Even, for a period of time before and after the emperor's marriage, he assumed the role of heir in a sense.

Once there is an accident, he is the best candidate, but he is unknown.

Times have changed, these need not be mentioned, but these years, due to his young age and often serving as a bodyguard, he has an extremely harmonious relationship with the emperor's harem.


Seeing Zhu Jing coming, Sun Xueniang had a quiet smile on her face.

"How long has it been since you entered the palace, but you married a daughter-in-law outside, have you forgotten about me?"

"Your Majesty, how dare Thirteen!" Zhu Jing hurriedly cupped her hands, her face full of helplessness.

"Forgive me and dare not!" Sun Xueniang smiled: "I found this girl for you, and she was selected after thousands of choices. This matchmaker is not easy to do."

Zhu Jing sighed, it was you who co-authored this matter.

Reluctantly, he smiled shyly and said, "Your Majesty, which family's lady is this, I am so blessed."

"I won't hide it from you. She is the granddaughter of Ding Kuichu, the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi. She looks upright. I heard that she has a lot of dowries."

Ding Kuichu was a Jinshi in the 44th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty (1616). He has served as the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi since the beginning of the 17th year of Chongzhen, and it has been five years since then.

Civil servants like Ding Kuichu,
Hearing this person's name, Zhu Jing thought of these things, and smiled wryly in her heart: This Governor Ding is probably coming to the end of his official position.

The marriage with Xungui is actually a kind of appeasement to civil servants, especially the former court civil servants.

After all, having an honored relative who has been rich for generations is a great guarantee, especially during the founding period.

"Thank you for your marriage." Zhu Jing was very happy.

Afterwards, the news that he was going to get married spread throughout the harem, but it was difficult for him to leave for a while, so he could only go to meet and accept teasing.

After finally returning home, just sitting down and not taking a breath, there was a continuous stream of people coming in from outside the door.

"The queen rewarded me with a hundred taels of gold, a thousand dollars in silver, three sets of fur coats, and ten pairs of gold silk leather boots..."

"The virtuous concubine rewards you with 50 taels of gold, and bends her bow..."

"Concubine Zhuang..."

Gifts of all kinds swarmed in, filling his modest house to the brim.

"That's too much."

The servants were dumbfounded, the wealth of the master's family was too scary.

In the end, it was a gift from the emperor.

One royal horse, one hundred taels of gold, five shops in the inner city, and a 100,000-acre manor outside, unpretentious, worth more than [-] yuan silver dollars.

Such rewards are very weighty and satisfying.

No one has any objection to saying that it was born by the emperor himself.

(End of this chapter)

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