Emperor Ming Dynasty

Chapter 641 New Deal Burden

Chapter 641 New Deal Burden
After the Gengyin Division Examination in the fourth year of Shaowu, the emperor had completely moved to Yuquan Villa, and had no attachment to the Forbidden City.

In fact, Jiang Riguang went through a year of repairs in the first year of Shaowu, and such a face as the Huangji Palace was only repaired.

In this regard, Zhu Yixi feels that now that there is money, there are so many logs in Taiwan and Fujian, and there is still Nanyang, where there is no shortage of wood, and the sea transportation is convenient, so let's work hard!

He has paid so much for Daming, why can't he enjoy it?

In this way, the Forbidden City fell into the process of reconstruction again, and it was extremely busy.

"Your Majesty, the sugar cane gardens in Taiwan have been harvested this year, and the new method of sugar production has harvested [-] shi, and the internal funds are no less than one million yuan."

The eunuch Tian Ren, the chief inspector of ceremonies, didn't blink his eyes, and read the news sent from Taiwan from the Internal Demand Department, even though he was amazed again and again.

The Department of Internal Demand is under the banner of Jinyiwei, controlled by Zhang Qi, the head of the state, and responsible for the emperor's commercial layout. It can be said that it is making rapid progress.

Since last year, Taiwan's Sugar Liao has started large-scale production, and the sugarcane field has rapidly expanded to [-] mu, and sugar has been continuously sold domestically and overseas.

Especially the white sugar made by the new method is very popular, and it can reach [-] yuan per catty in the capital, which cannot be enjoyed by non-rich families.

And you must know that the General Administration of Customs sends out tariffs on a monthly basis, which is worth 2 million yuan a year, and more than half of the candy is sold, which is really too scary.

"In addition, this autumn Taiwan made snow sugar, and also sent five hundred shi to the inner court to supply the inner court."

"One stone for each empress in the palace, two stones for the queen, fifty catties for the inner court's twelve eunuchs, eunuchs, and young eunuchs, and a few catties for other high-ranking ones as appropriate. You should have some sense of proportion."

Zhu Yixi glanced at Tian Ren who was bowing, and smiled lightly.

"Slaves are self-sufficient." Tian Ren agreed with a smile.

"By the way, the elders of the pavilion will send a hundred catties, the officials of the eight departments, the servants, and... that's all, let's distribute it according to the grade, and everyone above the fourth grade will have a share."

The emperor smiled, five hundred stones of sugar seemed like a lot, and it was almost consumed when distributed to those civil and military officials and nobles.

The emperor's gift lies in the heart, the gift is light and the affection is heavy.

Compared with many previous emperors, Zhu Yixi received more preferential treatment for the officials.

For example, in terms of salaries, some use pepper instead, some fold banknotes, and some directly embezzle them as military pay. The officials are suffering!
Now not only the salary is complete, but the officials in the capital can also get rewards every now and then. The name of a benevolent monarch will inevitably escape in the future.

Zhu Yixi thought leisurely, feeling very happy.

Tian Ren also reported the situation of the autumn harvest with a smile.

Huangzhuang in Sichuan and Huguang earned millions of stones in autumn; coal, cloth, etc. also received hundreds of thousands of silver dollars in the past six months;

Others, such as maritime merchants, are all kinds of people. They have enough gold and silver in the past six months, and they don't need to take money from the Ministry of Households to build the Forbidden City.

The emperor would rather spend his own money, and the household department has a budget. If this is embezzled blindly, wouldn't it delay the cost?
"A rough calculation shows that the annual subtotal is 4 million yuan, which is about the two taxes of one province."

With the income of one province to support one person, Zhu Yixi can lie down with peace of mind.

After a while, Wang Yingxiong, the new Minister of the Household Department, had a burly body that was impossible to ignore.

"Your Majesty, the provinces have finished collecting the two taxes this autumn, and they are waiting to be escorted to the capital. The corresponding account books have already arrived."

The autumn tax was levied at the beginning of September, so the prefectures and counties based on the weather and disasters, because only one bucket per mu was collected, so they could estimate the approximate tax (according to previous years, add new land and subtract disaster land), and then start the registration. Province, and then submitted to the Ministry of Households.

After the deadline in February of the next year, after the autumn tax is put into the warehouse, it will be registered and recorded.

The commercial tax is simpler, and it is stored quarterly, but the commercial tax for the two quarters is merged into the autumn tax.

"Jiangnan (including Jiangxi), Sichuan-Guizhou, Fujian-Zhejiang, Jinghu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan, 1000 provinces, 8 taels of rice and [-] million pieces of silver this autumn."

Wang Yingxiong said helplessly: "Because of His Majesty's benevolent government, Yun and Gui are exempted from tax for one year and half tax for three years. Guizhou has a lot of money and food to support the army. There are only a few hundred thousand shi..."

"The tax on tea, iron, and wine merchants has grown extremely fast due to the recovery of Yunnan, especially in Sichuan, where the tea horse market is very popular. The two seasons are about 4 million yuan, which is a million yuan more than last year's estimate."

"The ticket salt law is implemented throughout the country. Sichuan Jingyan, Xining Qingyan, and Shanxi Jieyan have all been changed. Therefore, the salt tax has increased to 5 million yuan in two seasons, and it can increase to [-] million yuan throughout the year."

When Wang Yingxiong said this, he couldn't help being amazed.

This salt tax is more than three times that of the previous dynasty, supporting half of the household department. Who can believe this?

"What about the difficulty?"

Hearing this, the emperor's eyelids moved, and he lazily said, "It's impossible to report good news but not bad news."

Wang Yingxiong was stunned, and then said: "It's just that after the salary reform and the entry of subordinate staff, many places are a little tight, so I want to return to the previous [-]/[-] split."

As early as the Huguang period, Zhu Yixi, who was still the king of Yu at that time, made changes to the official salaries, and later made many revisions. Now, the salary table of the Shaowu Dynasty has finally been formed.

Unsurprisingly, it will also be the basis for the salaries of hundreds of officials in the next few hundred years.

According to the practice of the feudal era, the initial monthly salary was changed to an annual salary, and the money + food model was implemented.

Secondary officials below the seventh rank will have an annual salary of [-] silver yuan plus [-] shiliang from the seventh rank, and then ten yuan will be deducted according to the official rank.

When it comes to Congjiupin, it is ten silver coins and ten stone grains.

From the seventh rank to the fourth rank, they are the chief officials of the county and the government. The annual salary is up to a thousand silver dollars, and a thousand stones and grains, which are successively reduced by a hundred dollars.

Even the county magistrate can have 400 yuan silver dollars, which is worthy of being a parent official.

From the fourth rank and above to the second rank, the highest rank is the governor, so the top match is 2000 yuan, and the order decreases by a hundred yuan.

From the second rank to the first rank, they are the central officers of the six cabinets, and the top match is 3000 yuan, which decreases by one hundred yuan in turn.

Compared with the previous year's salary, this money has increased by more than ten times, which is enough for those officials to live a life of three wives and four concubines.

Of course, compared with Yanglian Yin in the Qing Dynasty in history, it looks extremely shabby.

For example, the annual salary of Liu Mingchuan, the governor of Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty, was 155 taels, and the cost of supporting honesty was as high as 10,000 taels. This was a good policy at first, but in the end it fed the appetite of officials.

High salaries, lack of modern technical supervision, coupled with China's huge territory and population, implementing this policy is like beating a dog with a meat bun. People think you have too little meat.

However, the salary reform of the Shaowu Dynasty greatly increased the local burden.

Whether it is the three elders or the second-ranking official, they all have official ranks, and they eat county government food. They used to have dozens of mouths, but now they have more than two hundred. The pressure is too great.

Moreover, the imperial court changed the ratio of handing over from four to six to three to seven. The local surplus was quite small, and the deficit was increasing day by day.

Therefore, if it is restored to a [-]/[-] split, the local finances will definitely become more abundant, but the central government will shrink.

(End of this chapter)

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