"The right wing has [-] tents, how can [-] soldiers be considered a lot?"

As for Horqin's right-wing Five Banners, the Manchus scattered and wooed them, and they had a clear understanding of their roots, basically pinching their bottom line.

Hearing this, Xietuhan Badali couldn't help frowning, and cursed secretly.

Although he is in control of the five right-wing banners, the five banners are controlled by King Khan respectively, and he is just taking the role of the general manager, and I don't know how many people secretly tipped off the news.

"In recent years, the right wing has suffered heavy casualties from the conquest of Khalkha, Chahar, North Korea, Sauron, Heilongjiang, and especially the subsequent entry into the customs."

Badalley couldn't help but said: "Although there are [-] tents, [-] soldiers and horses are equivalent to exhausting all their strength, leaving only the old, weak, sick and disabled. Horqin can't accept this."

After some haggling, it just fell on the four thousand riders.

Seeing his satisfied appearance, Badali got a headache, how should he allocate the number of people for the other four banners?
However, Badalley understands that this is just Man Qing's temptation, and if he refuses, the consequences will be disastrous.

Soon, Mingren finally rushed over.

"Switch to Daming? Send troops to attack the Manchus?"

This requirement is so simple, yet so difficult.

"What about the benefits?"

Shetu Khan couldn't help asking.

"Benefits?" Ming Envoy was taken aback for a moment, and then tempted: "Is it not good to be free with you?"

"In the market, a large amount of silk, porcelain, ironware, and tea can be bought."

"How wonderful it is to be a handsome Khan king on the grassland and enjoy a lot of wealth at the same time!"

"Isn't it a reward?" Badali couldn't help it, and his voice gradually increased:
"You know, the Manchus reward a lot of gold and silver every year. You Daming is very rich, so you must be no less than the Manchus, right?"

"Besides, you definitely won't benefit from the left wing. Those people are half full, and you, Ming, can only win over the right wing."

Horqin is divided into left and right wings, a total of ten banners, and each banner is controlled by a prince, commonly known as Taiji.

The right wing is led by Tushetu Khan, while the left wing is led by Darhan Khan.

Compared with the right wing, the left wing returned to the Qing Dynasty earlier, and there were more marriages. For example, aunts and nephews married their husband Huang Taiji, and later another daughter Hai Lanzhu also married him. Three sisters, aunts, nephews and nephews served one husband.

As for the later Dorgon, Duoduo, Haoge, etc., they all married the daughters of the left-wing Taiji.

After Dayuer's son Fulin ascended the throne, Horqin's left-wing middle banner became the most precious tribe.

Therefore, the left wing is the deepest and the right wing is the shallowest, but the strength is also relatively weak.

Greedy Mongols.

After cursing secretly, the Ming envoy said as usual: "Of course, as long as your ministry raises troops and jointly deal with the Manchus, everything will be fine, and rewards are definitely not a problem."

Badali curled his lips, these words were just for listening, without any real content, wouldn't they really regard me as a brainless reckless man?
"This matter has to be discussed again. I can't completely make the decision."

After being perfunctory, Badali still has his heart in Manqing after all.

Over the years of great reputation, plus rewards, rewards and punishments, divisions and draws.

He can be sure that if he agrees, he will be wiped out before the Ming army arrives.

The news reached Shengjing.

"Korqin's left wing is completely hopeless, and although there are gaps in the right wing, it is difficult to win over."

Chen Yongfu called several people to discuss the situation in Liaodong.

Today, the three military forces in Liaodong are dominated by Chen Yongfu, Li Jizu, and Wu Sangui, and the rest are assisted by other generals. On important issues, three-person meetings have become the norm.

The rest of the honorable generals can only give their opinions on the use of troops.

This is also the imperial court's preliminary arrangement for Liaodong.

Different from other places, there are very few government offices in Liaodong, basically relying on the Eight Banners system to integrate the military and the people, just like military households, but now the main force of the Eight Banners has fled, and the place has completely collapsed.

In other words, the huge Liaodong has achieved flat management, but it is far less effective than the pyramid model.

Counties, prefectures, provinces, plus a huge number of villagers, from the bottom to the top, there are hundreds of missing officials, and Liaodong Province cannot be established in three to five years.

Military control, even prolonged military control, will become the norm in Liaodong.

With foreign enemies on the side, the separation of powers is inappropriate. Concentrating power on one person is better than concentrating it among three people, which is more efficient.

Therefore, the situation in Liaodong is under discussion among the three.

As for the division of the Horqin tribe, it was put on the agenda as early as the first time, even before it was reported to the court.

"A mere Horqin is divided into two wings and ten banners, princes, county kings, Baylor, Taiji, big and small, densely packed, not easy to integrate."

Wu Sangui spoke cautiously: "If you spend a lot of money to buy it, it's not worth it, and Liaodong doesn't have the confidence."

"Besides, the Mongols don't remember to fight or eat, so we give money but make people look down upon them."

"That's right." Li Jizu nodded. He was a rough man, and he yelled loudly: "Manqing's vitality is seriously injured. Let's make a quick decision. First, we can subdue Horqin and cut off his arm."

"This time I will fight, and I will definitely win."

Chen Yongfu nodded slightly, ignoring the second half of Li Jizu's words, and said lightly: "Korqin is definitely going to fight, and the imperial court also sent a word of mouth yesterday, it's time for the prestige of Ming Dynasty to spread in the eastern grassland."

"Knock the mountain to shake the tiger, which can also scare Khalkha Mongolia."

"The key is Horqin's two wings, which one to play?"

As he spoke, his eyes wandered around the two, and finally fixed on Wu Sangui, with a faint smile on his lips.

Li Jizu thought about it, this is exquisite!
Thinking like this, he looked at Wu Sangui.

Wu Sangui sighed in his heart, his qualifications are still too low.

He cupped his hands and said, "It's best to play on the left wing."

"Oh, why?"

"The left wing is the strongest in Horqin, and it is also the one most devoted to building slaves. If it is subdued, the right wing of Horqin will inevitably succumb, and the Horqin tribe will remain neutral no matter how bad it is."

"That's right." Chen Yongfu looked at him appreciatively: "Just hit the left wing."

Naturally, the three of them are not needed for the next dispatch of troops. Such meritorious deeds are useless, so let them be left to the subordinates.

"There are a lot of complaints in the army about the granting of land by the imperial court."

Li Jizu suddenly said to the two of them: "A lot of soldiers fought for years with only a few dozen acres of land, but these serfs suddenly received a hundred acres of land, which hurts morale."

"Didn't you explain it? The land will be completely decentralized after paying [-]% of the grain in ten years."

"However, this is too generous." Li Jizu still said: "It's really unfair to treat one person more favorably than another. Although this is an imperial order, it has to be delayed."

Chen Yongfu remained silent.

Using land to buy people's hearts, pacify Liaodong as quickly as possible, establish rule, and gather money and food to fight against the Manchu Qing, this is a good recipe for the court.

But this group of bureaucrats didn't take into account the feelings of the soldiers. Isn't the cheap land policy hurting the military merit system?

"I understand." Chen Yongfu nodded, and said in a deep voice, "I will report to His Majesty and give the soldiers extra land as a reward."

"Both of you should add your names too."

"Of course." Wu Sangui and Li Jizu quickly agreed.

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