There is a statue of a general riding a horse, which looks almost like the emperor, and is about two feet high. What is surprising is that several streams of water gushed out, forming a fountain.

This is the masterpiece of the missionaries. Once it is successful, it immediately forms a fountain trend in the capital, and the rich people must make a show of style.

However, Zhu Yixi didn't appreciate the scene, instead he sighed.

"Why is Your Majesty sighing?"

Serving on the side is Miaoxian who rarely shows up.

She was wearing a plain skirt with a copper hairpin on her head. She knelt down and her graceful figure was revealed in the skirt. The undulating mountains, flat stomach, and round and tight thighs all showed her beauty.

Of course, the most amazing thing is a beautiful face.

Oval face, under the bland willow-leaf eyebrows, there is a pair of slightly deep eye sockets, the mixed green and brown eyes are amazing, the beautiful Qiong nose is straight and straight, the rouge on the red lips is very light, but it fits her light and elegant personality .

Suddenly a jasmine, people can not help picking.

No one can see that many years ago she was a female crown in a Taoist temple, and she had no choice but to read scriptures in the downtown area to ask for incense.

Her beautiful Qiong nose is slightly wrinkled, her body leans forward slightly, and the stalwart on her chest becomes more and more magnificent:

"Now the emperor has restored the great achievements of the great ancestors, the world is unified, and the people live in peace. Although he is not as good as the gods, he can determine the life and death of the gods. Even the gods and Buddhas in the sky ask you."

"Oh?" Zhu Yixi was taken aback for a moment, but didn't realize it: "The gods live forever, how can I decide?"

"The gods of Taixi can build temples, isn't it a new lineage?"

"Why are you jealous?"

Zhu Yixi embraced the beauty, and climbed up her slender waist with her right hand. She was soft and gentle, and said with a smile: "She was preaching in the capital, and you took her temple, just return it."

"It can be rebuilt separately."

"Hmm~" With a soft hum, the woman took advantage of the situation and lay in the emperor's arms.

At this time, it is nothing more than a religious battle.

In the late Ming Dynasty, there were the South Hall in Xuanwu Gate, the North Hall in Xi’an Gate, the East Hall in Bamiancao in the north of Wangfujing, the West Hall in the Inner Cross Bridge in Xizhimen, the Salvation Hall in Tenggongshilan in Erligou outside Fucheng Gate, and Dongjiaomin Lane. Michael Hall et al.

In particular, the four halls in the southeast, northwest, not only have a good location, but also are imitated Roman buildings, made of bricks and stones, durable and not afraid of thunder and fire.

After the city of Beijing was broken, Tang Ruowang surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, and the Nantang where he lived was taken back on the grounds of rebellion. Taoism took a fancy to the land and buildings, and he lived there for more than a year. Now he encountered the returning Catholicism, and naturally a lawsuit arose. .

Embassies in Spain and Portugal have been built, which naturally support Catholicism.

After all, he was born in Taoism, why is Miaoxian not interested, and how can he be released after birth?

For such lawsuits involving foreign affairs, the Ministry of Etiquette is very skilled, and immediately came up with a solution:

The Society of Jesus paid 1000 yuan silver dollars to redeem the church from going against the property.

And the 1000 yuan ritual department was distributed to the Taoist priests who occupied the church.

The best of both worlds.

Abbreviated and slime.

With the prosperity of the eight major customs offices and the gradual establishment of large embassies, many Westerners also came to Beijing to settle down.

Red hair, yellow hair, black hair, green eyes, blue eyes and other strange looks make people dizzying.


However, since Wanli, the imperial government gradually loosened its control, and the feudal ritual system gradually disintegrated. Its greatest effect was to promote the emancipation of the mind.

Therefore, the common people have a very high degree of acceptance of these Gentiles, and within a few months, they have become accustomed to it, and they no longer talk about ghosts.

Of course, the people in Gyeonggi threaten children, no longer wolves and tigers, but rumors: If you don’t obey, you will let the red-haired ghost catch and eat you——

Evidence of ideological emancipation lies in social trends of thought.

The Jin Ping Mei, which is characterized by lust, and Li Zhi's "Fen" criticize Confucianism and Taoism; if you add Wang Fuzhi, Gu Yanwu and others' anti-authoritarianism, emphasizing merchants, etc.

The most stark contrast is the situation of the Ming and Qing Dynasties facing firearms.

In the water battle during the Jiajing period, the Portuguese ship was captured by a pack of wolves. After seeing the sharp Fran cannon, the Ming court was shocked and not only imitated it, but also made a lot of improvements.

The light ones include Tiger Squat Cannon, Whirlwind Cannon and Flying Cannon; the heavy artillery can be divided into General Cannon, Weiyuan Cannon, Gongrong Cannon, Qianzilei Cannon and Mielu Cannon.

Guns are even more varied.

Single-barreled guns are divided into invincible hand guns, fast guns, continuous guns, sword guns and thousand-mile guns;

Apocalypse folks also imitated the Hongyi cannon many times, striving for perfection.

Unlike the Ming Dynasty, which was eager for advanced technology, Qianlong pretended to be deaf and dumb in the face of Burma's sharp muskets, and even preached against his conscience that the Manchus could shoot all over the world.

That's right, the world of riding and shooting was preached by Qianlong. Firearms were the mainstream during the Kangxi and Yongzheng periods. The firearms camp and the Shenji camp were not fake.

After a hundred years of propaganda, the whole Qing Dynasty believed it, and the original shotgun became the mainstream.

Xu Guangqi's idea of ​​Western learning for practical purposes is theoretically 200 years ahead of the Manchu Qing dynasty.

And the emperor also realized the benefits of gradually emancipating his mind.

For example, before he abolished lowly households, Rongshi, agriculture, industry and commerce became civil registration, which was greatly implemented; in the second year of Shaowu, after arriving in Beijing, he issued an edict prohibiting foot binding, which was also welcomed.

Of course, as far as Zhu Yixi knew, there were very few gentry families in the south of the Yangtze River who had their feet bound, and most of them were in those middle-class families who were clinging to.

A large number of missionaries also came to Beijing.

After all, now that Buddhism, Zen, and Taoism are prevalent in Beijing, it doesn't matter to add a Christ, not to mention that this Christ is still divided into Catholicism and Protestantism.

However, considering that it has changed before, the imperial court set up shackles for it. First, it is not allowed to force beliefs, second, it is not allowed to crusade against heresy, and third, it is not allowed to ignore the monarch.

In fact, Matteo Ricci carried out a series of improvements in order to successfully preach, such as changing to wearing long robes and binding hair to preach, allowing people to worship ancestors and respect Confucius, changing God to God, and deleting the words of Jesus crucified on the cross and Jesus. The status of the virgin son, "everyone is equal" and so on.

Even Ricci tried to avoid talking about Christian theology, and only talked about scientific content, such as geometry and mathematics.

In this way, they are collectively referred to as Matteo Ricci rules.

If such Sinicized Catholicism continues to develop, it will be completely integrated into China in a few hundred years, just like Buddhism.

Yes, the existence of the Holy See makes it difficult to implement Matteo Ricci's rules, leading to a complete loss in East Asia. China, Japan, North Korea, and Kofi Annan completely banned the spread of Catholicism.


Missionaries in Europe are actually top cultural figures. Universities came here to teach theology from the very beginning. A bishop may not be firm in his faith, but he must be a college student.

"A meritorious service point is like a piece of meat, which attracts people from all over the capital to flock to it, and they can't wait to make meritorious deeds."

Zhu Yixi opened his clothes, revealing his irritability rarely.

Miaoxian was half lying in the man's arms, listening quietly with the mountains squeezed on the flat ground.

The women in the palace are more or less eager and expectant, but Miaoxian is indifferent, and she is completely worried about fame and fortune, and only she can let the emperor let go of his guard.

Holding the beautiful woman who was listening, the emperor said softly: "Military merit rewards the fields, and Qin will be unified because of it. When the world is at peace, the army will look around and drive the Huns to the north, and to the south of the Lingnan. What's more, the country..."

"Now the Beijing camp has made a lot of profits, and the thirst for war is very urgent. I'm afraid it's not going well..."

The militaristic system has always been aggressive, fueled by plunder, and will kill itself if it stops.

When the cost of ruling is greater than the gain, the general situation will stop the loss, but the militaristic system keeps fighting, and the country is the pioneer of the army.

So in the face of this trend of thinking about fighting, Zhu Yixi felt that he had to suppress it after thinking twice.

It is impossible to let the army idle.

In other words, in peacetime, it is also necessary to find a way for the army to be promoted and maintain the combat effectiveness of the army.

Miaoxian closed her beautiful eyes and didn't care about anything, just being an audience.

The next day, each town launched a military competition.

With the regiment and battalion as the unit, the team contest will be divided into first, second and last third.

Then there will be individual competitions, such as archery, musket, running, riding and shooting, to determine the champion and runner-up.

The top three in each town will be selected into the Martial Arts Hall.

Teams and individuals are naturally rewarded with money and seniority.

"This kind of military competition should be held every year. Don't be stingy with money."

Li Jizu, Zhu Meng, Li Jingwu, Yan Guochao, You Shiwei and other dozens of princes and marquises stood behind the emperor, watching the busy military competition, which was very lively.

After the emperor's words, they naturally nodded in agreement.

Today, military power is divided into three, namely military administration, military orders, and armaments.

Among them, the Dudufu of the Five Armies is responsible for the military administration, that is, the daily administration of the army, including training, logistics supplies, barracks accommodation, rewards and punishments, promotion and retirement, etc.

The military order is to formulate combat command issues. The original staff department is now renamed the General Chapter Staff Office. Its officials are not limited to titles or official ranks, but only those who understand military affairs and are trusted.

The Chief Staff Office of the General Chapter is responsible for formulating operational plans, impressions of generals, dispatching military orders, allocating supplies, and providing staff plans to the emperor, etc.

As for armaments, the Ministry of War is responsible for the supply of ordnance, food and supplies, and arrangements for the retirement of officers, so as to control the lifeline of the army.

Even patrol battalions, patrol inspections, militia, etc. are also controlled by the Ministry of War.

Of course, the army in the world is divided into four, and the Dudufu of the Five Armies eats the biggest piece of meat. Among them, the Beijing camp and the frontier army are controlled by the Dudufu of the Fifth Army, the Ministry of War is in charge of the local patrol battalions, and the emperor directly controls the guards.

The five-army governor's mansion has been reformed, and there are two governors in the front, back, left, right, and middle, as the home of veterans in the army.


The governor's mansion of the five armies, the left and right governors of each mansion, are of the first rank;

Except for the governors who have real power, the rest belong to the title and salary.

The governors are the leaders, but in fact it is the ten divisions under their jurisdiction who are in charge of execution.

That is, the Department of Military Affairs (secretary, administrative personnel), Department of Ordnance (weapon research, equipment hoarding), Department of Military Supplies (distribution of money and food, hoarding of materials, canteen), Department of Military Science (school with the army), Department of Military Medicine, and Department of Military Justice, Military Guards Division (management of personal soldiers, garrison and patrol), Military Construction Division (management of military building construction, such as barracks, docks), Military Training Division (recruitment, training, distribution of recruits), Navy Division (overall naval affairs).

There are also various places under the department, such as the Department of Serious Diseases, Department of Minor Diseases, Department of Medicine, Department of Personnel, and Department of Military Animals under the Department of Military Medicine.

Each division has a division in charge (Zheng Sipin) and a deputy in charge of management affairs, responsible for implementation, and each of the top ten governors leads a division, responsible for decision-making.

Of course, I know that the one with the highest status is the governor who is in charge of the military and administration, and he is the head of the governor in name.

Both the governor and the head of the department are appointed and dismissed by the emperor himself, and the officials are ranked high and low rather than titles.

In this way, the military power will not be too scattered and restricted, which is of great benefit to the imperial power.

Of course, no matter how you change it, it will always be better than the one inherited from the Ming Dynasty.

"What Your Majesty said is very true. This army cannot be idle. If it does not move for a long time, it will slack off, and then it will become sluggish."

You Shiwei raised his head and echoed roughly.

Among the top ten governors, he is in charge of the Military Supplies Department, second only to Zhu Meng's Military and Political Department, and he has a considerable influence in the army.

Of course, his position as the governor of Shaanxi-Gansu has long since been removed.

"Three meals a day, one meat for three days, two dry and one thin, your Majesty is too kind to the sons and daughters, so you have to practice it to prevent them from thinking about it."

Regarding You Shiwei's flattery, the emperor smiled slightly and said:
"In addition to organizing big competitions, each town should also have more fun, such as Cuju, polo, chess, wrestling, etc. It is also very good to take out some prizes and set aside one or two days a month for them to relax."

"You must be relaxed."

"Yes!" Zhu Mengweng replied.

Although it's just a quick look at the flowers, the spirit of the Beijing camp is also very good. Although the soldiers are not all powerful, they are also at the upper-middle level.

Eat well, train well, and your spirit can't be faked at all.

Armor, horses, and weapons can be judged good or bad at a glance.

Of course, there is no way to get rid of corruption. This is a stubborn disease, and we can only eliminate suppression as much as possible.

For example, when he was in the camps of various towns, he saw people hanging on wooden poles one by one, tanned to death by the sun.

Counting, there are more than a dozen people.

Seeing the emperor was interested, Li Jizu was in charge of the military justice department, and there was an inexplicable sound in his voice:
"Your Majesty, the Department of Military Justice now divides corruption into three categories, with less than 500 yuan as the last, [-] yuan as the second, and more than [-] yuan as the first."

"At the end of the corruption, double the money, return the money, remove the military post, and return in the sun for two more days; the second corruption raids the family, dismisses the official title, and is not allowed to join the army within three generations; the first corruption means the whole family is exiled to the frontier, and is not allowed to join the army or the imperial examination within three generations. .”

"Hey, there are two or three types of death penalty. One is to be a target for musketeers or archers;

"It's a good idea."

Zhu Yixi praised, from light to heavy, it seems very appropriate.

But, how can this crime be divided into first, second and last?Encourage people to corrupt?
I wanted to say something, but in the end I couldn't say it.

Since everyone thinks it's good, let's go with the flow!
"Hey, as long as you are satisfied." Li Jizu said with a silly smile: "Recently, the Penalty Department came up with a new method, tie people into the sea and cut some blood to lure the shark, and then you will have to get shark fin..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone shuddered and immediately took a few steps away from Li Jizu.

Seeing himself alone, Li Jizu was stunned, what's the matter?
"Well, it doesn't matter how you execute the sentence, as long as the person dies, but remember to make sure that the evidence of the crime is convincing, and don't wrong anyone, and don't let anyone go."

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