Emperor Ming Dynasty

Chapter 841 Mongolian Noble System

Chapter 841 Mongolian Noble System
After more than half a month of preparation, in early July, Luanjia set off from Yuquan Mountain, protected by the Wanjing Camp, and slowly headed northeast.

Originally, I wanted to head east along the Great Wall, but considering the lack of supplies along the way, the large team first arrived at Shunyi, then passed through Huairou, Miyun, and then arrived at the back of Miyun, which is where Gubeikou is located.

The journey on this road is only two hundred miles, but because the emperor is accompanying him, he can only travel about thirty miles a day, and it takes seven days to arrive.

Afterwards, the entire imperial court left the fortress and went to Kara Hetao, that is, Chengde City.

It is about eighty miles away from the Great Wall.

This is the gateway to Chahar. In addition, it is located in a small river, with fertile land and lush aquatic plants, attracting a large number of herdsmen to settle here.

A special situation of half-grazing and half-cultivation has been formed.

Many businessmen often stopped in Chengde to replenish food and supplies.

The location of Chengde is really good. It is in the transitional zone between North China and Northeast China. It is close to Beijing and Tianjin, backed by Mengliao. More importantly, it is mild in summer and cool in autumn. It is an excellent place to escape the summer heat.

The herdsmen who are fortunate to be stationed here are basically the Khan tribe.

That is to say, the herdsmen who were separated from Chahar were directly under the imperial court and did not belong to any noble.

This also means that in the slavery Mongolian grasslands, the Khan enjoyed the lightest taxes, or even none, and the corvee was nothing.

And there are all kinds of benefits, especially in politics.

For example, when the Beijing camp recruited cavalry, the first choice was to come to the Khan tribe, and the remaining corners went to the Chahar tribe and the Suiyuan tribe.

The most typical one is that the bodyguard department selects bodyguards.

Select some guards, basically all of them are from the Khan Ministry, and their privileges are enviable.

On this day, Agula had just led the horse back home, and couldn't help being overjoyed and said: "Also with Nai'er (wife), also with Nai'er—"

"What's the matter?" A middle-aged woman wearing a traditional Mongolian robe ran out with an apron: "Why did you come back so soon today?"

"Big happy event, great happy event—"

Agula shouted: "I heard that Great Khan is coming to Chengde in the street market, and our son must be coming too."

"Seeing Bargen again—"

Hearing this, the woman couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Ba Gen was their eldest son, who was only twenty years old. He arrived in Beijing last year and became the guard of the Great Khan. His annual salary greatly improved the life of the entire Agula family.

This is the honor of the whole family.

The sons and daughters also cheered and jumped for joy. Such good news must have delicious food.

Soon, the Hundred Household Officer came running over. He was wearing a Mongolian robe, leather boots in the morning, and a riding whip hanging around his waist. His face was shiny with oil, and he looked extraordinarily happy.

"Bagen is coming back with Chuluo Dahan, Agula, this is a great thing—"

The Agula family hurriedly bowed and saluted very respectfully.

In the Ministry of Khan, officials of hundreds of households and officials of thousands of households are the grassroots cadres, and they are not hereditary, but are selected and directly appointed by the governor.

The origin of the selection is generally selected from veterans, or Mongolians who can speak Chinese and write Chinese characters.

A hundred households are entitled to the ninth rank, deputy thousand households are from the eighth rank, and thousands of households are to the eighth rank. They receive their salaries directly from the governor's mansion and eat the imperial grain, so there is no need to worry about disasters and harvests.

The Mongolian robes on them are the same as ordinary Mongolians, but they are green. Like the civil servants in the interior, they are embroidered with quails. On the generally poor grassland, this piece of beauty is extraordinarily magnificent.

Of course, it also highlights their extraordinary identities.

As for the horsewhip, it is carried with you, which is a symbol of Mongolian officials.

The unification of Mongolian and Han officials has differences, which is a characteristic of Ming Dynasty and a habit in the next few hundred years. Although it has been criticized by civil officials, it is very popular in Mongolia.

It is impossible for these Mongolian officials to wear Han robes in their daily life. How inconvenient it is to ride a horse!
"Agula, congratulations—"

At this time, a middle-aged man in a blue Mongolian robe also came on horseback, followed by two followers.

Seeing it, the hundreds of households on the side immediately bowed down to salute.

Baihu and Qianhu are grass-roots officials who are in charge of the herdsmen's daily affairs such as tax collection, corvee service, recruitment, transfer, and household registration. Among them, there is also a judge.

That is to say, for judicial officials who deal with issues such as litigation, division of family property, and division of pastures, there is only one judicial officer for each thousand households, and the official rank is Zhengqipin.

His Mongolian robe is blue, with a creek embroidered on the surface, and a felt hat on his head. He looks a bit inconspicuous, but with two green robed officials behind him, he stands out even more.

This is his official.

In a district of thousands of households, there are only a dozen officials, large and small, and the judges are definitely at the top.

"My lord judge—"

Everyone bowed their heads immediately.

The term "adult" is widely used on the grasslands. It is often used to address the headman, which is a symbol of status. It is a kind of respect for the Mongolians to call the judge.

"The Great Khan is about to come to Chengde, and the whole Khan's tribe will be full of excitement."

The judge did not hesitate, and said directly: "You have a guard in your house, it is the pride of our Qianhu District, and we must behave well..."

"What do you mean?" Baihu couldn't help but ask.

"This time when the Great Khan comes to Chengde, he is going to meet with the leaders of the grassland ministries. All the young and strong must gather together, just in case, and don't let others underestimate our Khan Ministry."

The judge said casually: "This time, I did a good job. The Beijing Camp, or the Department of Guards, will definitely recruit some people."

These words made the blood of the herdsmen who spent money to watch the fun burst into excitement.

Whether it is going to the Beijing Camp or the Guards Department, for ordinary herdsmen, it is a good opportunity to jump into the dragon's gate.

The grasslands are poor and disasters are frequent. The daily meals of the herdsmen are dairy products, and they are only willing to eat some meat during the winter, so they all envy the Han people for their food and drink.

And becoming an official family member, receiving a salary every month, and even an iron rice bowl, is extremely tempting for the herdsmen who are constantly in trouble.

The entire Chengde Khan tribe was in a state of motion in an instant.

The bureaucratic system composed of hundreds of households and thousands of households quickly gathered more than [-] people to obey orders under Chengde City in accordance with the requirement of paying one person per account.

Including Chengde's own [-] frontier troops, the number of troops exceeded [-].

And in Chifeng, the center of Chahar, as the governor of Chahar, Sun Changzhou dared not neglect.

Hearing that the emperor was about to visit Chengde, he immediately summoned the nobles and Khan officials from all ministries and asked to send troops to escort Chengde in accordance with the model of three households and one household.

Including Chifeng's frontier army, a total of 5000 people went southwest.

It's not that there aren't many troops in Chifeng, but that there are too many. It's impossible for the east wind to overwhelm the west wind.

The only eight-year-old Prince of Chahar, Abul, as the nominal leader of the Mongols in the Chahar region, naturally wants to go.

Similarly, Budari Khan, the emperor's eldest brother-in-law who was granted the title of king of Beihai County, also left naturally to go to Chengde to meet the emperor.

Dozens of great lamas from the entire Chahar Tribe and Suiyuan also set off together.

As for the Mongolian nobles, they had already received the news and rushed to Chengde to meet the honorable Chuluo Khan.

However, the three great khans of the Khalkha tribe, including Chechen Khan, and a large number of Taiji people expressed their difficulty in going there, and only sent relatives and envoys.

This is also to be expected.

There are 10 people in Khalkha Mongolia, and they have been at ease for hundreds of years. How could they still accept the leadership of an overlord.

Is it not enough to surrender in name and send nine white horses every year?
If they really went south all at once, the emperor might really catch them and completely unify Mobei Mongolia.

Even without the three tribes of Khalkha, the Mongolian nobles from Suiyuan, Chahar, Horqin and other tribes still overcrowded Chengde.

It is conservatively estimated that the entourage brought by these nobles alone exceeds a thousand people, and the number of guards exceeds [-].

Of course, the Ming army also gathered [-] to [-] people, especially the nearly [-] Beijing camp, which was enough to suppress those Mongols.

For Zhu Yixi, the endless and vast grassland is absolutely pleasing to the eye and refreshing.

Similarly, for the concubines who have lived in the inner court for a long time, it is full of novelties.

Especially when they will sleep in a yurt at night, the princes and princesses will be overjoyed.

However, as a compromise, the prince and queen did not follow, but returned to Beijing to sit in town, just in case.

Originally, the emperor wanted the prince to come to witness some historical moments and appreciate the elegance of the grassland, but the civil officials strongly opposed and persuaded him, as an emperor, he could not do it willfully.

If this is really taken over by one pot, then it's really over.

"His Majesty--"

Uncle Gobudari hastened his horse and waited in Chengde for a long time.

After seeing the emperor, I was inexplicably excited.

Looking at the blessed Budari, Zhu Yixi shook his head: "Look at you, can you still ride a horse?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely be able to ride with you."

Budari patted his chest, his face was billowing with flesh.

Seeing this, Zhu Yixi couldn't do anything, he knew that Budari was a person who wanted to enjoy himself, it was his nature, and he couldn't refuse.

"These are my daughters, Your Majesty, which one do you like?"

Budari pointed to several twelve or thirteen-year-old girls and said with a big mouth.

These words made Zhu Yixi almost lose his temper.

Aunt and nephew together?What a mess.

The little girls are of a flowery age, with exquisite facial features, and their skin is already fair and tender compared to ordinary herdsmen, and they are of noble origin.

"That's right—" Zhu Yixi nodded, appreciating words like gold.

"Choose one for several princes!"

Budari raised his head, a longing expression appeared on his fleshy face.

Zhu Yixi breathed a sigh of relief, as expected, Budari was not so beastly.

However, the emperor was lost in thought.

It would be feasible for the princes to include a side concubine, but not for the main concubine.

It's not just that the civil servants didn't agree, he also felt a little reluctant.

Even if Mongolia and Han merge, there is no need to come like the Qing people.

He thought about it, and said: "Princes are still young, so there is no rush to get married."

Budari said eagerly: "Dear An Da, what you said is true, but you can get engaged first. In the words of the Han people, this is kissing and kissing."

"The Chahar Department and Daming's blood and milk blend together."

"Budari, you know, your daughter can't become a concubine."

Zhu Yixi said in a deep voice.

Startled by the emperor's expression, Budari quickly said: "It's okay, the side concubine is fine too."

"The princes are all successful, and it is our honor to make them side concubines."

Hearing this, Zhu Yixi nodded: "Well, after a while, don't go back to Chifeng, just follow me to live in Beijing for a few months."

"The county prince's mansion I built for you in the capital is ready. I just happened to live here. By the way, let you and my two families develop a relationship."

Budari quickly applauded.

He had wanted to go to Beijing for a long time, but Sun Changzhou didn't allow it, and the emperor didn't approve it either.It's great to use my daughter's excuse to go to Beijing today.

After he left, Zhu Yixi shook his head.

Sure enough, marriage is still the oldest routine, but it is also the most effective.

Naturally, Budari's daughter would not marry Qiqige's son. Apart from being suspected of being a cousin, marrying her would make her blood more mixed, which would be detrimental to her future development.

In his heart, the first choice of Budali's daughter is naturally the oldest son at present--Qin Wang Zhu Cunhao.

12-year-old engagement, just right.

"However, with so many nobles coming this time, it would be good to pick a few into the harem."

The emperor sighed: "Sure enough, this Ming Dynasty still has to sacrifice me, the emperor, to fulfill its future."

"After all, it is the country that I laid down by myself, so sacrifice is nothing."

A few days later, after several days of rehearsal, the nobles of the prairie started a large-scale audience event.

Those who participated in the audience were basically local nobles, and the last time they were all from a thousand households.

Of course, the nobles in Suiyuan and Chahar all registered households and became thousands or hundreds of households. Although they enjoyed a certain degree of autonomy, they became members of the imperial court system.

The non-staff nobles are the main body.

In order to Xuanwei, also to appease, the emperor studied the system of the Qing Dynasty, carried out large-scale canonization, and studied a set of Mongolian aristocratic system.

That is to abolish the feudal aristocratic titles such as Jinong, Hongtaiji, Prime Minister, Taishi, and Zaisang before Mongolia, and continue to use the new system to reflect the new atmosphere of the new dynasty.

This set of aristocratic system includes the three Mongolian groups of Monan, Moxi and Mobei.

The Mongolian nobles will be divided into three levels: Tabunang, Taiji, and Junwang (Khan).

"Tabu Nang" in Mongolian refers to the title of those who marry the descendants of Genghis Khan.

Taiji is derived from the Chinese name of Prince Wang and Taidi Wang. It is a title for the leader of a Mongolian tribe, and he likes to add words such as "red", "hun" and "yellow" in front of it. For example, Huang Taiji was originally Huang Taiji.

Due to the reproduction of the gold family, Taiji has become synonymous with nobles on the grassland.

Zhu Yixi awarded the largest "tabu bag" to a large number of ordinary nobles, with a scale of more than a hundred people.

As a rule, they can receive 100 yuan of silver and ten bolts of cloth every year.

As for Taiji, it is divided into three classes. The first class receives 200 yuan of silver, the second class receives 180 yuan, and the third class receives 150 yuan.

And the top Khan ranks as the king of the same county, and enjoys a salary of 3000 yuan.

There is one level of Great Khan, and there are three in the Khalkha tribe, Chechen Khan, Tushetu Khan, and Zasaktu Khan.

There are two people in Monan Mongolia, Chaharhan Abul and Budari, the king of Beihai County.

In Moxi Mongolia, there is no canonization because no one has an audience.

(End of this chapter)

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