Emperor Ming Dynasty

Chapter 847 Missing People

Chapter 847 Missing People
Hisashiro Shimadzu had just sent away a wealthy Japanese merchant in Nagasaki, when suddenly another wealthy merchant from North Korea asked to see him.

Although he was puzzled by this, he still welcomed in after all.

"Please forgive me for coming here." The businessman was quite polite.

Compared with Japanese businessmen, Korean businessmen have special clothes, similar to Ming people, but the collar is narrower and fits closer.

After Korea and Japan were forced to agree to trade, Nagasaki was not only a place where Ming businessmen gathered, but also a place where Korean businessmen liked to come.

North Korea's ginseng, paper, books, lacquerware, cloth, etc. are also very popular in Japan. Moreover, North Korea's silver is expensive and gold is cheap, and Japan is rich in silver, which is a great supplement to North Korea.

Of course, compared to the trade between the Ming Dynasty and the Joseon Dynasty, Nagasaki's money transactions were less than one-tenth of it.

But the past two years have been different.

Taiwan is famous for its white sugar, and Nagasaki and Ryukyu are both close to the ports of Taiwan, and Nagasaki can also handle Japanese business, so there are more and more Korean businessmen.

"Where." Shimadzu Jiucheng was full of doubts, and he patiently served tea: "Everyone who comes is a guest, if you have any orders, please feel free to speak."

"Then I won't be polite." The North Korean businessman suddenly laughed and said:

"I heard people say that you brought in a lot of white sugar from Taiwan during your trip. Is there such a thing?"

"That's true."

"Available for sale?" "Already sold—"

The merchant was dumbfounded, and said helplessly, "I don't know the price, can you tell me?"

"15 yuan per stone." Hisashiro Shimadzu thought for a while and said directly.

"Next time you come to Nagasaki, I will accept the white sugar at 18 yuan per stone." The North Korean businessman said seriously.

Shimadzu Hisagi hesitated.

Business is something that should be done well but not raw.

In the territory of the Shimadzu family, even though the Japanese businessmen were powerful, they would never dare to deceive him, but the Koreans were different, and they would not care about them once they left.

Seeing this, the businessman can only state:

"In the past, books were the most traded between our country and the Great Ming Dynasty, but now, from the king down, everyone loves sweets, especially white sugar. Everyone loves it, and they are already asking for it..."

To put it bluntly, like Japan, North Korea's love for white sugar has become popular all over the country, but most of the white sugar is exported to Xiyi, and the rest is sold domestically.

Because white sugar is pre-sold, the one-year supply is booked at the beginning of the year, and pre-sales require a large deposit, so it is difficult for businessmen from Japan and North Korea to grab white sugar.

It can be said that Shimadzu Jiucheng can get sugar, which can be said to be a huge difference.

Seeing this, Shimadzu Jiucheng could only nod slightly: "Although I have a good relationship, I can't get much. I can only give you about twenty or thirty stones."

"However, the price per stone needs to reach 20 yuan."

Each stone is as high as 20 taels of silver. This price is simply crazy, which means that every six catties of sugar is worth one tael of silver.

"But—" Gritting his teeth, the North Korean businessman agreed.

After the goods were sold out, Shimadzu Hisagi bought some things and couldn't wait to go to Taiwan.

When he came to the Taiwan government, he saw crowds at the pier and merchant ships everywhere. His small boat looked very inconspicuous.

Along the way, all kinds of Xiyi were dizzying, and the obstetric classroom wore a cross in a big way, chanting God, and was extremely devout.

Japan, on the other hand, has long begun to reject Catholics, and has even implemented a ban on religion for decades, treating missionaries as scourges and crowding out all believers.

In addition, the Tokugawa shogunate closed the country, requiring people doing business overseas to return to their hometowns within a certain time limit, otherwise they would not be allowed to enter the country.

Therefore, in Taiwan, a large number of homeless Japanese businessmen, people, and believers lived here one after another, which promoted the diversified development of Taiwan.

At this time, the sound of firecrackers suddenly exploded, various lively dragon dance scenes came and went, and the streets were filled with jubilation.

Shimadzu Hisagi hurriedly asked why.

The passers-by didn't dislike being caught, and said directly: "The imperial court cut off a part of Dayuan County and established Tainan County, which is the sugarcane field..."

Hearing this, he was stunned.

The vast Dayuan County was divided into two, and an extra Tainan County was created. This is indeed something worth celebrating.

However, what happened next was not a good thing for him.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Shimadzu, it's not that we don't give you face, it's that the sugar has been reserved, and the sugar that was given to you a few days ago was squeezed out..."

Tangliao's steward spread his hands helplessly.

Shimadzu lost his smile as soon as he was established.

Seeing this, he could only take out a few banknotes and make some bribes.

The steward then relaxed his face: "Although there are not many sugar houses in Taiwan, I heard that there are a lot of white sugar in Luzon."

"My family also sent people to Luzon to buy a lot of sugar houses and sugar cane fields. You can go and have a look, and you will definitely be able to buy some back—"

With that said, he wrote a letter, which was considered a doorway.

Hisashiro Shimadzu went to Luzon again.

With the establishment of the Luzon Governor's Mansion, the number of merchants coming and going has increased significantly. Although the Taiwan Government has replaced Luzon's functions to a certain extent, the value of Luzon is indeed inestimable.

After a busy day, Shimadzu Hisagi made another 1000 yuan after taking this boat trip, and his reputation spread in Nagasaki.

At this time, the news that he was registered in the Ryukyu Prefecture immediately spread among relatives and friends.

A large number of down-and-out samurai, those who were underappreciated, expressed their envy one after another, and then tried their best to go to Ryukyu Prefecture to settle down.

In a short period of time, the Ryukyu Mansion increased by more than [-] households, and they were overjoyed for a while.

These people are either well-educated in Sinology, or have a skill, which is of great benefit to the Ryukyu Prefecture.

You must know that in Ryukyu, there are no more than [-] households in total, and thousands of people have been added. This is definitely a political achievement.

As for Shimadzu Jiucheng, he changed his name to Shimadzu Jiucheng, took the boat to earn money, and went to Fuzhou to study, preparing to be admitted as a scholar next year.

Obviously, this loophole of the Ryukyu Mansion has been seized by the Japanese warriors, and it has become the best way to change the fate.

The imperial examination, regardless of family blood, is an official method that only discusses learning, which is very attractive to Japanese samurai.

Even many North Korean businessmen who were doing business in Nagasaki came here admiringly. They set their household registrations in Ryukyu Prefecture one after another in order to change the fate of their children.

After all, as we all know, although North Korea also has imperial examinations, only the nobles of the two classes have the right to take the exams. It is a game for the nobles, and businessmen are not qualified at all.

At this time, Ryukyu Island is like a duty-free island country for later generations to Japan and North Korea, and it has great attraction.

Of course, Zhu Yixi didn't know that the foreshadowing he had planted had begun to work, and it was an extraordinary effect.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the wheat gradually matured, and the whole of northern China fell into wheat yellow.

Everything must be compromised for the autumn harvest.

Fortunately, in the ten years of Shaowu, there were few disasters in the northern provinces. Even in Shaanxi, it was an average year, which was great luck for the people in the north who were troubled by many disasters.

At the same time, a piece of data also reached the hands of the emperor:

"In Shaanxi, Shaanxi, Suiyuan, and Hebei provinces, the area of ​​sweet potatoes planted has exceeded [-] hectares..."

Especially in the northern Shaanxi area where there is a shortage of water and land, and in the Taihang Mountains, sweet potatoes are widely welcomed, and the people are willing to plant sweet potatoes on some slopes and wastelands.

It is unimaginable for the common people to be able to obtain hundreds of catties of grain to feed their hunger on the land that had nothing to gain in the past.

At the same time, the way of eating sweet potatoes has become very popular.

Sweet potato flour, dried potatoes, baked sweet potatoes, sweet potato chips, etc., have been welcomed by the common people.

Of course, for the common people, the reason why they are motivated is the tilt of the court's tax policy:

Ten catties of potato flour is worth one catty of grain.

This is also their original intention of growing sweet potatoes.

Being able to deduct taxes is already a great motivation.

As a result, in just a few years, sweet potatoes have become popular throughout the North, and even spread to the entire Central Plains and South.

At the same time, in these barren provinces, with the popularity of sweet potatoes, there are fewer and fewer rioters.

Shaanxi Province reported that in the ten years of Shaowu, the number of riots involving more than [-] people has dropped to less than ten. Compared with previous years, this is a great improvement.

This can also prove the role of sweet potatoes from the side.

The people were full, so naturally there were not many people to rebel.

At this time, someone said, isn't it light and thin?How could there be rebellion?

Speaking of this, I have to mention the ignorance and desperation of many people among the people.

There is no problem with the major policies of the imperial court, but the common people are easily fooled, superstitious and other measures make them rebel.

Moreover, there is a policy in the officialdom that no matter what the reason is for the people to riot, it is counted as rebellion.

For example, some officials corrupted the law and forced some villagers to kill their families. This is rebellion; some gentry exploited excessively and oppressed the people, causing riots.

As for bureaucrats, they have always liked to deceive others and report selectively.

Some things are suppressed, and some are reported.

Such a thing as an uprising cannot be considered at all.

In a sense, Zhu Yixi only believed half of Shaanxi's report this time, and would not believe it safely at all.

So to see whether a dynasty is peaceful, the number of uprisings is not important, because this will be selectively recorded.

No official wants to rule a great chaos, which will affect his official career, and then a small disaster will lead to a catastrophe, and the dynasty will be overthrown.

Isn't that the case with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom?

They had won consecutive battles ahead, and as a result, they flew directly from Guangxi to Nanjing.

Therefore, to see whether a dynasty is rich or not, it is enough to directly look at the level of its officials.

Because in theory, official taxes are relatively light, enough to keep the people alive, but when they go to the localities, they will be increased layer by layer, and the difference between whether the government is good or not is the difference of double the tax.

"The corn planting area in Liaodong is also very gratifying."

The emperor laughed.

Compared with the barrenness of the northern provinces, it is suitable for growing sweet potatoes, while Liaodong loves corn.

The prevalence of corn quickly overwhelmed the living space of wheat, and it became popular in Liaodong.

The chief envoy of Liaodong said bluntly: "In Liaodong today, compared with three years ago, the population has not increased too much, but the grain has doubled. The grain is only [-] yuan, and the people are all happy—"

Of course, due to the large number of rivers in Liaodong, all kinds of water mills were developed vigorously, and corn was continuously crushed into flour, which naturally promoted the increase of grain on the market.

The Ministry of Finance reported that Liaodong is expected to harvest 300 million shi of autumn grain this autumn, and Taicang will receive 200 million shi.

This can well supplement the food in Gyeonggi, thereby reducing the pressure on the transportation of grain from the south to the north.

In a sense, due to the advantage of distance, Liaodong at this time has truly become the granary of Beijing.

Today, there are only one million people in Liaodong. If people continue to immigrate from Shandong, their food will continue to increase.

The cabinet even estimated optimistically that when Liaodong's population exceeded 300 million, its annual grain tax collection would be 600 million shi, enough to supply the entire city of Beijing.

After all, transportation in the Bohai Sea is the most convenient because the danger is further reduced and the cost is extremely low.

At that time, the transportation of grain from the south to the north will become history.

Zhu Yixi was overjoyed: "The development of the Northeast, today is the real start."

Autumn is a harvest season, and the cabinet has drafted a plan to speed up the development of Liaodong and prepare to merge Liaoxi Prefecture into Liaodong Province, thereby promoting its development.

"Liaoxi Corridor——"

After muttering, Zhu Yixi directly rejected it.

Although the unimpeded shipping has reduced the importance of Shanhaiguan, no one can deny the importance of the West Liaoning Corridor.

Therefore, although Liaoxi is in an embarrassing situation, it must not be controlled by Liaodong.

Thinking of this, he swiped his pen directly: Discuss the matter of abolishing Yongping Mansion and merging it into Shuntian Mansion.

Then he wrote: "Discussion on the merger of Liaoxi Prefecture into Hebei Province—"

Yongping Mansion is the Guannei area to the east of Shanhaiguan, where Ji Town is located.

Nowadays, with the peace in the grassland area, Yongping Prefecture is not too important. It is very appropriate to merge into Shuntian Prefecture, after all, it is close to Beijing.

In the west of Liaoning, which is the Jinzhou area of ​​later generations, it is also a dog-tooth policy to let Hebei's long-arm jurisdiction.

Tian Fu immediately asked someone to submit it to the cabinet, then waited on the side, and continued to read:
"General Jilin reported that in recent years, there have been many surrenders from various tribes, with more than 20 large and small tribes and [-] million living people. Only the Han people in Jilin City are very few, but tens of thousands..."

"There are still few soldiers and horses, and it is difficult to defend the Mongolian tribes. Horqin's left wing is swinging left and right, which is not enough to be believed. Please the imperial court spread the people to guard the border and serve as the capital of Jilin..."

"There is a shortage of people!" Zhu Yixi sighed: "Shandong has to step up efforts. Liaodong is short of people. When will Jilin be enough?"

As he spoke, he asked, "Is there any news about the capital of Heilongjiang?"

Tian Fu immediately rummaged around and found it from the bottom after a while, saying:
"The general of Heilongjiang said frankly that now that Heilongjiang city has been built, the residence of the general's mansion has been moved from Ningguta, and the land is covered with snow for half a year.

"There is a shortage of people again!" Zhu Yixi waved his hand: "Let the cabinet do it..."

As for the population problem, there is no other solution but migration, which is difficult to solve.

In the cabinet at this time, the emperor's decree had already arrived.

"Depose Yongping?" Wang Yingxiong was startled and almost bit his tongue.

Lu Daqi said in a deep voice: "Is this too big for Shuntian Prefecture? There are more than ten counties in it, can it be managed?"

(End of this chapter)

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