Emperor Ming Dynasty

Chapter 857 Disgusting

Chapter 857 Disgusting
After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Zhu Yixi felt that the Forbidden City became more and more bitter and cold.

Several princes got blisters on their lips because of the floor heating.

And if you don't burn the ground dragon, it will be so cold that you can shiver.

Although the snow scene was beautiful, it was only temporary, and it did not relieve him from the complicated government affairs.

There is no way, after half a month of leisure time, he is really annoyed by the government affairs.

Or how to say that there are often faint kings, but wise kings are scarce, and there are all kinds of temptations every day, and the willpower of ordinary people really can't bear it.

Although Zhu Yixi is a time traveler, he is also an ordinary person. Although his heart is still strong, his body has already fallen.

The eunuchs were very clear about the emperor's thoughts, seeing that he was a little tired, Yang Le, the admiral of Dongchang, couldn't help but said:

"Master, those two Xiyi girls were thinking of you, and they begged me to ask you a question yesterday."

"Hey!" Thinking of the two big ocean horses, Zhu Yixi's blood suddenly boiled, and he couldn't help asking: "Is there any place to play near the capital?"

"There are many hot springs in Xiaotangshan Mountain in Changping, which is just right for a visit, no, to relieve fatigue—"

"Okay, let's go to Changping then!"

The ceremonies were packed, and a few thousand people arrived at Xiaotangshan.

Xiaotangshan is less than [-] miles away from Beijing, but the scenery is completely different. Because of the effect of hot springs, the fog is thick and the heat is rushing. In this season, it is still covered with green trees.

On the edge of the hot spring pool, due to the effects of geothermal heat and sulfur transpiration, not a single blade of grass grows, and there are polished bluestones everywhere, which have also been smoked so that they can no longer return to their original color.

After undressing, he jumped directly into the pool.

"Well, it's so comfortable!" I submerged in the waist-deep pool, lowered my body, leaving only my head above the water, "it's still comfortable to stay here."

Zhu Yixi breathed a sigh of relief, and then saw two white-skinned girls, hollow inside, covered with a thin robe, with extremely dazzling bumpy figures.

Under the water vapor, the woman's tenderness is as beautiful as a flower.

At this time, how could he bear it?
After playing for a while, the emperor ended his absurd behavior and returned to the capital.

Except for a few ministers in the cabinet, no one inside or outside the court knew about the emperor's absurdity.

However, in the spring of 11 Shaowu, the wind and snow ended quickly. Moreover, since the winter of last year, except for a snowfall at the beginning of the first month, there was no rain or snow in Shandong, Shanxi, Henan and other provinces. Judging from the barometers reported by the provincial newspapers, it seems that another drought that will not be less harmful is coming again.

In Hebei, however, there was a flood, and the Yongding River burst, flooding a large area of ​​crops and fields along the coast. According to reports in the province, more than 1 households and more than [-] people’s homes were destroyed. The province is organizing manpower to rush to repair Embankment to resettle the victims.

The emperor knew very well that this was the effect of the Little Ice Age, so he couldn't help asking the cabinet.

The chief assistant of the cabinet, Zhao Shu, said: "There is no need to worry about this matter. Since Shaowu six years ago, the official granaries of all provinces have been fully filled, which can protect the people under the rule for half a year.

Even if there was a drought during the Chongzhen period, the money and food in Taicang would be sufficient for several years, and it could keep tens of millions of people safe. "

"However, the two provinces of Shaanxi and Shanxi requested their own decree to withhold the money from the autumn tax treasury in order to deal with the coming disaster."

The emperor nodded directly: "Yes, and if it is not enough, the Ministry of Households will transfer some money and food to the past, and we must not let it have another accident."

Hebei Province and Shandong are adjacent to the capital city. Once there is a disaster, the disaster relief speed is very fast. Not to mention Henan, its population has not recovered to half of what it was before.

However, the reserves of the provinces were originally prepared for disaster relief, and the governor took the main responsibility. Once any trouble occurred, the governor could not escape the blame.

At this time, Li Wei, the eldest son from North Korea, was only 17 years old, and he boarded Tianjin on a sea boat.

Originally, he thought it would be safer to go by land from Liaodong, but Xia Wanchun persuaded him that it is difficult to travel by land in winter, so it is better to take a boat, which can reach Beijing in half a day.

Afterwards, he really bit the bullet and took a boat to go to the fields in Tianjin.

And when he first saw the prosperity of Tianjin, the son of the Joseon Dynasty almost dropped his jaw in shock.

The prosperity of Tianjin City is based on the exchanges between the north and the south. There are countless precious goods and a mishmash of dialects. Compared with the dilapidatedness of Seoul, this place is simply a paradise for business and trade.

Walking on the street, you can even faintly hear the sound of machine guns.

Li Wei couldn't help but ask.

Xia Wanchun explained: "This is the Zhongxing machine. These people step on this machine to spin cotton and wool. A large amount of cloth is sent to the northern provinces to make a lot of profits."

"It is said that there are thousands of such machine looms in Tianjin, and the textiles made in Tianjin are popular all over the world."

"It's really prosperous." Li Wei couldn't help admiring.

Afterwards, he boarded the rail carriage again in amazement, and this time he was dumbfounded.

The rail carriage, which was traveling at a speed of nearly [-] miles per hour, maintained a constant speed. After changing horses three times in more than an hour, they arrived in Beijing City.

Almost a nap.

"It's like this in Shangguo, so—"

Li Wei is still young, but waves are already rippling in his mind.

And in the other carriage with them was the North Korean princess, who opened her mouth in astonishment, unbelievable.

At a young age, he was hit hard.

After arriving in the capital, the emperor received the two Korean princes and princesses.

The tone is kind and the attitude is close.

Qin Wang Zhu Cunhao, who was watching the whole process, felt that he had been greatly hurt.

He is only 13 years old, and he has already booked two wives and concubines. These days are really difficult.

He couldn't help but think of the ancestor of the first king of Qin, who was also forced to marry Wang Baobao's younger sister, a Mongolian woman.

As for him, a Mongolian girl, a North Korean girl, good guy, how should he live this day?
However, the Emperor Daming was still happy with Li Wei's arrival, and gave him a palace, as well as eunuchs and maids serving him, so that the prince and princess could stay temporarily.


Shaanxi is suffering from drought, but the grasslands in early spring are the most luxuriant season of the year.

Fang Zixian's face was tanned old and dark, his beard was disheveled, and his brand new armor and cloak seemed to be draped over a beggar's body.

"Sheep herding is very slow. It takes about a year to grow up, and you may get sick and lose your money... It's better to farm, and you can grow grains and beans on a piece of land, and you can harvest two or three seasons a year."

The lieutenant at the side smiled and said: "When the general returns to his hometown, he has a lot of experience in herding sheep and farming."

Fang Zixian said sincerely: "However, farming and herding sheep are not the fastest way to harvest."

"The quickest way is to go to someone else's sheepfold to lead sheep...Of course you have to go with a knife and a gun."


Laughter rippling throughout the grassland, scared away a group of gazelles.

This made Fang Zi helpless.

Suiyuan's biggest windfall was the capture of yellow sheep.

A good-quality gazelle can be sold for five silver dollars, but a sheep is only half a dollar. The difference is immeasurable.

However, a group of people rode their horses up a hillside, and they couldn't help but reined in one after another. They opened their eyes wide and looked at the scene in front of them. Everyone was shocked by the beautiful scenery!

Gentle hillside, open sight.

The clear weather makes the sky clear and clean.A clear and shallow river divides the land into two completely different sides. The north is covered with goose-colored sand, and there is no trace of variegation from a distance; the river bank is covered with dark green trees; slightly shallow.

Some sheep are moving slowly to graze on the grass, and there is a tent next to the woods, surrounded by wooden fences.The sporadic horse riders in the flock seemed to have noticed several horses appearing on the hillside, and they were looking up to this side.

The lieutenant general said: "The herdsmen of Khalkha? How dare they cross the border?"

"I don't know, but it's not a good thing anyway."

The tribes in Suiyuan are basically nomadic in units of five households.

In other words, according to the military layout, one Wu, one Shi, one hundred households, one thousand households, and large tribes were dismantled into small tribes, which were then governed in turn to distinguish them.

Every hundred or thousand households has their own pasture, and no one dares to cross it, otherwise they will be attacked by the Suiyuan garrison.

In this way, the entire Suiyuan area is stable and peaceful.

Of course, the most notable difference among the herdsmen is that the herdsmen in Suiyuan are all required to take their surnames, so that they can be compiled into books.

This is not only convenient for jurisdiction, but also extremely convenient for taxation and military service.

Once the herdsmen are nomadic, they will inevitably hang a banner with their surnames or a banner of a hundred households in front of the yurt to indicate their affiliation.

And those who do not meet the conditions must not belong to Suiyuan.

The group of people in front of them did not belong to Suiyuan herdsmen at first glance.

"Catch it—"

Fang Zixian smiled softly, and he raised his scimitar: "Boys, it's time to make meritorious deeds, catch these guys—"

Soon, the dozens of riders who came to earn extra money couldn't help cheering, galloping their horses, and quickly attacked.

But this group of herdsmen had no time to react and were soon captured.

Although they didn't expect that they would be caught grazing in such a border area.

"Say, which tribe are you from?"

Fang Zixian asked fiercely.

The little headman didn't dare to be presumptuous, so he just said with a mournful face: "The little one is from the Zasak Khan tribe, and he was forced to go south..."

He narrated his sadness with snot and tears.

It turned out that in the beginning of spring, not long after the heavy snow had melted, Zazak Khan asked all the tribes under his command to pay tribute, and he also had to draw one out of three.

"Our tribe only has more than [-] tents. A lot of cattle and sheep died in the winter. There is no extra tribute to pay. If they all go to pay tribute, they will starve to death."

"I heard that Zasak Khan is afraid of Ming people, so we had no choice but to take the risk and go south to graze..."

"Zhasak Khan is so unwise?" Fang Zian was puzzled: "I can understand the extra tribute, but why did they recruit troops?"

"So many soldiers and horses, can they support them?"

He couldn't help thinking.

"Do you know why Zasak Khan wants to recruit soldiers?"

"I heard that some great enemy has appeared, we don't understand..."

Fang Zixian returned to Jiuyuan City full of doubts.

After Suiyuan was established as a province, there were only four prefectures of Jiuyuan, Dongsheng, Hetao, and Guihua. Because of the grasslands, these four prefectures did not have counties under their jurisdiction, but only one prefectural city.

And Jiuyuan City is a newly built city with a huge scale. It has always been the first city in Suiyuan, where merchants gather, and now tens of thousands of people live in the city.

As a mere battalion officer, Fang Zian naturally couldn't see the governor of Suiyuan, so he could only report to the chief soldier.

"There is turmoil in the Zasak department?"

The governor was shocked. He suddenly thought that the Zasak tribe was located on the far left of Khalkha, and he was attacked, so how could it be the Tushetu Khan tribe in the middle?
This is the catastrophe.

"This matter has to be passed on to His Majesty. If the Khalkha tribe is in chaos, Suiyuan and Chahar will have no peace."

The reforms in Suiyuan and Chahar can be described as boiling frogs in warm water, but there are still many Mongolian tribes who disobey and resist, so Suiyuan has always maintained a high-pressure situation, maintaining a garrison of 2 people.

Soon, news of the turmoil in the Zhasak Department spread to the capital.

The news that the Tuxietu Khan tribe was also on the move, ready to fight at any time, was also conveyed through the channels of merchants.

The most worrying thing is that there is no news from the Chechen Khan.

This also means that the Chechen Khan has more bad luck than good luck.

"After a few heavy snowfalls, the news from Mobei disappeared."

Looking at the rough map of the three parts of Khalkha, the emperor was quite helpless for a while.

The power of nature is still the biggest obstacle to war in this era.

There is no radio, no telegraph, no telephone, this place in Mobei is no different from no man's land.

"Any news from Jin Yiwei?"

The emperor put his hope on Jin Yiwei.

It's a pity that Wu Bangfu could only smile wryly: "Your servant should die."

"Your Majesty, the Zasak and Tushetu Khan troops are making a big move, and they are obviously doing everything they can to eliminate a powerful enemy at all costs."

"The strength of this enemy can completely destroy them."

Wang Yingxiong came out and analyzed without hesitation: "As far as I know, in the whole Mobei, there are such powerful people, one is the Raksha people. According to the merchants, they are all over the whole wasteland, and there are countless people."

"Secondly, it is the remnants of the Qing Dynasty."

"But now that the heavy snow has just melted and the whereabouts of the Chechen Khan are unknown, the biggest possibility is that the remnants of the Qing Dynasty are the only ones left."

Zhu Yixi nodded, this is the only possibility at present.

"The remnants of the Manchu Qing Dynasty linger on, and the evil spirit will never die!"

Lu Daqi couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I heard that they rested in Beihai to recuperate, and now it seems that their strength has recovered well, and they already want to expand again."

"The imperial court must send troops." Zhao Shu said loudly at this time: "In the past, there were various tribes in Mobei, and the imperial court had no choice."

"Now that the Manchu Qing Dynasty is resurgent, they are trying to occupy Mobei and swallow up the three tribes. If they are allowed to succeed, there will never be peace on the border."

"The imperial court must send troops."

Zhu Yixi said decisively and seriously.

Now the imperial court has 20 frontier troops. If Mobei falls, the number of frontier troops may have to expand to [-], which is not good for finances.

Besides, making Man Qing, the unbeatable Xiaoqiang, jump, made Zhu Yixi feel sick.

(End of this chapter)

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