Emperor Ming Dynasty

Chapter 865 The Buddha's Enemy

Of course North Korea doesn't understand what the siphon effect is, but by the time they realize it, it's already done.

Nearly [-]% of the rural people have sold their property and left their homeland, and some of them are the two versions of the nobles who occupy the core of the rule.

As for why the two groups of nobles left, it was because their ambitions were even greater:

The Ming people promised that Heilongjiang would hold imperial examinations.

In other words, they, the country landlords and the two classes of nobles, will take part in the imperial examinations of the Ming Dynasty, and even take part in the general examinations.

It is precisely because of their leadership that the rural people are so excited.

As a result, a strange phenomenon in North Korea appeared in Hamjing North Province: the remaining farmers occupied a large amount of cultivated land.

As long as they can stay, they almost all become small landlords.

So, both sides benefit.

And the one who benefited the most was the Heilongjiang Xingdu Division.

In just one summer, the population of Heilongjiang City exceeded [-], and the wasteland that had been cut down on a large scale was just about to be reclaimed, and everything was so vibrant.

The Koreans brought doctors, craftsmen, scholars, farmers, merchants, and scarce handicraftsmen.

Compared with money, these talents are the most precious to Heilongjiang.

When the easternmost part of Daming was still in full bloom, the westernmost Anxi province fell into a busy and hot climate.

Although Anxi Province is now newly established, it relies on Gansu and Shaanxi for help, money and food.

Yili and Shache are the ruling cores of Nanqiang and Beijiang, but the real center lies in the newly-built Urumqi.

"Do you know why it is called Urumqi?"

The herdsmen were busy driving cattle and carrying logs, and the whole of Urumqi was busy.

After the unification of the entire Western Regions, the number of herdsmen working in Urumqi exceeded 10 at the peak, and more than [-] at the low point.

Jin Guogong, General Anxi, and Li Dingguo were riding on horseback, looking at Urumqi surrounded by rivers, with expressionless faces.

And half a horse's head behind him is a young man, he is full of energy and exudes a youthful and high-spirited atmosphere.

"Urumqi is called by the Mongols, which means a beautiful pasture. This is the core of the Heshuo Special Department, where the Khan Tent is—"

Jia Daihua said without hesitation.

"That's right." Li Dingguo showed a smile: "This new city should have a new name. It's really ugly to be called Urumqi."

"For example, Tingzhou in the Tang Dynasty, or Luntai, these ancient names are good, but they were rejected by His Majesty."

"The Holy Majesty said that Urumqi was originally the land of Mongolia. If it was named, the city name in the Mongolian language and the Han population may be different. It is better to be more obedient and call it Urumqi."

Hearing this, Jia Daihua fell silent.

Although there was an expression of approval on his face, he muttered in his heart: "I'm afraid His Majesty is being lazy, so just use the old name at will!"

Judging from his several years of rotation with the emperor, this is very possible.

"General, the city has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, so the price is too high." Jia Daihua put forward his own opinion: "If you live in Ili temporarily, it's not a bad idea."

"No, you look at the problem too one-sidedly."

Li Dingguo's deep voice sounded: "If you don't use the name of repairing the city, how can those nobles and tribes living in various places send people over?"

"Such a large-scale corvee will definitely suppress their thoughts of sending troops, and the whole of Anxi will be much more peaceful."

"As for those who disobey, they will all be wiped out."

When Jia Daihua heard the words, he couldn't help but be speechless. Are the people involved in politics so dark?

The two of them seemed to have no ties to each other, and they chatted freely about Anxi's situation, regardless of their identities.

The oasis manor in the south and the prairie tribe in the north, one believes in peace religion, and the other believes in Buddhism, they are almost completely different.

It is really embarrassing for the imperial court to forcibly pinch it into a province.

Li Dingguo couldn't help complaining: "The imperial court put the horse and the donkey in the same shack, and they will not live in peace in the future."

Suddenly, under the clear sky, a rider walked towards him. He moved up and down very quickly.

"General, the Kazakh Khanate sent envoys to ask for an interview, and the envoys of the Raksha people have also come—"

"It's just a coincidence."

Li Dingguo smiled, turned his head to Jia Daihua and said, "You continue to supervise the construction, and I will go back as soon as I go."

After a while, he came to the tent, and saw the Kazakh in the slightly gorgeous handsome tent.

The Kazakh Khanate was split from the Golden Horde Khanate. It belonged to the Jochi lineage in the Golden Horde. It occupied the Qincha grassland and was divided into three places: Dayuzzi, Zhongyuzi and Xiaoyuzi.

There is no doubt that the Golden Horde is a regular Mongolian nomadic tribal country, and it is even a Turkized Mongolian.

The most obvious feature is that the Golden Horde is from top to bottom. Although it uses Mongolian, it has evolved from the characteristic single eyelid, flat nose, and pie face to a high nose bridge and green-brown eyes.

If it weren't for their claim to be descendants of the Golden Family, almost no one would regard them as Mongols.

However, the Kazakhs have close contacts with the Oirat Mongolia, and they often fight with each other. In order to fight against their in-laws, the Oirat Mongolia, the Kazakh Khanate, the Bukhara Khanate (Uzbek Khanate), and the Yarkand Khanate even united to some extent .

Of course, the Kazakh Khanate is still in a strong period. Last year, when the Oirat Mongolia was fighting with the Ming army, it directly won the Seven Rivers Basin.

Namely, the area of ​​the seven rivers that flow to Lake Balkhash, that is, a fertile land to the east of Lake Balkhash.

This was previously the territory of the Junggar Ministry.

In the Tang Dynasty, it was the city of Suiye, and the west frontier was the famous city of Talas.

(In a word, the Manchu Qing ceded the northwestern part of Tsarist Russia, which is Qihe)

"Is your country planning to return the land of the Seven Rivers?"

Li Dingguo sat down on the tiger-skin chair, raised his head and asked.

Now it's my turn to be confused.

The translator hesitated for a moment before translating: "The land of the Seven Rivers was taken from the Junggar tribe by our country, so it should have nothing to do with your country."

"Then what are you talking about?" Li Dingguo immediately rolled his eyes when he heard this.

He was not annoyed.

He has no concept of the Seven Rivers Basin. Although he knows it is a fertile place, Anxi Province is too big to occupy it at all.

Before Anxi is fully digested, the rest of the place is out of reach.

Besides, this is someone else's task. What he can do now is to stabilize Anxi.

"Let's talk, since it's not why the land was returned, why did it come?"

"Janger Khan sent his ministers here, the real reason why he wanted to buy muskets—" The envoy had a smile on his face.

Li Dingguo smiled.

After there was no foreign enemy Oirat Mongolia, the Kazakh Khanate and the Bukhara Khanate began to fall in love and kill each other.

Especially at present, the tribes of the Bukhara Khanate are separatist, and the Persians and the Mughal Empire are all eyeing it. It is impossible for the Kazakhs to give up this good opportunity.

Unfortunately, for Ming Dynasty, the Bukhara Khanate is too far away.

"It can be sold to you."

With a change in Li Dingguo's mind, he immediately agreed.

Although the Raksha people are constantly intimidating and luring in Dayuzi, they are limited to lack of strength and can only relax with it, and are in the honeymoon period.

If Daming doesn't sell it, the Raksha people will definitely sell it.

At this time of lack of money and food, it is necessary to supplement.


But apparently, Rakshasa was busier than expected.

After learning that the Manchu Qing annexed the Chechen Khan, the Russians began to run for the benefit of the Siberian wasteland.

They first came to Fengjing City, bringing a lot of gunpowder and the sincerity of the Tsar.

Afterwards, they came to Kulun and Tushetu Khan's department to sell a large amount of muskets and gunpowder to them.

Making a fortune is just idle for them, and their biggest expectation is to let both parties lose out, so that they can fish and hunt in the middle.

However, as time goes by, the deeper they understand, the less confident they will be in Khalkha Mongolia, and their biggest concern becomes making money.

Kulun, the summer pasture of the Tushetu Khan tribe, is full of people here at this time.

Recognized by Lhasa, Jebtsundamba Hutuktu, conferred by the Ming Emperor, is sitting upright on the hillside.

The golden sun rose from behind him, illuminating the boundless Buddha colors. The believers knelt in front of him, kowtowed devoutly, and kept chanting Amitabha Buddha.

The nobles occupy the closest positions, and it seems that under the light of Buddha, they will also occupy the forefront.

Not far away, a young man was looking at this place, his eyes were full of deepness, and he was holding a string of Buddhist beads in his hand, flicking back and forth constantly.

His round, dark face was covered with beards, but it couldn't hide the sadness in his heart.

He is the great Khan of the Tushetu Khan tribe, Chahun Dorji, and Oqi Raisein Khan who is only 23 years old.

At this time, the elderly Lama Tenzin said, "Why is the Great Khan so sad?"

"How can you not be sad?" Chahun Dorji sighed: "Father Khan has only passed away for two years, and the Manchu Qing was arrogant and domineering, annexing the Chechen Khan, and now he has touched our door."

"Won't the Buddha bless us?"

Upon hearing this, Lama Tenzin shook his head slightly: "How could the Buddha not bless us?"

"As long as we worship Buddha sincerely and be grateful, even if war is inevitable, I believe that the final victory will definitely belong to us."

Chahun Dorji rolled his eyes when he heard this.

What kind of bullshit is this?

Compared with his father Gonpo, Chahun Dorji has a more devout belief in Buddha.

No way, who made his younger brother, his own younger brother, a big living man on the grassland?

Growing up in such an environment since he was a child, he has extremely devout beliefs in the Buddha, but he also understands that the Buddha cannot help him in this world.

After finishing his mood, he glanced at his radiant brother in the distance, put his palms together, and heaved a sigh of relief.

In any case, the great Jebtsundam Bahutuktu was on his side, and those herdsmen and warriors would definitely fight the enemy with high morale.

"Great Khan, since you have broken up with Manqing now, why don't you let the noble living man call him the enemy of Buddha?"

Seeing his appearance, Lama Tenzin immediately understood his mind and made a decisive suggestion.

"Buddha's enemy?"

Chahun Dorji showed a surprised look.

Why didn't he think of this trick?
In this way, the tribes under his command will inevitably fight against the enemy with heart, and the Manchus will also lose their hearts, thus losing the jurisprudence of ruling the grassland.

And since the grassland cannot be ruled, what's the point of fighting again?
"That's a good idea."

Chahun Dorji smiled.

"However, Great Khan, it's best to tell Bishiyingtu Khan about this matter. If the two tribes speak in unison, the tribesmen in the grassland will believe it. Who dares to refute it?"

The Bishilutu Khan here refers to the great Khan of the Zhasak tribe, Norbu.

Now that the Manchu Qing invaded, the two have lost their lips and their teeth are cold, and their relationship has been greatly improved.

Chahun Dorji couldn't help but nodded.

At dusk in the afternoon, Jebtsundamba finally finished a lecture on Buddhism, and the herdsmen left devoutly, and finally offered offerings one after another.

But Chahun Dorji went up to meet him and put his palms together: "Today's Sutra is very good."

"Is the Khan okay?" The first Jebtsundamba had a gentle attitude, and he was polite to his elder brother.

"Master, tell me!" Chahun Dorji trembled a few words, but he couldn't speak.

Although he is his own younger brother, but he is a live-in man, too straightforward is not good.

Lama Tenzin stepped forward unceremoniously and began to explain in his ear.

After hearing this, Huofu sighed: "There are so many wars in the world?"

"The Buddha's heart is good, but when facing the villains, there is no shortage of angry eyes. There are so many Buddhists in the three tribes of Khalkha. I really can't bear the suffering of the war. But now, I have to do it..."

After the husband agrees, the matter is half done.

At this time, Zasak Khan Norbu also agreed to this matter, and even directly declared that the Manchus were enemies of Buddha.

Then, suddenly, like a whirlwind, the infamy of the Buddhist enemies of the Manchu Qing Dynasty spread throughout Mobei, and even penetrated to Monan, causing people's hearts to be turbulent.

In Fengjing City, Shunzhi gritted his teeth in hatred for the rumors about Buddha's enemies.

Without it, in the Qing Dynasty, a large number of noble soldiers believed in Buddhism. Whether it was Zen or Huangjiao, they were all Buddhas to him.

And in the Khan tribe of Chechnya, which had just been annexed, among them were officials with deep roots in the Yellow Sect. For a while, news of the Buddha's enemies came, and tens of thousands of Mongols panicked.

Helpless, Man Qing could only suppress it.

At this time, they have made up their minds to go to war, and go to war as soon as possible.

In Fan Wencheng's words: "Now that we are infamous, our side will inevitably be in turmoil. At this moment, the best thing is to go straight to the Tuxie River and threaten Erdenizhao (Guangxian Temple)."

"Only by being alive can you change the reputation of Yi Buddha's enemies."

Therefore, what the Tuxietu Khan and Zasak Khan could never have imagined, their operations actually accelerated the pace of the Qing Dynasty's use of troops.

All of a sudden, the grassland was about to fight, and the news of death spread throughout the south and north of the desert.

In Guihua City, tens of thousands of Ming troops assembled here.

At this time of naturalization, there are horses, cattle and sheep everywhere.

In order to support the imperial court's dispatch of troops, Suiyuan recruited tens of thousands of horses at one time to travel with the army, that is, to serve as a means of transportation for the infantry.

And why save the army food, and even adopted the method of grazing, hundreds of thousands of cattle and sheep accompanied the army.

As time went by, the whole of Suiyuan felt wrong:

The [-] army is about to exhaust Suiyuan——

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