Emperor Ming Dynasty

Chapter 910 The Disadvantages of Conferring the King

Chapter 910 The Disadvantages of Conferring the King
Zheng's and Ruan's have the same purpose: to get rid of the Ming people.

Therefore, at some point, it is not ruled out that it will unite with the Ruan family, or falsely destroy Guo.

"Destroy the Ruan family as soon as possible, so that the Zheng family has no time to react."

Zhu Jing said decisively: "At that time, we will be able to use Linghe River as the boundary, and temporarily confront it with the north and south."

Everyone agreed.

However, Prime Minister Liu Guan was still puzzled and said: "Hue is only a hundred miles away from Linghe River. If we go from south to north, I am afraid that by the time the soldiers approach Hue, Beizheng will have already arrived."

"When it comes to life and death, we cannot rule out the suspicion that the Ruan family surrendered to Beizheng."

At this time, the Ruan family occupied Guangnan and Guangzhi, two of the fifteen prefectures, so they were often called Guangnan Kingdom.

The Red River Plain in Annan has been developed for thousands of years, so its situation is that the further north it goes, the more developed it is.

Even though the area of ​​the second prefecture it occupies is one-third of that in the north, its population and economy are far inferior.

Therefore, as the capital of the country, Hue is close to the Linghe River, and it is also a kind of monarch guarding the gate of the country, which has to be done.

The second chancellor, Mao Fu, also agreed: "Everything is just in case. Once the fisherman in Beizheng gets a profit, it will be bad."

At this time, even Zhu Jing had to admit that what she said was very reasonable.

Even if he beat slow with fast speed, he still couldn't stop Zheng from going south.

You know, Beizheng has an army of [-], and they are all standing troops. Their strength is incomparable.

The King of Qin hesitated for a moment, and said directly: "I think we can emulate what happened in North Korea."

"Mr. Jing Guo (Wu Sangui) went south to Seoul, and he took a detour by boat and landed directly in Incheon. The gods and generals usually arrived in Seoul."

"We can also do the same, borrowing the navy of the imperial court, and directly transfer hundreds of miles to the city of Hue."

"What Your Highness said is true." Zhu Jing couldn't help admiring: "After sending a soldier and horse to attack Hue, guard the Linghe River, and the remaining soldier and horse went all the way from Champa to the north to take Guangnan. government."

Now, everyone agreed with such a proposal.

However, in the meantime, Mao Fu said that although the Mo family occupied Gaoping, although there were not many troops and they were just lingering, it was still a help in the end.

"For example, during the battle between Chu and Han, Liang Wang Pengyue, as long as he was often harassed, Xiang Yu could not do his best to send troops, and he lost sight of the other."

"As long as the Mo clan delays the Zheng clan's troops and doesn't go south, that would be the best."

Prime Minister Liu Guan also echoed, "Mr. Wu of the Xuanguang Mansion can also hook up with him to help."

From what you said to me, Qin's detailed rules for dispatching troops have been slowly outlined.

That is, two months later, at the beginning of November, the Qin State sent 5000 troops, [-] troops went directly to Hue by sea boat, and the other [-] troops went north from Champa.

The dry season in Annan is generally between October and April of the next year. This is the most suitable time to send troops without heavy rain, and you don’t need to worry about locust rain, snakes and insects roaming around.

After the plan was made, envoys arrived at Gaoping Mansion from Guangxi immediately, and found the lord Mo Yuanqing.

For the Ming envoy's arrival, the latter was overjoyed and wept with joy: "Da Ming has not forgotten us after all—"

Although as early as 1597, the Ming Dynasty recognized the Houli regime, that is, the Houli Dynasty controlled by the Zheng family, but the Ming Dynasty still recognized the commander of Annan who was granted to the Mo family.

In this way, the entire Annan has two regimes.

The Mo regime also had the confidence to resist. Although they fought and failed repeatedly, they were able to escape to Longzhou, Guangxi in the end to recharge their batteries.

In December of 1598, the Ming Dynasty sent people to inform Li Zheng's regime, ordering Xu Mo Jinggong to move into Taiyuan and Gaoping, marking the establishment of Mo's Gaoping regime.

Apparently, the Wanli court also had a good understanding of Annan's domestic situation, and only made the most of the situation to promote the establishment of the Gaoping regime, and also completed the Ming Dynasty's policy toward Annan that "neither rejected Li nor Mo" and made them check each other.

In this way, the Ming Dynasty naturally profited from the two quarrels, and no matter how bad it was, it could make the border of Guangxi peaceful.

Later, the reason why the Gaoping regime collapsed was mainly because the Mo family participated in the San Francisco Rebellion, which caused the Qing Dynasty to be angry and let the Li Dynasty have no scruples.

In the end, the governor of Guangxi even handed over the Mo family who fled to Longzhou to the Zheng family.

At this time, Mo Yuanqing of Gaoping naturally treasured the way out of the Ming Dynasty inexplicably.

The envoy was unwilling to be ambiguous, and said directly: "Although your country is small, it is still a land with tens of thousands of soldiers, and it can also counterattack the Li Dynasty one or two."

"Now all these years, lingering, the court is very disappointed."

"Why did your envoy say that?" Mo Yuanqing was startled, and hurriedly bowed his hands to salute, his expression moved, as much respect as he wanted.

"The reason why your country lives in Gaoping is, firstly, the imperial court's will, and secondly, because the hearts of the Li people are not attached."

"If your country still lives in Gaoping, if things go on like this, the people in Annan may forget about Mo Shi."

"You know, in the Ministry of Rites of the Ming Dynasty, your Mo family is the same as the Li family, both of whom are governed by the capital of Annan. Although the places are different, there is no distinction between high and low."

Mo Yuanqing was greatly encouraged. He raised his head and complained: "Why don't I want to send troops to the south, but the morale of the army is low. I'm afraid it will not be the enemy of the Zheng family."

The envoy cursed secretly in his heart, but he really had a heart.

After receiving the arrangement, he knew how to act cheaply, and gritted his teeth: "The imperial court can only give you 1 silver dollars, but the Mo family must send troops to the south in early November, at least [-] people—"

Although he didn't understand why the Ming Dynasty asked him to send troops, Mo Yuanqing reaped the benefits, was inexplicably delighted, and agreed in a blink of an eye.

When occupying Gaoping, Mo Yuanqing paid tribute to the Ming Dynasty every year, and said: "The whole party is small, and please don't contribute in the future."

The emperor can only allow it.

Although the place is small, Mo's finances in Gaoping are very tight, but he is not frugal at all. He spends money and builds palaces and temples, which can be described as extravagant.

There are many rebels in the small Gaoping Mansion.

If it were not for the support of the Ming Dynasty, it would have collapsed long ago.

1 silver dollars may not seem like much, but for the Mo regime, it is enough to spend more than half a year.

At this time, Xuanguang Mansion, Wu Gongli, who was guarding here, also received an unannounced visit from the envoy.

In order to let him send troops, Qin State promised a price of 3000 yuan in silver dollars.

The latter was so excited that he quickly agreed.

The time is clearly ripe.

At this time, Hue.

Ruan Fubin, the lord of Guangnan, claimed to be the Duke of Yangjun.

At this time, he was enjoying the riches and beauties in the palace, when suddenly someone reported:

"The Ming people in Zhancheng are sharpening their knives, and they seem to be sending troops."

At this moment, the small city of Hue suddenly became agitated.

"Ming people returned to Dayue, Guangnan is in danger—"

Such words are being circulated in the streets and alleys, which makes people panic and unbearable.

The people of Annan, whether it is the imperial court or the Ming Dynasty, all call themselves Dayue, not the so-called Annan.

For the Ming Dynasty, it is regarded as another country, feared and hostile.

Because the Li Dynasty was established on the basis of overthrowing the Ming Dynasty.

Although the Ruan family in Guangnan established an official system and etiquette, they are still officials of the Li Dynasty on the surface, and they are still equivalent in this regard.

This is why Qin is afraid of the alliance between the two countries.

Because no matter what, the Ruan family and the Zheng family are both ministers of the Li family, so there is still a possibility of alliance.

The lord Ruan Phuc was naturally equally uneasy. He said angrily, "Champa was originally a subsidiary of our country, and it was fine for the Ming people to occupy it. Now they dare to offend me."

Everyone can understand the panic in the words.

Zhancheng is not small, about the size of Annan's prefecture, with more than [-] soldiers, it is difficult for the Ruan family to eat.

However, the Ming army was able to take it in one fell swoop, and it took less than a month to completely frighten Guangnan Kingdom.

In this case, who can not be afraid?
Facing Guangnan's shock, Zhu Jing didn't care, he continued to mobilize the army:

"After this battle, even if we win half of Annan's country, we will be rewarded for our merits and deeds, and we will be awarded titles and become veritable lords."


This is the temptation offered by Qin.

As the Prince of Qin, it can take out the highest title, which is the Duke of the County.

Duke of the county, Duke of the county, Marquis of the county, Marquis of the county, uncle, son, male, seventh and other titles.

The highest county duke, with an annual salary of three thousand shi, is comparable to the marquis of Ming Dynasty.

Earl and above are all super quality.

The viscount is the fourth rank, and the baron is the fifth rank.

As for the son of King Qin, according to the rules of the Spring and Autumn and Warring States, the son is the king and the daughter is the princess.

Similarly, the proposal for the title of title should be based on that of Ming Dynasty. Earls and barons can be hereditary until they are hereditary. Mansion sons and second barons can only be passed down to three generations.

The reason why these Beijing soldiers came all the way to Annan, isn't it because they want to be conferred knights?
"Why not the title of Daming?"

At this time, someone raised an objection.

"Fart, we are fighting for the Qin State. Of course, the Qin State can enshrine you. You are basically alone. Even if you have family members, you can take over!"

Zhu Jing smiled and scolded: "However, I had a title before, and I am still a minister of the Ming Dynasty. The promotion of a lord is also in accordance with the court's rules."

These words made many people breathe a sigh of relief.

However, as soon as the topic of knighting came out, the morale of the army rose sharply.

In particular, in Qin State at this time, nearly half of the soldiers, that is, five thousand soldiers, were locals.

They are naturally very happy about being knighted. This is a class transition, a change of family, something that has not been encountered in Champa and Saigon for thousands of years, but it is now.

The news spread from the army to the people.

All of a sudden, crowds rushed from top to bottom of the state of Qin, and many people kept inquiring about the situation of joining the army, eager to join the army.

Qin State was caught off guard and almost thought that someone was rebelling. They reacted immediately in a short time and urgently recruited [-] soldiers, which was considered stable.

As a result, the number of soldiers and horses in Qin State expanded to [-].

Obviously, Saigon and Champa, which have just been developed, cannot support these 2 people, especially in the situation where Beijing camps eat three meals a day and eat meat every now and then.

The pressure on Daming's logistics suddenly increased.

The whole Ministry of War is in a hurry.

Zhang Tongchang, Minister of the Ministry of War, said frankly: "Your Majesty, the monthly payment of Annan's money and food is 10 yuan. I heard that if his army expands, the imperial court will not be able to afford it."

Zhang Tongchang has a long history. He is the great-grandson of Zhang Juzheng. Zhang Juzheng was rehabilitated in the Ming Dynasty in the second year of Tianqi.

In the 13th year of Chongzhen, when Emperor Chongzhen issued an edict to restore Zhang Jingxiu (the eldest son of Zhang Juzheng) to his official position, he granted Zhang Tongchang the title of Zhongshusheren.

After Yinbu became a member of Zhongshushe, his literary talent was outstanding. Later, he was sent to Huguang by Chongzhen to condolences to those vassal kings, and later went to Yunnan to transfer troops.

Here, Zhang Xianzhong went to Jiangling, Zhang Juzheng's hometown, and forced Zhang Yunxiu, Zhang Juzheng's fifth son, to become an official. Zhang Yunxiu refused and committed suicide at the age of 79.

When Zhang Tongchang came back, the Chongzhen court was gone.

From then on, he lived in Jiangling.

The Shaowu dynasty was established, and he valued those unyielding officials of the former dynasty. He came out to be an official and was promoted all the way.

After 16 years, he finally became Minister of the Ministry of War in Shaowu for 17 years, that is, in 1664.

Hearing his words, the emperor was noncommittal, his footsteps were gentle, and the ground paved with stone bricks was very quiet, and the weeds growing intermittently seemed quite artistic.

"As far as I know, the Qin State is about to make a northern expedition!"

The emperor asked casually.

Zhang Tongchang could only reply: "If the Northern Expedition to Hue's Ruan family is successful, then the Annan Second Mansion can be taken back."

He excitedly said: "There are fifteen mansions in Annan, of which the Ruan family occupies the second mansion, the Mo family occupies Gaoping, the Wu family occupies Xuanguang, and the Zheng family occupies the eleventh mansion."

"After taking Hue, although it is not half of the country, it is already a big step forward."

"Annan's recovery is just around the corner, and His Majesty will be able to accomplish the great cause of Emperor Chengzu."

"No hurry." Zhu Yixi smiled, waved his hands and said, "Qin's capital camp is only five thousand. I wanted to add one or two things, but you all refused."

"After all, the Beijing camp spends a lot of money. It costs tens of thousands a month, which is several times that of the local soldiers."

"But you also said just now that Annan's recovery is just around the corner, 99 steps have been crossed, and this is still missing?"

"But Your Majesty, the Qin Kingdom has already been established, and there are two prefectures, with a population of hundreds of thousands. I am afraid that they will be able to become independent a long time ago. Now they are still reimbursed for military expenses like gluttons. There are a lot of tricks in it..."

Zhang Tongchang didn't have any taboos, and he was outspoken about Qin.

Obviously, in his eyes, once the state of Qin is established, the two sides are people from the two countries, but King Qin is the heir of the emperor.

"The state of Qin is poor. I heard that they are liberating slaves and giving surnames recently. It will be chaotic for a while."

The emperor sighed softly, and said somewhat relievedly: "However, as long as the Ruan family is taken down, it will be self-sufficient, and the burden on the court will not be heavy then."

"Yes, Your Majesty, Qin Guo wrote a letter asking for three thousand muskets."

"Give it to him." Zhu Yixi said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, Zhang Tongchang frowned, cupped his hands, and said solemnly:

"I know that Your Majesty loves the King of Qin, but too much pampering will do more harm than good to the court!"

"Just for the Qin State, the imperial court spent millions, which is the tax of a province."

As he said that, he knelt down and said solemnly: "Your Majesty has a lot of heirs. Now I heard that besides King Qin and King Qi, you are still looking for vassal states for King Liao."

"If all of the more than twenty sons are like this, it will cost so much that the imperial court may not be able to memorize it."

"The minister risked his life to speak out. Although the policy of pro-vassalism is good, it can't be set up too often—"

"So, it's better to imitate the previous dynasty and seal it to the provinces..."

Zhu Yixi had something to say in her throat, but she couldn't say it after hearing this.

(End of this chapter)

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