Emperor Ming Dynasty

Chapter 933 Faith

With the spring breeze blowing, the entire Kokand region began a massive farming activity, and at the same time a large number of cattle and sheep began to graze, which was full of vitality.

The Syr Darya River has brought a lot of meltwater from the snow-capped mountains, nourishing the land and feeding hundreds of thousands of people.

Tens of thousands of Ming troops rested here for a whole winter, and they are already fat and strong and full of energy.

Li Dingguo was riding a horse, stepping lightly on the grass, with a weed in his mouth, looking at the cattle and sheep all over the mountains, he couldn't help sighing: "The soil in the Fergana Basin is fertile, and it is at the node of the Silk Road. Although the land is small, But very rich."

"It is appropriate for the imperial court to divide the Bukhara Khanate into two."

"The Brut people and the Bukhara people can't get along well, and it's not good to force them to knead."

Accompanying him was Jia Daihua, who had grown a beard and matured a lot, his skin was already very rough from the Gobi wind.

Only his eyes are still bright and energetic.

In the Kokand region, there are only two major tribes.

One is an Uzbek, represented by the Minger Ministry.

The other is the Brut, the Kyrgyz.

The Mingers are small but united, and the Bruts are loose but large in number.

Just like this, the Ming army achieved a balance between the two tribes, took root in the Kokand area, and acted as a logistics base to recruit food, grass, soldiers and horses.

"This place is under the control of the imperial court for the time being." Li Dingguo said casually, "It depends on when the imperial court will send another vassal over here."

"Then, General Li, our most important thing right now is to send troops to fight against the city of Bukhara."

Also riding on the side is the big Burke and Reinhardt of the entire Kokand map.

He still had that fat belly, the fat on his face was trembling, and his eyes, which were not big at all, were narrowed into slits, making him look extraordinarily small.

However, compared to the former philistine, he is now a little more calm and complacent.

Obviously, for Reinhardt, the leap from a merchant to a consul is not only a leap of class, but also a leap of life.

"How much grain is there in Kokand?"

"After the summer harvest, about 40 shi of grain and 30 head of sheep can be collected, enough for an army of [-] to march for two months."

Reinhard said honestly: "Just wait another two months, and the army will be able to prepare sufficient food."

"Where's Bukhara?" Li Dingguo narrowed his eyes, showing a trace of dignity: "I'm afraid they are also waiting for Xia Harvest!"

"They wait for the summer harvest to eat." Reinhard said in a deep voice: "Bukhara never regards the Brut people as their own, so according to my understanding, they will arrive in Kokand before the summer harvest."

"While replenishing food and grass in Kokand, we are preparing to defeat our army."

"Oh?" Li Dingguo's face showed joy: "In this way, it saves us from the long-distance raid and waits for work at ease!"

"General, no matter how many people come to Bukhara, they are not our opponents."

Jia Daihua also echoed.

Reinhard smiled bitterly: "Bukhara regards the Fergana Basin as a granary, and will never give up here easily, so according to my estimation, there are at least [-] cavalry—"

At this time, in the Kokand area, the Ming army did not have 5000 cavalry and infantry, and even if [-] local soldiers were added, it would not be half of it.

Compared with this, the disadvantage is too great.

"General Li, you'd better call Anxi's soldiers over here, otherwise this place is really not optimistic—"

Jia Daihua was also a little moved. He looked at Li Dingguo and opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

"I understand." Li Dingguo smiled immediately, and said confidently: "So, this battle cannot follow his mind."

"If you sit and guard Haokand, you can only wait for death and capture him without a fight. For us, it is the worst policy."

"Therefore, our initiative is to attack."

"Huh?" Reinhardt was taken aback, his fat body trembling.

Li Dingguo didn't look at him, and said to Jia Daihua: "In the past, I raised troops from northern Shaanxi and ran across the Central Plains. Emperor Chongzhen besieged him in every possible way. The officers and soldiers were countless, but the rebellion of the bandits didn't stop, but it became more and more violent."

"What we uphold is one word, fast."

"Use fast to fight slowly. Before the officers and soldiers encircle, they have already defeated part of them, and then continue to fight under coercion, so as to continue to win."

"What you mean is that we must attack quickly before the Bukhara Khanate has assembled its forces, so as to attack slowly."

Jia Daihua was stunned.

"That's right." Li Dingguo laughed: "One hundred thousand cavalry will take two to three months to recruit. Let's attack all the way. When we take Bukhara, we may not even have 5 or [-] cavalry!"

"I order—"

For a moment, Li Dingguo put away his smile and looked at Reinhardt: "The entire Kokand region must raise food for [-] troops for ten days within five days."

"Understood." Reinhardt replied with a solemn face, without hesitation.

As early as last autumn, the Kokand region recruited [-] troops for drills. With the Ming army as the instructors, it can be said that after a winter drill, they are already decent.

In this expedition, the [-] Ming army was the main force, while the other [-] accompanying troops were the secondary.

A few days later, [-] Anxi Patrol Battalion trekked thousands of miles to garrison Kokand, guarding the stepping stone and advancing base of Ming Dynasty.

Li Dingguo led an army of [-], one man and three horses, and marched southwest along the Syr Darya.

Along the way, all the small towns and villages succumbed to the wind and clouds, as if they were made of paper, defenseless at all.

Although it is a centralized country, the entire Bukhara Khanate has only two big cities, Samarkand and Bukhara, and the rest are divided up by small and medium-sized feudal lords.

In a sense, the Astrakhan family is nothing more than the biggest feudal lord.

In this way, after the central army was defeated, the rest of the tribes and slave owners begged for peace one after another, and let them go after paying food, grass and money.

Almost like a parade, Li Dingguo led the army to the outside of Samarkand, the second largest city of the Bukhara Khanate and a well-known city in the middle of the river.

Located in the city of Samarkand in the Zeravshan Valley, with a population of more than [-], it was the capital of the Khwarazm and Timur Khanates and had a great influence.


Hundreds of years after Genghis Khan's death, the city of Samarkand was bombed again.

But before it was a catapult, but now it is a cannon.

The reason why Li Dingguo is not afraid of hardships and dangers is because the Shaowu field artillery he brought from Anxi weighs three to four hundred catties, and can be transported by horse-drawn carriage, making long-distance raids possible.

It's just that there is no show of power in the Kokand area, but now in the city of Samarkand, which is waiting for help, it finally shows its glory.

Frankly speaking, no matter how fierce the artillery is, it is just a tickle for Samarkand, whose city is high and deep.

But its deterrence is enough to make people timid and frightened.

The Ulugh Beg Theological Seminary, Giliah-Kori Theological Seminary, Sher-Dor Theological Seminary in the center of the city are the top universities in the world of Green Education.

Therefore, the text recording Genghis Khan's broken city is also clearly audible.

"The huge stones are like shooting stars in the sky, constantly hitting the city wall. Pieces of sunken walls seem to be crying, but there is nothing they can do..."

The dean gathered all the teachers and students, and read the words in these history books aloud. The sound of bombing in his ears seemed to be the reappearance of Genghis Khan's invasion back then.

Everyone was terrified and their faces were pale.

The fear of death has surpassed everything.

"Peace, we need peace."

A teacher raised his head and said: "The Mongols also ruled this land, as long as the Ming people allow us to keep our faith, what's the point of dedicating a complete Samarkand?"

The righteous words of these words are convincing.

All agreed.

Soon, the servants of the gods threatened the city lord's mansion.

The latter was terrified and had to give in.

The gates of Samarkand were opened wide, and envoys were sent.

"Samarkand will be open to you as long as you preserve our finances and security and do not ask us to convert."

Li Dingguo felt surprised and unbelievable for a while, but he had to believe that it was true.

He can do nothing about it.

For a while, the city of Samarkand was full of jubilation.


At this time, the government of Taiwan.

After more than ten years of development, the Taiwan government has expanded from the previous four counties to the current six counties, which are Dayuan County, Penghu County, Tamsui County, Jilong County, Chiayi County, and Changhua, which was established to eliminate the Dadu Kingdom. county.

As for the population, relying heavily on the immigrants from Fujian Province, it has expanded to one million, which can be described as rapid development.

Its prefecture governs Dayuan County, which is even more prosperous, with 30 people, making it the number one county in Taiwan.

"Father, we're in Taiwan."

On the wide pier, merchant ships were densely packed, and the entire port was filled with [-] people. They kept coming in and out, shouting constantly, so that the heat wave hit people and almost made people overwhelmed.

Nan Huairen opened his clothes, lay on the bamboo stream, and kept waving the cattail fan in his hand. Hearing this call, he was shocked: "Really?"

"It is true, Father, get up!"

The sailor said politely: "Everyone is starting to disembark."

"Okay." He tidied up quickly, fastened the buttons, and returned to his dignified appearance.

Although the ship was cramped, as a Jesuit priest, he had a high status and had a bedroom no less than that of the captain.

He picked it up and saluted, and opened the door. The sailor was still waiting respectfully at the door.

"Let me help you!" The sailor quickly picked up two large wooden boxes and followed behind.

Nan Huairen thanked him, then walked out of the cabin calmly and came to the deck.

At this time, the captain said hello respectfully: "Good day, my priest."

"Taiwan has arrived, and this long journey is also over."

"I was able to reach Taiwan safely, thanks to you."

Nan Huairen said politely.

"Blessings of the Lord." The captain said reverently.


Nan Huairen led the sailors onto the trestle bridge, seeing poor people in short clothes, rich people in long clothes, and of course, some Europeans.

"This place is more prosperous than Batavia." Nan Huairen said with emotion.

"There are horse-drawn carriages here, which can be directly hired to go to church."

The sailor said with a smile, and led Nan Huairen to the side of the pier, where a large number of carriages gathered.

Among them, several carriages were high-nosed and deep-eyed Europeans, and he shouted: "Go to St. Peter's Basilica—"

"Father, St. Peter's Basilica is the largest church in Taiwan."

The two sat in the carriage, saluted and put them behind the carriage.

The surroundings of the carriage are hollowed out, and only the roof is wrapped with cowhide to prevent guests from being exposed to rain.

Although the drivers are Europeans, the vehicles still have many oriental traces, such as gilding and hollowed-out sculptures.

He looked around and saw that the carriages on the road kept to the right, and there was no traffic jam.

The crowd, on the other hand, walks on the sideline outside the road, and the cars and people do not interfere with each other and are in order.

Unlike European streets that are full of dung and filth, the streets here are paved with bricks and are very tidy. Whether it is a horse or a donkey, there are cloth bags hanging behind the buttocks, which are obviously used to catch the excrement.

This is a good idea.

On both sides of the street, it is an eye-opener.

Gothic churches, oriental inns, shops, blend with each other, and Europeans and orientals talk to each other without hindrance.

This made Nan Huairen quite novel.

Soon, the carriage brought him to St. Peter's Basilica.

It's really amazing when you see it.

Its majesty is no less than anywhere in Italy.

After thanking the sailors for their help, Nan Huairen entered the church.

The bishop went out to meet him: "Welcome Father Ferdinand Verbister."

"You are welcome, Your Excellency."

"I heard that you brought an edict from the Holy See?"

"That's right, this is a response to the Emperor Ming's request."

"Can I know?"

"Of course, this is something the whole Jesuits will know."

Nan Huairen said seriously.

Immediately, he spoke out the Pope's decree not to allow the Ming Emperor to appoint and dismiss bishops:
"Although most Jesuit priests feel that they should agree, the cardinal and the Holy See do not agree with this matter..."

"Hey!" The bishop sighed, his face full of sorrow: "What should I do?"

"Your Mightiness?"

Nan Huairen was puzzled.

"Just as there can only be one Holy Roman Emperor in Europe, in the entire East, including Annan, Korea, Japan, Siam, and Ming, there is only one emperor, and that is the Emperor of Ming."

The bishop lamented: "He possesses incomparable power even the pope, and he is a monarch whose power in the world is second only to that of God."

"Now the Society of Jesus has 30 believers in Daming. As long as His Majesty the Emperor gives an order, ninety-nine percent of the believers will convert."

"Now that Rome hates this emperor, it is a great ups and downs for our missionary career. A missionary career that is not good for the entire East will die prematurely."

Nan Huairen was shocked, but the bishop remained silent.

The two walked into the church, talked in the splendid church, and talked about the difficulties of missionary work in the East.

In the end, the bishop sighed: "For such a magnificent church, it took more than a hundred years to raise funds in Europe, but in the East, it only took less than three years for the believers to raise funds."

"About a hundred thousand silver dollars, or five thousand louis."

"Oh, God." Nan Huairen sighed, "The East is indeed the land of gold."

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