The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1000 Dusk in Okamura...

Chapter 1000 Dusk in Okamura...

... "Boss, you know, it's just the three of us. You let us go to the battlefield to kill devils, that's fine, but if you let us go to the Anti-Japanese University as teachers, we are born as rough, with this bit of ink in our stomachs , I'm afraid it's really not that level!"

"You should spare us!"

Thinking of the nightmare situation these past few days, Kong Jie begged for mercy.

Li Yunlong and Ding Wei, who were winking at the side, nodded hurriedly.

Don't look at how nice they usually say when they are bragging, but they can go to the Anti-Japanese University to teach those battalion commanders, regimental commanders, and even brigade commanders, how majestic it is!

But in fact, they knew better than anyone how much they weighed.

If he really gets on the podium, maybe there will be a big joke.

The image of an iron-blooded general accumulated through victories and victories over the past few years may collapse directly.

The teaching level of the Eighth Route Army Anti-Japanese Military and Political University is really not something that ordinary people can be. I think that the students in the first phase of the year were basically at the level of division commanders and army commanders.

You, Li Yunlong, dare to brag that you have been a teacher of the Anti-Japanese University?

Even the old brigade commander was your student Li Yunlong?
Even with the courage of Lao Li, he dared not say such a thing.

Facing the faces of Kong Jie and the other three who were uglier than crying, the boss smiled. Of course he didn’t mean to embarrass the three brothers: “You can rest assured about this. Boss, you guys are not humble characters, so don't pretend to be modest.

Although among the teachers of the Anti-Japanese University, you may have some shortcomings when it comes to the theory of teaching, but when it comes to the experience of actually leading troops to fight on the front line, the performance of the three of you in the past few years is remarkable. Can't say no.

I want you to serve as temporary teachers in the Anti-Japanese University, and what you are teaching is the practical experience of the front-line anti-Japanese war that the students who are about to graduate lack the most. "

Having said that, the boss also revealed some news to the three of them:
"According to the instructions of the central government, our Sixth Branch School will soon be merging with the main school, and all the existing students of the Sixth Branch School, regardless of whether they have completed their courses or not, will all drop out ahead of schedule.

After graduating from school, all students will be sent to various front-line troops and various government agencies. If you have three old commanders with rich actual combat experience to teach them before graduation, they will definitely benefit a lot. "

This is what the boss said.

Kong Jie also had new considerations at this time, and he suddenly realized that it might be a good thing to be a temporary teacher at the Sixth Branch of the Kangda University.

Realizing this, Kong Jie was the first to speak while Li Yunlong and Ding Wei were still in a daze beside him, "Boss, since you have said so, the three of us are willing to try, but the title of anti-da teacher But it's too bluffing, we dare not ask for it.

It is still possible to share with comrades the experience of front-line operations and base area development. "

As soon as Kong Jie said this, Li Yunlong and Ding Wei became anxious.

The boss didn't give the two of them a chance to speak out: "Okay, since you all have no objections, then this matter is settled like this!"

After the decision was made, the busy boss turned and left.

The meeting room immediately exploded, and Li Yunlong asked immediately, "I said, Lao Kong, what are you thinking about? Can you fucking agree to this?"

Ding Wei echoed: "That's right, our three-party army finally won a big victory this time, and the construction and development of all aspects of the army are still waiting for us to arrange. What are you doing at the sixth branch school at this time?"

Kong Jie smiled and said, "Lao Li, Lao Ding, don't blame me, you should think carefully about whether it is a good thing or a bad thing for us to be a guest teacher in the Sixth Branch School."

This question stopped Ding Wei and Li Yunlong.

Ding Wei asked: "Old Kong, what do you say?"

Kong Jie said: "Let me ask you, these days, you have been pestered by cadres from various bases to exchange and study. How does it feel?"

It's good that Kong Jie didn't mention this, but Li Yunlong cursed immediately when he mentioned it:

"Okay, old Kong, you still have the nerve to say such a thing! Later we found out that the matter of feelings was still your suggestion to the boss, but you have made Lao Ding and me miserable!"

"Our old Li hasn't learned any culture yet, damn it, it's good, and he's teaching others!"

Kong Jie smiled and said, "Listen, is this the Li Yunlong I used to know? Lao Li, Lao Li, no wonder people say that you should study more if you have nothing to do. Since you have learned culture, you have become humble."

"Having said that, I recommend to the boss that the cadres who are studying go to your regiments to study, and this is also for your own good."

"Think about it, although cadres from various bases came to study with us this time, isn't this also an excellent opportunity for Huasheng Company to take this opportunity to expand its business chain, expand its network of relationships, and even expand its business to major bases? "

"As the second and third leaders of Huasheng Company, shouldn't you fulfill your obligations?"

This reason is really in place, Ding Wei and Li Yunlong are speechless.

"Then what about going to the Sixth Branch School as a teacher?" Ding Wei asked.

Kong Jiele said: "You guys are really smart and confused for a while.

Think carefully about the implication of the boss just now. Didn’t the boss say that our sixth branch school is going to merge with the main school, and the existing student cadres of the sixth branch school will all graduate early after the merger?

what does this mean?
This means that there are more than 1000 elite students in the Sixth Branch School, and so many talents will soon be sent to the front lines and institutions.

These flamboyant talents!These are all potential stocks, which have more investment value than those equipment and materials.

Only talents can strengthen the army.

As the saying goes, if you are close to the water, you get the moon first.

You said that the three of us came to the Sixth Branch School to be a guest teacher at this time, and later poach the top students from this group of students into our team. Is this a business that is guaranteed to make money?
In addition, in the past few days we have been troubled by comrades who came to study in the base area, so we might as well go to the sixth branch school to hide and relax. "

After a brief silence.

Li Yunlong and Ding Wei, who suddenly realized it, couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Damn it, old Kong, you're thinking so fast! How come our old Li didn't think of it! If you say that, I won't be depressed. This old Li, a teacher at the Sixth Branch of the Anti-Japanese University Still sure!"

Ding Wei's eyes were also shining with gold, and he was already thinking about how to go to the No. [-] School to poach the wall and prepare some special talents for the new group in advance.

After figuring this out, the worries on the faces of Li Yunlong and Ding Wei were all wiped away, and then the three of them left from the headquarters.

Sitting on a military motorcycle dedicated to the captain of a detachment, and driving all the way back to the base of a detachment, Kong Jie was thinking about other things.

In fact, the reason why Kong Jie expressed to the boss that he is willing to serve as a temporary teacher at the Sixth Branch School is just one of the reasons he told Ding Wei and Li Yunlong before.

But this is not the main reason.

Kong Jie had other plans in his heart, and that was what he wanted, the main reason why he was a teacher at the Sixth Branch School.

——Responding to the impending May [-]st sweep.

Despite its own butterfly effect, the first army stationed in Shanxi suffered a series of disastrous defeats and suffered extremely heavy losses in the winter counterattack launched by its own team.

The units of the Eighth Route Army also took the opportunity to develop considerably.

But Kong Jie has always been worried. He knows very well that according to the current situation, the First Army stationed in Shanxi has suffered a disastrous defeat at the hands of the Taihang Eighth Route Army.

The Japanese army will never sit back and watch the situation deteriorate.

According to the original historical trajectory, the upcoming May [-]st sweep may still be unavoidable.

In addition, according to the current situation, the upcoming May [-]st sweep will even be unprecedented, even exceeding Kong Jie's expectations.

The troops used by the Japanese army will never be limited to the first army stationed in Shanxi.

Aware of the rapid rise of the Eighth Route Army, coupled with a series of disastrous defeats not long ago, a large part of the Eighth Route Army's strength has also been exposed.

The Japanese army once again set off a big raid, and will definitely launch an even more brutal retaliatory raid when they make a comeback.

There is no doubt about this, the storm will only come more violently.

So, how can we use this small change of our own as the starting point to change the situation, and guide the Eighth Route Army troops to deal with the crisis of the upcoming May [-]st sweep?
This is Kong Jie's top priority right now.

At first, Kong Jie considered many options, including the most direct way, reporting directly to the headquarters the future situation he predicted, and suggested that the headquarters deploy in advance and make adequate preparations in advance.

But in the end it didn't feel right.

Right now, the boss suddenly said that the three of them would be transferred to the Sixth Army Branch of the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, which belonged to the 129th Division, as temporary teachers to teach the students who were about to graduate. This gave Kong Jie a special opportunity.

Thinking about these things in my heart, I couldn't feel the passage of time. Soon, the motorcycle rushed back to the headquarters of a team.

The sea of ​​clouds in the sky is churning, and the dark clouds cover the sun, which indicates that a violent storm is about to strike.


At the headquarter of the Japanese North China Dispatched Army, the commander-in-chief of the Japanese North China Dispatched Army, Neiji Okamura, sat at the top of the meeting room.

The rest of the seats lined up on the left and right were also full of people, just judging from their military ranks, they were at least the rank of Colonel and above.

Those present here can be said to be the mainstay among the officers of the entire North China Dispatch Army.

This is the first relatively complete internal military meeting of the North China Dispatch Army held by Neiji Okamura after the overall campaign surrounding the Eighth Route Army's Huangyadong Arsenal and the encirclement and suppression of Taihang according to the Eighth Route Army troops came to an end.

Among them, the newly appointed Commander-in-Chief of the First Army in Shanxi, Yoshio Iwamatsu, attended the meeting.

As for Yoshio Shinozuka, the former commander of the First Army stationed in Shanxi, he resigned from the headquarters of the First Army in disgrace half a month ago.

No way, since Yoshio Shinozuka became the commander of the First Army stationed in Shanxi, since he took office, he has used the cage policy to blockade the Eighth Route Army troops in the Taihang base area on a large scale.

As a result, there was a lot of thunder and little rain, and the cage was directly broken by a hundred-regiment battle of the Eighth Route Army, followed by repeated defeats at the hands of the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang base area, and finally this disastrous defeat ended.

Although Neiji Okamura, as the commander-in-chief, admired Yoshio Shinozuka very much, and even specially guaranteed him, so that Yoshio Shinozuka suffered continuous setbacks at the hands of the Taihang Eighth Route Army, and was still able to continue his tenure.

But in the end, not only his First Army suffered heavy losses, but also the Mongolian Army, the Kwantung Army, and even the 12th Army stationed in Shandong and the Japanese troops in northern Henan suffered setbacks.

Such a disastrous defeat, such a big mistake, this big black pot is no longer something ordinary officers can bear.

In the end, it could only fall on the head of Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of his first army.

Shinozuka Yoshio, who was also disheartened and mixed with despair, made the last phone call to Okamura, especially after discussing how to change the strategy against the Eighth Route Army in the future, and then resigned to the Japanese Army Headquarters.

At this point, Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of the First Army stationed in Shanxi, withdrew from the stage of the Sino-Japanese battle on the front line and transferred to the reserve.

Yoshio Iwamatsu took over as commander of the First Army.

Since the fiasco had just been experienced, the atmosphere was not very high after the meeting started.

The old devil Okamura, who is proficient in Chinese culture and even known as "China Handy" among the Japanese army, knows very well the truth that proud soldiers must be defeated and sad soldiers must win.

He didn't say anything particularly motivating to re-invigorate the morale of the officers, but instead changed his normal routine and said calmly:

"Have any of you heard a particularly popular jingle in the public security area recently?"

The strange opening remarks attracted the attention of all the officers present, and Okamura said slowly: "If you want to say this jingle, it is catchy, and I remember the content as follows:

Gangcun Gangcun is a master of China, but unfortunately it's almost dusk, and I don't want to learn real skills, but I want to learn how to be a stupid pig!The deployment of the army is like a pan of sand, the march is like a caterpillar, the beating is like a rat running around, and the wolf is running and hiding in the camp. "

In order to express the meaning and retain the rhyming characteristics of the jingle, Okamura even made special adjustments in Japanese.

So that the officers present can understand the essence of it, and understand the special irony of Okamura, the commander-in-chief of the North China Dispatch Army.

As Okamura's voice fell, the entire conference room could hear a needle drop for a moment.

All the officers caught by Neiji Okamura's gaze quickly lowered their heads, not daring to look back.

Although the old devil Okamura still smiled calmly, all the officers present felt the monstrous anger brewing in the heart of His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief.

This officer, the more angry he is in his heart, the calmer he appears on the surface.

In the end, Okamura himself broke the silence in the conference room:

"Although this jingle is scolding me, Neiji Okamura, I don't think everyone here can escape the relationship. You should be glad that you are not sitting in my position, so you don't have to bear the infamy."

The officers' heads sank even lower.

Immediately, a major general of the Japanese army responded angrily: "The master general is humiliated, and it is the responsibility of the subordinates. Your Excellency, Commander, we are willing to destroy the Eighth Route Army. Please give an order if we are ashamed!"

"Your Excellency, Commander, please give the order!" All the officers responded one after another, because Gangcun's jingle was full of righteous indignation.

Okamura had a panoramic view of the expressions of the officers and officers in the calm, and saw that the atmosphere was in place, and then he said loudly, "Yuxi, since you still have this determination and courage, you have not been overwhelmed by small setbacks, and you are not overwhelmed by small setbacks. If you are not intimidated by the mere Eighth Route Army, then let us formally start a meeting and discuss together how to destroy the Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop!"


(End of this chapter)

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