The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1004 Battle Simulation Teaching...

Chapter 1004 Battle Simulation Teaching...

Kong Jie has been looking forward to the current stage. In fact, the Anti-Japanese Military and Political Universities of the Eighth Route Army, especially some military branch schools affiliated to different military regions and different base areas, mostly have some special and distinctive colors.

First of all, you have to make it clear that the Anti-Japanese Military and Political University, as its name suggests, was established to train military and political cadres needed for the Anti-Japanese War.

In any case, anti-Japanese is always the core.

Therefore, the Sixth Branch of the Anti-Japanese University, which is affiliated to the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army, also has its unique teaching characteristics.

One of them is that theoretical teaching is closely combined with the actual combat situation on the front line to cope with the ever-changing situation of the Anti-Japanese War.

Because most of the 129th Division's activities are in Shanxi, and most of the bases are located in mountainous areas, some of the specific military tactics described in the military teaching courses of the Sixth Branch School are even mostly around the territory of Shanxi, especially the bases. , Mountains, hills, terraces and other characteristic terrains unfold.

In addition, for the analysis of some specific military battle cases, the instructors will even use some classic battle cases conducted by some combat units of the 129th Division in Shanxi for teaching.

This can be said to be a great embodiment of the combination of theory and practice in the Sixth Branch School.

The battle situation on the front line and the development of combat troops and base areas can even affect the teaching style within the Sixth Branch School.

In addition, for the same reason, the Sixth Branch School often invites some generals with rich front-line combat experience and outstanding records to give lectures at the school.

When these special teachers gather together, they will also make some judgments and analyzes on the situation of the entire 129th Division against Japan in the Taihang area, and even the situation in the entire North China region against Japan.

After brainstorming, we often discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Eighth Route Army in base areas, military construction, and various aspects of development, and discuss many valuable contents.

These contents will also affect the general headquarters' control over the future development of the Eighth Route Army troops and the future development of the Eighth Route Army base areas.

What Kong Jie wanted to do was to use this stage, and at the same time, use the teachers of the Sixth Branch School with rich experience and teaching theories to propose how to deal with the retaliatory raids that the Japanese army may launch at any time after this winter counterattack. question.

Everyone brainstormed and perfected the final countermeasures.

Regardless of the great wisdom of the generals such as the boss, the deputy chief of staff, and the old brigade commander, how far they can prepare in advance.

Kong Jie, who stands on the shoulders of giants, needs to contribute some of his ideas after all, even if it is just to give the boss some inspiration!

Amid the prolonged applause from the students, Kong Jie strode onto the podium.

In the past two years, the Northwest Shanxi Anti-Japanese Independent First Detachment and its leader Kong Jie had a very good reputation.

In particular, the rapid development of a team in the economic construction of the base areas has been witnessed by all military regions and base areas.

Even the Yan'an side sent telegrams of commendations many times, and called on all comrades to learn from a team and from Comrade Kong Jie.

Even the comrades of the New Fourth Army in the south sent a cadre group to learn from it.

The students here are no strangers to Captain Kong on the podium.

Everyone was also full of anticipation, wanting to see what kind of lesson Captain Kong would give you.

Kong Jie first said a few opening remarks.

"Comrades, the original intention of our Anti-Japanese Military and Political University is to train more and better military and political cadres for our revolutionary cause and the anti-Japanese cause.

Right now, for us, the most important thing is how to better develop the base areas and troops to fight against the Japanese invaders in such a complex and severe environment behind the enemy lines. "

He then went straight to the point:
"So our lesson today is to discuss the precarious situation that the Japanese army may counterattack at any time after this winter counter-offensive operation, and how to break the situation!"

This is the most urgent problem for the entire Taihang base area and the entire combat unit of the 129th Division.

As soon as Kong Jie said this, he didn't come here to teach the students, it was clear that he directly led the students to find a way to solve the problem.

The students in the audience, including some commanders who were transferred by the frontline cadres for a short-term study, immediately sat upright, wanting to hear what Kong Jie had to say.

Li Yunlong's butt has moved on the stool several times, his mouth is smiling, his eyes are shining, he knows that it's time for him to perform on stage.

"Hey, Xiao Chen, I will come to the stage later and tell you how the rapid response force cooperates with the tactics of the large corps!"

Li Yunlong lowered his voice and whispered in the ear of a student beside him.

This student is a battalion commander of the frontline combat unit, and Li Yunlong is also an old acquaintance.

Battalion Commander Chen only wanted to listen to Captain Kong's lecture at the moment, but he couldn't ignore Li Yunlong, so he nodded helplessly, "Hey, Commander Li, when you go up to talk later, I will definitely listen carefully!"

"Haha, look at it, boy!"

As he spoke, Li Yunlong turned his head to the other side again, and began to discuss with Ding Wei in a low voice.

At this time, some figures came in one after another from the back door of the classroom, sitting at the back.

One of them patted Battalion Commander Chen on the shoulder, and made a gesture, and Battalion Commander Chen immediately moved a few seats to the right knowingly, making room for them.

Kong Jie on the podium also saw this scene, but his expression remained unchanged, and he continued:

"In the face of the retaliatory raids that the Japanese army may launch at any time, what I say alone is not vivid enough. I will ask two helpers to analyze and analyze with everyone!"

"Lao Li, Lao Ding!"

When Kong Jie's voice came, Li Yunlong, who couldn't wait for a long time, stretched out his palm and patted Chen Battalion Commander on the right, and said cheerfully: "Xiao Chen, look at it, I will teach you how this battle is in a while. How did you fight!"

"Then I have to study hard with you, Captain Li!" The voice replied.

Li Yunlong was stunned.

Damn, this doesn't sound like Battalion Commander Chen's voice, why does it sound so familiar?
Looking back, I saw the old brigade commander carrying black-rimmed glasses and looking at Li Yunlong with a half-smile.Li Yunlong's hand was still on the shoulder of the old brigade commander!

"Brigade Commander, why are you here?"

Li Yunlong shivered in fright, and quickly withdrew his hand.

The brigade commander replied indifferently: "I can't afford it, you should call me Xiao Chen! Don't delay, Commander Li, hurry up to the podium and teach me how to fight!"

Li Yunlong: "..."

Lao Li is very "scared" at the moment, teaching the brigade commander to fight?
Don't talk about it, when the brigade commander was fighting, he, Li Yunlong, might still be taking urine and slime in a corner!

cough cough-

His gaze followed the brigade commander to the right, and then he saw the deputy chief of staff, the boss, the division commander, and others. Li Yunlong, who was still terrified, suddenly froze.

"Old brigade commander, with the skill of our three-legged cat, Lao Li, it's better not to embarrass yourself on stage!"

Li Yunlong retreated.

The brigade commander raised his foot and was about to kick someone, so Li Yunlong and Ding Wei quickly ran up to the podium along the aisle on the right side of the classroom.

"Old Kong, this situation is not very good. Let's come to the sixth branch school to give a lecture. Why are the boss and the deputy chief of staff here?" Li Yunlong who got on the podium said something next to Kong Jie's ear.

Kong Jie replied in a low voice: "This is the opportunity, Lao Li, Lao Ding, since the boss and the others are here, our class must be better, according to the information obtained by our three regiments and our analysis in the past two days , to sum up all aspects.

I hope it can be of some help to the boss and the others in formulating the preparatory plan for the anti-mopping up. "

"it is good!"

The opinions of several people quickly reached a consensus, and the attention was quickly shifted from the boss and the others to the classroom.

Lao Li, who was completely desperate, looked at the students in the audience, including the boss, the brigade commander and others sitting in the back row. He decided to put on a show and save more capital for his future bragging.

"Students, the next three of us will represent the largest forces of the three parties surrounding our Taihang base area, and we will give you a battle simulation teaching!"

Li Yunlong said loudly, as if at this moment, the old brigade commander and others who were listening to the class in the audience have become his teacher Li's students, so don't mention it too much.

Kong Jie began to introduce the identities of the three: "Comrades, for this battle simulation teaching, I will temporarily represent the Japanese high command.

Lao Li represents our Eighth Route Army troops.

Lao Ding represented Jiang's troops, including the Jinsui Army and the 35th Route Army in the direction of Inner Mongolia. "

"As for the current battle situation, I think everyone basically has some understanding. This time, our Taihang base area took the lead in launching the winter counter-offensive, extending from the Huangyadong area to northern Henan, Inner Mongolia, Luxi, and Luxi. After the battles in the various base areas of Zhongzhong were over.

In the bases of our Eighth Route Army, during this continuous battle, the troops participating in the battle have all developed and grown to a certain extent.

Let’s not talk about our 129th Division. The development of various units, especially the level of equipment, has improved rapidly, and the bases of Taihang, Taiyue, and Zhongtiaoshan are basically connected.

The Northwest Military Region, Central Hebei, and Southern Hebei Military Regions have all achieved great development in the past two years, especially the superior terrain in the Central Hebei area, the development of troops and the construction of the economy are particularly eye-catching.

But on the overall level, our Eighth Route Army troops are still at an extremely disadvantage in the contest with the Japanese army.

We lack a military industrial foundation and a solid logistical support. The devil's occupied area is still the center of the military and economy.

For a long time to come, our contest with the Japanese army will probably only focus on defense, and we will still be in a stage of strategic stalemate..."

When Kong Jie said these words, Li Yunlong had already started writing.

I saw that Lao Li took a piece of chalk and actually drew a map on the blackboard, starting from the base of Taihang, followed by Central Hebei, Southern Hebei, Taiyue, Zhongtiao Mountain, and even the Shanxi-Hebei-Shandong-Henan border area.

After drawing these base areas one after another, Lao Li even wrote a word or two on the map representing the base area, which was used as a label to indicate which base area it was.

After that, the communication channels between the various base areas and some blockade lines established by the Japanese army to block each base area were all marked.

There is really a gully in my chest, and I write like a god.

With just this one hand, the students present, including some teachers from the No. [-] branch school who came to observe Wensheng, and even the boss and the deputy chief of staff who were listening to the class at the back of the classroom were stunned.

Good guy.

If you want to say that the map drawn on the blackboard at this moment, the marked text, the overall deployment of the Eighth Route Army, the distribution of base areas, and the handwriting that gradually emerged under the rapid outline of the chalk are from the hands of Kong Jie, everyone may not be counted. so surprised.

I heard that Kong Jie has been studying culture these years and has made great progress.

But right now, all of this is in the hands of the rough Li Yunlong that everyone remembers likes to swear.

Who is not surprised and shocked?

Even the deputy chief of staff smiled in the boss's ear and said, "Boss, Li Yunlong has made a lot of progress in the past few years!"

The boss also nodded with some emotion, "This bastard is enlightened!"

After Kong Jie finished introducing the Eighth Route Army units, base areas, and military regions, Li Yunlong basically drew the corresponding sketches.

Receiving the astonished gazes from the audience, Li Yunlong smiled triumphantly, and pressed his hand at the audience, "Students, this is the general situation of the various bases of our Eighth Route Army.

I'm sorry, everyone here will listen to our old Li's command! "

Then, Kong Jie and Ding Wei added to the map drawn by Li Yunlong that belonged to the base areas of the Eighth Route Army and the distribution of various military regions.

Supplement the forces of the Japanese army in the surrounding area and the distribution of Jiang Jun's troops in the surrounding areas.

After all the corresponding three-party forces have been "deployed".

Kong Jie said in a deep voice:

"Our topic today is that shortly after the end of our winter counter-offensive, the Japanese army set off an unprecedented attack on our Eighth Route Army in order to retaliate against the previous disastrous defeat, to completely stabilize the rear, and to provide assistance to the Pacific battlefield. Big raid!"

"According to our previous experience, it is very likely that the devil's sweep will break out before the end of this spring. Let's call it the spring sweep."

The mountains and rains are about to come and the wind is full of buildings!

The soldiers have always been prepared for the big raid that the little devil might set off at any time.

It's just that the joy of this huge victory seems to have diluted these worries a lot.

At this moment, after being reminded by Kong Jie, the atmosphere of the whole classroom suddenly became a little depressing.

It was as if an unprecedented sweep had really erupted right in front of our eyes.

"Commanders of the Eighth Route Army, Commander-in-Chief Kongcun Ningji, the Commander-in-Chief of the Japanese Army's North China Dispatch, is here to challenge everyone!"

"After this winter raid, the strength of the Eighth Route Army troops in your Taihang base area, including the Northwest Military Region, Central Hebei, Southern Hebei, and various base areas, has been exposed.

The targeted raids launched by our Japanese army again will be unprecedentedly cruel, unprecedentedly large-scale, and plots are brewing. Corresponding adjustments have been made to the exposed strength of your Eighth Route Army. For your Eighth Route Army, it will be a devastating attack. ! "...

(End of this chapter)

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