The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1026 But make Dragon City Flying General not teach Humadu Yinshan

Chapter 1026 But make Dragon City Flying General not teach Humadu Yinshan

... The Eighth Route Army has long tasted the sweetness of propaganda offensives, especially for those puppet troops with weak willpower and devil security forces. Sometimes propaganda offensives are even more effective than military operations.

Licheng was breached, and the defenders stationed in Licheng chose to flee in a hurry.

This was not a small blow to the Japanese defenders in the four cities of Shexian, Xiangyuan, Lucheng, and Liaoxian.

When the order of the Japanese Army Command came down, the defenders in each city were required to continue to stand firm and cooperate with the main force of the empire to form an encirclement of the Eighth Route Army from the periphery.

The situation is worrisome, and there are not a few Japanese and puppet army officers who fear that they will be wiped out by the Eighth Route Army.

At first, the Japanese military headquarters also considered this issue, so they issued secret orders. Except for the chief officer who defended the city, the rest of the officers basically did not understand the situation.

In addition, it is claimed that the follow-up reinforcements will arrive in Licheng, Shexian County, Xiangyuan and other cities soon, and the defenders only need to hold on for a while.

However, the Eighth Route Army soon became aware of the Japanese army's attempt.

"The devils want to use the cities of Licheng, Xiangyuan, Shexian, and Liaoxian to contain our main force, and then take the opportunity to form a siege from the periphery, take the opportunity to sweep our base area, turn around and slowly eat up our surrounded main force! "

After analyzing the situation at the former enemy general headquarters, the deputy chief of staff laughed.

"Speaking of which, Kong Jie's control over the devil's psychology is indeed exquisite!"

"In this way, it really followed his plan to trick the little devil into it!"

It turned out that it was in the military meeting long before the battle started.

When Kong Jie proposed to create a flesh-and-blood imitation to slaughter the vital forces of the Japanese army in a slaughterhouse, he immediately proposed a special combat plan to deceive the sky:
"First blatantly, aggressively captured some of the Japanese fortifications, deliberately exposing our main force, and then secretly withdrew the main force, and only stayed at the corresponding fortifications to contain the Japanese troops."

"What will be the final result? The devils think that there is a regiment of our troops in the fortifications, but in fact we only have a battalion of troops left.

The devil thought that we left a brigade of troops on the construction site, but in fact we only left a regiment of troops. "

"With the least amount of troops and the use of fortifications, build a flesh and blood mill to contain the Japanese army to the greatest extent."

Of course, this is only the first step in the plan proposed by Kong Jie.

According to Kong Jie's proposal, the battle plan was negotiated by military commanders at all levels.

The offensive and defensive battle of Licheng can be roughly divided into seven stages.

The goal of the first stage: take down Licheng, Liaoxian, and Shexian, take the opportunity to take down Lucheng, and overhaul fortifications near these major counties, evacuate and transfer nearby people, and evacuate the seized materials.

Hoard water and supplies, and prepare for a longer period of defensive operations.

Then, switch from offense to defense.

When the devil's reinforcements came, they used the fortifications to continuously consume the devil's energy, and as nails that must not be ignored, they were fiercely inserted into the devil's logistics throat.

Strive for at least a week to prepare for the construction of fortifications in the northern canyon.

At the same time, part of the troops occupied the passage from Xiangyuan to the central mountainous area of ​​Licheng to the west, and quickly built a group of fortifications to create a special slaughterhouse.

The main policy of this operation is to use the most elite Eighth Route Army to give the devils a head-on blow, and then quickly switch from offense to defense, and firmly contain the main force of the Japanese army in major county towns.

In the second stage, the purpose was to bloodlet the devils in the northern valley of Lucheng and the western highlands of Licheng, She County, and Liao County.

After the number of troops invested by the devils increased, the Eighth Route Army in other base areas could take the opportunity to attack the Japanese army's communication lines and carry out sabotage operations.

In the third stage, when the canyon fortifications in the north of Lucheng were exhausted, they began to evacuate to Licheng. During the retreat, they used field fortifications and minefields to delay the pursuit of the devils' field group after they launched.

The Shexian battlefield continued to increase the density of firepower and troops, strengthen the depth of the rear defense line, and be on guard against Japanese reinforcements in western and southern Shandong at any time.

At the same time, the western highlands of Licheng continued to stand firm. After covering the south-line troops of Licheng across the Zhuozhang River, the west-front troops waited for an opportunity to retreat and wipe out the enemy, and then moved to the northern mountainous area.

Some retreated to the west of Licheng to prevent the devils from outflanking the rear.

In the fourth stage, the battles in the west and south of Licheng bought Licheng at least three weeks to build fortifications.

The east is blocked by Shexian County, and the north is the Huangyadong area. As long as the west and south meet the enemy, the Japanese fortifications and the Eighth Route Army's emergency repairs will be used to beat the Japanese invaders near Licheng and build a slaughterhouse.

At the same time, it stimulated and attracted the Japanese army to launch a surprise attack from the Xiyang area to Liao County and the north of Licheng.

When the fortifications were almost exhausted, the troops considered retreating to the Huangyadong area across the board.

In the fifth stage, the Eighth Route Army retreated to Huangyadong and Shexian County, attracting red-eyed devils to continue to invest in troops.

On the east and west sides of She County, the devils could hear the sound of guns, but they were separated by the Eighth Route Army's fortifications, so they couldn't meet.

The same is true around Liao County.

The so-called flesh and blood grinding disc, slaughtering the battlefield, must be stuck in the key throat position, so that the little devil can't fight down, and he has to continue to attack, so he can only continue to invest in troops, and casualties continue to occur.

At that time, the northern part of Licheng can open its mouth, let the Japanese troops moving south from Xiyang move closer to the Huangyadong area, and let the devil commander realize that the opportunity to break the situation has come. The northern defense line of Huangyadong is broken, and the military industrial base of the Eighth Route Army can be attacked from north to south. , direct two-way fierce attack, and decide the world in one fell swoop.

In the sixth stage, the Huangyadong area was used as the final cemetery of the devil's field troops.

The Huangyadong fortification built by the Eighth Route Army for a long time was used as the final slaughterhouse, and the main force of the Japanese army's field battle was packed in at one go.

At this time, the Devils' field troops, at the end of their strength, were exhausted after continuous fierce battles. At this time, the elite main force of the first echelon, which had been rested, launched a counterattack on the preset battlefield, defeating the two major field troops in one fell swoop.

The seventh stage is naturally a comprehensive counterattack.

At this time, if all parties are fighting smoothly, Licheng has been completely smashed, the fortifications in the western highlands have also been smashed, and the fortifications in the Lucheng Canyon area have also been smashed.

The most important thing is that the Zhuozhang River surged during the flood season, and it was difficult to run. In addition, the rainy season came, and the devil mobile troops trapped in the mountainous area could not move an inch, enough for them to drink a pot.

"This is a combined application of the right time, place and people. According to our many years of experience, as long as this battle is dragged on long enough, sooner or later it will enter the rainy season.

Even if there are some accidents during the actual battle, as long as the general direction is correct, the offensive and defensive battle around Licheng, and the flesh and blood mills we deliberately built are enough to leave the little devil with unforgettable fear . "

Kong Jie said confidently.

"The most important thing is that we broke the secret deployment of the Japanese army by taking the initiative to attack, and turned passive into active.

The battle around the direction of Licheng has been fully launched. After that, whether the devils want to carry out a large-scale sweep of our Taihang base area, or want to launch a large-scale army to cooperate with the plot, it will inevitably be affected.

In our Taihang area, we combine offense and defense, dragging devils to fight within the base area.

In the vicinity of Licheng, flesh and blood mills were built to consume the vital strength of the Japanese army, and they used these fortifications to block the Japanese army's transportation lines.

In the Central Hebei region, Commander Lu and the others have long built special tunnel defenses.

It may not be possible to eliminate the little devils, but it is still possible to withstand the big raids of the devils and use a large number of tunnel fortifications to launch anti-sweeps. "

This is naturally also the butterfly effect that Kong Jie instigated.

According to the original historical process, tunnel warfare was not gradually applied until after the May [-]st sweep and Jizhong suffered a very serious blow.

It's not like this, since Jizhong has mastered the tunnel tactics, it has built careful tunnel fortifications especially in the base area.

Just beware of the big raid that the little devil may launch against Jizhong at any time!

It is even called without bragging, since the tunnel fortifications extending in all directions has been built, and the tactics of tunnel warfare have been mastered.

The defense capability of the Jizhong Military Region is solid, even if it is not as good as the Taihang base area, it is probably not far behind.

"In addition... in Inner Mongolia, taking advantage of the large-scale mobilization of Japanese troops this time, it is also a top priority to defeat the troops stationed in Mongolia in one fell swoop, and to build a stable troop transport channel from Inner Mongolia to the northeast region in advance."

This is critical.

As the War of Resistance came to an end, the dominance of the Northeast region became more and more important.

The troops that can enter in advance will definitely seize the opportunity.

This matter must be planned early, and you can't wait until the fire reaches your eyebrows to deal with it hastily.

The boss, the deputy chief of staff and other generals have a long-term strategic vision, and naturally realize the importance of entering Inner Mongolia and opening up access to the Northeast region.

So this time, in order to achieve this strategic goal, the headquarters specially dispatched a quick-reaction force directly under Taihang, that is, the quick-reaction force built by Li Yunlong, plus a mechanized combat force under Kong Jie's command, and some quick-reaction forces directly under the regiment.

Collect all the armored vehicles, tanks, and various combat vehicles captured during the surprise attack on Datong and the attack on Luxi and Luzhong.

Form a mobile force together, taking advantage of the fierce fighting in Licheng, Taihang and Jizhong battlefields, detour to Inner Mongolia to attack the Mongolian army.

For this preparation, Yan'an transported three batches of fuel oil back and forth.

It is to supply the fuel consumption of this operation.

In order to ensure the completion of the final task.

The boss even personally ordered that Kong Jie and Li Yunlong would still be in charge of the commanders who would lead the mobile troops to march towards Inner Mongolia.

These two can be said to be the commanders of the Eighth Route Army who have the most experience in commanding mobile troops. They even have a surprise attack on Datong and a roundabout attack on Lu Xilu.

It can be said to be the best choice.

"Li Yunlong, you are a troublemaker. If something happens, you should discuss it with Kong Jie. If something goes wrong because of you, I won't let you go."

After the order is issued, the boss always asks again and again.

The implication is that Kong Jie is the main general this time, and you, Li Yunlong, are the deputy general.


The battle around the Licheng area continued. As Licheng was breached by the Eighth Route Army, the Japanese and puppet troops defending the city also abandoned the city and withdrew.

The main force of the Eighth Route quickly occupied Licheng, built fortifications on the spot, and mastered a large amount of materials and munitions left by the Japanese army in Licheng that were too late to destroy.

The extra main force was quickly mobilized to Shexian, Xiangyuan, Liaoxian, and Lucheng.

The pressure on the Japanese army fighting in the direction of the four cities increased sharply.

In the end, Captain Wang lived up to his title of lunatic, and under the fierce attack led by the main force of the 769 regiment, Lucheng was the first to be breached.

The head of the Japanese Third Mixed Brigade stationed in the Lucheng area, the old devil Ishi Chuan, an escape expert, hastily ran away.

This old devil was aware of the command's plan, and tried to use Licheng, Lucheng, Liaoxian and other five cities to encircle the Eighth Route Army and use this area as the place where the main force of the Eighth Route Army would be destroyed.

But in Ishikawa's view, whoever is willing to be a bait will do it.

Anyway, if he doesn't do it, it's purely an act of death, only a fool would do such a stupid thing!
After Lucheng was captured, Commander Wang immediately ordered to garrison in Lucheng to occupy the fortifications of the city gate, and at the same time build a second line of fortifications on the outside with the help of the concrete fortifications left by the devils.

Put on a long-term defensive posture, waiting for the little devil to take the initiative to fight over.

Not long after, with the assistance of the 771st Regiment, the Independent First Regiment also successfully took down the fortifications on the west half of Shexian County, and fought against the Japanese defenders on the east half.

It was very difficult for the Eighth Route Army to completely take down Shexian County, and even hit the security area of ​​the Japanese army in Hebei.

However, if the Japanese army in southern Hebei wanted to go all the way to Changzhi through HD, to reinforce Licheng, and to reinforce the Shanxi battlefield, they were determined not to bypass the fortifications built by the Eighth Route Army along the way.

After laying down half of She County.

Kong Jie was going to send someone to send the wedding congratulation team from Gangcun to Shexian County.

At this time, Li Yunlong, who accidentally "offended" the brigade commander and also served as representatives of all parties, reporters, and the guide of the congratulations team, immediately took over the job from Kong Jie.

Therefore, the style of painting changes suddenly:
Major Yancang, the leader of the devils, trembled when he heard that it was Li Yunlong, the commander of the Eighth Route Army, who sent them back.

On the way, they saw that the situation was wrong. It was not the way they came. They thought that the Eighth Route Army was going to do something wrong. Iwakura immediately protested and brought up the old Chinese tradition:
"The two countries are at war, so don't behead them! What's more, I'm here to congratulate Captain Kong and give gifts. I can't reach out and beat the smiling face!"

Li Yunlong said happily: "Don't worry, we won't do it for no reason. I will send you to She County, and then go to HD through She County, and then return to Beiping."

It's just that, if someone else said it, the devil might believe it.

As for Li Yunlong, forget it.

A ghost next to Yancang even whispered: "Sir, this Li Yunlong has a bad heart. He even traded the corpses of our imperial soldiers and took the opportunity to set up an ambush and robbery. I'm afraid it's unbelievable."

He spoke Japanese, but Li Yunlong couldn't quite understand it, and thought that another devil was comforting Iwakura.

After arriving at the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army in Shexian County, Li Yunlong set up a decent desk and collected pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

What are you doing?

I saw Lao Li started to write after dipping in the ink, and a few lines of big characters appeared on the paper immediately under the fluttering.

Li Yunlong read at the same time: "In the Qin Dynasty, the moon was bright and the Han Dynasty was at the Pass, and the people of the Long March had not yet returned. But let the dragon city flying generals stay, and don't teach Huma to go to the Yinshan Mountains."

After reading, he suddenly asked:

"Brother Yancang, do you know what the Dragon City Flying General, Huma, and Yinshan mean in this poem?"...

(End of this chapter)

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