The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1037 Counterattack across the board

Chapter 1037 Counterattack across the board
Until the explosion was completely over, gunpowder smoke was still hanging over the minefield.

Compared with the flesh and blood, it was indestructible, and compared with the small Japanese soldiers, the Type [-] modified medium tank, which was like a huge monster, was instantly reduced to pieces under the watchful eyes of Major Devil.

After being stunned for a few seconds, the devil Shao Zuo, who came back to his senses in shock and panic, swallowed hard, and then roared in anger.

He vowed to tear the gang into pieces.

The entire minefield is a group of anti-tank mines specially deployed by the Eighth Route Army. Once detonated, it will instantly cause a series of explosions in the entire minefield.

In the explosion just now, all the mines have been detonated.

The devil Shao Zuo immediately ordered to continue the desperate pursuit, and his anger almost made him lose his rational judgment.

It's just that the subsequent pursuit was not smooth. Along the way, we encountered some large and small Eighth Route Army fortifications and minefields. Some of these fortifications were real and some were fake.

The buried enemy minefields are also true and false, making it impossible for the Japanese army to judge.

Just like that, the speed of the armored vehicles of the chasing devils was greatly delayed, and soon there was no trace of the armored vehicles of the enemy's Eighth Route Army.

After the devil's fighter jets were ordered to arrive, they completely lost sight of the Eighth Route Army's armored troops.

In the end, the devil Shao Zuo, who led the team to pursue him, returned without success and honestly reported the situation to the old devil Nanzhi.

As for the result, due to ineffective combat, it was no accident that he suffered two big competitions.

Guizi Shaozuo's resentment towards these damned eight ways deepened.

The Japanese army thought this was the end, but whoever thought it was just the beginning.

The attack at dawn had just ended, and the pursuit of the Japanese army finally fell into a minefield trap laid by the Eighth Route Army and damaged several Type [-] modified medium tanks.

Then at around [-]:[-] in the morning, when the Japanese army set up camp to rest at noon, and when they were preparing to camp for defense in the evening, the Japanese army was continuously attacked by small groups of armored troops from the Eighth Route Army.

In fact, the precise definition of this kind of attack should be harassment.

The Eighth Route Army often bombarded the Japanese camp for a while at a certain distance, and then chose to withdraw without hesitation.

The casualties caused by this series of raids to the Japanese army were limited, but it was extremely annoying.

It is not very harmful and extremely insulting.

In addition, this series of attacks did not come from one direction, but from multiple directions. From the perspective of the Japanese army:

These cunning eight-way snakes are like sinister poisonous snakes, you can never guess where they will be, and at a certain moment, they will suddenly jump out and bite.

Then, with a bang, he rushed into the hiding place and disappeared.

The angry old devil Nanzhi divided his troops to pursue him many times, but along the way he was always blocked by some real and fake fortifications and real and fake minefields of the Eighth Route Army.

Can't catch up at all.

So, the Japanese army continued to push forward, thinking that no matter how cunning you are, you can't escape the monk and the temple!

When our flanking troops finally meet up and completely compress your space for movement, there will always be a time when you will be forced to fight.

As a result, when the devil's forward armored troops crossed the river, they were ambushed by the eighth road with rocket launchers and coordinated with the armored troops.

After some fighting, the devil's vanguard crossing the river suffered a lot of casualties.

This completely angered the little devil, and the old devil Nanzhi personally ordered the pursuit, and he must wipe out the small group of eighth-route armored troops who were attacking in one fell swoop.

At the same time, continue to maintain the advancing formation of the entire armored brigade, and try to join forces with the 26th Division in the direction of Datong, forming a two-sided attack.

However, the Eighth Route Army did not necessarily retreat in a straight line.

Sometimes it will continue to retreat in circles.

Anyway, the entire western Meng area is vast and flat, almost endless. Although the armored brigade led by the old devil Nanzhi has a lot of troops, the armored troops of the Eighth Route Army who want to encircle and suppress small groups of troops in this weak plain area are basically It's wishful thinking.

It is impossible for the devils to pull out a battle line that is hundreds of kilometers long and encircle a large area in a net-like manner.

And this is far from over.

For the next few days, the Eighth Route Army maintained this style of attack, which was to constantly harass the Japanese army, wait for the devils to divide their troops to pursue them, then retreat quickly, and use the traps set in the middle to let the little devils lose their troops and lose their generals.

Of course, once the Japanese army was annoyed and pursued desperately, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army decisively chose to retreat and never entangled with them.

In addition, those who harassed the Japanese army were all combat vehicles with strong mobility, and if they hit a hit, they would immediately flee thousands of miles away.

Quite a bit of plain terrain - the meaning of armored troops harassing guerrilla warfare.

When the enemy advances, we retreat, when the enemy is stationed, we disturb, when the enemy is tired, we fight, and when the enemy retreats, we pursue!

From the overall point of view of the confrontation between the two sides, the Japanese army is still in an absolute advantage, and the armored troops of the Eighth Route Army dare not face the enemy head-on.

The Japanese chariot pursuit troops are in the process of pursuit.

Sometimes the Eighth Route Army withdrew hastily, and was even forced to abandon some supplies and equipment.

Sometimes the fortifications and minefields were still under construction, and they were discovered by devils, and Balu could only escape in a hurry.

This made the little devil somewhat comforted by the annoying harassment and repeated pursuit of the Eighth Route Army.

However, this also consumed a lot of fuel for the devils invisibly, and caused more damage to various mechanical vehicles of the Japanese army.


Even the Motorized Search Squadron was severely damaged by 3 people, and as a result, they didn't even see the face of the Eighth Route Army.

A large number of damaged vehicles need to be overhauled, otherwise they cannot be put into combat again.

The pursuit front of the Japanese army was also getting longer and longer. The originally concentrated armored group of various arms was gradually divided into multiple pieces during the pursuit.

The soldiers didn't even give the little devil any chance to breathe. When the devil rested at noon, especially when he camped for defense at night, the soldiers would even harass him all night long.

The old devil Nanzhi didn't dare to be careless, who knows if these eight groups will suddenly launch a fierce attack when he thought it was just harassment?

As a result, the Japanese soldiers could not get enough rest during the night-and-night harassment of the Eighth Route Army.

After several days of pursuit, even with the help of mechanized vehicles, the soldiers were quite exhausted.

In this way, the time flashed to the sixth day.

The Devil's armored vehicles and tanks were constantly being harassed by small groups of armored troops from the Eighth Route Army because they were advancing all the time, so there was no time for adequate repairs.

In addition, fuel consumption is high.

Originally, all of this was not fatal. The Japanese army specially assigned maintenance troops, and the fuel they brought was quite sufficient.

All you need is a good and stable rest for the whole day, the worn-out mechanical vehicles can be completely repaired, and the fuel needed by each team can also be replenished in time by the transport tanker.

In fact, the Japanese army did exactly that.

At this time, according to the investigation situation of the Japanese army, the armored troops of the Eighth Route Army disappeared temporarily.

When Nan Zhi ordered the troops to rest, carry out a large-scale unified maintenance of the machinery, and carry out fuel replenishment, after the situation reports of the command tanks at all levels, the chasing troops were far away without realizing it.

The farthest two chariot brigades were even nearly a hundred kilometers apart.

This situation actually made Nan Zhi feel a little guilty in his heart.

But right now the chariot is seriously worn out, and the fuel is also seriously insufficient. It must be stationed on the spot to rest before it can be put into battle again.

Nan Zhi ordered the maintenance troops and transport convoys to move immediately, and additional chariot troops were sent to escort them along the way.

until about four o'clock in the afternoon.

The old devil Nanzhi is currently stationed in the temporary camp, waiting for the scattered chariot brigades to regroup immediately after the repairs are completed, concentrate their forces, and beware of being chased by the Eighth Route Army!
A series of communication messages came in a hurry:

"Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, the maintenance troop headed to the First Tank Battalion was ambushed by the armored troop of the Eighth Route Army on the way, and is currently in a bitter battle, please ask for tactical guidance!"

"Sir, the temporary camp of the Third Tank Battalion was suddenly attacked by the Eighth Route Army. The enemy has a considerable number of armored vehicles and tanks. The firepower configuration is extremely fierce. The external defenses built by our department have been forcibly breached!"

"Sir, the transport troops were attacked, and two tankers were detonated by the Eighth Route..."


"Your Excellency, brigade leader... The Eighth Route seems to have launched a counterattack across the board!!!"

Terrible news came one after another. The old devil Nanzhi in the headquarters of the temporary camp stared blankly at the military map in front of him. Each appeared, representing the nodes of the Eighth Route Army's armored forces.

It seemed his chief of staff was right.

Judging from the appearance nodes of the armored units of the Eight Routes, the enemy seems to want to completely divide his entire tank brigade.

"These damned Eight Routes, are they really going to start a decisive battle with my chariot brigade?"

The devil's chief of staff at the side spoke out Nan Zhi's heartfelt thoughts:
"This is absolutely impossible, brigade commander, according to our investigation, although there are a lot of armored vehicles of the Eighth Route Army in this area, if we want to confront our troops head-on, they may not be enough.

In addition, according to the situation reported by the flight team, it has successfully blown up many armored units of the enemy in the target area, at least nearly a hundred tanks and armored vehicles were blown up.

Under such circumstances, what cards does the Eighth Route Army have to fight our army? "

This is what these two old devils can't figure out.

As the best way to attack land armored forces - air force bombing.

After detecting the appearance of armored units of the Eighth Route Army in the Mengxi area, almost all the planes at the Wuzhaigou Japanese and Puppet Army Airport were dispatched.

Regardless of whether it is an old-fashioned aircraft or a new-style fighter, in short, all the assets of the family are invested in it. According to the absolute order of Okamura Ningji, for six days in a row, the target area was continuously reconnaissance. Launch the bombing.

In just five or six days, the devil's bombers probably dropped no fewer than five hundred bombs in the target area.

According to the feedback of the combat situation of the flying squadron, a total of more than a dozen enemy armor units were blown up, and dozens of fortifications and camps built by the enemy were also blown up.

According to this situation, the squadron leader of the devil's flying squadron thought:

The strength of the armored units of the Eighth Route Army in the target area is already out of ten.

That's why old devil Nanzhi and the devil's chief of staff were stunned when they learned that a large number of enemy armored troops suddenly appeared at various nodes and that there was a full-scale counterattack.

Kong Jie and Li Yunlong naturally wouldn't explain more to the little devil.

The devil's judgment was indeed good.

Time passed to the sixth day. According to the weekly offensive plan created by Kong Jie and Li Yunlong, it was precisely when the devil's troops were exhausted, the armored vehicles were also greatly worn out, and the fuel supply was also insufficient, and they launched a full-scale counterattack.

After the full counterattack begins:
In the first step, taking advantage of the dispersion of the Japanese armored forces during the pursuit, they directly divided the Japanese armored forces in a roundabout way.

The second step is to destroy the devil's maintenance troops and transport troops in a targeted manner.

The third step is to start the final decisive battle with the Japanese armored forces, and quickly defeat the Japanese armored forces, mobile artillery, cavalry and other troops.

They robbed various resources and equipment of the Japanese armored brigade, and then quickly dispersed and hid.


Everything is ready, and the decisive battle between the mobile forces and armored forces of both sides is about to start.

Exactly as Kong Jie and Li Yunlong had expected, the Devil's armored forces were being harassed and exhausted by the Eighth Route Army.

The timeline continued to the sixth day, the soldiers were already exhausted, and the vehicles had already suffered varying degrees of wear and tear.

In addition to the fact that the enemy is clear and we are dark, after the Eighth Route Army soldiers used tanks, armored vehicles, and various modified chariots to launch fierce attacks on the Japanese army in different directions.

The entire Japanese tank group is like a herd of bison.

Relatively speaking, the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army are beasts with fewer numbers and smaller sizes.

Although there are few beasts, they are better than unity, teamwork, and common attack.

On the other hand, the buffalo herd, although powerful, was in chaos under the siege of ferocious beasts.

In terms of the reaction speed of each maneuver, it is often led by the nose by the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army.

If the east is attacked, the east will be hastily defended; if the west is attacked, the west will be hastily defended.

After so many times, the shortcomings of the devil's multi-armed armored group, lack of unified command, and lack of tacit teamwork were immediately exposed.

The overall coordination of operations is becoming more and more chaotic.

The most depressing thing for old devil Nanzhi is.

He was also constantly marching in combat, his soldiers were exhausted, and his chariots were also worn out to various degrees.

However, the number of armored vehicles and tanks of the Eighth Route Army that launched the decisive battle far exceeded his estimate. Judging from the mobility of the opponent's attack, artillery fire and other factors, it seemed that they had not suffered any loss.

"Baga, how did Balu do it?"

... boom -

The elite chariot units of both sides engaged in a fierce confrontation.

On the Japanese side are the two most elite tank squadrons in the entire Nanzhi Armored Brigade. They are equipped with Type [-] modified medium tanks, plus more than [-] Type [-] light tanks, and more than ten armored vehicles.

On the vast plain terrain, they directly opened up their positions and used tank clusters to crush the armored units of the Eighth Route Army that appeared not far away.

On the Eighth Route Army side, most of them were armored vehicles, as well as modified combat vehicles. Only seven or eight light tanks were mixed in the center of the formation, plus a few medium tanks.

The strength of the two sides does not seem to be on the same level.

The devil Shao Zuo, who commanded the battle, roared angrily, as if he wanted to completely vent all the anger in the past six days in the battle in front of him, and crush and wipe out all the Eighth Route Army...

(End of this chapter)

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