The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1073 It was these sons of bitches who hit

Chapter 1073 It was this group of dogs that beat... the mother-in-law
... In the hinterland of Taihang, the former enemy headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

The first battle of the First Air Force of the Eighth Route Army was wonderful. The deputy commander-in-chief, deputy chief of staff and other generals were all very excited about it.

Kong Jie reported to the general command in advance about the first battle of the First Air Force of the Eighth Route Army built by a team, and finally selected the mediocre Japanese army to mop up the troops.

The deputy commander-in-chief and the deputy chief of staff expressed support for Kong Jie's battle plan.

The results proved that this operation has achieved quite fruitful results.

The aviation unit that went to the battle for the first time caught the little devil by surprise and almost wiped out a full-staffed Japanese brigade of the devil. After the news spread rapidly, the global strategic deterrent effect of the detonation was quite amazing.

The Japanese army was completely blown up because of the appearance of the aviation unit of the Eighth Route Army.

In the World War II zone, Chief Yan of the Jinsui Army even called to inquire about the situation in person. He never expected that the Eighth Route Army had grown rapidly in recent years.

The Jinsui Army can be regarded as the mainstay of the anti-Japanese armed forces. He, Lao Yan, has been operating in Shanxi for many years, and he only owned a few small airfields and a relatively limited number of fighters before the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War.

It's just that after the little devil called, he quickly destroyed all these airports and fighter planes, and the materials and fuel at the airport fell into the hands of the little devil.

From then on, Lao Yan didn't even dare to think about any aviation unit.

As a result, the Eighth Route Army has it.

This is not bad! ! !

Chief Yan even had to re-examine the relationship that should be maintained with the Eighth Route Army in Shanxi in the future.

The headquarters of the 358 regiment of the Jinsui Army.

Chu Yunfei has always been watching the development of the Eighth Route Army troops, especially the Iron Triangle, the base area of ​​a team led by Kong Jie.

At the beginning, as a military talent graduated from Whampoa, Chu Yunfei really didn't pay attention to the Eighth Route Army troops with backward equipment.

His 358th regiment has more than 5000 troops, strong and strong, and even assigned an artillery battalion.

That's enough to last him for years.

But who would have thought that a team would develop just by bragging.

His 358th regiment has cavalry, and the other team also has cavalry, and even semi-mechanized heavy troops.His 358 regiment has artillery, and the other team also has artillery. At first it was an artillery battalion, but now it is said that it can even pull out an artillery regiment.

Then there was news that a team of others had specially built an armored corps.

At that time, not to mention that the little devil didn't believe it, Chu Yunfei didn't believe it either.

I thought this is not nonsense?

You can build an armored corps with a group of troops nested in the ravines, so what are we regular troops?
It was not until the armored units of the Eighth Route Army in the west of Mengxi that they defeated the two tank units of the Japanese army in succession.

After the news came out, the whole country was shocked.

It was only then that Chu Yunfei realized how powerful Kong Jie was: "This method of deception is really mastered by him!"

Now even the aviation unit has appeared!
"Tuan Zuo, how did the Eight Routes achieve all this?"

Facing the question from Chief of Staff Fang Ligong, Chu Yunfei also wondered:

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?"

He then sighed, "If you think about it from the perspective of the nation, the rapid rise and growth of the Eighth Route Army, as well as its rapid development, including the armored forces that have emerged now, and the so-called aviation forces, the nation is lucky, and the Chinese are lucky!

We, as allies, should celebrate it! "

The conversation turned.

"But if you think about it from a longer-term perspective, if the Eighth Route Army continues to grow in this Shanxi border, I'm afraid there will be no place for our Jinsui Army to gain a foothold.

In the future, the iron triangle troops of the Eighth Route Army that will grow stronger, one team, will surely become a serious threat to our party and country! "

"What Tuan Zuo said is exactly, but what should we do at the current stage?"

Chu Yunfei thought for a while and said, "No matter what, we are still friendly forces right now, and our ultimate combat goal is to deal with the Japanese army.

In the face of the growth of the Eighth Route Army, we should not be hostile and hostile at this time, but should use this force and use it in the war against the Japanese invaders.

In this way, immediately connect me to the Ministry of Ministers, and I will personally report my thoughts to the Ministry of Ministers. I think that at this moment, our Jinsui Army must not stand on the sidelines, and we must not let all the limelight and all the benefits on the battlefield be left behind. The Eighth Route Army snatched it!

We should also have corresponding combat operations. We can't let the world only know that there is an anti-Japanese Eighth Route Army in Shanxi, but completely forget about a regular army like our Jinsui Army, right? "



The emergence of the Eighth Route Army's aviation unit can be said to have ignited the final fuse and became the last straw that wiped out the patience of the Japanese invaders.

As the news spread, the attacking troops of the Japanese army advanced towards the base of the Eighth Route Army like crazy.

At this time, it is not only the whole of Shanxi, but also the whole of Shanxi, Shandong, and even the whole of North China.

Analyzing from north to south, first in the EEDS basin in western Mengxi, around the so-called large oil fields specially built by the Eighth Route Army, the confrontation between the main force of the Japanese army and the Eighth Route Army intensified.

But it is said that the person responsible for seizing the oil field is the 26th Division of the Mongolian Army stationed in Datong.

In addition, the comrades of the Eighth Route Army of the Northwest Military Region in northern Shanxi and the Japanese army in northern Shanxi were equally fierce.

The little devils, mainly the 13th Field Division of the Japanese Army, who originally advanced to the Jizhong Military Region from the Jizhong area, were tricked, and the troops ate a large amount of coarse grains, which caused the soldiers to suffer from stomach problems and indigestion.

Caught in a stalemate with the Eighth Route Army in central Jizhong.

As for the reinforcements from Shandong and Shanxi that the old devil Buntaichiro was waiting for, there was still no trace of them.

At the same time, the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army is planning to encircle Taiyuan, encircle Wei and rescue Zhao, and take the opportunity to attack the Japanese Sixth Division, Nishidao Man Division, and the rear of the Japanese 12th Army that has changed defenses.

On the Shandong side is the devil's third field division and the first army unit on defense.

Under the leadership of Kazuo Guancun, the Sixth Field Division of the Japanese Army in the Taihang area quickly advanced to the Iron Triangle Defense Zone in Northwest Shanxi according to the order of the General Headquarters, especially in the direction where the secret air base of the Eighth Route Army was exposed by intelligence.

The Niu Dao Manshituan finally couldn't bear their temper, and entered the Huangyadong mountain area from the accidentally discovered trail.

For Ningji Okamura, the commander-in-chief of the North China Front Army, the May [-]st raid, which was originally a large-scale raid against the Eighth Route Army and the Jizhong Military Region, also exceeded his expectations step by step.

In fact, more and more high-value military combat targets are gradually exposed.

At first, it was only the Jizhong Military Region as the core target.

Then, as the Niudao Manchu Regiment approached the Huangyadong Arsenal, it seemed that it was within easy reach to destroy the Eighth Route Army's largest ordnance production base, the Huangyadong Arsenal.

Then came the Eighth Route Army's ground-breaking use of aviation units, and accidentally exposed a secret air base.

Then to the so-called large oil deposits that appeared in the EEDS basin.

What is this like?

For example, the old devil Okamura originally wanted to pick a peach, but he came across a watermelon, an apple and a pear on the road. These are all good things. Do you think he can still focus on the original peach?

So one hammer in the east and one hammer in the west.

This old devil's plan is not small. He also thought that he could destroy the Eighth Route Army's Huangyadong Arsenal and the Jizhong Military Region in one go, and then destroy the Eighth Route Army's secret air base along the way to seize a large oil field!

It's a pity that greed is not enough to swallow elephants.

The more you want, the more you may lose.

With the dispersal of the focus of the Japanese army's operations, even the commanders at the bottom couldn't figure out whether the May [-]st raid was going to destroy the base of the Eighth Route Army, destroy the Jizhong Military Region, or destroy the airport and Huangyadong arsenal. to go.

The originally relatively concentrated forces also began to gradually disperse.

A fist was suddenly broken into five fingers.

All walks of life want to gain results in order to show their abilities.

And it's not just the North China battlefield.

On the battlefield in East China, the Zhejiang-Jiangxi battle gradually became intense.

The revenge-minded little devil actually vented his anger on China because Doolittle and his party bombed Tokyo. Nearly [-] Japanese troops attacked like mad dogs and advanced towards the Quzhou area.

...The Eighth Route Army Shanxi Northwest Iron Triangle Temporary Joint Headquarters.

Looking at the huge military map, the forces of all parties are intertwined. At first it was the Eighth Route Army, but as the battle between the two sides deepened, they gradually armed many places, including the Jinsui Army and even some local national army units. Come in.

As the situation continued to evolve, the entire North China and even the entire East China fell into a chaotic battle.

Li Yunlong, who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, said happily: "Damn, this battle was fought happily, and nearly half of China was turned into a mess.

There are wars everywhere, our old Li really can't wait to lead the troops to the front line now, and kill him a few times. "

Kong Jie suddenly thought of something, and shouted loudly with mischievous thoughts:
"Yeah, what Lao Li said is right, it's fun, it's fun, this battle is so fucking fun!"

Li Yunlong said cheerfully: "I'm talking about Lao Kong, what's the point of this? If you want me to say it's addictive, our decent battle hasn't really started yet!"

Kong Jie said with a smile: "The final decisive battle is about to begin, Lao Li, just wait patiently, there will always be times when you will be happy."

"Ding Zaqiao, tell me, what do you think of the current situation?"

Ding Wei was obviously taken aback by Kong Jie's sudden appellation.

Ding Wei reminded: "Old Kong, our nickname is Ding Wanwan, don't make a mistake!"

"Hahaha, okay, okay, Ding Wanwan!"

Only then did Ding Wei smile, and then he analyzed the military map in front of him: "As Lao Li said, this battle has been completely messed up, and the troops involved in the area involved are too serious. Widespread, almost unique.

As for the overall situation, that's not something we should worry about, it's something the deputy commander and the others should worry about.

They are still the old rules, eat as much rice as there are bowls.

We only consider relevant battles that we may be involved in.

So what are the battles?
One is related to our Iron Triangle defense area's response to the Japanese anti-sweeping operation, and also includes our corresponding local army units fighting the Japanese army.

In addition, our three troops have never been passive in character.

Long before this anti-sweeping operation, I had arranged our troops in advance. As usual, they were divided into two parts. There must be a defensive team and an active offensive team.

So far, nearly [-]% of our troops have been used in defense, and the other [-]% of our troops have initially completed the combat mission of interspersed and retreated, waiting for the final decisive battle at any time, and combining our defensive forces to attack the Japanese army on both sides.

After Lao Kong and Lao Li led the mobile troops back to the base in secret, our strength became stronger. With the cooperation of the chariot troops this time, after the decisive battle broke out, I think it will definitely give the little devil a big surprise.

Another one, we can also reinforce the battle in the Huangyadong area.

In this way, our opponents are mainly the Japanese Sixth Field Division that appeared in the Yangquan area, and the Kwantung Army Niu Daoman Division that appeared in the Huangyadong area, including the original team that moved to Shanxi to advance to our base area. Shandong 12th Army Unit. "

Speaking of this, Ding Wei couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva and said:
"Greedy, really greedy, Lao Kong, Lao Li, the meat delivered to our mouths this time is really enough, it can eat us until our stomachs burst."

Kong Jiele said: "The reason why you can't eat it is because your old man has too much appetite.

I said, Lao Ding, don't you want to eat all the Devil's Sixth Division, Niu Dao Man Division, and No.12 Army in one go? "

Li Yunlong laughed and scolded: "Bragging, his old man really wants to have this ability. The little devil has been kicked out of China long ago. Don't look at the amount of meat in front of us this time. You old man, I guess you can eat it." It's the corners around the mouth."

Ding Wei was not happy when he heard this.

"Old Li, don't look down on people. According to what Lao Kong said, the Sixth Division, Niu Dao Man Division, and the Devil's Twelfth Army, I naturally don't have such a big appetite.

But the Sixth Field Division of the Japanese Army, who was sent to us, almost ate him up. I think we still have this appetite! "

"That's right, I think so too." Kong Jie echoed.

"Thinking about our experience in the war of resistance over the years, in the early days of the war of resistance, our equipment was poor, the level of the troops was not developed, and the little devils were all elite soldiers and strong generals.

At that time, let alone a full-staffed field division of the Japanese army, even a full-stacked field brigade of the devils had never been completely wiped out by our Chinese army.

What is great is a serious injury, so we have to pay a considerable price.

Later, when we arrived at Lijiapo, we accomplished this feat for the first time, killing the Yamazaki brigade raised by our stepmother.

Going back to the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain a few years ago, think about it, in such a large-scale battle between the two sides, the devils only killed 600 people.

Shame! "

Speaking of this, Kong Jie's words suddenly became sharp:

"It's not a deterrent just to kill hundreds of little devils, one squadron and one brigade of devils. For devils, what kind of memory can they have if they don't feel pain?

In the past two years, our Eighth Route Army has achieved a lot of victories against the little devils, but when it comes to the scale of the Japanese army's field divisions, we basically have no record.

One is that there is no chance, and the other is that the little devil has always looked down on us and has not mobilized many field troops at all.

But this time, since the opportunity is in front of us, we naturally have to seize it.

If you want to beat him, beat him ruthlessly, if you want to beat him, you have to beat the devil thoroughly, and be scared, until they are scared to the bone.

You said that these little devils are rampant in our China, but why don't they dare to provoke the old man casually?Isn't it because they were scared by the old Maozi during the Russo-Japanese War!

In fact, the nation of little devils has always been like this. Whoever beats them hurts and scares them, he is afraid of them, he obeys them, and he respects them!
So what we have to do today is not only to win the war in front of us, not only to win the two wars, but also to win the immortality and prestige of our Chinese nation for thousands of years in the future!

Let him be a little devil, even in the past 100 years, 200 years, 1000 years, they will never dare to covet half an inch of our China's land.

This motherfucker can be regarded as happy! "


"Old Kong's words are encouraging, and I think that's what he should do."

Li Yunlong echoed: "This time we'll take the Sixth Division for surgery, what kind of bullshit elites, we are fighting elites, isn't this Sixth Division an old-fashioned field division known as devils!
Then we are beating these sons of bitches! "

(End of this chapter)

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