The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1078 Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you will not be afraid to kill the J

Chapter 1078 Learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you will not be afraid to kill the Japanese invaders

... "Deputy team, there is news from the forward observation post that the devil's artillery fire has stopped, and the main force is now rapidly approaching the airport!"

Inside the airport artillery fortification, the news came.

Ye Min nodded, and immediately issued an order: "The time is ripe, comrades, quickly act according to the plan."


After the order was issued, the soldiers of the Assault Corps, as well as the soldiers of the guard battalion led by Monk Wei, the battalion commander of a guard battalion, who assisted in the battle, quickly divided into two groups.

Along the way, as a small blocking force, they exchanged fire with the advancing Japanese army, limiting the advance speed of the Japanese army, and buying time for the rear soldiers to prepare for action.

The soldiers of the other route, under the leadership of Ye Min, quickly and secretly acted in the airport area.

Everyone moved the bags of powder prepared in advance out of the blast hole, and then divided them into multiple groups and spread them in all directions. The powder in the bags was blown by the strong wind of the blower and blown with a shovel. The shovel was raised out one by one.

In an instant, along the direction of the wind, a large amount of powder was blown into the air.

"Pour, pour all your strength!"

Ye Min, who kept greeting him, had a touch of excitement in his words.

This is a large amount of combustible powder prepared in advance by the old director of the logistics department, including aluminum powder, sugar powder, wheat flour, sawdust, and dried tobacco powder.

At this time, the entire airport area had just undergone a round of bombardment by the Japanese army, and the smoke from the devil's shells had not cleared away, and the terrain of the entire airport was relatively low-lying compared to the surrounding mountains, like a sinking basin.

From this perspective, it is equivalent to a semi-enclosed area.

When the soldiers used shovels and blowers to quickly spread a large amount of combustible powder in the air, the air was mixed with a large amount of dust suspended in the air in the airport area that was already filled with gunpowder smoke.

The soldiers had been prepared for a long time, and they all put on special gas masks at this time, even under such dusty conditions, it would not affect their breathing.

Everyone's hands and feet were very nimble, and they kept moving, and they threw out all the dozens of bags of powder that they had prepared in one go.

Through the goggles of the gas mask, at a glance, the air seemed to be dyed the color of solid powder. As the commander, Ye Min couldn't help swallowing, and then specifically explained: "These combustible dust blows After getting up, the most fearful thing is to see an open fire, and everyone must bear this in mind before completely withdrawing to the air-raid shelter."

There were successive gunshots coming from outside the airport.

That was the members of the assault corps led by the monk, as well as the soldiers of the guard battalion, who were blocking the advance of the Japanese army.

After Ye Min quickly got ready here, he immediately arranged for messengers to convey the news to the monk.

Monk Wei led the soldiers around him to retreat without hesitation.

Everyone followed the established evacuation route and quickly moved to the back line of the airport, in the specially built underground anti-gun fortifications.

These underground artillery fortifications are specially prepared, not in a straight line, and there are many turns and twists inside to weaken the shock waves that come in from the hole.

When he was withdrawing, the monk and several soldiers around him were still discharging wires on the ground in their hands. This is a detonating wire controlled by electric current. with.

When the time is right, the soldiers will turn on the current of the control switch to close the circuit, so that the fire wire at the other end will heat up rapidly due to the short circuit, and then ignite the fire cotton covered on its surface.

In this way, the remote control causes an open flame, and the final plan is quickly completed.

Everyone waited patiently in silence and suppressed excitement.

...A moment ago, the Japanese Colonel noticed that the small group of Eighth Route Army troops blocking the attack from the direction of the airport seemed to have chosen to retreat, which made him quickly make a judgment. It seemed that there were indeed only a small number of combat troops of the Eighth Route Army inside the airport.

Therefore, after the blocking Eighth Route Army chose to retreat, the Japanese Colonel did not hesitate to issue an order to continue advancing.

More than 1000 devils' vanguard troops opened up their lines and quickly invaded the airport area.

The follow-up Japanese army slowly followed.

The little devil is also cautious enough.Before entering the airport area, they conducted a thorough investigation around the airport, and the extended cordon even spread out for more than ten kilometers in one breath to confirm that there were no ambushes or lurking artillery positions around the airport.

At this time, the entire airport was quiet, and there seemed to be no more people.

After the little devil in the lead quickly entered the core area of ​​the airport, he was immediately affected by the dust suspended in the air and coughed violently.

What caught their eyes was the fragments of the plane that had been blown into wreckage in the airport area, as well as the debris all over the ground, and the air that even obscured the sight under the smoke.

Until this time, the devils did not realize that these planes were not real fighter planes, but specially built camouflage planes led by a team of camouflage bureau Shi Dahu.

Speaking of the camouflaged airport and the fighter planes used to paralyze the judgment of the Japanese army, Shi Dahu worked hard.

In order to realistically simulate the fighter planes, these fake planes specially built on the airport are even made of iron sheets, except that the interior is empty.

In other words, this is an empty shell aircraft wrapped in tin.

Then paint the corresponding paint, not to mention looking at it from a distance, even if you walk up close, you may not be able to see the clues.

Especially after the devil's bombardment, the planes at the airport have basically been reduced to pieces.

But not all devils are blind.

Especially the Japanese Colonel holding a command knife in his hand and leading the troops into the forward position of the airport. When he carefully observed the fragments of the so-called fighter jets that were blown into pieces inside the airport, he quickly realized that something was wrong.

These fighter jets should all belong to the empire. Although their armor protection is very weak, even if they were damaged during the several rounds of shelling just now, they wouldn't be blown to pieces like they are now, right?
The Colonel casually picked up some fragments of the so-called fighter planes, and immediately found that these iron pieces seemed pitifully thin, almost like a piece of paper.

How could this be the material used in fighter jets?
Amidst the growing doubts, the devil commander led the troops to continue to move forward. There was a lot of dust in the air, which made the commander cough uncontrollably.

It's just that under the cover of the diffuse gunpowder smoke, the Colonel didn't have too much doubt, he just thought that the air caused by the shells was bad.

It was not until the team reached the more central area of ​​the airport that the Japanese army discovered a relatively complete so-called fighter plane.

Looking at it from a distance of tens of meters, there seems to be nothing wrong.

It wasn't until Da Zuo led the guards to check closely that the problem was discovered.

"Baga, this isn't an airplane at all, it's an iron shell!"

Realizing that he had been deceived, the commander tightly clenched the command knife in his hand, and when he exerted force with both hands, he stabbed the blade into the plane with ease.

This is really hell!

Out of the soldier's vigilance, he suddenly realized, if the airport is fake, does it mean that this is a complete trap?

If this is a trap, does it mean that at this moment he has led the vanguard and fell into the trap of the cunning Eighth Route Army?
"Bastard, it's not good, the whole army retreats immediately!" The Devil Chief roared angrily.

Almost at the same time, the forward observation post arranged by Ye Min quickly drilled back into the air-raid shelter and said at the same time: "Deputy team, the main force of the devils has entered the core area of ​​our airport!"

Ye Min nodded, without hesitation, "Do it!"

Several soldiers who had prepared for a long time pressed the connectors in their hands at the same time, and the circuit extending hundreds of meters away from the blast hole was quickly connected.

Soon, the wire covered under the pyrotechnic cotton heated up rapidly, and the temperature rose rapidly, and soon reached the ignition point of the pyrotechnic cotton in the rising black smoke.


The pyrotechnic cotton in many areas of the airport suddenly burst into small flames, and then quickly ignited a local fire.

The open flame quickly ignited the dust in the air whose concentration had already reached the flammable and explosive limit.

What is the situation at this time?
——"Let me explain to you what is going on with this dust explosion and what conditions it needs... These combustible powders are suspended in the air in a limited space, and then they can form a dust cloud together with the air. This At times, once encountering an open flame, these combustible dusts will burn rapidly, and then cause a chemical reaction with a sharp increase in temperature and pressure, such as an explosion under a large-scale chain effect!"

boom -

Monk Wei, who was doing science popularization with the soldiers of the guard battalion who didn't know much about the situation, just pretended to be a cultural person, and finished the science popularization of the cause of the dust explosion.

The violent explosion and the movement caused by the vented energy immediately spread through the ground to the blast hole.

Feeling the big movement from the ground, the soldiers couldn't help but show shock.

"Hey, it feels like the devil dropped thousands of bombs on our airport!" a soldier swallowed and said.

Ye Min felt that it was a pity: "I always feel that it's almost meaningless. If we can witness this good show with our own eyes, it will be more comfortable!"

At this time, the so-called comfort in Ye Min's mouth is as follows:

The large-scale dust explosion was like a chain reaction. Before the Japanese army had time to make any response, it was connected together and spread to the entire airport area where the dust spread.

There was nothing else going on at this time, only the explosions that were triggered quickly from several open flame areas, and a large sea of ​​flames evolved in an instant, and then crazily turbulent outwards, like terrifying fire dragons, after stretching their teeth and claws. In the process, everything in this area was devoured.

The Japanese army commander who was also under the envelope of the explosion didn't understand what was going on at all, his round eyes were full of horror, and then he was directly submerged by the raging sea of ​​flames.

Swallowed by the intense high temperature, the devil's flesh and blood were burned in the blink of an eye.

The devils in the central area of ​​the explosion were directly roasted into jerky under the continuous high temperature.

The sudden terrorist explosion turned the entire airport into a purgatory on earth.

The more than 1000 Japanese soldiers who entered first were directly swallowed by the venting sea of ​​flames. They stayed in the central area until the flames shrank back, and there was no living person walking out of it at all.

The more than 500 Japanese soldiers who were advancing in the fortifications at the front of the airport saw the roaring fire dragon, and some of them who reacted slowly were stunned on the spot, and then they were swallowed by the oncoming flames.

Even if he didn't die, he was seriously injured.

The one who reacted quickly fell on the ground at the first time, and then pressed his whole face hard on the dirt floor, only to escape the catastrophe, but suffered some burns.

Those soldiers who were only in the marginal area were hit so hard, not to mention the main vanguard who had entered the airport area.

Zhong Zuo, the devil who was staying behind and leading the team, looked at the sea of ​​flames that almost engulfed the world in the airport area, and was almost frightened for a moment.

The devil thought this was the end.

boom -

Then there was a second explosion, and this time, the raging sea of ​​flames was even more intense.

After the dust explosion, the air wave of the first explosion will blow up the dust deposited on the equipment or the ground, and a negative pressure will be formed in the central area of ​​the explosion in a short time after the explosion, and the surrounding fresh air will be filled in from the outside to the inside. Mix with raised dust.

This caused a secondary explosion.

In the secondary explosion, the dust concentration will be higher and the power will be even greater.

Such multiple explosions are typical of combustible dust explosions.

Inside the anti-blasting hole, feeling the explosion was more violent than last time, even Ye Min and Wei Monk and his party looked at each other in blank dismay.

A soldier said with emotion:

"I used to think that only our machetes and our bullets could kill little devils, but now I have gained a lot of insight. Dozens of bags of powder can also be used to kill devils, and hundreds of thousands of little devils can be killed in one breath. Devil."

"It's no wonder our detachment leader often said that once you have a culture, you can even kill devils even more powerful!"

Another soldier said: "Our old commander's famous saying, learn mathematics, physics and chemistry well, and you will not be afraid to kill all devils! I didn't understand what it meant before, but now I understand it thoroughly."

...After the second dust explosion, the casualties of the Japanese army became more and more serious.

Even the Japanese commander who led the team was completely engulfed in the sea of ​​flames, and there was no possibility of surviving. After recovering from his senses, the remaining Japanese lieutenant commander hurriedly gave the order to retreat with a face full of panic.

In his opinion, the airport in front of him is simply hell.

He had completely lost the courage to continue the attack, and he didn't think that there could be any living people in the sea of ​​flames that exploded again and again.

"Withdraw, immediately retreat strategically!"

At the time of the big explosion, the mountain on the east side of the airport was still quiet, and there were some secret reconnaissance posts arranged in advance by several heads of a team in the mountain.

They can be said to be the most perfect witnesses of this earth-shattering dust explosion.

What froze on the faces of these soldiers at this moment was a look of seeing a ghost.

There is only one thought brewing in their hearts:
When I report to the group leader and the others, how should I organize my language...

(End of this chapter)

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