Chapter 1089
The battle of the 120th Division to encircle Taiyuan City has temporarily come to an end.

This time the battle has attracted the attention of the public, and the 120th Division can be said to have played brilliantly.

The Japanese army finally realized that the powerful fighters in the Eighth Route Army had become a serious problem for the empire, not only the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang area, but also the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army in the northern Shanxi area.

Hetao area, the headquarters of the 35th Route Army of the National Revolutionary Army.

Commander Fu, who sits at the headquarters, asked his staff to simulate the battle situation of the 120th Division encircling Taiyuan City on the sand table.

The military flags of different colors representing the various forces on the sand table dazzled people, and the arrows representing the movements of the various forces were even more intricate.

The siege of the city, the attack of the reinforcements, surrounded the Taiyuan area into complete chaos.

However, just when all parties thought that the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army would use such a large battle and launch such an unprecedented scale to attack Taiyuan City.

They turned their fronts in a daze and withdrew all the troops.

Commander Fu couldn't help feeling deeply moved by this courage and determination.

Commander Fu scoffed at the report that the Japanese army wanted to cover up the fact that reinforcements defeated the Eighth Route Army troops besieging Taiyuan City, lifted the crisis in Taiyuan City, and revived the Japanese military prestige.

As he said to his chief of staff: "The little devil is in a hurry to find a fig leaf now!
Those who are interested can detect the clues after a careful look. The battle situation published in this newspaper is fierce, but when it comes to the actual data, it is basically blurred, and the so-called photos are just a few.

After this battle is over, Lao He's team is afraid that they will become very rich.

This little devil is too busy wiping his ass to make excuses! "


After the division headquarters of the 120th Division commanded the second phase of the embankment operation, the troops were preparing to return to the Luliang Mountain area to rest.

Thinking that the 358th Brigade did perform well in the battle to encircle Taiyuan City, Lao Zhang can almost be alone.

The head teacher found Brigadier Zhang who was helping to push the heavy artillery on the mountain road, and then said with a smile: "The next third phase of the battle is up to you to command.

From now on, Luliang Mountain will rely on you to take the lead! "

Although Brigadier Zhang was reluctant, he still said to the division commander: "Please rest assured, division commander, I will use the wealth I earned from this big business to build an arsenal and a logistics base. Division commander, I think you will be able to use our own weapons and ammunition in Jinchaji and Jizhong soon!"

The teacher said happily: "That's good! Our 120th division is already proud. I have to go to Beiping, where the division headquarters is in Ligang Village, and call him a hotline from time to time!"

In a word, the soldiers who said it couldn't help laughing.

So far, the main force of the 120th Division can be said to have temporarily withdrawn the curtain, and all the attention on the battlefield has shifted to the 129th Division.

At this time, in the Huangyadong area, the confrontation between the Huangyadong Defense Joint Force of the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese Niudao Manshi Regiment was gradually coming to an end.

The old devil Niu Daoman led the troops to evacuate desperately all the way, and finally after paying a heavy price in casualties, he led the remnants out of the strike range of the Eighth Route Army's permanent fortification artillery group.

Huangyadong achieved a complete victory in the first phase of the battle to encircle and wipe out the Niu Dao Man Ten Regiment.

When the teacher accompanied the deputy commander-in-chief to the core position of the Huangyadong first-line fortification group, he looked at the position that was blown into floating soil and the ground was full of shrapnel.

He couldn't help saying with emotion: "Without the tempering of blood and fire, the Eighth Route Army would not be strong, and without the baptism of iron and blood, the nation would not be awakened. We are ready and have passed the first hurdle, and the next road will be easy."

"Look, the mountain streams are all stained red with blood. The soldiers fought against the crazy devils against air raids and shelling. In the end, the crazy devils were crushed by the desperate predators. From now on, the so-called elite field groups of devils will no longer be a stumbling block on our Eighth Route Army's revolutionary road!"

The deputy commander-in-chief smiled and said, "Well said!
The devil's elite field battles have collapsed. For us, this is a brand new beginning. With the capital, we can do big business. We have to sum up the experience and lessons, restore this series of battles, fully learn the lessons, retrain the troops, and launch a new offensive. "

Looking at the corpses of devils piled up like a mountain, ready to spark.

The deputy commander-in-chief expressed his feelings again: "The road to a strong army in 54 years, fame and fortune have finally come to fruition, wind and rain have paved the way for blood, and the whole city is dancing the soul dance. This time, the little devil must be hurt!"

"There's a saying I heard was said by Kong Jie, and I agree with it very much—the little devils raised by animals are despicable. Only when you beat him thoroughly, scare him, and be afraid to the bone, can we win the true national victory!"

The division commander nodded deeply, then turned his head and said to the commanders around him: "Let's go, the emotion is over, let's send off the soldiers who died on the battlefield!

Pour them a glass of wine, and when the pursuit is over, erect a monument and hold a memorial service for the fallen soldiers.

Section Chief Zhao, your engineering department should be busy during this period, sweep away the landmines in the Huangyadong area, and solve the hidden safety problem. "




On the other hand, it is said that Commander Lu of the Jizhong Military Region Command is depressed during this period of time!
As he said when he complained to the chief of staff: "You said that the little devils planned well, and the ultimate goal of the May [-]st sweep of unprecedented scale this time was to come to our Jizhong Military Region.

It stands to reason that the battle between Hebei and China will become the focus of our most attention in this battle with the Japanese army.

But what happened?

His grandma, the limelight of our Jizhong Military Region has been robbed by the brother troops in other base areas.

You said that the iron triangle of Kong Jie and the others fought lively with the Devil's Sixth Field Division in the base area, and the defenders in the Huangyadong area fought fiercely with the Kwantung Army's Niu Dao Man Division. Even the main force of the 120th Division besieged Taiyuan.

In the end, our Jizhong battlefield has become an inconspicuous supporting role!

Even the battle at the large oil mines in the Mengxi area is more attractive than ours!
Damn, this battle was fought! "

Commander Lu is so enthusiastic!

After the 120th Division's dike breaking operation and the 129th Division's sky collapse operation started one after another.

Commander Lu sits at the headquarters of the Jizhong base area, and the staff of the Military Intelligence Department constantly collects and marks the intelligence of all friendly forces on the map.

The siege troops of the 120th Brigade of the 385th Division in the Taiyuan area met fire with which devil reinforcements outside Taiyuan City.

Which unit under the independent first detachment of the 120th Division in the Linfen area, which county town was defeated, and which unit captured which devil's stronghold.

What results did the independent second detachment of the 120th division in Yuncheng achieve? Cooperating with the independent first detachment of the 129th division, the Zhongtiaoshan troops broke through the devil's defense zone again.

The Hebei, Shandong, Henan and Yang tribes raided Pinghan Road again, intercepted many materials from the devils, and surrounded many mopping up troops.

The Shandong base area besieged the unit of the Third Division of the Devils, and how many people were wiped out...Which unit of the First Army was wiped out; where did the southern Hebei mobile unit attack the Shide line...Which unit was hit hard by the 129th Division and the 386th Brigade, which unit was surrounded by the Udoman Division by the 385th Brigade, and what results did the newly formed Tenth Brigade have...

All the commanders and fighters in the headquarters waiting for the order were all gearing up excitedly. They waited for the order from the headquarters to launch a large-scale counterattack and attack the [-]th Division.

But Commander Lu was not in a hurry, he was as stable as an old dog.

The situation changed quietly.

In the past two days, news has been coming out that as the Sixth Division and the Kwantung Army's Udoman Division have lost battles in the Iron Triangle Base and the Huangyadong area, it seems that the old devil Buntaichiro will lead the 13th Division to withdraw.

Therefore, the commanders of the Jizhong Military Region were worried that this old devil finally fell into our base area step by step, and fell into a trick again, eating coarse grains all the way, causing stomach problems in the troops.

Right now is the perfect time to fight back, we can't let these little devils run away, can we?
Therefore, many regiment leaders came to the headquarters to ask for a battle.

However, in the face of the requests from the regimental commanders and even the brigade commanders below, Commander Lu had only one sentence: "Go back and wait, you will fight the battle!"

He cooked plum duck in the headquarters, one tender and one old.

Then he said to the soldiers: "When the rainy season comes, we must eat plum duck. The tender duck cooks quickly, and it will not taste good when it is old. It can be eaten when it is boiled and topped with sour plum juice.

The meat of this old duck is strong, and it is not easy to stew. It has to be fried until golden, then put the sauce in the back, cook slowly in the pot, pour the juice over and over again, and it will be delicious after the meat is stewed and completely absorbed the sour plum juice. "

The 28th Regiment, as Ding Wei's old unit in the Jizhong Military Region, was the first regiment to cooperate with a team, so it developed extremely fast, and its equipment level and combat effectiveness can be regarded as the top-notch main regiment in the Jizhong Military Region.

Facing Commander Lu's calmness.

The impatient head Lu couldn't help but said: "Commander, let me cook for you! You should read out the military order, the soldiers can't hold it anymore.

The devils are being fought everywhere here, Lao Kong and Lao Li have already won several battles, starting from Mengxi defeating the devil's armored forces, and fighting all the way back to Taihang.

But there hasn't even been a single movement from our side until now, I can't wait any longer! "

Commander Lu smiled and said, "What's the hurry?
Lu Dayou, let me ask you, what did Ji Pian say about Sun Tzu's Art of War? "

Lu Dayou was stunned for a moment, thinking that ever since Li Yunlong started to learn cultural knowledge, I have never been left behind.

Especially the books on the art of war are kept on the bedside all day long, and they can be read when they wake up in the middle of the night.

When it came to the area of ​​self-confidence, Commander Lu replied immediately: "Commander, I am familiar with this! The books are all turned upside down.

Soldiers who, deception also.

Therefore, if you can, you can show what you can't, if you use it, you can show what you don't use. If you are near, you show it's far.

To lure them by profit, to take them in disorder, to prepare them for reality, to avoid them by force, to scratch them in attack those who are unprepared, to catch them by surprise.

The victory of this military strategist cannot be passed on first! "

Commander Lu smiled and said, "You know everything by heart, why don't you understand?
Do you still remember how Cao Cao was ambushed by Xu Rong on Xingyang Road to pursue Dong Zhuo's army? "

A regiment leader next to him answered, "Commander, could it be that the old devils of the Thirteenth Division followed Xu Rong's example to ambush our pursuit troops?"

Head Lu immediately said: "I've also heard of this, the old boy Buntaichiro is very cautious, if we fight back rashly, maybe we will fall into his way.

This old boy has not officially evacuated yet, so he is spreading the news everywhere, probably holding back some bad news!
Commander, let's stand still and wait until the devils really evacuate? "

Commander Lu shook his head again, "No, you are wrong again, we not only want to move, but we also want to move with great fanfare, attacking their local garrisons and puppet troops.

We have already suffered "heavy losses", how can we be able to fight their main No.13 division and the two security divisions from China?

Not only will they attack their strongholds, but they will also destroy the line of communication, just like in the past, avoiding their main force, paralyzing their judgment, and letting them retreat with confidence..."

The commander smiled and changed the subject:
"Do you like to eat young ducks or old ducks?"

The group leaders said that of course it is an old duck, the meat is firm and tasty, the key is to eat it well, unlike the tender duck, it is not enjoyable after eating it in a few seconds!
Commander Lu said: "It seems that everyone is thinking about the Thirteenth Division, but you need a good mouth to eat hard food."

As soon as these words came out, Captain Lu immediately froze.

"Reporting to the commander, our 28th regiment is the only full-standard helmeted soldier in the Jizhong Military Region. There are also a mechanized artillery battalion, a mechanized transport battalion, an armored company, and an assault gun company. These troops are fighting together for the first time. Who else is there?"

When Captain Lu heard this, he was not happy: "I said, Lao Lu, you want to take the main attack with a broken helmet, and you call yourself a helmeted soldier, you are not ashamed!
Don't listen to your bragging, our troops may not be worse than yours.

My team is still the swimming championship team, and we have prepared kayaks, assault boats, bicycles, and motorcycles, just waiting for the continuous rainstorm season, to run in front of the little devil, and give him a ruthless blow. "

Looking at the commanders of the regiments whose combat mood was quickly mobilized, Commander Lu smiled, and then he issued an order:
"Okay, stop arguing. The chief of staff and the political commissar and I have already drawn up the specific battle plan. We will follow the secret road built next to our canal and the traffic tunnels of the villages, batch by batch according to the plan.

Devils want to leave, not just go out naked, there is no such door.

The 28th regiment was responsible for launching a feint attack on the main force of the devils, putting the bodies of the puppet soldiers and traitors killed by the troops on our old military uniforms, and putting them on during night raids, giving them a decent way of death, and making the old devils of the [-]th Division proud.

These old devils got carried away with pride, and when they evacuated, let them return their capital with interest.

Most of these new devil security divisions are new recruits and re-enlisted veterans, and only two cents of recruiting letters are needed to replenish a dead devil.

This kind of cheap devil is not rare for me, so you remember, pay attention to the elite troops of the 13th Division, if you want to fight us, hit his elite!

The elite old devil is dead, so there is no way to make up for it! "

Head Lu was overjoyed when he heard this: "Grandma, it turns out that the little devil is so worthless? We have three oceans for each new soldier's settling allowance!"

(End of this chapter)

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