At this point, seeing the Eighth Route Army's air force growing rapidly from scratch, Doolittle was more determined to stay in the Eighth Route Army and help the Eighth Route Army develop their aviation. cause.

Doolittle was looking forward to becoming the father of aviation in the Eighth Route Army.

At a certain military meeting, when Doolittle asked Kong Jie, he hoped that Kong Jie would propose a phased construction plan for an aviation unit.

Kong Jie said this: "I am a layman and I will not guide experts.

Let me just talk about something practical. Our Eighth Route Army builds an air force because we can't see how arrogant his little devil's air force is.

Devils have airplanes and aviation forces, we should also develop airplanes and have our own aviation forces.

So I hope that the construction of our Eighth Route Army's aviation force can go to a certain stage?

——Include the entire Shanxi, even the entire North China, and even the entire Sino-Japanese battlefield within the strike range of our air force.

In other words, if I make a plan to bomb the Japanese army headquarters in the morning, you will be able to bomb me the headquarters of the devil's North China Front Army in Beiping in the afternoon.

At that time, the air force of our Eighth Route Army was really strong! "

This is what I said to Doolittle and other US military pilots, as well as to the outward media.

After closing the door, at the military meeting of the Eighth Route Army’s former enemy general headquarters, Kong Jie said this again: “There is an old saying in China, a tree that is beautiful in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

Let’s not talk about it, that is to say, the Eighth Route Army is now building its own air force. Not to mention that the little devils are jealous and regard us as a thorn in the flesh.

Maybe some countries in the world are also waiting to see our jokes.

I wish our air force died on the way.

But the more this is the case, the more we must be 12 points high and build up our country's aviation power as soon as possible. "

Not only that, Kong Jie looked far into the distance, and he said earnestly:
"The construction of aviation power is crucial to the enhancement of a country's military power. We should take a long-term view and a bigger picture.

We must know that the enemies we are about to face are not only the Japanese army and reactionaries in front of us, but we are likely to encounter all kinds of enemies in the future.

——It's like in the arena, what kind of master is not afraid of being killed?No. [-] in the world!Only number one in the world, why?No one else can beat him, so he is naturally not afraid.

Therefore, the Japanese invaders are the goal we must defeat, but they are by no means our only goal.

The truth that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun will not change, only if our military power is strong enough, only if our army, navy, and air force are all strengthened.

Only a China that has been weak for hundreds of years can truly become strong and stand up.

Comrades, this requires us pioneers to overcome obstacles and overcome hardships, even if it involves bloodshed and sacrifice, we must continue to fight for it! "

As soon as the words came out, the soldiers echoed one after another.

Commander Wang has an upright temper, and his words are even more straightforward, "It's nothing to say, we fought all the battles that should be fought, and we have shed all the blood that should have been shed. The enemy is crying and howling, even if the enemy will be beaten for generations to come, they will never dare to mess with our majestic China.

It's a big deal for us to work harder, but I believe that our hard work will not be in vain. After all, our children and grandchildren will be able to live a prosperous and peaceful era without wars.

Then our fucking life is enough! "

"Yes, enough!" the generals said one after another.

Looking at these revolutionary martyrs with sincere eyes and no flinching in their words.

Kong Jie was deeply shocked. He suddenly felt lucky that he could not only witness the magnificent and splendid life of these revolutionary martyrs with his own eyes.

What's even more fortunate is that he can still be a member of this great group, participate in it, and fight for it all.

After the meeting ended, all the cadres left one after another, while Kong Jie was left behind by the deputy chief of staff for another short meeting.

Discuss the follow-up direction of the Eighth Route Army's aviation units.

This is exactly the strength of Captain Kong.

At the military meeting, Kong Jie finished the meeting as the captain of a detachment. Looking back, he was able to hold a small meeting as a pioneer and pioneer of economic construction.

The deputy chief of staff said directly: "Kong Jie! Our Eighth Route Army's military industry base is weak, and you know this better than anyone else.

The construction of our Eighth Route Army's aviation force depends on our own words, and this power is quite limited. We can't rely on the capture of planes from the airports of little devils all the time to develop our aviation force, right?

You have always had a unique perspective on this, and we want to hear your thoughts! "

All the people present here are big bosses, but at the moment, in front of Kong Jie, all of them put on the look of humbly asking for advice, seeing the eyes of the deputy chief of staff, deputy commander in chief, including the division chief and the old brigade commander.

Somehow, the first thought born in Kong Jie's heart was:

If Lao Li knows the current situation, he must say I'm bragging again!Even the boss and the others have to ask our old Confucius what he means in terms of economic construction, base area development, and military construction!

It is not an exaggeration to call us Lao Kong—the designer of the development and construction of the base area!

Cough cough--

After coughing twice, and sorting out his thoughts, Kong Jie said slowly, "Leaders, before answering this question, I would like to ask a question first. Is this ladle faster, or is it faster to close your eyes and imagine and draw this ladle?"

The old brigade commander said with a smile: "You kid and us are still playing tricks? Let the fart go!"

"Hey!" Kong Jie responded, and said with a smile: "The meaning of this is actually very straightforward. Our Eighth Route Army has a weak military industry foundation, and basically not much industrial foundation. This is not much different from starting from scratch.

In this case, we want to develop quickly, relying on building a car behind closed doors, exploring and pondering by ourselves, which is actually very stupid.

What is the fastest way?
That is to follow the gourd, even if it is rote, we should learn quickly from those excellent subjects, learn from them, or even copy them directly.

Directly learn from their achievements and quickly stimulate our development.

Of course, my statement is only for the construction of military industry and economic construction, and the political aspect is another matter.

So I think our military industry and economic construction should go through a process of learning from others, to production, and then to trying to innovate and reproduce.

It's like that all fields of our military industry are in urgent need of development.

Big aspects such as the construction of the aviation force, our aviation force, if we want to really become stronger, as the deputy chief of staff said, we can't rely on the capture of three melons and two dates we got from the devils Our army has become an aviation and military power.

That is a fantasy, absolutely impossible.

This meal still has to be eaten bite by bite, and the road has to be walked step by step.

Only when we can even create an industrial chain of fighter jets ourselves, the construction of our aviation force can be considered to have really developed.

Leaving aside these major aspects for the time being, in terms of small aspects, so far, how many military industries are there in our base area?Is it possible to produce shells, bullets, artillery, guns, etc. by yourself?
How many factories do we have?
How many assembly lines are there?
Is there even one industrial product with technical content that can be sold? "

Kong Jie asked and answered.

"No, I can say clearly, not at all, not to mention the manufacture of aircraft and tanks, guns and ammunition, cannons and the like, until now, our factory is still searching for it!

In contrast, to what extent has the military production level of the Yankees reached?

Just the production of military industry can no longer be satisfied with the development of industrialization level. Their industry has even begun to involve all aspects of civilian use, including civil aircraft, transport ships, cargo ships, trucks and so on.

They have their own national automobile industry, automobile brands, as small as a bullet, a pen, as large as a ship, an airplane, they have corresponding complete production processes and factories, and the performance is not bad. Made it for you.

In contrast, our current stage is simply an agricultural country..."

Only Kong Jie's voice echoed in the room.

At this moment, no one regarded Kong Jie as a general who could only lead troops to fight.

Everyone listened carefully, these words of Kong Jie can be said to have touched everyone's heart.

Even the deputy chief of staff couldn't help asking, "So, Kong Jie, what do you think we should do?"

Kong Jie said: "If you want me to say it, there is no other way.

While our troops are engaged in military operations, we must seize the time. In addition to vigorously developing the construction of military industry, we must also vigorously develop the centralized construction of industry.

For the blank items that do not exist in China, we will find ways to find solutions from other countries, whether it is buying materials, equipment, technology, or experience.As long as it can help our industrial development, we will accept as many as we want.

Right now, our country is in a period of urgent need for rapid development, and we can no longer care about other people's jokes. Anyway, our Chinese nation is a nation that is good at learning and absorbing the successful experience of others. "

"Of course, we can't eat a big fat man in one bite, and we can't make airplanes and tanks for the time being, even if we build a factory that can produce bicycles, that's the same thing!

The United States claims to be a country on the back of cars, and its industrial level is indeed much higher than ours, but no matter how powerful and advanced it is, isn't it built slowly brick by brick?

Could it be that they were able to build aircraft, cannons, ships and cars from the very beginning?
As long as we catch up, I believe there will always be a time to catch up with them, or even overtake them.

...Improved modern agricultural bases, industrial parks, various military industrial areas, aviation bases, automobile industrial areas, and armored force bases. The gaps in each of these fields represent that we still have huge potential to tap.

We are not working behind closed doors. We should seize the opportunity to develop while the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union are still nominal alliances.

It just so happened that the current situation of the war has basically stabilized. In the whole of North China, after the Japanese army's May [-]st raid ended in a disastrous defeat, in the next few years, it will even be until the Japanese army is defeated.

We can even speculate that the devils will no longer have enough power to launch a large-scale, threatening sweep against our Eighth Route Army base areas.

This is a rare golden period for our stable development.

We can just take this opportunity to hide from the world and find out secretly.

The devils are nothing more than occupying the main traffic arteries, as well as some major counties and towns. As for more areas and larger areas, they all belong to our Eighth Route Army.

If we really make trouble, maybe by the end of the Anti-Japanese War, when the little devils are defeated and surrendered, we will also quietly develop into a powerful industrial army! "

Kong Jie's words spoke to all the generals present who were deafening.

But everyone here is a long-sighted boss, and Kong Jie doesn't need to go into too much detail, after all, he knows everything.

Then, he proposed some special agricultural and industrial development models.

Such as rural cooperative processing mode!

This can actively promote the production of means of production in a certain period of time and under certain conditions.

Another example is the state-run economic regulation, the application of market economy and so on.

Kong Jie said a lot. Standing on the shoulders of giants, he always takes a longer view.

The meeting room was quiet. The generals sometimes frowned, sometimes smiled, sometimes concentrated, sometimes blank, with different expressions.

But what Kong Jie said was an eye-opener for everyone.

In the end, even the deputy commander-in-chief and the deputy chief of staff were a little confused.

Kong Jie, that brat, seems to be confused too. What he said before is more reliable, but what he said later seems to be thinking of something to say, and even the introductory words do not match the introductory words, as if the things in his head are like beans Just pour it out.

The deputy chief of the general staff was still thinking quickly, and when he arrived, he only said one sentence:
"Kong Jie, what you said sounds quite reasonable to me! Then let's do it this way, use one of your teams as the experimental team, and start it officially, and you will use your long-term insights and thoughts , put it all into practice! We are waiting to see your surprise!"

Kong Jie: "..."

Dazed, he was numb all over.

No, such a troublesome matter, how could it be spread on my own head?


Kong Jie still wanted to speak, but the head teacher had already chased away with a smile, "Okay, Kong Jie, we have talked too much, and we can't remember or understand it well. After you go back, write a detailed report on this matter." , Sort out your thoughts and opinions and report them clearly.

The other thing is what the political commissar explained, don't forget! "

The bosses said so, and Kong Jie had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree.

When he walked out of the headquarters, there was faint laughter from behind him, and then a gust of hot wind blew, and Lao Kong was in a mess...

(End of this chapter)

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