The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1103 8 parties gather to watch the battle


The battle of the Eighth Route Army to capture Licheng had already attracted the attention of all parties, and later it was announced that a military parade would be held on the August [-]st Army Day in Licheng, and the noise was getting louder and louder.

The attention of the Chinese and Japanese commanders was all attracted to Licheng.

In the Zhejiang-Jiangxi area, after winning the early stage of the Zhejiang-Jiangxi Battle, the Japanese army took advantage of the victory to pursue and continue to expand their victories.

And abducted a large number of young and middle-aged men to achieve the purpose of supporting war with war.

Because Jiang Jun watched the combat attitudes of European countries and waited for the so-called allies to free up their hands, and then helped deal with the Japanese army, they adopted the wrong strategy to avoid the decisive battle in Quzhou, resulting in heavy casualties and losses.

Right now, it is because of the movement around the Eighth Route Army in Licheng that has attracted the attention of all parties.

Jiang Jun paid less attention.

This actually made the chairman secretly rejoice while lamenting that the Eighth Route Army was so powerful that they dared to take the initiative to attack and capture Licheng.

Regarding Licheng, the Japanese army and the Eighth Route Army's undercurrent confrontation, Jiang Jun's side took a wait-and-see attitude, and even seemed to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

The Jinsui Army is curious. As an old neighbor of the Eighth Route Army, especially in the past few years, after the Eighth Route Army has grown stronger, it has defeated the Japanese army time and time again.

This time around the battle in Licheng, Commander Yan of the World War II District Commander's Department was pondering, and he believed very firmly: "The Eighth Road must be brewing some kind of trap again, waiting to trap other little devils!"

What Lao Yan likes most is to join in the fun, and then seek business opportunities that are beneficial to him from the excitement.

As long as you can make money, no matter if you are the Japanese army, the Eighth Route Army, or the Central Army, after all, what we develop is the one-acre three-point land in the Sanjin, and it is over when we are our own emperor.

So Yan Zhangguan conveyed the news to the former enemy headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

A lot of words were said, but the implication was nothing more than one: you Eighth Route Army pitted devils, let me have eyes too!
After receiving the news, the deputy commander-in-chief extended an invitation very generously, inviting Commander Yan to enter the concealed air defense command post inside Licheng to personally experience the battle surrounding Licheng.

Chief Yan is so cautious, so he is naturally not happy. If the little devil blows up the entire Li city, and he is affected by Chi Yu again, who can he reason with?

In the end, Commander Yan agreed to wait and see the situation at the command post in the hidden air-raid shelter outside Licheng City accompanied by the Deputy Chief of Staff.

Also join in the fun.

When he arrived at the command post, Commander Yan brought many officers from the Jinsui Army over.

Among them are Yang Chongshan, the head of the 57th regiment who has been in the limelight recently, and the head of the 71st regiment of the Jinsui Army, who put forward the principle of "as long as there is money to earn, I don't care who he is, my troops also need to eat". Wu Changsheng, who has been cooperating closely with a team in business over the years.

Then there is the chairman's direct descendant, Chief Yan's apprentice, Chu Yunfei, the commander of the 358th regiment who has always been popular and made the officers of the Jinsui Army jealous.

Yang Chongshan held his head high, followed Officer Yan closely, and walked at the forefront of the ranks of officers behind him. This old boy is so proud now that even Chu Yunfei's limelight has been overshadowed by him.

Fang Ligong, Chief of Staff of the 358th Regiment, complained about this and taunted him in the regiment headquarters: "Regimental Commander, we know exactly what kind of guy this Yang Chongshan is, but now this pheasant with feathers has turned into a phoenix, which makes him look bad." gone."

Chu Yunfei was much calmer, and said with a smile: "Brother Li Gong, misfortune comes from your mouth, and you still need to pay attention to some words.

In any case, Yang Chongshan could quickly develop his 57th regiment and win many battles with the Japanese army. "

"It's just a bunch of rabble!"

Especially for the situation that the 57th regiment will be stationed near the Iron Triangle of the Eighth Route Army, it is the most ridiculed by Fang Ligong.

"It's like a sheep locked in the sheepfold by Balu. As long as Balu wants to, he can slaughter it for wine at any time!"

Chu Yunfei smiled and did not continue on this topic.

There are many officers in the Jinsui army who are greedy for money and afraid of death. He knows exactly what kind of people these people are. In the past few years, while these officers were fighting the Japanese army head-on, they also conducted business dealings with the devils in private to enrich their own pockets.

These years have improved a lot. I stopped dealing with devils, and instead did business with the Eighth Route Army.

It's a good thing in comparison.

At least the Eighth Route Army and the Jinsui Army are friendly forces in name.

They are all anti-Japanese armed forces.

In Chu Yunfei's opinion, it is much better to support the Eighth Route Army than to support the Japanese army and the enemy.

Eighth Road took the supplies and arms to fight the devils.

As for the situation where the 57th regiment will be stationed near the Iron Triangle of the Eighth Route Army, Chu Yunfei's secret plan is: "The 57th regiment should keep an eye on it. If there is an emergency, our 358th regiment must reinforce it as soon as possible. "

He added: "But right now, it's not likely, the devil is still our common enemy with the Eighth Route, and we should remain on the line of friendly forces for a while.

This is also to plan ahead and prepare in advance. "

It can be said that the reinforcements were rushed to the past.

In fact, Chu Yunfei also knew very well that if Kong Jie and Li Yunlong really wanted to attack the 57th Regiment, even if he, Chu Yunfei, mobilized all the troops of the 358th Regiment for reinforcements, it might not change anything.

I don't know when it started.

Perhaps with the change of time, Chu Yunfei's perception of the team led by Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, and Ding Wei is also constantly changing.

Just as Fang Ligong said with emotion: "In the Battle of Cangyunling, a Bantian regiment still needed multiple regiments of the Eighth Route Army to fight together to barely cope.

Just like this, Kong Jie and Li Yunlong tried every means to divert the trouble, and with the help of the artillery of our 358 regiment, they defeated the Bantian United in one fell swoop.

But in a blink of an eye, it's only been less than three years, Tuan Zuo, look, how has the Iron Triangle team of the Eighth Route Army grown? "

"Leaving aside, when the devils set off the May 12st sweep this time, the Sixth Field Division, in addition to some security forces and the Japanese [-]th Army's assistance, almost devoted their main force to the sweep of the Iron Triangle base.

The result was beyond all of our expectations. Instead of successfully penetrating the Iron Triangle base, the Japanese army was almost wiped out by the elite Iron Triangle troops of the Eighth Route Army.


That is a nearly fully staffed field elite division of the Japanese army!
God knows how Kong Jie, Li Yunlong and the others commanded in this battle. Why did this arrogant and rampant Japanese army turn into mud in the hands of the Eighth Route Army? "

At the time of the Cangyun Ridge battle.

Kong Jie's independent regiment, Li Yunlong's new regiment, including the 771st regiment of Commander Xu who fought together, the three regiments combined have only 4000 troops, barely equal to the Bantian regiment.

But Chu Yunfei's 358th Regiment was already strong at that time, with more than 5000 elite troops in the whole regiment, and there was also a mountain artillery battalion with excellent firepower configuration, which was even better than that of the Japanese army.

In the blink of an eye, the current May Day raids by the Japanese army ended in disastrous defeat.

Chu Yunfei's 358th Regiment basically remained the same, with more than 5000 troops and a mountain artillery battalion. In addition, they fought several victories against the Japanese army and seized some equipment.

In contrast, the Iron Triangle of the Eighth Route Army.

The Xinyi Regiment, which had only more than 1000 troops at the beginning, can now easily pull out [-] to [-] troops.

Even the newly formed New Second Regiment, led by Li Yunlong later, can easily crush the 358th Regiment in terms of strength.

The independent regiment led by Kong Jie has now grown into the first independent anti-Japanese detachment in Northwest Shanxi, let alone.

Once upon a time, during the Battle of Cangyunling, Chu Yunfei didn't even pay attention to the so-called independent regiments of the Eighth Route Army, Xinyi regiment, and 771 regiment.

At that time, he regarded his imaginary enemy as the Japanese Sakata Regiment in Cangyun Ridge.

Later, with the growth of the Independent Regiment, the New First Regiment, and the New Second Regiment, Chu Yunfei gradually converted the imaginary enemy into the three regiments of the Iron Triangle of the Eighth Route Army.

As for now...

Just as Fang Ligong said, "Regiment, the Iron Triangle of the Eighth Route Army is growing stronger day by day, and sooner or later it will become a serious threat to the party-state. If conflicts break out in the future, I am afraid that our 358 regiments will not be able to catch them!"

Chu Yunfei was silent. Even if he had the backbone of a soldier, he had to admit that the current 358 regiment might not be as good as the Shanxi-Northwest Iron Triangle, or even any party in the Iron Triangle.

When Chief Yan rushed to Licheng to watch the battle, Chu Yunfei applied to come with him, just to take a good look at how far the Iron Triangle team has grown.

When choosing a place to watch the battle, Chief Yan, out of safety, politely declined the deputy commander's invitation to enter Licheng's internal headquarters to watch the battle at close range, and finally chose to watch the battle at the air-raid shelter headquarters outside the city.

Chu Yunfei was naturally not afraid of death, so he directly chose to enter the command post built by the Eighth Route Army in Licheng to watch the battle.

Hearing this, Yang Chongshan, with his head held high, said, hey, you, Chu Yunfei, are not afraid of death, and my surname Yang is certainly not afraid, so he also chose to enter Licheng to watch the battle.

Lao Yang sees this clearly.

Captain Kong has already entered the command post inside Licheng, can he harm himself?
He is steady!
This time the devil probably will suffer a big loss again.

In order to deal with the battle around Licheng, the Eighth Route Army has arranged multiple headquarters to coordinate operations in advance.

Among them, Kong Jie sits at the Licheng Air Defense Front Command, and is fully responsible for the air-to-air operations around Licheng according to the order of the former enemy general headquarters.

Li Yunlong sits at the headquarters of the long-range anti-aircraft artillery group. Once he receives an order from Kong Jie, he will immediately mobilize his troops to use the air defense system built in advance to fight against the Japanese air force that was attacked by air.

Ding Wei sits in the command center of the electric detective force to ensure that the plan is concealed and foolproof.

All other commanders at all levels were stationed in the regional command centers to cooperate with Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, and Ding Wei's unified dispatch.

Kong Jie took the initiative to apply for the command this time. On the one hand, he is most familiar with the aviation unit built by a team, and he can command it with ease.

On the other hand, considering the battle around Licheng this time, many bigwigs came to observe, Kong Jie also wanted to use this convenience to further expand the business of a team!

Except for Yan Zhangguan and his party from the World War II Zone Chief's Department.

Commander Tang, including Yubei, also came.

Talking about business is definitely indispensable. If Commander Tang has seen such methods of the Eighth Route Army with his own eyes, even the most powerful aviation unit of the devils can be ignored.

Whether he wants to carry out closer business cooperation with Eighth Road in the future, or even political cooperation beyond business cooperation, depends on whether his vision is long enough.

There are also representatives of the Allied Forces from various countries.

Kong Jiede sent a message to these allied representatives through the strong skills shown by the Eighth Route Army, including the strength of the aviation unit in this battle.

On the Sino-Japanese battlefield, the Eighth Route Army was the mainstay of the anti-Japanese forces.

Then, if countries want to rely on the Chinese army to contain the Japanese army and relieve the pressure on the battlefields of all parties, then they have to cooperate more with our Eighth Route Army.

the other side.

Accompanied by Shi Dahu, Kong Jie checked the camouflage equipment built inside Licheng and the corresponding situation in advance.

The two were walking when suddenly a big black shadow slowly passed by. Kong Jie looked up and saw that there was a big iron frame with a simple track underneath. One end was pulled by soldiers tens of meters away.

So the whole iron frame moved on the track. From a distance, I really thought it was a self-propelled artillery for air defense!

Shi Dahu introduced from the side: "Head, this is a camouflaged anti-aircraft tank specially made by us, and it even has a certain degree of mobility. of.

We have placed a lot of these fake anti-aircraft guns in various air defense positions in Licheng. After the battle starts, they will keep moving. The devil's high-altitude reconnaissance will definitely not be able to tell whether it is true or false! "

Kong Jie nodded, Shi Dahu is indeed a talent, this mobile fake anti-aircraft gun is a bit like the camera that uses orbital movement when making movies in later generations.

Maybe after the battle is over, this kid is still a talent for making movies!
Then there are scarecrows in common people's clothes that can be seen everywhere, also used to fool little devils.

But in fact, Licheng at this moment, including the people in the surrounding Xiangyuan, Liaoxian, Shexian and other cities, has already been transferred away. Except for the soldiers who are still active in the city, it is completely a city. An empty city.

After checking the camouflage deployment in the city, Kong Jie rushed to the artillery group headquarters where Li Yunlong was stationed.

Seeing Kong Jie's arrival, Li Yunlong hurriedly pulled Kong Jie over, pointed at the map in front of him and said, "Old Kong, you came just in time, I was thinking about the plan for this air battle just now!
You see, once the devil's flying troops launch an air strike, we will first use 105mm and 88mm long-range anti-aircraft guns to disperse the devil's large formation, and after the devil's fleet is dispersed, we will use the artillery of each air defense position we deployed, How about destroying the devil's planes one by one? "

Kong Jie said, "It's kind of interesting. This seems to be back to the division and outflank tactics that our Eighth Route Army is best at."

Li Yunlong said happily: "Haha, that's what I mean! The old saying is good, everything changes and stays the same! Our old Li said that this air combat actually has a lot in common with infantry combat."

Two old comrades-in-arms began to delve into the specific air combat plan again...

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