The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1108 Kong Jie: If we want to fight, let's fight a big one!

What exactly does Kong Jie want to do?

In fact, according to the original plan, Kong Jie just wanted to take advantage of the battle in Licheng to consume the Japanese air force with the ground air defense force first, and then take the opportunity to send a secret aviation force to create the first battle between the Eighth Route Army air force and the Japanese air force. Confrontation.

It would be great if we could take the opportunity to destroy a few planes of the Japanese army and thoroughly publicize the power of the Eighth Route Army's air force.

Although the aviation unit secretly built by the Eighth Route Army is far inferior to the Japanese army in terms of background.

But this time in the air-to-air battle in Licheng, the Eighth Route Army has taken the initiative.

The air defense force built by infantry on the ground can be used to deal with the devil's flying troops.

However, after experiencing the disastrous defeat of the May [-]st sweep, the regular Japanese army could not reinforce Licheng in time.

Kong Jie wanted to take advantage of the consumption of the Japanese air force by the ground air defense force and the surprise attack by the Air Force of the Eighth Route Army on the Japanese air force to traumatize the devil's air force in one fell swoop.

Ke sat in the frontline air defense command of Licheng and witnessed the carpet-like air strikes launched by the Japanese army against Licheng, as well as the deployment.

Kong Jie was keenly aware of it.

The Japanese army had already guessed that the aviation unit of the Eighth Route Army might attack secretly, and they even deliberately set up a bait to lure the aviation unit of the Eighth Route Army to attack.

In addition, the strength of the flying troops invested by the Japanese army in the air strike on Licheng this time also exceeded Kong Jie's expectations.

Just in North China and Central China, there are many Japanese flying troops, bomber formations, and fighter formations. The bombs and incendiary bombs dropped almost plunged the central area of ​​Licheng into a sea of ​​flames.

But looking at the movements of the little devil, it is obvious that the devil should have a backup, and perhaps there is a more powerful aviation force that has not appeared.

Kong Jie speculated that it might be the Japanese flying troops in East China.

It may even be some advanced fighter planes reinforced by the Japanese navy.

Under such circumstances... "If we continue to follow our original plan, after depleting the Japanese air force to a certain extent, we will send our air force to take the opportunity to make a surprise attack.

Maybe he fell into the trap of the little devil! "

All the generals were also aware of this, but they just felt unwilling.

"Old Kong, so we can only watch the little devil's flying troops go wild, and the aviation troops we have prepared for a long time can only hide in the aviation base and stand still?"

A team of secret air bases, Lieutenant Colonel Doolittle even applied for operations many times.

He learned that the Japanese army had invested a large number of flying troops in Licheng. It might be very critical, but Doolittle still resolutely stated that he must participate in the battle.

"Kong, for this battle, our pilots did not know how much sweat and effort they put in. Everyone is looking forward to this battle. Even if we die, we must participate in the battle.

This is especially important for the morale of our aviation units! "

Kong Jie replied in this way.

"Of course, I didn't say that our air force would not be allowed to participate in the war."

"Then why hasn't a combat order been issued yet?"

"But it's not Licheng!" Kong Jie said surprisingly.


Let alone Doolittle now, all the generals were dumbfounded. The battle against the Japanese flying troops around Licheng had lasted for more than a day.

Kong Jie suddenly stated that the Air Force of the Eighth Route Army participated in the battle, but the combat area was not Licheng.

What exactly does this mean?
"Old Kong, don't be foolish, tell me your plan in detail!"

As the eyes of the crowd converged, Kong Jie said, "Comrades, we have always fought against the little devils, and we have always taken the initiative to attack. When will the little devils lead us by the nose?

This time the devils carried out another carpet bombing in Licheng, and a large number of fighter planes participated in the battle. The purpose could not be more obvious. It is to hit the momentum of our Eighth Route Army, disrupt our military parade, and lure our aviation troops out to wipe them out in one fell swoop.

Under such circumstances, if we foolishly send the aviation unit out to join the battle, wouldn't it be just what the little devil wants? "

"So I think, of course our air force will participate in the battle, but the object, task and content of the battle must be changed appropriately."

"How to change?"

"Change the course and attack Shanghai directly!"

As soon as Kong Jie said this, the entire headquarters fell into dead silence.

Only heard his voice continue:

"Think about it carefully, everyone, instead of us falling into the trap of the little devil, sending the aviation unit to fight to the death with the flying unit specially prepared by the devil, and risking our aviation unit to pay the price of heavy casualties.

Why not change your mind?
It's hard to deal with the devil's planes flying around in the sky, so we simply sneaked into the devil's base camp airport, and after some bombing, the little devil stopped at the airport, and all the fighter planes that hadn't had time to take off were blown up by him.

What is there to say?

——This fighter plane that hasn't taken off is no different from a pile of scrap metal!
My preliminary plan is as follows: First, we will use our most mobile fighter squad to appear in the Licheng area to raid the devil's bomber formation.

Of course, the little devils have long been prepared for the sneak attack of our aviation unit. They have already prepared escort fighter jets around the bomber formation. Our fighter jets are relatively small. Once the devil's fighter jets get entangled, the situation will be bad. up.

So I will make it clear to Lieutenant Colonel Du and the others that this time we will never entangle with the Japanese army. After a wave of sneak attacks, we will quickly withdraw, and use the faster flight speed of our modified fighters to lure the devils' fighters away. get rid of.

This is the first battle.

And this time according to my plan, our air force is divided into three battles.

This is the second battle!
It is to take advantage of our fighter squadron to sneak attack on the Japanese air force and attract the attention of the Japanese army, and at the same time use the second air force to attack the Japanese HD Chengnan Airport! "

When Kong Jie said this, Commander Chen's face was already full of excitement.

"Commander, you have to make preparations in advance. Our aviation unit will cooperate with comrades in the Southern Hebei Military Region to fight. Try to destroy the devil's Chengnan Airport. It would be great if all the fighters and bombers that were temporarily parked at the Chengnan Airport on the city battlefield were taken away."

Commander Chen responded immediately: "Haha, old Kong, don't worry, the devil's HD Chengnan Airport is rounded up by me!"

Kong Jie continued: "As for the third combat unit, this is the final trump card of our aviation unit.

Put all our bombers into the third formation.

Attack Shanghai directly and bomb the military airport near Shanghai!

I think everyone is aware of this point. Devils have three largest military airports in Shanghai. There are definitely not a few planes parked in these airports, including fuel and ammunition stored by Devils.

In addition, these airports have not been subjected to large-scale air raids for a long time. Except for some hangars, they are not like Mingbao Airport and Wuchagou Airport, which are permanent airports. They even built aircraft fortresses.

As long as the bomber unit formed by our third group can successfully reach the sky over the three Japanese military airports in Shanghai, it will definitely be able to deal a fatal blow to the devil's large airports! "

The thinking is very clear.

The idea is even more amazing.

Of course, the specific implementation process is by no means as simple as it seems on the surface.

Let alone whether the Japanese army would be aware of Kong Jie's combat intentions, they promptly dispatched planes to intercept the Eighth Route Army's aviation units in mid-air.

Whether Doolittle and his party can fly the plane, avoid the interception of the Japanese army along the way, find the large military airport deployed by the devils in Shanghai, and launch the air strike smoothly is also a difficult problem.

This requires a lot of intelligence support.

It also requires a lot of luck.

However, Kong Jie was full of confidence in this, "Since we want to fight, let's fight big! Since we want to fight, let's fight him hard!"

After temporarily deciding to adjust the secret combat plan of the aviation unit, Kong Jie quickly reported his thoughts to the headquarters.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army Front Enemy General Headquarters, which was temporarily transferred to the Air Defense Headquarters outside Licheng, the deputy commander-in-chief did not hesitate to support Kong Jie's thoughts with great courage.

The deputy commander in chief said only one sentence: "The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, the commander should not be suspicious, and the employer should not be suspicious. Kong Jie sits at the frontline air defense headquarters in Licheng, and there is no one who can understand the situation better than him.

We should fully support Kong Jie's combat ideas! "

So the headquarters quickly mobilized to cooperate with Kong Jie's command.

The old brigade commander went into battle in person and prepared all the necessary intelligence work in advance.

At this time, the biggest problem is lingering in everyone's mind.

——How to set a precise route in advance, guide Doolittle and his air force to the Shanghai area smoothly, and launch bombing against the three large airports of the Japanese army?
The old brigade commander was at a loss for what to do about it, but there were a large number of intelligence personnel belonging to the Eighth Route Army in Shanghai, and information had already been collected on the location of several large military airports in the Shanghai area by the Japanese army.

There is even information on the deployment of troops at large Japanese airports, the approximate location of anti-aircraft guns, corresponding parameters, and firing heights.

If you want to attack the large Japanese airport in Shanghai, this information will definitely come in handy.

But how to guide the air force of the Eighth Route Army in mid-air to arrive at the Japanese military airport smoothly?

Just as he was thinking about it, and at night he led the guards to think of a way to blow the night wind in the base area, the guards suddenly pointed not far away and said, "Brigadier, should we go to Wangjia Village?"

"Wang Family Village?"

The brigade commander was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "This black man can hardly see his fingers. How do you know that direction is Wangjiacun?"

The guard said: "There are lanterns, Brigadier, you don't know, Wangjiacun always puts a few lanterns in the direction of the village entrance at night, and you can see some lights from a distance, so you know it's their village!"

"Lantern! Lantern!"

The old brigade commander suddenly caught something, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and immediately slapped his thigh.

"I have an idea!"


A team of secret air bases.

It was nearly midnight when Major Davis received the combat mission.

When Lieutenant Colonel Doolittle's order came, Davis almost jumped up excitedly, "Great, long live Your Excellency Commander, you can finally join the battle!"

Doolittle realized that Davis seemed to have not been able to round the corner, and reminded again: "Major Davis, please listen clearly, this combat mission, temporarily adjusted, is not to go straight to Licheng to fight the Japanese army." Instead of flying troops, they directly attacked Shanghai at night, and air raided the large Japanese military airport in Shanghai!"


Davis was stunned, "Sneak attack on Shanghai, bombing a large Japanese military airport?"

When he came back to his senses, the original excitement on his face was replaced by madness this time.

"Interesting, it seems that our commander is really a free-spirited guy. I thought fighting in Licheng would not be enough fun against the Japanese flying team!
Now it's interesting, direct attack on Shanghai, sneak attack on a large Japanese military airport, I like this kind of mission! "

Doolittle immediately explained to Davis in detail the specific operational thinking of attacking the Japanese Shanghai Airport.

After hearing this, Major Davis exclaimed in amazement: "No, it's okay? There really are these Chinese!"



Licheng area.

The bombing of Licheng by the Japanese bomber formation continued.

The two wings of the bomber formation are still escorted by advanced Japanese fighter jets, and they are always on guard against sneak attacks by the Eighth Route Army aviation units.

Ningji Okamura, an old devil who sits in the headquarters of the North China Front Army of the Japanese Army in Beiping, always pays attention to the movements in Licheng.

Balu's full patience made him a little anxious.

The Japanese army occupied Licheng for a long time, but in fact they knew everything about the warehouses, barracks, hospitals, power stations, communication stations, and city defenses in Licheng.

After the air strike against Licheng began.

The combat plan for the air raid on Licheng formulated by Okamura is actually very complete:
First, a high-altitude bomber was used to conduct a tentative bombing round of important military targets inside Licheng, in order to detect the corresponding reaction of the Eighth Route Army.

Then the fighter jets passed by at high speed, luring the eight-way air defense firepower to fire, and then the dive bomber squadrons took turns entering the battlefield to attack the air defense positions.

After a comprehensive test is clear.

Only the main air force of the Japanese army in central China will be on the scene to launch a full-scale air strike.

In the end, the long-range bomber unit in East China was responsible for the finishing touches and set the entire Li city on fire!

The Japanese army thought that after the two full-scale air strikes, no matter what the effect was, the Eight Routes had experienced a whole day of air strikes, and under the high-intensity combat from morning to afternoon, they never expected that the Japanese army would have another wave of carpet-like high-altitude air strikes.

This wave of air raids arrived at [-]:[-] p.m., and returned immediately after the air raid was over. If the air force of the Eighth Route dared to come out, it happened to be cleaned up together.

It only took less than a day before and after, and Licheng, together with all the Eight Routes and Chinese people in the city, could be buried in the sea of ​​flames.

Completely destroy the so-called military parade that the Eighth Route Army was promoting with great fanfare in Licheng.

Revive the Imperial Japanese Army!
Okamura's wishful thinking can be described as bang bang, but when it was implemented, the reaction of the eight roads surprised him a bit.

Facing the vigorous bombing of the Japanese flying troops, the Eighth Route Army did not make much counterattack at all, and only rushed out to put out the fire and make emergency repairs after the Japanese bomber troops passed by.

As for those important military buildings and bases, the Eighth Route Army seems to be going all out, completely ignoring them.

Even the "casualties" of a large number of people in the city, Balu actually stood by and ignored it!

This inevitably made Okamura a little depressed, as if he had punched the air.

The vigorous energy immediately declined a lot...

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