The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1111 Li Yunlong, this muddy leg, should laugh at Zhang Laozi!

Chapter 1111 Li Yunlong, this muddy leg, should make fun of me!
On the ground, the seemingly simple bombing process is actually so complicated that it requires the cooperation and coordination of multiple parties.

Li Yunlong's head suddenly grew bigger.

"Well, Davis, I reckon I'll be the recorder!
Record when we dropped bombs. For example, the Eighth Route Army dropped bombs on the Japanese Jiangwan Airport, Longhua Airport, and Hongqiao Airport at 31:8 p.m. on August 2, 9.

This is the first battle of our Eighth Route Army aviation unit, and it is a direct attack on the large Japanese military airport in Shanghai. If this battle is fought beautifully, it will be difficult for us not to be famous. "

Davis had a straightforward personality, and said: "Commander Li, after bombing Tokyo, we have already become famous all over the world!"

Li Yunlong: "..."

"Damn, why are these Yankees talking so honestly? They can choke people to death!"

"Commander, what did you say?"

"I said you are all good!" Li Yunlong said.

"Thank you!"

Davis said.

"It's a pity that our aerial cameras can only capture the bombing at night, but not the results of the battle."

Li Yunlong said: "Don't worry about this. We have a Jiang resistance force in Shanghai, and we have successfully contacted them. After the air strike on our side is over, they will find a way to confirm the final result."



This time, Major Davis, Li Yunlong and his party launched an air strike against the Japanese Shanghai Naval Airport.

Follow Kong Jie's instructions.

A brigade air unit temporarily adjusted the combat plan.

The fighter jet attack squad sent out by the bomber formation against the Japanese army in Licheng was just a cover, as a feint attack.

The actual combat plan was finalized by Kong Jie, Doolittle, Davis, and the pilot commander Dai Minsheng after discussions.

——Taking advantage of the Japanese air raids on North China, Central China, and East China in Licheng, the fighter and bomber units in all directions were returning to their voyages under the heavy damage of the Eighth Route Army's air force.

The bomber and fighter jets were organized by Davis and his party.

Formation of fighter planes disguised as Japanese troops evacuating from the airspace of Licheng.

The long-range bomber air force and navy long-range bomber air force that followed the devils went straight to Shanghai under the instructions of the bonfires at the devil's airport and base areas along the way.

After arriving in the Shanghai area, they grouped up to attack the three airports, and finally pretended to fly towards Nanjing, and turned to the seaside collectively halfway.

After flying along the coastline, arrive at the Jiaodong Peninsula base, where there will be bonfire instructions arranged by the old brigade leader in advance.

With the help of beacon instructions, the flying team will divert to Shandong and fly back to a secret air base in a base area, perfectly avoiding the search of Japanese fighter jets taking off at night in central and eastern China.

The timing has to be right.

The formation of fighter jets and bombers must follow the chaotic retreating flying troops of the devils, fish in troubled waters, and take the opportunity to sneak attack.

At this time, the Devils' fleet was dispersed by eight-way fighter jets, and all formations were disrupted. In addition, it was dark, and all the airports passing by the Devils turned on the lights on their return flight, constantly contacting the scattered aircraft for return guidance.

The three military airports in Shanghai were even more brightly lit, waiting for the return of the Devils Flying Team, guiding the plane to land immediately, and then repairing the plane.

It is at this juncture...

"Start dropping bombs!"


under the night sky.

Under the illumination of some indicator lights of the Japanese military airport, one after another black shadows fell towards the Japanese military airport under the cover of night.

Immediately after...

boom boom --

There was no sound between heaven and earth.

First, the dive bomber squad dived directly towards the devil's military airport. With the help of the devil's indicator lights at the airport, even the flares were saved, and a large number of high-explosive incendiary bombs were directly thrown down.

Then, the bomber squad threw all the ammunition they carried towards the indicated target at one time.

The little devils in the airport area were probably trying to figure it out but couldn't figure it out. According to the news, it was clearly the imperial flying troops that had withdrawn from Licheng, and they obviously came following their indicator lights.

Why did it suddenly start dropping bombs?

The little devils here probably haven't heard of the power of the aviation unit secretly built by the Eighth Route Army.

They never thought that one day the large military airport built by the empire in Shanghai would be attacked by air in this way.

Until the power of the bombs and incendiary bombs was completely released.

The core area of ​​the entire airport was quickly engulfed in flames.

Explosion sounded one after another.

There was the crackling sound of the bombs dropped by the soldiers, as well as the sound of igniting the oil depots and ammunition stored by the devils at the airport, and blowing up the fighter planes parked by the Japanese army waiting for maintenance.

Another team also prepared some special weapons for the aviation unit.

Those were a few 96 land attack planes, loaded with small bombs that exploded with a delay, and threw them at the devil's airport in the dark, almost all over the airport.

A time-delayed bomb that explodes at an unknown time.

When the devil's reinforcements arrived in a hurry, what was waiting for them must be an extra surprise.

The night is getting darker.

The three-way combat force, with the help of the cover of night and the cover of the flying troops disguised as the retreating Japanese army, finally air raided the Japanese Jiangwan, Longhua, and Hongqiao airports very smoothly.

The Japanese army at the airport was completely caught off guard.

They couldn't understand at all how the enemy would think of sneak attacking in such an unpredictable way.

Davis and his party carried out the orders given by Kong Jie.

After the air raid on the Japanese military airport was successful, Dang even led the fighter and bomber squadrons, and left screaming without giving the little devil any chance to react.

The bombing in the dark came in such a hurry, and went even more hastily.

In such a hurry, the Japanese army was caught off guard by the bombing, and some people even foolishly thought that the fighter plane of the Imperial Army had misfired, or that the ammunition it carried was loose and accidentally fell into the airport.

——When returning to work.

Li Yunlong has already begun to wonder what the outcome of tonight's battle will be.

Davis smiled and said: "Our bombing of the three airports of the Japanese army went very smoothly. All the bombs went to the indicated target, and there were a large number of incendiary bombs. Looking at the airport, the devil's Fighters can be seen clearly.

This air strike must have caused great trauma to the Japanese flying troops! "

When it comes to this, Davis can't help feeling a little bit emotional.

If it is said that their U.S. air raid on Tokyo, relying on sophisticated intelligence and perfect attack, shocked the world.

It was the first operation of the aviation unit built by the Eighth Route Army—night attack on three large Japanese military airports in Shanghai.

It can also be summed up in four words "excellent".

Davis even believes that the thrilling and perfect planning and intelligence cooperation are no less than a Doolittle air raid.

And this time.

The Japanese army's Jiangwan, Longhua, Hongqiao and other three large military airports are facing an unprecedented nightmare.

What Li Yunlong and Davis didn't know was.

Because they used a picric acid incendiary bomb specially developed by a team, even the aircraft fort and hangar were all set on fire for him.

Not to mention the long-range bombers parked by the Japanese army.

Caught in a sea of ​​flames!
When developing this incendiary bomb, Kong Jie specifically pointed out: "The flame from the incendiary bomb can be easily extinguished with water. But what if it is a flame that cannot be extinguished by water, has the little devil seen it?"
Just develop it for me in this direction!

Let's have a real fire of Samadhi that even water can't extinguish in Journey to the West, and burn him to death! "

At this time, the power of the picric acid incendiary bomb has been fully interpreted.

After a large number of flames burned up.

The devil's firefighting force who rushed over hurriedly put out the fire with water,

As everyone knows, picric acid is a chemical substance that is extremely explosive, and when it meets water at a high temperature, it will actually fuel the fire even more, and the fire will be a mess.

This confused the devil's firefighting team.

Whoever has encountered such a situation, the more the water is poured, the greater the fire.

the other side.

The Jiangkang reconnaissance team that Li Yunlong contacted in advance was originally here to determine the results of the battle. Unexpectedly, the commander who led the team was also a person who was fearless, and took the opportunity to expand the results of the battle. Ambushed.

In the words of this commander, "There's such a big commotion, let's add another fire!"

They then led a team disguised as a fire brigade, ransacked the special plane of the commander-in-chief of the [-]th Army in Shanghai, and ransacked all the personal belongings on the plane that were going to fly to Tokyo, and all the gold bars that were searched home.

Before leaving, time bombs were placed in the airport tower, oil depot and other places, completely destroying the airport.

For a while, the Japanese military airport was in chaos.

When Fujita, commander of the No. 13 Army of the Shanghai Garrison, rushed to the airport, he saw the scene of the airport being severely damaged and destroyed by the enemy.
Why was it attacked by the air, and even who did the air attack did not know?
Why doesn't the anti-aircraft fire fire? "

The army flight captain Watanabe, who was in charge of the on-site command, said with ashes on his face: "Sir, Chief Fujiyama encountered a time-delayed bomb while fighting the fire, and he has already served the emperor!

The long-range bombers in the parking position of the airfield were all burned.

Most of the fighter jets in the hangar, the aircraft fort, the reconnaissance aircraft and various aircraft were damaged.

The transport plane was transferred to another airport in advance to make room for the bomber unit, but there was no loss.

The largest airport facility is the secondary blasting of towers, communication centers, power stations, warehouses, oil depots, and pilot dormitories by unidentified infiltrators using time bombs.

Because the ground crew and maintenance personnel gathered overnight to overhaul the fighter plane, almost all of them were broken. "

His voice became more and more pathetic: "General! Our aviation team has suffered heavy losses, but we don't even know who our opponent is. This is really a great shame. I have no face to see the emperor. Please let me apologize by cutting open my stomach!"

Fujita forced himself to calm down, and said: "Watanabe-kun, the matter has come to this, it is not your responsibility, fix the aftermath as soon as possible, and restore the airport.

I will apply for aid.

Also, has my private plane been rescued? "

Watanabe wondered: "Your Excellency, when the guards you sent with the fire brigade came to fight the fire, didn't they transfer the things on the plane back?"


When Fujita heard this, he became anxious and almost vomited blood.

He didn't understand that the so-called guards and fire brigade were probably infiltrated by the enemy in disguise.

On this plane were hundreds of gold bars collected by the Thirteenth Army over the past year, some of them belonged to him, and some of them were entrusted by the officers below to help him bring them back to China during the two days off.

The old devil was furious at that time.

The current situation couldn't be more obvious. No need to guess, most of the people who attacked the airport were the Eighth Route Air Force. As for Jiang Jun's air force, they didn't have that capability yet.

Then he scolded Mr. Okamura, he was a disaster star, extremely incompetent!

Our flying team helped you deal with the Eighth Route in North China, but turned the flames of war on yourself?

At this time, Li Yunlong didn't know that he and his party had achieved great results.

Li Yunlong was very happy when the bombing of the fleet was over and the return journey was over!
Thinking about what to say to the old leader when he is passing by the air over the Jiaodong base area and airdropping the long-wave radio station and some supporting supplies.

He helped Lao Kong and Lao Ding to prepare airdrop boxes, and his own box contained some books on air dominance, sea dominance, armored soldiers, etc., as well as his own experience in raising chickens and growing mushrooms, as well as the things he got from traveling all over the world in the past two years good wine.

Ding Wei sent some pistols, submachine guns, semi-automatic rifles, sniper rifles and holsters.

Lao Kong sent some medicines.

Li Yunlong also wrote a special letter to Commander Xu.

But on the other hand, Commander Xu received a secret telegram that Kong Jie, Ding Wei, and Li Yunlong wanted to airdrop a batch of supplies to themselves, so they started at the scheduled airdrop site at eleven o'clock in the evening, talking to Political Commissar Tan and the headquarters. The gang is waiting for the plane.

He was still very happy in the words, "They are all my old comrades in the 386 brigade, old subordinates!"

But Lao Xu looked at it with a telescope for a long time, but he couldn't see anything.

The old Tan asked: "It's late at night, can they see our five-star bonfire?"

Old Xu said: "You should be able to see it! Didn't they air raid the Taiyuan Dongshan Fortification Group at night before? I don't know how they are doing. All the newspapers issued by Taihang are their headlines. I heard that Li Yunlong can write good words." up.

The commander-in-chief in Yan'an liked to read his experience in armored troops.

When I was still in the 386 brigade, this kid was not worried, but now he has matured! "

Time passed quickly.

Exactly 12:45 at night.

The bomber formation arrived, and after a brief conversation between Lao Li and Lao Xu, the empty supplies arrived on the ground smoothly, and then Li Yunlong returned in the bomber.

After Lao Xu asked the guard battalion to find all the airdrop boxes, he found the letter that Li Yunlong and the others had given him.

A group of staff officers and commanders of the headquarters went to open the box full of expectations. Old Xu took the letter and read it for a long time. Among them, the letter written by Li Yunlong was the longest. A little embarrassing.

This made Commander Xu couldn't help cursing from the bottom of his heart.

They are all born with mud legs, and they all fight with blood and morale. Li Yunlong, a bastard, is getting more and more promising now!

There are also some photos in the letter.

Including photos of Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, Kong Jie and others fighting, promoting, participating in learning activities, production activities, and factory visits.

In addition, there are armored columns and mechanized artillery units that cannot be seen on the march.

There is even a photo of Li Yunlong as a teacher!

He stared at Commander Xu with a dazed expression.

He scolded, Li Yunlong, who didn't know a lot of words at the beginning and made troubles everywhere, has really become a master now!
Then there is some stimulation.

Especially after political commissar Tan helped read the letter written by Li Yunlong, he also said that Li Yunlong's words and sentences are indeed good, and now he is very educated.

Commander Xu immediately said: "Grandma, don't say anything, political commissar, after we go back, we will strengthen our cultural studies every day, so we can't be left behind.

Otherwise, the next time we meet, Li Yunlong, a mud-legged man, should laugh at me! "

(End of this chapter)

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