The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1119: Great Development

Chapter 1119: Great Development
Then came the awards ceremony.

According to the original plan of the headquarters, it was to award corresponding medals to the pilots who performed outstandingly in the Licheng air battle, and to the soldiers who fought bravely.

Among them, the pilot who shot down the first Japanese fighter plane was awarded a special commemorative medal for the pilot of the Eighth Route Army who shot down the Japanese fighter plane for the first time.

No one expected this.

It was thought that this medal would fall into the hands of American pilots.

After all, compared with the pilots of the Eighth Route Army, their combat experience is richer, and they have even carried out such a sensational mission as bombing Tokyo.

However, during the air battle in Licheng, after a group of secretly built aviation troops took action.

The first ones to shoot down Japanese fighter jets were not the Falcon Fighter Formation and Zhong Kui Squadron of US military pilots - these two elite fighter squadrons, which everyone had high hopes for, were equipped with the most advanced fighter jets.

It was Huo Qugui, the deputy captain of the 97 fighter formation.

Huo Qugui originally had a local name, Huo Daniu, and later joined the Eighth Route Army, and served as a heavy-hitter gunner in the New Second Regiment. Because of his heroism and heavy machine guns in every battle, he always caused great casualties to the Japanese army.

Later, it was renamed Huo Qugui.

Just the mention of the name can make the little devil tremble three times.

This senior heavy machine gunner from Li Yunlong's New Second Regiment, although a novice, participated in air-to-air combat for the first time, but his flying skills are experienced, very calm, and his aviation machine guns are very accurate.

Before participating in the Licheng air battle this time, Huo Qugui also specially studied how to launch a fire attack plan against an enemy plane that was also moving at the same high speed while his own fighter plane was moving at high speed.

After all, regarding this point, the militia military training manual compiled by Kong Jie did not mention it.

It is just a military training manual for the militia, and there is no need to consider the situation of the militia flying fighter jets to engage enemy aircraft.

In the end, Huo Qugui discussed the experience with Doolittle and his team of experienced American pilots, and came up with a combat plan for using aviation machine guns to launch firepower assaults against high-speed flying enemy aircraft.

For example, how to shoot when chasing the enemy from the tail,

How to fight back when withdrawing.

When launching a fire attack from the flanks, how to quickly calculate the distance between each other, and consider the advance of shooting, etc.

The final effort pays off.

When facing Japanese fighters for the first time over Licheng, Huo Qugui shot down two Japanese fighters in one go.

When he set up the aviation machine gun to shoot, his marksmanship was terrifyingly accurate, a few rounds of bullets hit the past, and the two fighter planes in the lead were directly hit on the fuel tank.

In the ensuing explosion, the little devil was killed in a plane crash.

As a senior aviation machine gunner, Huo Qugui has long been familiar with the positions of the various fighter jets of the Japanese army and the most deadly fuel tanks of the various fighter jets.

When the two sides were engaged in an air battle, Huo Qugui looked at the Japanese fighter jets that flew towards him at a high speed, and he felt a bit like he was incapable of seeing everything when he was trying to solve the problem.
The fuel tanks of the first two fighter planes were blown up by Huo Qugui. After the crash, the ghost pilots behind were taken aback and hurriedly steered the fighter planes to avoid direct fire.

Huo Qugui operated the machine gun and fired at them. When the Japanese fighter jets were flying at high speed and the Eighth Route Army fighter jets were also moving at a relatively high speed, he still hit two Japanese fighter jets that were driving away.

The two devil pilots were so frightened that they fled quickly, dragging the fighter jet that was already in flames.

In the end, Huo Qugui not only became the pilot who shot down a Japanese fighter plane for the first time in the Air Force of the Eighth Route Army, but also became the first ace pilot in the history of the Eighth Route Army because he shot down five fighter planes successively in subsequent battles.

And the leader of Yan'an personally awarded the ace pilot medal.

This is the glory of the soldier.

On the podium, Huo Qugui said that the fight this time was still not enjoyable enough, the little devil ran too fast, otherwise, he would get two more dollars for the medal of the ace pilot.

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was amused.

Then I was more and more impressed by the heroism and superb combat ability of Huo Qugui, the ace pilot of the Eighth Route Army.

Even the U.S. military pilots including Doolittle and Davis sincerely said that Huo Qugui is the best aviation machine gunner they have ever seen.

Davis even jokingly said: "No matter who becomes Huo's enemy, that will be his greatest sorrow. I want to be glad that I am not a Japanese soldier. Otherwise, once I meet such a crazy guy like Huo, it will be a disaster." It's completely over!"

Then, at the commendation meeting, the leaders of the headquarters, including the leaders from Yan'an, strongly commended the U.S. military pilots, mainly Dolittle and Davis, who assisted the Eighth Route Army in this battle and performed exceptionally bravely. Medals were awarded to these pilots.

All the guests are happy.

The atmosphere of this commendation conference has been pushed to a climax.

After the commendation dinner.

Kong Jie applied to the leaders and held a special selection meeting for the Eighth Route Army fighter jets.

Such a meeting is a novelty, and the leaders are all interested.

After the meeting started, Kong Jie opened the eyes of all the leaders.

It turned out that in order to maximize the benefits, Kong Jie invited aviation experts from the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States to take the stage with materials, and used the projector to play introduction documentaries about fighter jets, transport aircraft, and bombers.

What are you doing?
To decide what kind of fighter jets our Eighth Route Army will eventually introduce.

It's kind of like bidding.

Boss Kong sat down on the judges' platform, and experts from various countries came to the stage to introduce their products in order.

The first to be on the stage was a British aviation expert. He focused on playing some documentaries of the Mosquito fighter, and also introduced the advantages of this fighter in all aspects of performance to Kong Jie and a group of leaders.

I even brought some private goods, and recommended the Bristol Mumbai bomber and transport dual-purpose aircraft.

The output of this dual-purpose bomber and transport aircraft was very low for the British, and they themselves didn't like to use it. They were so hyped that they wanted to fool the Eighth Route Army into buying it.

It is best to sell the entire production chain to the Eighth Route Army and get him a fortune before going bankrupt.

Kong Jie knew this well. After listening to the introduction of the British aviation experts, he didn't say a word and didn't make any comments.

Then on stage was an American aviation expert. He focused on introducing the P38 Lightning fighter jet, but he also carried private goods.

Knowing that the Eighth Route Army did not have its own aviation industry, he wanted to buy not only fighter jets, but also production lines for transport planes and seaplanes, so he directly brought in C47s, Catalina seaplanes, and even SBD carrier-based dive bombers.

Anyway, they knew through John and Doolittle that the Eighth Route Army had seized a lot of hard currency from the devils, and they were very rich!

These aircraft are not considered advanced, and they have new aircraft ready to serve. These fighters that are not considered advanced will be eliminated sooner or later, and they will not be sold for nothing.

As for buying it for Jiang Jun?

Every time they think of this, the US representatives shake their heads.

The Eighth Route Army had just defeated the Japanese army in the May Day raid, and news of Jiang's army's successive defeats came from the Zhejiang and Jiangxi regions.

Even all the airports in the Zhejiang-Jiangxi area were occupied and destroyed by the Japanese army.

If these fighters were really sold to Jiang Jun, they might be in the hands of the devils the next day.

Isn't this lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot?
What's more, the Pacific War is still in full swing, and the rampant Japanese army is fighting against the U.S. military. At this time, selling the fighter plane to Jiang Jun is not equivalent to indirect funding for Japan!
As for the last Soviets on the stage, they were much more low-key, and they gave the Lawu fighter jets and the Lier transport planes, which were much cheaper.

The leaders were surprised to see it, and couldn't help but feel emotional in their hearts.

As the old saying goes, a weak country has no diplomacy.

Now that the army is strong and has money in hand, it can even defeat the Japanese army in a frontal battle.

This is willing to help the Eighth Route Army, and there are many countries in the world to win over the Eighth Route Army.

Watching Kong Jie enthusiastically pulling aviation representatives from various countries to discuss the specific situation of fighter jets.

The leaders felt that they couldn't talk about how to buy an airplane and which airplane was better. They guessed that they didn't really know someone like Kong Jieduo.

Then leave it to this kid.

Anyway, this kid never suffers, especially when doing business with these foreigners.

under the stage.

Kong Jie first negotiated with the representatives of the British side.

Under the efforts of Kong Jie, and there are competitors from various countries such as the United States and the Soviet Union, the British representative finally stated that the production line of the Mosquito fighter jet can be purchased separately, and the complete set of technology can also be transferred, and even two squadrons can be sent in private Come try it for free.

But the price is high!

"These Brits probably don't have such good intentions!"

Li Yunlong cursed afterwards.

Kong Jie said with a smile: "That's for sure. They must have more advanced aviation technology and the most advanced fighter jets on hand. As for what they sold to us, they are just products that are about to be eliminated."

"It's so fucking annoying, we can only pick up junk?"

"What can we do? At present, the aviation industry of our Eighth Route Army has just started. It's not as good as it is in the early stage, but it's better than nothing.

With these cooperations, no matter how quickly we seize the opportunity to develop and innovate, we may not be able to catch up, or even surpass the past. "

Kong Jie is actually very clear. According to the later historical progress, the British have already started to develop jet fighters during this period.

As for this kind of mosquito aircraft, it can still play some role if thrown on the Sino-Japanese battlefield.

It will be the world of jet all-metal aircraft in the future.

As for these mosquito fighters, there is no possibility of upgrading them in the future.

Therefore, even the engine technology, the British guy very generously agreed to transfer.

As for other types of advanced fighter jets such as Spitfire and Hurricane, the British themselves are not enough, and it is impossible to move the aircraft to China with the production line.

The Yankees are even better at doing business.

They were originally close to the water and they were close to the national government. In addition, they were allies, and on the side of the Eighth Route Army, there were two lines of John and Doolittle.

That will naturally not give up the idea of ​​making money from China.

They came up with a bundle that included fighters, bombers, transports and even amphibians.

It's okay to want a production line. As the world's largest arms company, the Yankees said that they have as much as they want.

Anyway, most of them are some backward production lines, and by the way, they can make a fortune in China.

The Yankees have a small calculation, the Eighth Route Army is becoming stronger and stronger, and even the Japanese army is tired of dealing with it. If they help the Eighth Route Army build up its air force, the Eighth Route Army will use the air force to attack Japanese ports and transportation lines when they are all right. It can greatly contain the Japanese army in China.

This is of great help to their US operations in the Pacific battlefield.

As the old saying goes, the enemy of your enemy is your friend!

It was even simpler for the Soviets. They sold all the obsolete products to him, and there were upgraded versions anyway.

As for the Eighth Route Army represented by Kong Jie, for the aviation assistance of allied countries, whether it is free help or paid business, the more the better, all comers are welcome.

Kong Jie understood the thoughts of the representatives of these countries all too well. They just watched the rise of the Eighth Route Army and wanted to take advantage of the power of the Eighth Route Army to suppress the Japanese army and at the same time seek benefits for their own country.

Now, they can put on the posture of a superior industrial power and sell these so-called advanced technologies and fighters to China.

On the one hand, it was because the Japanese army was on the side. On the other hand, they did not believe that the Eighth Route Army could catch up with the few fighters and production lines they had.

This is exactly the opportunity that Kong Jie won for the Eighth Route Army.

It is to take advantage of the contempt and carelessness of various countries to vigorously introduce technology and resources to the country, the more the better.

Who knows when, with the further growth of the Eighth Route Army and arousing the fear of all countries, these foreign devils will start to resist China's development.

Of course, in order to fool the representatives of these countries, Kong Jie also asked the leaders to help put on a play.

on the venue.

The leaders of the Eighth Route Army looked at so many aircraft models, and they all said that they didn't have much money and could only buy some of them. During the heated discussion, they seemed to like them all, but they didn't know which one to buy.

Some said to buy from the British, so the Americans and Soviets immediately became anxious.

Some said to buy American ones, so the British and Soviets followed suit.

Later, the leaders followed the principle of moderation, so let’s buy some of them!

It's just that it's okay, you have to give us a little bit cheaper!

The Eighth Route Army is willing to spend money to buy, and the Allied Army is willing to sell and license technology.

But the head of the Kong branch said again: "Our Eighth Route Army's industrial production level is backward, and I am afraid that we will not be able to produce qualified products in the future. If your brand is smashed again, I will feel sorry for you!"

As soon as this remark came out, it really bluffed the representatives of various countries.

Speaking of it, it is still the bad impression left by the government, which scares Britain and the United States.

During the so-called golden ten years of the Republic of China economy, these masters of the Republic of China had a lot of money, but they couldn't even make a car wheel.

Although these foreigners want to make money, they don't want to smash their signs.

Looking back, if these eight channels really screwed up the production, they went out to publicize the technology and production lines imported from the United States, Britain, and the Soviet Union. As a result, not even a qualified product was produced.

Wouldn't it have smashed the signs of the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union in front of the whole world?
As a result, representatives from various countries expressed in private that they would send the best engineers to help install the production line and guide production.

Of course, it's all discounted.

The Soviets sent engineers exiled to Siberia.

The United States directly recruited a group of Chinese Americans and volunteers to help.

The United Kingdom directly packed a group of European exiled engineers.

As everyone knows, this is what Kong Jie wants to see, "This kind of ill-fated scientists can actually help us wholeheartedly. If their countries really send over domestic high-paid talents, we may not dare to use them." Woolen cloth!"


The generals gave Kong Jie a thumbs up and laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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