The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1135 Autumn Offensive

Chapter 1135 Autumn Offensive ([-])
According to the battle plan formulated by the Eighth Route Army headquarters, the usual strategy is to attack in the east and attack in the west, and to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

——As soon as Taiyuan was attacked, Baoding took action. When the Japanese defenders in Datong went to Taiyuan to reinforce, and when the Zhangjiakou defenders went to Baoding to reinforce, they attacked Datong and Zhangjiakou at the same time, giving a fatal blow to the Mongolian troops and completely destroying their production base. When the troops stationed in Mongolia came back, they became beggars.

This will completely resolve the potential threat posed by the Japanese troops stationed in Mongolia to the development of the Eighth Route Army base area.

35th Route Army.

After visiting the Licheng air battle, as well as a series of Eighth Route Army base areas and various industrial facilities, Commander Fu decided to fully integrate into the Eighth Route Army system. Not only did he allow the Eighth Route Army work team to station at the 35th Army garrison, he also sent troops to the Yan'an Remaining Corps in the western part of the Hetao area. Stationed to prevent the Ma Jiajun who had fled to Ningxia from coming back, and to isolate the connection with the Chiang Kai-shek.

In addition, he also secretly carried out internal mobilization. Those who did not want to fight with the Eighth Route Army were controlled first and sent out of the country after the war.

The best thing is that he has also purchased assets in the rear area over the years. This time he specially sent people to the rear area to contact various military leaders and party and state officials, and half sold and half gave these assets to them in exchange for their special support.

The purpose was to deal with the Eighth Route Army. He even complained specifically to the Chairman, saying that the Eighth Route Army's aviation power had developed. The 35th Army was gradually surrounded by the Eighth Route Army and needed air power reinforcements. He hoped that the Chairman would send a group of pilot volunteers from Shanxi and their families. Let them fly planes to confront the Eighth Route Army.

At the same time, keep an eye on their families and prevent them from defecting.

In addition, a group of anti-aircraft firepower will be needed to guard Baotou.

I asked for this from the Chairman and also from Lao Yan.

This is a favor between the mother and the daughter.

Chief of Staff Chen was delighted and said that Commander Fu deserved to be from Shanxi, he knew how to do business even in his mother's womb!

After a wave of cool operations, the deputy commander's smile almost reached his ears. In the end, not only did he get two squadrons of P40 fighters, a squadron of B25 bombers, related supporting personnel and equipment, but also two regiments. Anti-aircraft guns of various calibers.

Lao Yan not only gave money, but also gave a group of training aircraft and aviation technicians.

After visiting the Eighth Route Army's secret aviation base, Commander Fu, who dreamed of aviation power, immediately ordered the establishment of a secret aviation base in Baotou.

Yan'an also secretly provided help, sending La38 fighter jets, P[-] fighter jets, mosquito bombers, and a group of trainees.

The secret aviation base belonging to the 35th Route Army secretly built in Baotou can provide air fire support for operations in the directions of Zhangjiakou, Datong, and Taiyuan at any time after the siege of Taiyuan City begins, catching the Japanese by surprise.

Anyway, after this battle, Commander Fu knew that he and the Eighth Route Army were jointly fighting and closely connected with each other, and he probably couldn't keep it a secret.

Then the assets were sold for supplies, and all the personnel were evacuated. By the time the chairman found out that he had been deceived, it was too late. On the surface, nothing could be done to him. For the sake of the stability of the overall situation, he even had to turn a blind eye. Eye.

It’s a shame to make more empty promises.

This is the action of the 35th Route Army.

Then came the 386th Brigade field force's plan to attack Baoding.

After the meeting at the Huangyadong headquarters, the 129th Division also held a meeting to ask the 386th Brigade to cross the Pinghan-Han Line to the Jizhong area in advance to take charge of the offensive plan for Baoding and the counties along the railway.

The troops of the 385th Brigade in Cangzhou are preparing to attack the Tianjin area in eastern Hebei.

Ding Wei's troops cooperated with the troops in southern Hebei to first attack northern Henan, and then penetrated into southern Shandong.

Li Yunlong's troops went to southeastern Hebei to prepare to attack the Japanese from Jinan to Jiaodong.

Kong Jie's troops served as the combat force for the second attack on the Jiaodong area.

Then each new brigade also mobilized elite troops and organized them into these field groups.

The main regiments of other military divisions took over the defense areas of these newly formed brigades and field groups. While defending the base areas, they also put pressure on the Japanese garrison in other Taihang areas and coordinated the Taiyuan operation.

The main forces attacking Taiyuan in the Luliang Mountain area were the 359th Brigade and the newly formed 32nd Division, which formed a field group, codenamed Qianjinding Team. During the operation, Commander Wang was the current enemy commander, and Commander Yuan was the deputy commander-in-chief.

The main forces attacking Datong in the Luliang Mountain area were the 358th Brigade and the Northward Detachment, forming a field group, codenamed the Iron Force. Brigadier Zhang was the former enemy commander-in-chief, and the Northward Detachment captain was the deputy commander-in-chief.

The main force of the 35th Army going south to attack Zhangjiakou formed a field group, with Lao Fu as the commander-in-chief, and the guerrilla corps, Yanbei detachment, and Daqingshan base troops fully cooperated. The unit was codenamed Dongfeng.

The 129th Division, led by Staff Officer Zhou, attacked Liao County and Shouyang, cut off the Zhengtai Line, and mainly attacked the east of Taiyuan City. The troops formed a field cluster east of the city, and the troops were codenamed Crowbar.

The 129th Brigade of the 386th Division formed a field group composed of 771st and 772nd. The main force was used to attack the Baoding area, completely destroying the Japanese defenses in this area, and by the way, attracting the Jidong Army, Peiping Army, and Zhangjiakou Army to go south. The unit was codenamed Steel Nail.

Ding Wei's troops and some field troops in southern Hebei, some field troops in northern Henan, and Lao Pi's main force were organized into field groups. They attacked PY first and then Jining, Lincheng, and Zaozhuang to revitalize the battle situation in southern Shandong. Liaocheng and Texas were left by the remaining troops in southern Hebei. The main force was besieged, and the unit was codenamed Tornado.

Li Yunlong's force is composed of the main force of the headquarters, part of the main field force in central Hebei, and part of the main force of the newly formed brigade of the 129th Division. It is code-named Typhoon.

The combat mission is to break through the Jiaoji Line, enter the Jiaodong base area and completely disrupt the Japanese defense system in Luzhong and Jiaodong areas, and launch a fierce attack on the scattered Japanese garrisons with lightning speed.

The teacher explained: "As soon as the war begins, break through the Japanese defense line in Lubei and follow the Jiaoji line. Attack the Japanese wherever there are. Don't care about the way back or the direction. Just like a monkey, run around in Jiaodong. Completely destroy the original defense system of the Japanese.

Give full play to your advantage in fighting chaos. I won't give you any rules this time. If you can't finish it, I will replace you. If you stop for sesame and mung beans and let the Japanese react and build a line of defense, you can come to me. Be the driver, don't lead the troops. "

Li Yunlong immediately accepted the order and blurted out his iconic words: "Please rest assured, sir, if I fail to complete the task, you will twist off my head and use it as a chamber pot!"

Kong Jie's main force was stationed in Jizhong, and some new brigades of the 129th Division and some elite main force regiments of the military region were incorporated. The unit was code-named Hurricane and temporarily served as the general reserve force.

When the combat missions were arranged at the meeting, none of the generals like Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, Commander Cheng, Commander Xu, etc. were willing to stay in the rear as a reserve team. They all wanted to steal the lead, especially Li Yunlong, who had the loudest voice. The brigade commander calmed down, but he might start scolding someone with a red face and thick neck.

In the end, Kong Jie said that since none of the comrades want to be in the reserve team, then let me do it!

As soon as this word comes out.

The leaders all lamented Kong Jie’s broad layout.The old comrades-in-arms were even more moved by Lao Kong's sincerity, but then they immediately shook their heads and threw the idea away. Illusions are all illusions!We must not let this boy Lao Kong be fooled!
In fact, the heavy responsibility of the general reserve force commander really has to fall on Kong Jie.

When it comes to the ability to control the overall situation, there are really few commanders at the regiment level or even the brigade level who can compare with Kong Jie.

In addition, Kong Jie also serves as the commander-in-chief of a secret aviation base and the acting commander of the Eighth Route Army Aviation Headquarters.

After the start of this war, various forces provided air force firepower reinforcements that could arrive at any time.

The specific process is that after the general meeting at the Huangyadong headquarters, a special meeting on aviation operations was held. At the meeting, the newly arrived instructors of the Soviet Army, the US Air Force, and the British Air Force were first welcomed.

They brought more bombers and fighters, including three squadrons of Soviet-made P-2 bombers, three squadrons of Soviet-made La38s, two squadrons of American-made P25 bombers, two squadrons of American-made B17 bombers, and three squadrons of American-made B3 bombers. Even Britain, which has always been stingy, gave two squadrons of Stirling bombers, and the Soviet Union gave two additional Yak-[-] fighter squadrons for trial use.

In addition, the Eighth Route Army ordered three battalions of 203mm heavy artillery units from the United States and the Soviet Union respectively, and they were quickly put in place. In addition, the allies even provided a batch of supplies, which was regarded as support for the Eighth Route Army's autumn offensive.

There are a batch of light weapons, mortars, trucks, artillery shells, and an additional US-made M1 105 howitzer battalion, three US-made M1 155mm howitzer battalions, a Soviet-made mL20 152 howitzer battalion, and a Soviet-made 1938-style 122 howitzer battalion. There are also supporting tractors and equipment, all in place.

The conditions were very simple, requiring the Eighth Route Army to use these weapons under the supervision of Allied military observers to fight Japan, and not to resell or hoard them for use.

The Eighth Route Army headquarters discovered that Kong Jie had revealed some combat plans in advance, and that he had achieved such a big harvest and given away so many supplies for free. Of course, a welcome meeting had to be held for the new Allied observers and pilots.

In fact, everyone's stomach is like a mirror.

"The Soviet Union, the United States, and the United Kingdom are at the most critical stage of their operations, and they are eager to contain more Japanese troops on the Chinese battlefield. What they do not lack most is weapons and equipment, but they lack combat troops who can use these weapons and equipment to produce corresponding effects. .

They even hope that our Eighth Route Army can win a great victory and destroy the stability of the Japanese army in the rear area of ​​North China in one fell swoop. This will affect the battlefields of all parties where they are located. "

Kong Jie sharply pointed out the inner thoughts of the allied forces who were supporting the Eighth Route Army in the battle.

Otherwise, why didn't they continue to support Jiang Jun as usual?
You probably also know that some mud cannot hold up the wall.

Subsequently, at a specially held aviation operations meeting, the headquarters made a command decision to formally establish the Eighth Route Army Aviation Command.

The aviation force was reorganized and the combat target areas were re-divided to facilitate command. Three squadrons of B17s and two squadrons of Lancasters formed a long-range strategic bomber unit and were stationed at the newly built Hongqi Airport. Except for takeoff, everything is maintained and maintained in a permanent hangar in the mountains. It is classified as top secret and is directly under the jurisdiction of the Air Force Command. The unit code is Color Silkworm.

This unit will temporarily conduct all night air raids and will not participate in daytime operations. It will mainly target high-value targets such as Japanese airports, large transportation bases, supply bases, and night camps for troops.

The first air force was organized into an air force that had participated in the Licheng air battle. The unit was equipped with three P38 Lightning fighters, three La3 fighters, two Type 25 Falcon fighters, two Yak 96 fighter squadrons, and one Type 97 Bell fighter squadron. Asahi fighter squadron, two Zero fighter squadrons; two B97 bomber squadrons, one Type [-] land attack squadron, one [-]th land attack squadron, two [-]th heavy explosion squadron; and an auxiliary mosquito radar squadron, one [-]th squadron A squadron of reconnaissance aircraft, a squadron of radar aircraft converted from seaplanes.

This air force is fully engaged in operations in the direction of Taiyuan, mainly to seize air supremacy. The force is codenamed Black Hu Feng.

The Second Air Force was established at the newly built Yangshan Yeongbi Airport in the Luliang Mountain area.

The main aircrews are two squadrons of Type 99 dive bombers, two squadrons of SBD dive bombers, three squadrons of La98 fighters, two squadrons of mosquito bombers, two squadrons of Type 97 light explosives, two squadrons of Type 97 light explosives, and three squadrons of Type 97s. Fighter squadron (mainly used for ground attack with rockets), a 38 heavy explosion squadron, a P[-] squadron, and a two-type ground attack aircraft squadron.

The unit, codenamed Stinky Bug, mainly conducts ground-to-air coordinated operations in the Taiyuan area.

The Third Air Force was established at the newly built Yongbei Yanta Airport in Yan'an, consisting of old fighter jets, bombers, and reconnaissance aircraft.

It is also equipped with two La38 fighter squadrons, two Mosquito night fighter squadrons, and two P[-] squadrons. The task is to maintain the communication line from Yan'an to Luliang Mountain. The unit codename is Bee.

For the Eighth Route Army troops, the aviation force, which the soldiers had longed for for a long time, was officially established. The morale of the three armies was greatly boosted, and the enthusiasm and confidence of the soldiers in resisting Japan were greatly increased.

As for the selection of the commander of the Eighth Route Army Aviation Command.

It matters a lot.

The final decision will be made by the commander-in-chief or deputy commander-in-chief.

However, on the recommendation of the deputy commander-in-chief, it was finally decided that Kong Jie would temporarily act as the combat command authority of the aviation command.

All the soldiers had no objection to this, and even felt that only Lao Kong could achieve this position of commander.

Even Li Yunlong didn't say anything. Instead, he told Kong Jie with a stern face that it would be fun to arrange some deputy commander tasks for him.

As the saying goes, the first to get the moon is the one who is near the water and the tower. Lao Li has never been ambiguous in this regard.

"Haha, Lao Kong, after you become the acting commander of our aviation headquarters, you have to take more care of your old comrades. Once my front combat troops call for reinforcements, your air force firepower reinforcements must arrive in time!

We, Lao Li, still want to be shy in front of the little devil! "

As for Li Yunlong, once he disrupts the Japanese defense system in Jiaodong, he will immediately launch a large-scale attack on central Shandong, northern Shandong, and Jiaodong, completely destroying the basis of Japanese rule in Shandong, while leaving some of the main force to assist the 385th Brigade in attacking Jidong. fighting.

Since they were completely separated from the battle on the Shanxi battlefield, the headquarters' reinforcements for Li Yunlong's department were probably only Kong Jie's aviation units.

Kong Jie smiled and said that our Eighth Route Army aviation unit will definitely arrive at the battlefield ahead of the Japanese flying units.

This time, the Eighth Route Army headquarters sent the most powerful field group to Shandong in order to completely destroy the basis of the Japanese rule in Shandong, let them disperse and station, raid everywhere, and uproot them this time.

It was with this intention that Li Yunlong was sent there.

Let Li Yunlong, a fierce general who dares to fight and charge, completely disrupt the Japanese deployment in Shandong.

Especially the little devils in Shandong are not very familiar with Li Yunlong's fighting style, so they may fall into Li Yunlong's way.

(End of this chapter)

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