The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1138: Autumn Offensive: Eight Immortals Cross the Sea, Each Showing Their Magical Powers

Chapter 1138 Autumn Offensive - Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing his magical powers

As the words continued, Kong Jie's face was filled with confidence.

“As a result, the construction of the six major aviation units of our Eighth Route Army has been completed, plus the aviation logistics support center in Huangyadong area.

What we want is temporary air supremacy on the front line, not comprehensive air supremacy. It is enough to ensure the air superiority of the key offensive forces.

Even so, I think it is enough to shake the Japanese air supremacy in North China.

The successful seizure of frontline air supremacy from the Japanese army was an extremely important step for our Eighth Route Army troops to subsequently switch to a strategic counteroffensive and gradually regain the lost ground in large-scale operations. "

Chief of Staff Liu deeply agreed with this, and admired Kong Jie's overall layout and analysis. He sincerely said with emotion: "Old Kong, letting you serve as the acting commander of our Air Force Command is really good steel used on the blade. Come on!"

Then the two men talked about how the aviation force would compete with the Japanese flying force during the autumn offensive.

Kong Jie said that on the one hand, all the staff stationed in XJ, including many pilots, were allowed to come back in advance on the grounds of developing the base area and opening a new transportation channel with the Soviet Union through western Inner Mongolia.

In addition, all the graduates who went to study in the Soviet Union returned early, and the pilots they trained themselves learned while practicing.

"The development of our aviation force cannot be separated from pilots and aviation research talents. We must do everything we can to gather more talents and further cultivate their growth.

At present, our pilots have a very good learning environment.

On the one hand, the base area has gradually stabilized, and the situation in North China has basically stabilized. The Japanese army no longer has enough power to carry out large-scale raids on our base area.

On the other hand, the United States, the Soviet Union, and a team of veteran pilots have rich flying experience. Under their leadership, the new students can grow rapidly.

The Japanese army was not much better than us. A large number of excellent pilots went to the Pacific. The rest, we attacked Japanese airports on a large scale during the May Day anti-mopping campaign, but captured many Japanese pilots.

In the air battle at Licheng, the Japanese army lost some of its troops, and in the air raid on Shanghai it lost some of its troops. The attack on HD Chengnan Airport captured so many pilots, and the Japanese suffered heavy losses.

During this period, the Japanese aviation guerrilla warfare also lost some of its personnel.

Adding up these losses, the backbone of the Japanese pilots suffered a great loss, while our pilots became more courageous and more skillful as they fought.

When this autumn offensive is over, we will continue the air guerrilla warfare, and when the Japanese come to their senses and mobilize pilots and equipment from China, North Korea, and the Northeast to fight us in a large-scale war of attrition.

Let's simply stop fighting, hide all the aviation units, disappear without a trace, seize the time to develop secretly, and then come out for sneak attacks after repairs are completed.

When the Japanese army's ground operations in North China were unfavorable, we had a vast base area as a cover. Without the cooperation of the army, the Japanese flying troops could not exert their effective power at all.

The devils can't do anything to us!
If one thing goes against the other, our aviation force may not be able to compete with the Japanese flying force. "

"In addition, while we are vigorously developing aviation power, the Allied countries also support us a lot. Although they also have small calculations, if we bring down one more Japanese plane, one less one will appear above their heads. This is a good deal. .

But after all, everyone gets what they need. With the help of the good external environment, we can quickly expand the number of our fighters through international reinforcements.

It can be said that the current period of time is the golden period for the rapid development of our aviation force.

Even this autumn offensive looks like an active attack on the Japanese army, but in fact it is also an excellent cover for the rapid growth and covert development of our Eighth Route Army's aviation power. "


The situation in North China continues to evolve.

Facing the unprecedented autumn offensive jointly launched by various units of the Eighth Route Army in various base areas, under the command of the old Japanese Okabe, the Japanese army in North China had no choice but to change their strategy and stick to the main counties, towns and towns, and conduct military defense on important communication lines.

As the Japanese army retreated, the confrontation between the two sides gradually evolved into an offensive and defensive battle by the Eighth Route Army against the counties, towns and transportation lines held by the Japanese army.

The various offensive units of the Eighth Route Army followed the strategic instructions of the general headquarters.

After the Japanese army chose to hold on, the soldiers did not blindly choose to attack the enemy. Instead, they avoided the areas where the Japanese were focused on defense, looked for loopholes, and captured some remote counties, towns, and suburbs where the Japanese army's defense strength was weak.

At the same time, the seizures continued to expand.

The little devil could escape but the monk could not escape the temple. After the Japanese army chose to retreat, a large amount of military supplies, equipment, food, etc. were all captured by the Eighth Route Army's attacking troops.

In this way, the Army's operations were ineffective, and under the premise that land reinforcements from the Central China and Northeastern armies needed time, the Japanese army could only use air superiority to send a large number of flying troops to attack various base areas and offensive forces of the Eighth Route Army.

In response, various aviation units secretly built by the Eighth Route Army quickly counterattacked.

On the 17th.

Kong Jie, who was in charge of the Eighth Route Army Aviation Command, circled two points on the map - Wuhan and Nanjing. In the evening of that day, the long-range strategic bomber force made its debut and was divided into two teams to bomb Nanjing at the same time. According to intelligence, the vicinity of Wuhan had already been explored. Know the locations of Japanese military airports, warehouse areas, and large barracks.

All B17s, Lancasters, B25s, Type 96 Land Attackers, Dragon Swallowing Bombers, [-] Land Attackers, Mosquito night fighters, and Mosquito radar aircraft under the command of the Eighth Route Army Aviation Department were dispatched by Kong Jie.

To give the old devil Hata Junroku a big surprise.

This was the beginning of the Eighth Route Army's battle for air supremacy in North China.

At the military meeting before the air strike.

Charles and Davis, who were in charge of leading the team, said that some of the planes that flew them over long distances had just enough range, so they had to optimize their routes and try not to take detours.

"But... Your Majesty Commander, how do we confirm the target when we get there?"

Kong Jie said: "When you arrive at the place, activate the radio to contact the local New Fourth Army. I will give you two sets of passwords, one to contact the Fifth Division of the New Fourth Army in the Wuhan area, and the other to contact the First Division of the New Fourth Army in the Nanjing area.

They will accurately guide you in launching air strikes.

In addition, when the formation returned from the bombing, we airdropped some medicine, ammunition, and radio stations to them, which was a small thank you from us. "Charles and Davis nodded in agreement, no longer having any doubts.

In fact, the New Fourth Army was particularly interested in air raids in the Nanjing area. Commander Su even moved his headquarters to the suburbs of Nanjing just to see what the Eighth Route Army bomber formation air raids were like.

Before taking action, Kong Jie used a team of aviation units to release some smoke grenades.

Raid the enemy's advanced airports in North China such as Taiyuan City South and City North Airport, Datong Daixian Airport, Zhangjiakou Airport, SJZ Airport, and Baoding Airport.

At the same time, they started a battle with the Japanese aviation forces near Taiyuan for air supremacy.

In this way, they can paralyze the airports in Wuhan, Nanjing and other places in central China, and then conduct long-range bomber raids to further attack the Japanese aviation forces in China.

At this time, the Japanese army focused all its attention on the air combat with the Eighth Route Army in North China.

The Japanese never dreamed that the Eighth Route Army's aviation force would develop at such a rapid pace. They thought that the main aviation force of the Eighth Route Army would appear in North China to compete with the imperial flying force.

But in fact, that was only a small part of the aviation power secretly used by the Eighth Route Army this time.

the other side.

After the meeting at the headquarters, Ding Wei, in order to fight a big war and spread his reputation, used the money he had earned over the years to exchange for a lot of extra supplies from the headquarters, the teacher, the old brigade commander, Lao Li, and Lao Kong. He equipped his own main force and brought military supplies to the main brigade of Lao Pi's fifth division that cooperated in the operation, as well as Commander Chen's main force in southern Hebei and Lao Yang's main detachment in northern Henan.

Ding Wei and others held an enlarged meeting in Fan County at the junction of southern Hebei and northern Hebei. All the main personnel from the relevant base areas in southern Hebei and northern Henan came to participate.

One of the purposes of this secret meeting was to determine combat objectives, plan combat routes, and also provide logistical support during the march of the troops.

This was the first time for people from the Northern Hebei and Henan Military Region to participate in such a high-level pre-war meeting. After arriving at the venue, everyone turned in their weapons and gathered together at a secret meeting place deep in the mountains to sign a confidentiality agreement.

Many cadres did not understand why they suddenly did this, but they saw that the security regiment of the Jinan Military Region was only on guard at the periphery. When entering the venue, they were all replaced by Ding Wei's secret service regiment (actually the newly established airport secret service regiment of the headquarters to take charge of the airport). Guards) were on patrol, wearing new military uniforms, steel helmets, semi-automatic rifles and submachine guns, and a murderous aura. Everyone knew that something big had happened.

Even Captain Du personally registered and checked the participants at the entrance of the venue.

The meeting was held late at night.

It was hosted by Commander Chen, Lao Yang, Lao Pi and Lao Ding.

Commander Chen said: "Our May Day counter-mopping campaign did not cause particularly significant damage to the Japs. We were all in defensive base areas and mainly attacked the Japs' transportation lines. The Japs in southern Hebei and Northern Henan, including Western Shandong, did not put us there." In eyes.

As soon as that piece of shit Okabe came to power, he started to make small moves again. A large number of traitor armed forces began to appear outside our base area. I heard that the little devils started to build a general stronghold again and deployed mobile troops everywhere. At the first sign of trouble, they would attack everywhere and would not let us go at all. In the eyes.

Everyone said, do we have to do something, tell the little stepbrothers that we are not stupid, smash all their territory, and make us wet our pants in the middle of the night when we hear the name of our Southern Hebei Eighth Route Army. . "

A group of cadres responded angrily.

"That's right, if you don't beat the stubborn little devil until he loses his armor, how can you be worthy of the Eighth Route Army?"

"Commander, just give the order!"

Commander Chen nodded, pointed at the map and said: "Our goal this time is to attack PY first, surround the [-]th Cavalry Brigade in PY, and then take the opportunity to take over all the Japanese strongholds in northern Henan.
Move all the supplies they have hoarded back home, and if possible, attract the Japs from Xinxiang to come out and fight again! "

Lao Yang said: "PY's fourth cavalry brigade has been re-equipped. Although they are old tanks and armored vehicles, most of them have become armored units. There is also a certain number of mechanized artillery. If they can be trapped in The best in PY City.

But I estimate that the Fourth Cavalry Brigade and Harada of Xinxiang have become a community of interests. They have established many companies in Zhengzhou and Xinxiang to produce products and do business with the national army.

It is unlikely that the Fourth Cavalry Brigade will abandon the local garrison and retreat with the support of the Harada Division after holding on until news of our attack. "

Lao Pi said: "This little devil relies on mechanical vehicles and traffic lines, and his mobility is better than ours. It is a waste of our precious mechanical troops' fuel consumption in this kind of pursuit battle with little results.

Even if you can intercept some of the Japanese, it will still be a loss-making business.

The Tianzhong Brigade in Texas and the Lin Fangtaro Brigade in Liaocheng are both extremely rich old fritters. Can you think of a way to get some money from these two old devils? "

Captain Du said helplessly: "This Tanaka Brigade is also a tortoise like Harada. As soon as there is unfavorable news, he immediately retreats and sticks to his lair.

This Lin Fangtaro has been beaten up by us before and he is honest. I think our fishing plan is still difficult to work. Should we change the target?
By the way, Lao Ding, you have a lot of troops here this time. You have four regiments of your own, plus three regiments deployed by your military region, and you are also following Brigadier Pi's main brigade. What do you think?
You are our most experienced field group commander. Tell us how to fight, and we will cooperate with you. "

Ding Wei was not polite and said: "This time I have two main regiments of bicycles; a mechanized regiment; a special forces regiment composed of armored vehicles, tanks, mechanized artillery, self-propelled mortars, engineering equipment, and assault guns; and There are two mobile artillery regiments; a heavy artillery regiment given by the headquarters; and three elite infantry regiments reinforced with camels.

No matter what, we have to make big news and send a congratulatory gift to the old devil Okabe.

I have contacted the Air Force and airlifted the elite racing team from my base area (an expansion of the original bicycle mobile team) to the Baodugu base area at night. They are equipped with new 47mm combat anti-cannons, heavy motorcycles, lightweight 120 mortars, new 75mm howitzers. After the troops were airlifted, with the cooperation of the main force in the Lunan base area, they first attacked Yi County and then Zaozhuang, and then followed the railway line to Teng County and Lincheng to attack.

Lao Pi's troops, in cooperation with the Jinan Armored Battalion and Lao Yang's Armored Battalion, pretended that our main force captured Jining and then attacked Lincheng.

Our main force set up an ambush halfway to catch all the mobile forces of the 59th Division and the 52nd Division attacking from the direction of Jinan and Tai'an, reducing the pressure on Li Yunlong to attack the Lubei defense line. "

Then Ding Wei drew a circle on Xuzhou.

"After defeating the Lincheng defenders and reinforcements, Lao Pi, you continue to pretend to be the main force and advance towards LY. The main force of LY Shandong Military Region will fully cooperate with you to defeat the LY city defenders.

I led the main force along the railway line and rushed straight into Xuzhou, destroying the important transportation hub of the Japanese in one fell swoop. After evacuating Xuzhou with the assistance of the base areas and troops around the Longhai Line near Xuzhou, we will go to LY to join you.

At that time, we will join the main force of the Shandong Military Region, attack and advance towards the New Fourth Army near Binzhou, and finally fight north, reaching Jiaodong in one go.

Not only did he deal with the little Japs along the way, but he also eliminated the crisis of the Japs raiding Jiaodong in one fell swoop! "

(End of this chapter)

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