The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1142 Grand Master, Interesting Facts

Then, shortly after Ding Wei and others joined forces, another very dramatic news came.

It is said that a group of little Japs who had no time to evacuate were completely besieged in Shannan Town. These little Japs were very despicable. Seeing that they were completely besieged by the Eighth Route Army and unable to escape, they took control of all the people in the town who had not had time to evacuate. Use this as a blackmail.

"That kid claimed to be Major General Matsushita, the chief of staff of the Japanese 17th Division who came to watch the battle!"

Ding Wei and others were indeed a little surprised to learn that the other party was actually a major general.

Commander Xu was even more overjoyed.

"I didn't expect to catch a big fish in one net. You Japanese Major General. This is something I have never dared to imagine before. To be able to capture such a prisoner alive is an incredible achievement!"

But how to save the villagers of Shannan Town from the hands of the Japs?This has become a headache for everyone.

But then, more dramatic news came.

Matsushita, an old devil, actually took the initiative to let the traitors come and say that he was willing to lead his troops to surrender to the Eighth Route Army.

It turned out that Matsushita, an old Japanese soldier, was retreating in the LY area. In order to cover the division commander's evacuation, he took the initiative to stay behind. Ding Wei was too fast and surrounded him, thus becoming a turtle in the urn.

At this time, the situation of the Japanese army on the Chinese battlefield has been deteriorating year by year. Officers with a little bit of brains, especially those like Matsushita who are accustomed to pampering, are gradually being corrupted and have long lost their original will to fight. I heard that the Eighth Route Army treated prisoners preferentially, so I no longer had such a strong ambition to die.

In particular, the Eighth Route Army has done a good job in propaganda work in recent years. The Japanese officers in the rear have long heard that many imperial soldiers have chosen to surrender, and they have received preferential treatment in the Eighth Route Army base area. They are even allowed to write letters. Send it back to the country, or send it back to the army!
Panasonic said that it would exchange for the safety of the people in the town for a dignified surrender.

The only additional requirement is... "He said he wanted to observe our Eighth Route Army's operations at close range!"

After learning about Panasonic's request, Ding Weile said: "It's interesting. It seems that this old devil is not convinced by the defeat and wants to see with his own eyes how we defeated them.

Then tell this old devil Panasonic that we agree to his request and we will definitely put on a great show for him then! "


Just like that, not long after, Panasonic led the remaining few hundred troops to surrender, and after the people in the town were safe, Ding Wei, Commander Xu and his party did what they said, and indeed took Panasonic as a prisoner. , observe the next battle.

When I saw the Eighth Route Army's sophisticated equipment, there was no shortage of tanks and artillery. In terms of basic squad-level firepower, it was even more powerful than the Japanese army.

These cunning Eighth Route Army soldiers even developed firepower configurations specifically designed to suppress the firepower of the Japanese army at the grassroots level.

From this, Matsushita was in complete despair. He sighed, and with a dejected expression he said to the adjutant who also surrendered and came to observe: "The Holy War will eventually decline. The Eighth Route Army has now developed!
It seems that the defeat of the Fifth Division and the Ushijima Manchu Division is not a shame. We should have expected it. We underestimated the enemy too much! "

Looking at the powerful, disciplined and fully armed Eighth Route Army troops, he then asked the adjutant:
"Sajiro, look at the characteristics of these three Eighth Route Army armed forces with different combat units."

Sajiro looked at several Eighth Route Army troops from a distance, and then said: "Those teams wearing steel helmets, with complicated equipment and neat weapons should be the most elite steel-helmet soldiers in the legendary Taihang area of ​​the Eighth Route Army.

This man wears ordinary military uniforms and a steel helmet, but does not have such complicated equipment, but has well-equipped weapons. He should be the main force of the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang area.

The others should be Tubal Road in Shandong area, and the so-called New Fourth Army, right?
General, with all due respect, I watched them fight along the way. Elite steel-helmet soldiers and ordinary steel-helmet soldiers are well-trained, but these Tubal soldiers are much inferior. Many of them even have junk guns, single tactics, and no firepower preparation.

If there were more Steel Helmets, it would be difficult for our imperial army to control this huge occupied area with a small number of troops. "

This is the opinion of the Japanese adjutant after analysis.

Matsushita shook his head, looked at the other Japanese officers, and said, "Do you also only see these simple superficial differences?

Don't you see it?
Do these Eighth Route Army units gather together very harmoniously, like old friends whom we haven't seen for a long time? "

As soon as these words came out, the few little devils were stunned.

He pointed at the Eighth Route Army soldiers from various units who were maintaining order, assisting the people to put out fires, and clearing roads, and said: "You see, no matter how elite they are, they are so disciplined and united. They assist each other and develop together.

If you look at us again, would it be like this if the soldiers of the Guards Division were together with soldiers of our ordinary divisions?
No, they will look down on us second-rate troops from the bottom of their hearts, let alone lower themselves to fight with us.

This fundamentally shows that there is no barrier between the elite troops of the Eighth Route Army and ordinary troops, and they can be immediately mobilized and replenished no matter how great the losses are.

Look at us now, are we still the same people we were then?
Let's take a look at this battle in Shandong. The Twelfth Army was beaten to a retreat in Liaocheng, Jinan, Tai'an, Dezhou, and Xinxiang; the First Army was beaten to a retreat in Changzhi, Yuncheng, Linfen, and Taiyuan. Each of them was fighting hard, but they should have What about the mobile troops that are rapidly being reinforced from all directions?
Have their troops appeared besides us?

Even the attached air force would drop bombs indiscriminately and then leave the battlefield, sometimes bombing without even looking at the target.

Everyone has their own little calculations, and everyone wants to shirk responsibility. How can we win a war like this?

The fighting in the Shandong area is expected to end soon. Everyone, let's go to the Taihang area to have a look. The war has nothing to do with us. I believe that the division commander will help us take care of our families when we break out! "

After the troops reunited again.

Seeing that there were some Japanese officers in the observation team who were being looked down upon by the soldiers, and the leader was even a major general, Tan Zhengwei who came over was very impressed:
"Hey, Commander Chen, you even captured a Japanese major general in LY! This is really amazing. The battle must be fierce, right?"


Director Xiao, who was drinking water, almost choked and said with a wry smile: "Old Tan, don't mention it, I really can't talk about it.

We set up blocking positions in the preset areas. Originally, all the troops were determined to fight to the death with the Japs, but the result was good, damn, not even a shadow of the Japs was seen!

It was only after we turned around that we learned the situation. The little devil, whose emotions made us feel as if we were facing a formidable enemy, was directly defeated by Ding Wei and his mobile troops on the way.

Soldiers captured prisoners all over the mountains and plains. In the past, the Japanese we captured cried and made noises. Unexpectedly, when Ding Wei's troops shouted to the small group of Japanese soldiers who were surrounded, most of them surrendered obediently.

Good guy, I don’t know what these little devils have heard. Seeing the troops in the Taihang area one by one is like a mouse seeing a cat! "

At this time, Commander Chen, the acting commander of the 115th Division, said: "Comrades, we have been chatting for a long time, why don't we see the commanders of the three most elite field troops?
Pingdu City has been captured. Is there any rare treasure in Pingdu City that the three of them can secretly hide and search for? "A general laughed and said: "I have been with Li Yunlong and others from Xuzhou. They are only a little interested in Rizhao's Type 96 cannon, but the others are basically despised. I gave it to them, but they didn't want it, so I just kept it. We are in the team, and even the Japanese’s latest Type [-] tank, others don’t even look down upon it.

Rare treasure?
Could it be that Li Yunlong found a wife he has never met? "


Everyone suddenly burst into laughter.

Old Pile said: "Li Yunlong, with his big head and bad temper, even the Lord of Hell has to write unmarried in the book of life and death, can he find a wife?"

Now everyone laughed even more happily.

Soon after, army leaders from all walks of life continued to gather at the city gate building. Even General Xu, who was recovering, came. Under the treatment of medical experts from the detachment, the headquarters, and the allied forces, the head disease gradually improved, and he was able to recover. normal work.

Everyone said hello.

Suddenly, several more gunshots were heard, and British commandos and US commandos were seen escorting a group of prisoners of war through the city in armored vehicles that had captured the Japanese. While cheering with the people, they also fired two pistol shots from time to time to intimidate the prisoners of war.

Lao Luo said: "Aren't they too ostentatious and inconsistent with our discipline?"

Brigadier Zhou said: "They deserve to be paraded through the streets. My guard asked, these people are spies of the military police agency. They are not even soldiers. They are all stained with the blood of us Chinese and cannot be considered normal prisoners."

If there hadn't been a public trial, I would have used a tank to crush these idiots. "

While he was talking, Commander Xu saw Kong Jie's deputy political commissar Liu's motorcade passing by, and quickly stopped him and asked, "Why did I only see your main force passing by? Where did Kong Jie, Li Yunlong and the others go?"

Deputy Political Commissar Liu saw a group of seniors and immediately got out of the car and reported: "The detachment leader and the others are interrogating the head of the Japanese secret service at the military police headquarters!"

"Leaders, are you hungry? I'm bringing them food, and Staff Officer Doolittle is here too!"

Then Deputy Political Commissar Liu shouted to the convoy behind: "Lieutenant Denver, give everyone some roujiamo, drinks, and chicken rolls."

The black Denver catering team who came with the commandos got out of the car with food. It was the first time for the leaders to see black people. It was like seeing a ghost and they almost pulled out their guns.

Later, everyone wanted to know what secret they had discovered, so they asked the guards to drive together to the military police headquarters.

The Pingdu Military Police Headquarters was also busy at this time.

The gendarmerie detachment of the Eighth Route Army headquarters that came with Kong Jie's troops, at Kong Jie's request, cooperated with the intelligence detachment of the headquarters to take full control of the gendarmerie headquarters. Those who screened information and inspected supplies were busy.

At this moment, Kong Jie didn't bother to chat with his old comrades. He dragged Staff Liu of the Air Force Command and Doolittle, the leader from Yan'an, who came by plane, to appear here in a low-key manner.

Even Ding Wei and Li Yunlong were sitting in the interrogation room with serious faces.

The one being interrogated opposite was Okita, the staff officer of the North China Dispatch Army Intelligence Section. It was unusual for this person to appear here.

In addition, Kong Jie sent a surprise attack force, disguised as a tanker supply team, to bypass Jiaozhou County to attack Qingdao's flanks, and successfully occupied Qingdao Port. The port's coastal defense artillery force was still there, and all supplies were there, except for the Japanese fleet. Even the naval headquarters was largely deserted.

After Kong Jie received the top-secret communication from Duan Peng who accompanied the raid, and communicated with others, he immediately realized that the Japanese must have unusual methods.

He ordered the troops to immediately transfer supplies, sent Mosquito fighters and Catalina seaplanes to search the sea, and transferred supplies overnight, especially to move all the coastal defense artillery back to Lao Xu's base in Jiaodong.

The three additional captured Type 96 240mm howitzers were camouflaged and transported overnight via railway to the direction of Jizhong. They were ready to be transported back to the Taihang base area via the Zhengtai Line while the first and fifth divisions of the Taihang area were attacking the periphery of the SJZ.

——The United States sent several 45-ton tractors. After the railway transportation, they could barely be slowly pulled back to the headquarters by heavy-duty trailers, which came in handy.

In fact, when Kong Jie discovered that the fleet was away, he probably had an idea. The Japanese could bypass the land route to support the Shandong battlefield by transporting troops from North Korea via ships, or transporting the Kwantung Army via Dalian, or transporting the mobile troops of the Thirteenth Army from Shanghai. .

In particular, Li Yunlong also found a navigation chart in the office, which illustrates the problem even more.

A group of people came to interrogate to get exact information.

Li Yunlong wanted to know where the gold transferred from Zhaoyuan Gold Mine went and how much was left.

Several people took turns interrogating him here, but Okita said nothing.

The monk, Huzi, and Eagle outside - Ding Wei's guard captain, were quite relaxed. They set up a military pot outside the door and were cooking food.

Eagle said happily: "Looking at this posture, if I ask for something, I will probably have to hunt for treasure overnight. I don't know if it is intelligence information, weapons and ammunition, or a secret radio station."

The monk laughed and said: "Maybe it's a big treasury! Hehe!"

At this time, Deputy Political Commissar Liu came over with a group of leaders. Seeing these people actually eating hot pot, Lao Pi scolded: "You guys are relaxed, but let me tell you, if you eat alone, you will give birth to a child without an asshole.

Monk, you really know how to live a good life, drinking wine and eating meat. If the master of your temple found out about this, why wouldn't he break your legs? "

The monk stood up quickly, saluted solemnly, and reported: "Report to the leader, I have returned to secular life a long time ago... Leader, our detachment leader is interrogating the Japanese intelligence staff! Shall I take everyone in?"

Lao Pi said: "Don't worry, I'll just have a meal with you outside and wait for the news.

I want to see what high-value information Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, and Ding Wei can get out of the Japs' mouths despite ignoring so many seizures and running here in a hurry! "

Lao Pi could sit still, but the others couldn't and rushed to the interrogation room immediately.

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