The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1145 Air Raid on Japanese Naval Forces

Chapter 1145 Air Raid on Japanese Naval Forces
But said the other side.

After the interrogation, the Japanese staff revealed a large amount of important information.

Including the time when the Japanese army assembled the fleet in Dalian and Shanghai and set off, as well as the strength of the troops, the number of escort warships, and the strength of the covering air force.

According to what this Japanese staff officer said, he led his troops here to assist the last mobile forces in the Jiaodong area, in order to hold back the main force of the Eighth Route Army's mobile forces so that the navy could escort the mobile forces from the Kwantung Army and the Thirteenth Army to reinforce Shandong and encircle and suppress the Eighth Route Army's mobile forces. force.

This is basically similar to what Kong Jie and others speculated.

Li Yunlong continued the interrogation. What Lao Li was most concerned about now was where the little devil had hidden all the gold mined from the gold mine.

The Japanese staff officer who finally couldn't withstand the interrogation said that his guards cooperated with the military police to transport a large amount of gold mined from the surrounding gold mines to the city in advance and stored it in a secret underground warehouse in the city. There were still people inside, and the specific location was...

As the Japanese staff officer revealed the truth, Commander Xu's expression remained unchanged, but he felt helpless in his heart. If this was over, if these people heard it, most of the gold would have to be handed over!

After getting the information, Lao Li couldn't sit still. He led the security team overnight and went directly to the place where the Japanese were hoarding gold, and wanted to bring it to him overnight.

On the way, I also hoped that the Japs would hoard more gold, so I had to hurry up and rush there, lest the Japs notice the movement and run away with the gold wrapped up in advance, otherwise they would suffer a big loss!

After realizing that the Japanese army really wanted to send reinforcements to Shandong by sea, Kong Jie immediately formulated a plan to place torpedoes and mines in the sea areas that the Japanese must pass along the way to hinder the Japanese sea transport troops.

At this time, Commander Chen asked doubtfully: "I know about torpedoes and mines. Aren't these torpedoes to be mounted on warships? And these mines also need to be sent to the relevant sea areas by special mine-laying ships for deployment? We don't have warships. We don't have these things." It seems that there is no production?”

Kong Jie said with a smile: "When we bought the US military aircraft production line before, they forced us to give us SBD dive bombers, which can carry ordinary bombs and armor-piercing bombs for attacking ships.

Later, I saw that our planes were used well. Wasn't MacArthur, a commander of the US military in the Pacific, beaten to the point of losing his armor by the old devil Okamura of Guadalcanal?

I don’t know what he was thinking. Maybe he thought that he couldn’t defeat the little devil, so he wanted to use the hands of our Eighth Route Army to kill people with borrowed knives.

MacArthur probably heard that the Japanese commander Okamura Neiji who could beat him up was the defeated general of our Eighth Route Army!
So the Yankee sent all the torpedo boats, minelayers, submarine hunters, torpedoes, mines, and TBF torpedo planes.

This is an unexpected surprise. Until now, the boss has not thought about where the torpedo boat production line should be placed!

But now torpedo planes and dive bombers have come in handy. I just don’t know the difference between bombing ships and bombing strongholds, and we haven’t attacked them yet.

In addition, our military production base has also begun to produce some trigger mines that can be deployed in shallow waters, which will also come in handy this time! "

Lao Zhou said: "So, this MacArthur is still a good internationalist? He gave away so many things for free."

Deputy Political Commissar Liu of Lao Kong said happily: "Rather than saying that he is a good person, he is more like a confused guy who was beaten by the war. Having said that, the old devil Okamura was beaten to pieces by us in North China. Who can succeed?" Thinking of Guadalcanal, this kid turned into a spirit and actually beat up the US military and allied forces in a fancy way. Speaking of which, this is really one thing that brings down another thing!"

Everyone laughed along.

Speaking of which, I have to thank this old bastard Okamura!
If he hadn't beaten the U.S. military so badly on Guadalcanal, the U.S. military probably wouldn't have given away things for free and used the Eighth Route Army's help to deal with the Japanese as if to please.

In fact, Kong Jie, Staff Officer Liu, and Doolittle were also very surprised when they received several squadrons of torpedo planes brought by John at the May Day Airport, as well as transport planes loaded with torpedoes and mines.

——We are all fighting on land, should we throw torpedoes into the Japanese stronghold?This torpedo swims in the water and cannot run on the ground!
Later I thought about changing the torpedo plane into a bomber.

Moreover, the American torpedoes are not as effective as the Japanese. They have to learn from the Japanese and build a small frame on the propeller for stability and improve accuracy, but they cannot be used immediately.

But Kong Jie soon found another way and came up with new ideas. Anyway, the Eighth Route Army would have to build its own naval force sooner or later to achieve an all-round combat force of land, sea and air.

Sooner or later, this navy must be established. If we don't have our own warships and navy right now, we should start with the production of mines to block Japanese naval operations.

But no one expected that the Eighth Route Army's maritime combat force, which had not even taken its prototype form yet, would soon be put to use.

——Kong Jie unexpectedly learned that the troops attacking Qingdao did not find the Japanese warships in the port, and the night radar reconnaissance aircraft units that took off overnight did not find the Japanese warships in the outer sea. Only then did he guess that the Japanese might use ships to mobilize troops.

This interrogation was indeed the case.

Kong Jie made a decisive decision and immediately told Doolittle and Staff Liu to bring the torpedo aircraft research team of the Aviation Command over overnight to prepare to build a temporary airport on Lao Xu's territory to specifically take off and land night bombers, fighter radar aircraft and dive bombers. torpedo machine.

Prepare to give the Japanese transport fleets from Shanghai and Dalian a little shock.

Judging from the location, although most of the Japanese troops in Jiaodong were concentrated in Pingdu City, some of them still retreated early to Weihai County, where the port is closest to Dalian Port.

Doolittle worked on the map and soon came up with an idea.

"Based on the map and a preliminary estimate of the speed of the Japanese navy, if the Japanese troops board the ship at noon, they can arrive at the Weihai port and land in the next morning, while those from Shanghai will take several days to reach Qingdao. We can completely explode at night. The Japanese fleet sailed out of Dalian to let the Japanese know how powerful we are!"

Kong Jie agreed.

In order to quickly respond to the Japanese army's attempt to reinforce Shandong by sea.

The soldiers quickly held a corresponding pre-war military meeting.

The final meeting decided:
Conduct a large-scale night attack on the Japanese fleet!

Kong Jie discussed with Commander Chen and asked the Eighth Route Army Shandong Military Region mobile troops, the soldiers and civilians of the Jiaodong Military Region, and the three field groups in the Taihang area to assist the Air Force working group overnight in reinforcing the Jiaodong temporary airport and expanding the runway.

In addition, a lot of camouflage facilities were built. After the night air raid was over, the planes retreated overnight, leaving the fake airport for air raids by the Japanese who came to retaliate during the day.

When the Japs cluster has been blown up enough, then wipe out the Japs air force in one fell swoop!
Kong Jie was very confident about this: "I know the little devil's urine very well. This devil has suffered a big loss and will definitely come to take revenge. If he doesn't come, I'm afraid he won't be able to swallow this breath."

Lao Pi said: "The Japanese North China Air Force has lost a large part of its combat effectiveness after repeated fierce battles. The Japanese Army Air Force in central China was partially bombed in Wuhan and Nanjing. Their participation in the battle from a distance during this period was perfunctory. thing.

Those who can come are basically the Kwantung Army’s aviation fleet.

These grandsons and the North China Air Force had sneak attacks on my base before, throwing bombs everywhere and blowing up a horse farm I had hidden in the mountains. I couldn't sleep all night and had to go to the mountains to look for lost ones. horse.

It's really not a good idea to use this kind of sneak attack when you can't defeat them. "

Brigadier Zhou agreed: "Yes, the little devils like to engage in such dirty tricks. Fortunately, they are blowing up your horse farm. If they blow up the army camp, they will suffer big losses."

Lao Pile said: "You kid wants to blow up my camp with just a few broken planes? Just dream!"
After the May Day anti-mopping campaign, my troops practiced according to the air defense training manual given by Lao Kong. Both the troops and the common people in the base area lived in air raid shelters at night.This time it came in handy.

Later, there were air defense troops stationed by the division headquarters and Lao Kong, as well as electrical reconnaissance troops, and aerial guerrilla warfare was carried out. The Japanese flying teams gradually stopped coming.

My troops suffered very few casualties due to the sneak attack by the Japanese aviation force! "

"Having said that, a few years ago, the Japanese aviation force was so arrogant that it caused great casualties to our base area.

Lao Kong, this time our Eighth Route Army aviation unit must give the little devil a hard blow, fight a happy battle, and vent the bad anger for our old comrades! "

Kong Jie said: "Don't worry, old comrades, this time I will bury all the Japanese ships and the little Japanese in the sea, and let the Japanese feed the fish!"

"it is good!"

The generals responded one after another.

Everyone chatted and laughed for a while, and all the orders were conveyed. Commander Xu said: "Everyone has been busy for almost a day. I will be the host and entertain everyone. Let's disguise ourselves and evacuate the Japanese Military Police Headquarters in batches.

Everyone showed up in the city during the day, and there was no guarantee that a small group of Japanese troops hiding in the city would launch a surprise attack on the Gendarmerie Headquarters at night.

We can't clear out the Japs in the city at once! "

Kong Jie said with a smile: "This is easy to handle. The scattered Japanese are difficult to fight. Once the Japanese gather together, it will be much easier to fight. I'm afraid the Japanese won't come for a sneak attack!"

I suggest that everyone hide in transport trucks and withdraw to the temporary airport in the base area in batches. We can set up traps in the city for the Japanese hidden troops to attack, and then we can clean them all up! "

Everyone nodded in agreement, and the plan was finalized.

When we returned to the airport in batches, everyone was even happier.

The first batch of aircraft parked inside were more than 99 aircraft seized from the Japanese naval airport near Qingdao. There were training aircraft, Type [-] land attack aircraft, land-based Zero fighter types (the Japs' enhanced protection version has a much shorter range), Type [-] transport aircraft, and hundreds of aircraft. Type reconnaissance aircraft, Type [-] ship explosion.

In order to avoid air attacks, these fighters were all hidden in the hangar. As a result, they were seized by the commandos, along with a large number of spare parts. However, there was not much aviation fuel, but fortunately there was enough for all the fighters to fly to the Jiaodong temporary airport.

Everyone got off the car. Except for Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, and Ding Wei, not many generals had ever touched an airplane. For a moment, they couldn't put it down.

This made Commander Xu hurriedly say: "Look, everyone, don't touch it, or you will damage my plane again!"

Lao Pile said: "Commander, this thing that may not even be penetrated by bullets can be damaged by us? Besides, it seems that these planes were captured by Kong Jie and the others, right? How did you become the commander? Already?"

Commander Xu said shamelessly: "If the things seized from my territory are not mine, who else can they belong to?

Don’t worry about it all with your eyes red. In your Taihang region, a team, including Jizhong and Luliang Mountain regions, you don’t know how many airports have been built.

I am a commander after all, and for such a large military region, it is appropriate to have an aviation force, right? "

Seeing Commander Xu acting shamelessly while protecting the plane, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Everyone went to the airport's temporary canteen to eat, Commander Xu, Commander Chen, Brigadier Zhou, Brigadier Xu, Captain Chen, Captain Yang, Captain Liang and a group of commanders from the Shandong Military Region said.

This battle was all thanks to the great assistance of Kong Jie, Ding Wei, Li Yunlong, Lao Pi and other comrades, which finally broke the Japanese conspiracy to launch a winter sweep.

Commander Xu raised the wine bowl high: "You are all great contributors. I won't say more. Come on, they are all in the wine!"

Li Yunlong was already so greedy that he picked up the wine bowl and touched it with Commander Xu. He poured a sip of wine into his mouth and immediately noticed the unpleasant taste. He spat it out and cursed:

"Damn it, why is it water?"

Commander Xu said happily: "Li Yunlong, I know you like to drink, but our army has discipline. The soldiers are currently in short supply. We can only drink water instead of wine tonight. After the soldiers are completely settled this time, I will invite everyone Have a good drink!”

Although Li Yunlong was depressed, this was not his new second regiment. Once the battle started, the entire regiment was completely dependent on him, Li Yunlong.

I can only bow my head and eat honestly.

The food is quite good.

After all, after winning several consecutive battles, the soldiers almost seized all the materials for the winter sweep that the Japanese had prepared for more than a month and returned them to the base area along the way.

The comrades in the Shandong Military Region also had a rare meal.

Soon after, the headquarters' transport aircraft unit arrived, bringing modified torpedoes, mines, a large amount of aviation fuel, and pilots.

——After all, torpedo planes and dive bomber pilots have to go out late at night. After they fly over to resupply, they then take off for air strikes. They are too exhausted and their combat efficiency must be very low.

We can't even follow the pedantic little devil's example and fly a plane to the extreme combat radius to fight. Such a long-distance attack without being seen by anyone will probably make us stupid in flying the plane ourselves.

Then the battle started according to the pre-plan.

After the fighter aircraft is overhauled, the torpedoes are mounted, and after the radar reconnaissance plane searches for the target at night, it immediately sets off for bombing.

Commander Chen and his party watched the Bai-type transport planes, Li-er transport planes, and C47 transport planes arrive smoothly under the escort of Mosquito night fighters.

It was also the first time they saw so many aircraft. Eight squadrons of transport aircraft units landed and stopped one after another, and the apron was full of large aircraft.

Everyone was stunned as they looked at it.

If it weren't for the airport's special agents holding the cordon, they would have gone to watch the planes without even eating.

Looking at the soldiers working in full swing, Kong Jie said with high spirits: "The Japanese built a temporary airport in Handan in half a day, and today our military and civilians worked together to build a temporary airport in Jiaodong.

Our mobilization ability is no worse than that of his little devil! "

(End of this chapter)

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