As a result, the battle did not go as smoothly as the old Japanese guard Iinuma had expected. His offensive troops only had a brief contact with the Eighth Route Army and were suppressed by the Eighth Route Army's waiting fortifications and powerful firepower.

The Japanese army and the Eighth Route Army's troops heading south from Baoding started a fierce battle. The two sides came and went in multiple positions around the front line, engaging in a tug-of-war. The stalemate lasted for a long time, but the battle was fruitless.

The Japanese army's always unfavorable aerial firepower reinforcements could not turn the tide of the war.

In addition, the Eighth Route Army deliberately dragged the Japanese army to fight. While retaining sufficient depth, the ambush forces along the way were arranged in echelons and deployed layer by layer.

The Japanese army simply could not end the battle in a short time.

Soon after, the main force of the Eighth Route Army in the first division and Lao Wei's new brigade in the fifth division attacked Shimen and entered Xingtai. Xingtai was the base camp of the old Japanese soldier Iinuma Shou.

Immediately started to play the tactic of stealing.

This also gave Iinuma Mamoru a step down - if you don't return to your home base, the Eighth Route Army will kill you!

For the Eighth Route Army, it would be difficult to completely annihilate the Japs' northward advance group. Once the main force of the Japs was close to Shijiazhuang, it would be difficult to cut off their retreat. It would be better to force them back.

As expected, Mamoru Iinuma, an old devil, did not live up to his expectations. He saw that the base camp was stolen, and the frontline operations were not going smoothly. The Eighth Route Army's fire was fierce, and there were air fire reinforcements. His troops suffered heavy casualties, but they never made any progress or made any progress. There is no desire to be enterprising.

It happened that the base camp was attacked by surprise, which gave him enough excuse to lead his troops back for reinforcements.

As the Japanese army's northern advance group slowed down its offensive and even began to return reinforcements to the rear, the Japanese army, which was originally preparing to advance north and south to form a pincer attack, was left with only the southward troops headed by the 27th Division.

A single tree is hard to support.

On the contrary, because they advanced too fast, they fell into the traps set by the Eighth Route Army along the way, fell into a bitter battle, and complained endlessly.

The Japanese city defense troops in Baoding saw the Eighth Route Army's posture of launching a decisive battle and did not dare to leave the city.

After Iinuma Mamoru's troops were forced away, only the Japanese Nanshang Group was still fighting hard. When the situation reached this point, many Japanese officers of the Nanshang Group believed that they should choose to evacuate in time.

However, the composition of this Japanese army is complex. There are two mixed brigades of the Kwantung Army, the 27th Division, the newly formed 63rd Division directly under the Front Army, as well as the Cangzhou Mobile Regiment and the Zhuozhou Infantry Garrison Brigade. After this huge field force was launched, it was almost Contained the participating troops of the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei and 129th Division.

The two sides fought fiercely in the north of Baoding City. At the beginning, the 27th Division was the main attack, but was unable to advance by the main force of the 129th Division.

Later, the Kwantung Army Mobile Brigade came, and the armored troops and heavy artillery troops launched an attack on the 386 Brigade's position. They initially made some progress. Later, the Kwantung Army troops faced the 386 Brigade Armored Troops. With the reinforcements of the Eighth Route Army Air Force, they counterattacked again. Was beaten back.

In addition, after the loss of Zhangjiakou, the 35th Army troops who joined the battlefield and the flank restraint of troops from the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region, the two sides launched a large-scale positional battle.

Fighting, both sides found it difficult to break through the other side's existing positions in the short term, so they were adjusting their deployments and constantly calling for reinforcements and material assistance.

At this time, the Eighth Route Army took the lead in breaking the situation and made a breakthrough in the Cangzhou area, approaching Pingjin in the rear area. As a result, all the troops and materials that were supposed to be transported to the Baoding battlefield were sent to Peiping.

At this time, the Japanese southbound group could only agree with Okabe's request to launch a strong attack with the northbound group at the same time, hoping that after the Eighth Route Army's siege crisis was resolved, they could reinforce Peiping together.

It's a pity that this Japanese's wishful thinking was clearly understood by Master Liu.

As long as a large-scale positional battle involves an orderly attack and orderly retreat, it will be difficult for the two sides to achieve a huge disparity in battle loss ratio. Only when one side is disorganized, loses order, is pursued by the tail, and is divided and surrounded can good results be achieved.

Before the Japanese launched a general offensive, the teacher ordered to launch a counterattack against the Japanese northern advance group first, forcing the Japanese's northern advance group's attack line to retreat.

At the same time, with the advantage of military strength, an ambush was set up in the north direction.

In order to support the group advancing northward, the Japanese group went deep into the Eighth Route Army's defense line. Naturally, it was baptized by the Eighth Route Army's new tank units and large-scale rocket launchers, as well as the newly joined Yan'an and Baotou regional air forces, and was directly on the verge of collapse. , abandoning a large amount of baggage and heavy weapons and retreating to Zhuozhou.

In the end, the Japanese group going south relied on a large amount of mechanized equipment to escape. Those who cooperated with the North China security forces, the Korean puppet troops, and the Northeast Crusade were in misery, and basically none of them could escape.

The Eighth Route Army was not yet fully mechanized, so it could only divide up some of the Japanese and these puppet troops and destroy them, and then pick up the materials abandoned by the Japanese, the heavy weapons that could not be moved away, and some tanks, armored vehicles, and cars that were damaged beyond repair in a short time. .

The Japanese retreated to Zhuozhou, stabilized the fortifications, and continued to fight fiercely with the Eighth Route Army.

It stands to reason that the Eighth Route Army has almost reached this point.

But I couldn't bear it. Okabe was ill and went to the hospital indiscriminately. He saw that the troops were evacuated to Zhuozhou. Since the attack can't be fought, can you defend Zhuozhou?
So a mechanized brigade was quickly transferred to Peiping to assist in the defense.

This played into Kong Jie's plan. The troops were waiting for the first wave of Japanese reinforcements between Zhuozhou and Peiping. Commander Liu had already arranged a strategic reserve. The armored troops of the [-]th Cavalry Division detoured from the other direction, facing both sides. Attack from a flank and take chestnuts directly from the fire.

After succeeding, each unit left behind dummies and fortifications and evacuated one after another.

We've caught enough on the Hebei plains, let's stop when we're good!

At the same time, after the war around the Baoding area ended one after another, the various troops also stopped as soon as they were ready. After quickly transferring the captured materials and equipment, they reduced their forces again and abandoned some important counties that had been captured from the Japanese army. Townships and towns were returned to the base areas.

Cities including Shijiazhuang, Datong, and Jinmen that were completely conquered by the Eighth Route Army successfully completed transfers and evacuation under the cover secured by the Eighth Route Army troops in Baoding.

The siege troops also withdrew from the county.

The speed was so fast that the Japanese army didn't even have time to react.

This made the Japanese army even more miserable.

The Japanese General Staff Headquarters originally planned to mobilize the main forces of Central China and the Kwantung Army to provide reinforcements to Central China, encircling and annihilating the rampant main force of the Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop!

The result was destined to come to nothing.

As a Japanese staff officer said at the operational meeting of the Japanese North China Front Headquarters: "These damn Eighth Route Army are extremely cunning. I heard that their highest operational policy is to surround the cities with rural areas and finally seize power across the country.

They avoided the counties, towns, and towns that were the key defense points of the Japanese Empire and only pushed their hands into those remote mountainous areas and rural areas.Including this large-scale battle, after they captured these counties and towns, they quickly looted the supplies and equipment our empire had hoarded in the city. Then, just like bandits crossing the border, they quickly withdrew and hid in the base areas in those mountains. Went in.

How do these bastards look like soldiers?It's like a group of bandits fighting and robbing houses. "

What does the Eighth Route Army think about this?
Kong Jie said: "The wisdom of us Chinese people is not to dry up the lake to fish. The counties, towns and towns occupied by the devils are like chickens to us. We have taken the eggs and left when it is time. When the chickens lay eggs, we can go and get them. .

You can't do that kind of one-shot deal where you kill the goose and lay the eggs! "

Li Yunlong said happily: "It's like we go to a banquet. The banquet has been eaten, so what's the point of staying there? We can just wait until the banquet is laid out and we can go eat next time!"

Ding Wei comprehensively analyzed: "Our Eighth Route Army has a solid base and can be attacked or withdrawn at any time, but the Japs can't. Important counties like Datong and Zhangjiakou are absolutely impossible for the Japanese army to abandon as long as the Japs don't want to withdraw." We are China.

This is a bit like a sticky style of play. If you attack the enemy, you must defend it, and if you attack the enemy, you must fight for it.

Just lead the little devil by the nose and keep him in a passive position.

If we make such a fuss, the Japanese will only be able to shrink their troops and guard the counties, towns and important transportation lines honestly. As for mopping up, they simply do not have the strength and foundation. "

Kong Jieshen agreed: "Yes, a major autumn offensive can at least buy us 1 to 2 years for the stable development of our Eighth Route Army base area.

This can be said to be our biggest gain from launching this campaign! "

Commander Wang felt a little regretful. When he was moving to Peiping, he received a telegram from his division commander. Looking at the Japanese troops waiting for him outside Peiping, he cursed unwillingly: "His grandma, it's just such a short distance away." With this distance, we can advance to the outside of Peking City!"

As he spoke, he patted the Yishi Zhongzhan he was sitting on and said to Li Yunlong beside him: "Even if you don't drive a car, even this tank can drive to the outside of Peiping City to see the moat in one morning. It's really frustrating! "

Li Yunlong said: "It is now the end of September, and the troops have been fighting continuously for a month. If we had not been using railway lines to transport armored troops, they would have been lying down long ago.

If the fight continues, the Japanese Kwantung Army, the Thirteenth Army, and the troops directly under the Chinese Expeditionary Army Headquarters will continue to rush to our side for reinforcements, and we will have no spare power to fight them in a decisive battle.

It is better to take advantage of the arrival of the first snow in winter and take the supplies and equipment we captured back to the base area to sum up experience and retrain the troops. "

When Commander Wang heard this, he immediately glared at Li Yunlong and cursed: "Old Li, don't you learn from Lao Kong's tricks.

I don’t know if there is really ink in my stomach, or if I am just bragging?

You said that you have recently been reading Chinese and foreign history books to learn about the war wisdom of the ancients. I am afraid you are not reading Jin Ping Mei, right? "

Li Yunlong immediately shook his head and replied: "Back then, Huang Taiji's two armies attacked the Ming Dynasty. They took advantage of Mongolia and landed in Shandong. The two armies were invincible wherever they went. No one could stop them. They continuously attacked cities and captured countless places, and brought down the huge Ming Dynasty. The fight was so intense that he did not dare to send troops out of the city to fight in the field. With this advantage, he did not go straight to Peiping, but went home to spend the winter with the spoils of war.

What does this mean?This shows that Huang Taiji understands the art of war and understands that this is not the best time to capture Peiping.

We can't even be inferior to him, right? "

When Captain Wang heard this, he was very happy: "You old Li, you really have some ink in your stomach, you can even quote scriptures!

That was because Chongzhen was incompetent and Huang Taiji was stupid. If it were my place, I would never be like this! "

Li Yunlong said: "We are not Huang Taiji's Qing soldiers now, and the person sitting in the Forbidden City is not Chongzhen. If we don't move faster, we may be surrounded by the Japanese iron walls when the Japanese gather together, and we will be in trouble."

I heard that the Japanese Kwantung Army spent a lot of money this time to come to us for a decisive battle. I will not confront them head-on. If they come to my territory, I can choke them to death in the cesspit one by one. "

After saying that, Li Yunlong patted Lao Wang on the shoulder with a proud look and said: "Big brother, study hard, read more, and gain more knowledge, so that you can go further!"

Captain Wang immediately became angry when he heard this: "Grandma, Li Yunlong, when will it be your turn to teach me a lesson? When I was the commander of the regiment, you didn't know where to pee or pinch the little people in the mud, Huang I'm a kid, do you dare to test whether my sword is sharp? Let's see the sword!"

Li Yunlong was so frightened that he quickly jumped off the slow-moving tank. The armored soldiers who were resting around looked at Captain Wang chasing Li Yunlong and cheered together - Come on, come on, beat him, beat him!
The two played around for a while and then prepared to evacuate.

Commander Wang is unwilling to give up, but he actually has a clear understanding of the current situation. It is indeed not the time to continue to go deep into Peiping alone.

The two found Kong Jie again and asked, "Old Kong, are we going back after the last battle in Zhuozhou? Are there any other arrangements?"

After several generals led their troops to gather together, they formed a temporary joint command. Although there was no clear commander-in-chief, everyone still wanted to ask Kong Jie for his opinion.

This change of concept is subtle.

Even Li Yunlong is no exception.

Kong Jie, who had been studying the map, replied: "According to the intelligence we have received, if you look at the map, among the several armies that the Japanese came to reinforce, the ones who dared to pursue them in depth were the Kwantung Army troops, especially the [-]th Division. Back then, In the Battle of Lanfeng, he even dared to run rampant among the hundreds of thousands of national troops, showing his arrogance and arrogance.

They probably won’t take us seriously this time either.

How about we think of a way to mess with him again and collect some interest?

Of course, we have to wait until the troops return to the Taihang base area and complete their rest. There is no information on his marching direction yet.

If we want to eat the Japanese 14th Division, we probably have to make some preparations to have enough bait so that the fish can take the bait. "

Li Yunlong and Captain Wang immediately agreed.

Li Yunlong even scolded: "What a son of a bitch, the 14th Division of the Kwantung Army. He will be unlucky for eight lifetimes if he encounters us. We are not Chiang Kai-shek's team. There are tens of millions of people who can't even connect a small Japanese division." Can't even eat it.

If this little devil dares to go to our base area, we can chew him without even leaving any bones and dregs! "

A few people made up their mind to transfer supplies first and lead the main force to the base area, leaving only some guerrilla troops in various places to contain the Japanese army.

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