The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1156 Kong Jie’s long-term plan

Chapter 1156 Kong Jie’s long-term plan

to the end of September.

The weather in northern China has become increasingly cold, especially the continuous heavy rains and the arrival of waves of cold waves, making the weather very cold.

It seems as if the cold winter has arrived early.

This time the Eighth Route Army launched an unprecedented autumn offensive. The number of field troops dispatched from various base areas was astonishing, even as much as that of the original Battle of Shotai.

Although before the battle, the Eighth Route Army base areas tried their best to ensure the logistical supply of the combat troops. In addition, as the battle continued to be delayed, the weather turned cold and the soldiers needed to switch from single clothes to cotton-padded clothes.

In particular, the various troops in the Taihang base area are even more abundant in terms of logistical support.

Like the Iron Triangle Force, especially the wealthy First Anti-Japanese Independent Detachment in Northwestern Shanxi, which was Kong Jie's team, the soldiers were even more well-prepared. They not only prepared cotton-padded clothes to keep out the cold, but also various daily necessities.

However, the number of various combat troops is too large and it is impossible to meet the logistical needs of all Eighth Route Army officers and soldiers.

Fortunately, the headquarters was taking advantage of the time to calculate the situation of the battle, and planned to withdraw the troops when the weather was getting colder.

On the other side, the Japanese army, which was planning to concentrate its forces in North China in a large-scale battle to wipe out the main combat force of the Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop, moved quickly.

In just a few days, the First Division of the Kwantung Army, the First Division of the Central China Front Army, and the Japanese troops in South China were quickly mobilized to quickly form a three-sided encirclement and encircle various battlefields where the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese army in North China clashed.

In addition, although they continued to lose battles, they still had a large number of powerful Japanese troops in North China.

The Japanese army immediately reversed the situation in terms of overall strength and took an absolute advantage.

At the staff meeting of the joint command headquarters in the base area.

Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, and Captain Wang all appeared one after another.

As the most elite Iron Triangle mobile corps in the Taihang region, Kong Jie, Li Yunlong and their team are extremely fast. Not only can they be overwhelming and devastating when launching an offensive, but they can also retreat quickly without any delay.

Even though the Japanese army quickly mobilized troops from the Northeast, Central and South China with the help of convenient transportation lines, there was always a time lag. These time differences were enough for commanders such as Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, and Ding Wei to lead their troops to jump out of the encirclement in time and withdraw to the base area. .

In addition, the Eighth Route Army showed super combat effectiveness in this autumn offensive, and even dared to launch a large-scale plains ambush around Baoding, defeating some mobile groups of the Japanese army.

This frightened the Japanese troops, who had originally planned to pursue a rapid pursuit with the support of reinforcements, to immediately stop their activities, fearing that they would be surrounded by the Eighth Route Army movement after advancing too fast and losing touch with the larger troops.

No one from the various armies dared to come forward.

As long as the main reinforcements have not arrived, no one will dare to go deep alone and rashly pursue the Eighth Route Army.

This is completely opposite to the situation in the early days of the Anti-Japanese War, when the Japanese army dared to pursue tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Chiang troops with a team of several thousand or several hundred soldiers.

In this way, the Japanese were helpless and had to watch the main force of the Eighth Route Army retreat from Jingjingxing, Baoding, back to the Taihang base area.

...As news of the mobilization of Japanese troops on the front line came one after another.

Ding Wei said with emotion: "The movements of these little devils are really fast. When we retreated with the front foot, they mobilized all the troops to surround us. If we hadn't retreated fast enough, we might have been surrounded by the devils." Got it!"

Li Yunlong was afraid that the world would not be in chaos, so he boasted as usual.

"The little devil came quickly, but we obviously lost our courage and didn't dare to pursue him desperately."

"Hey, to be honest, if the retreat order from the headquarters hadn't been urgent, we, Lao Li, would have really wanted to have a tough battle with the Japanese in the Pingjin area!"

Commander Wang, who was even more unwilling to do so, immediately echoed: "What Lao Li said is absolutely right. It seems that the devil's North China Front Army can no longer hold on any longer.

Three days, just give us three more days, we may not be able to break through Peiping and capture that old devil Okabe Naosaburo to our prisoner of war camp. "

"I said, Lao Kong, why have you been staring at the map and not talking? If you hadn't advocated immediate evacuation this time, we might not have been able to win many more battles!" Commander Wang said with some regret.

Kong Jie replied: "I have been studying a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"Lao Li, Lao Ding, Lao Wang, tell me, even though all the units of our Eighth Route Army have developed well in the past few years, especially our combat units in the Taihang area, in terms of overall form, compared with the Japanese army, we are Is it an advantage or a disadvantage?”

Li Yunlong, Ding Wei and others who asked this question were silent. Even Li Yunlong, who boasted that he would dare to attack Taiyuan if I had only one division, had to admit it.

"A skinny camel is bigger than a fucking horse. This little devil is still stronger than us in terms of overall strength!"

Kong Jie said: "From the perspective of the battle situation of this autumn offensive, if it were not for the timely reinforcements from the Japanese Northeast Army, Central China Front Army, and South China Front Army, would we be able to let go and completely defeat the Japanese North China Front Army in North China? .

Or even directly regain the entire North China? "

Ding Wei nodded and said thoughtfully: "This is no longer a matter of possibility. If we concentrate all the strength of our Eighth Route Army just to deal with the Japanese North China Front, the victory of the battle will definitely belong to us.

We have absolute confidence in this aspect. "

"But the Japanese reinforcements always arrive very quickly! The Japanese Kwantung Army, Central China Front Army, and South China Front Army are divided into separate theaters during normal operations and fight in different areas.

But once a certain war zone encounters a crisis, other Japanese troops can still rely on transportation lines to quickly provide reinforcements.

Tell me, everyone, why can the Japanese be so arrogant? "

Kong Jie asked the core of the problem.

When Li Yunlong heard this, he immediately cursed: "What else could be going on? Because except for us, the other teams are all fucking cowards.

In Central China, after the Battle of Zhejiang and Jiangxi, the Japanese army had achieved its set strategic goals, and then they withdrew to the occupied areas in an orderly manner.

The Chiang Kai-shek army only regained the lost ground and basically encountered no effective resistance from the Japanese army. However, they blew it and publicized it in the newspapers. It was a great victory and the final victory in the Zhejiang-Jiangxi battle. It was a blow in one fell swoop. Retreat from the Japanese army.

Look, how nice it sounds!
Including South China.

This time, in order to deal with the crisis in North China, the Japanese troops mobilized large-scale Japanese troops in Central and South China. I don't believe that Jiang Jun did not receive the news. "

Li Yunlong became angrier as he spoke.

"To be honest, if Jiang Jun could be of one mind and heart with us, our Eighth Route Army would use all its strength to hold back the Japanese troops in North China, and even mobilize the Japanese troops in Central and South China to fight, leaving the Japanese troops in Central and South China empty.

Chiang Kai-shek seizes the opportunity again and makes an effort. While our two armies are fighting together, the Japanese are stubborn and do not care about the end.

Maybe in one fell swoop we can regain most of the beautiful mountains and rivers in China that the little devils have occupied!

This damn Anti-Japanese War may be over soon. "

"But what was the result? We also received news that after the Japanese troops in Central and South China were mobilized and their troops were depleted, the Chiang Kai-shek army still stood still and acted as if nothing happened.

Maybe people thought the Japanese had deliberately set a trap to lure them into taking the initiative! "

"Come on, the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression has been going on for so many years. I'm afraid they know better than us what kind of urinary little devils this old Chiang Kai-shek's team is. To lure Jiang Jun into taking the initiative to attack, I guess the little devils have already given up on this plan!" Wang on the side said The leader teased.

Ding Wei said: "So just like Lao Kong said, if our Eighth Route Army gathers all its forces to fight the Japanese army in North China, I don't think it will take long to develop into a situation where our Eighth Route Army and the Kwantung Army in North China, Central China, and South China can even be said to be... It was a battle involving the overwhelming strength of the Japanese army. Chiang Kai-shek might even secretly pat himself on the back, waiting for both of us to suffer losses!
But after our Eighth Route Army is defeated, Chiang Kai-shek's army will be unable to support itself. Maybe the good situation we have finally won against Japan will be ruined in one day. "

Then let’s talk about the situation in the Northeast.

Ding Wei said: "Since the signing of the Soviet-Japanese neutrality treaty, the Japanese army's operations in the Northeast have become more stable. The Japanese have built a large number of permanent defense fortifications and have been on guard against Soviet sneak attacks.

But in fact, the Soviet Union is currently busy fighting the German army, and the Battle of Stalingrad is in full swing, and it simply does not have the energy and strength to deal with the Japanese army.

The Kwantung Army, which can quickly move south for reinforcements at any time, will be a big headache for us. "

Kong Jie said: "Old Ding, from what you read between the lines, could it be that you are pinning your hope of solving the Northeast on the Soviet side?"

Ding Wei didn't admit it, but he didn't deny it either.

This was not just what Ding Wei thought. Many generals of the Eighth Route Army, including many generals of the Eighth Route Army, considered the difficulties in the Northeast, the powerful Kwantung Army that had been entrenched in the Northeast for many years, and the puppet Manchukuo that was built like an iron barrel. Sometimes, I often feel a little disappointed.

Commander Wang also admitted helplessly: "With our strength, everyone has seen that we can barely deal with the Japanese army in North China.

Coupled with the fact that there are little Japs in Central China, South China and various war zones, our strength still seems a bit weak. As for Chiang Kai-shek's troops, they can barely protect themselves and are not aggressive enough. I'm afraid they can't be counted on.

By the time they rise up, launch a counterattack, and regain their lost ground, I'm afraid the day lilies will be cold.

The Northeast region has been the base camp of the Japanese army for more than ten years. It has a strong military defense foundation and a strong industrial foundation. It is really like an insurmountable mountain for us! "

"It's just insurmountable, but it doesn't mean it's insurmountable. No matter how majestic the mountain is, it will eventually be stepped on by those with a strong will.

It was so hard on the Long March, and after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, it was so hard for us to survive behind enemy lines. Didn’t we get stronger step by step until now?
I always believe that everything depends on the effort. As long as we don’t give up, there will always be opportunities. "

Kong Jie's words were sonorous, as if he was cheering up several old comrades, and also seemed to be cheering him up.

"Crisis also comes with opportunities. We want to completely recover the Northeast region, defeat the Kwantung Army, and completely destroy the puppet Manchukuo. It is indeed difficult, but once we succeed, it also means huge gains."

"The Northeast is a big cake. The little devils have been operating for so many years and have built an industrial foundation and an economic foundation. These are the most abundant fruits of victory."

"The road has to be walked out on our own. We cannot place our hopes on others, let alone give up this rich fruit of victory."

"Old comrades, if you think about it again, if you think about it from this perspective, the autumn offensive we launched this time will be stopped as soon as it is good, and we will take the initiative to make concessions to avoid more sacrifices for the troops, but after returning to the base area, We will further develop the base area and strengthen the troops in order to achieve final and comprehensive victory, and even win the Northeast in one fell swoop."

"Isn't this more sensible?"

As soon as these words came out, Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, and Captain Wang fell into deep thought.

Thinking about it this way, it is really not that important to be obsessed with the victory of this autumn offensive.

There are some things Kong Jie hasn't said yet.

Big Brother, Big Brother, even though we call you nice, people may not really regard us as brothers.

Not to mention that the Soviet Union is currently fighting a bitter battle with the German side and has too much time to take care of itself. Even after the Soviet Union defeats the German side, and even if the Chinese side asks for reinforcements many times, the big brother will still calmly whet your appetite.

What are you doing?
Seek to maximize the ultimate benefit!
How can there be any absolute friends in this world?

There is only eternal benefit.

Procrastination will allow China to make greater concessions, and procrastination will allow the Chinese army to consume more Japanese troops. In addition, in the Northeast region, apart from the Soviet Union, there are no other neighboring countries that can intervene at any time.

Why should people be anxious?

In the end, he seized the opportunity and took action at key points without haste. He easily defeated the Japanese army and gained the gratitude of the Chinese people. Not only did he gain a stalwart and powerful international image, he was also able to successfully take off the huge enemy of the Puppet Manchukuo. Why not enjoy the fruits of victory?

Regarding this aspect, Kong Jie even firmly believes that if the Eighth Route Army successfully takes over the Northeast, regains the lost territory, and fully takes over the industrial and economic foundation of the Northeast.

China's future development can be accelerated by at least 20 years on the original basis.

even more.

In terms of the snowballing principle, this is the exponential explosion effect of original capital accumulation.

With the Northeast region taking over the industrial and economic foundation left by the Japanese, China's development will have a springboard and will naturally become faster.

But all this still has a long way to go!



After all, the war that the Japanese army expected did not break out.

When the Japanese army quickly mobilized the Kwantung Army heading south, the Central China Front Army heading west, and the South China Front Army heading north, they quickly arrived in North China.

I kept setting up the net, but failed again and again.

Okabe, an old Japanese soldier who was stationed in Peiping, was originally worried about the crisis in Peiping. Soon he learned the news that the Eighth Route Army in Jinmen voluntarily evacuated, and the nearby imperial troops had reoccupied Jinmen.

Then came Baoding, Zhangjiakou, Datong, Handan and other important cities.

The Eighth Route Army directly abandoned its original great offensive and gave up the defense of these important counties and transportation lines. Instead, it chose to evacuate actively. It jumped out of the encirclement before the main force of the Japanese three-way encirclement and returned to the base area.

Even the large number of Eighth Route Army troops originally operating in Taiyuan retreated like a tide and disappeared in just two or three days.

When the autumn offensive began, the Eighth Route Army besieged Taiyuan with great force. Now they quickly evacuated and disappeared in an instant. Everything seemed like a dream.

The decisive courage of the Eighth Route Army once again shocked the Japanese army.

Such a large war offensive and so many rich results were lost at the drop of a hat.

In the end, the Japanese army concentrated their forces to encircle them, but they were defeated and lost.

While the little devils were depressed, they were helpless against the Eighth Route Army's decisiveness in both fighting and retreating.

After the Japanese Kwantung Army, Central China, and South China Fronts arrived, they did not see the main force of the Eighth Route Army. When he called to ask where the enemy was, the old Japanese Okabe's embarrassment and shame appeared on his wrinkled old face.

The face of the Japanese North China Front, represented by Naosaburo Okabe, was completely lost this time.

Soon after.

The Propaganda Department of the Eighth Route Army quickly started to operate. News was flying all over the sky, and the Japanese-occupied areas were no exception. It probably meant:
"Under the concentrated offensive of the Japanese Kwantung Army, Central China, South China and North China, the Eighth Route Army had no choice but to retreat after a bitter battle and had to withdraw to its base!"

This is taking advantage, winning the fight, and then claiming injustice.

After receiving the news, the old Japanese Okabe gritted his teeth angrily, but for the sake of the face of the Japanese Empire, in order to maintain Japan's international image, and in order not to affect the battles in the Pacific and Southeast Asian battlefields, he could only borrow the donkey to go down the slope and follow the route. The Eighth Route Army's intentions continue to be propagated...

(End of this chapter)

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