The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1163 The worst scapegoat Tu Fei Yuan

The autumn offensive initiated by the Eighth Route Army was towards the end. Although the operations in large areas ended one after another, the situation where the Eighth Route Army and the Japanese army faced off against each other around certain areas, and fighting could break out again at any time, continued.

For example, Zhangjiakou, such as Datong.

These two important counties have extremely high military value and are crucial to the Japanese army.

Among them, Datong is the base camp of the 26th Division of the Japanese Army in Mongolia, which has been in operation for many years.

However, it was attacked twice by the Eighth Route Army, resulting in the loss of a large amount of hoarded war supplies.

Zhangjiakou, located at the transportation hub, was a strategic military location that the Japanese army painstakingly managed.

After the Eighth Route Army launched its autumn offensive, the Japanese army even clamored that it had built Zhangjiakou into an iron-barrel-like absolute permanent defense fortification, and even claimed to be the Japanese version of the "Huangyadong permanent defense fortification group."

In this regard, the commander of the Mongolian Army Garrison Qitian, who was initially responsible for guarding Zhangjiakou, shouted proudly: Even if the main force of the Eighth Route Army came out in full force, he could hold Zhangjiakou for at least three months with limited troops until reinforcements arrived. .

This will consume the main combat troops of the Eighth Route Army.

Of course, the final result was that Datong, the base camp of the 26th Division of the Mongolian Army, was breached after less than a day of defense, while Zhangjiakou, which was turned into a steel fortress by the Japanese, was also completely captured in less than three days. .

As for the Eighth Route Army, although according to the strategic thinking of the headquarters, this autumn offensive achieved a greater victory, it was still not the time to launch a full-scale decisive battle with the Japanese army.

Therefore, after various troops captured some counties, towns and towns and seized a large amount of supplies, they were immediately ordered to evacuate in an orderly manner.

On the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei base area, the main force retreated to Zhangjiakou.

The troops used the fortifications built by the Japanese in Zhangjiakou to confront the Kwantung Army and the reinforced Kwantung Army, and prevent the Kwantung Army and the Mongolian Army from moving south.

Considerations for stationing in Zhangjiakou and Datong.

The Deputy Chief of General Staff and the Deputy Commander-in-Chief and his team considered how to allow the troops to withdraw to the base area in an orderly and foolproof manner.

Although they retreated to the base area, they retreated one after another from Shandong to Pingjin, then to Baoding, and then to Taiyuan. This cannot all be evacuated at once.

Therefore, there must be two nails like Zhangjiakou and Datong to contain more Japanese troops and attract the attention of the Japanese troops.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to cover the evacuation of friendly forces and transport supplies.

In addition, in addition to supplies, the Eighth Route Army launched this autumn offensive and captured some counties and towns of the Japanese army. According to the policy, as long as the people in the city who originally belonged to the Japanese security area were willing to move to the Eighth Route Army base area, the Eighth Route Army would be responsible for escorting them along the way. , and help people settle in the base area.

At a pre-war military meeting, Kong Jie once said: "In fact, from the perspective of economic development, the reason why for a long time our country's economic center of gravity has been mainly in some towns and counties.

In addition to historical accumulation issues, it is precisely these counties and towns that have a denser population, more convenient transportation lines, more abundant materials, and more frequent transactions. "

"To put it simply, population is the basis for all development, so even if the little devils create an occupied area, even if they are hypocritical, they must find ways to stabilize the people, help them create wealth, and maintain the economic operation of the region. .”

"So we launch the autumn offensive this time to break into the city and eliminate the effective forces of the Japanese army. This is only the preliminary goal; seizing materials to strengthen our base and troops is only the mid-term goal; the ultimate goal is to find a way to remove us from the Japanese-occupied areas. The compatriots were brought back safe and sound."

"The people are power. As our base expands, we need a large influx of people. Only with a large enough population can we quickly develop the base's economy and military in an all-round way."

"It even gave the Japanese military an economic advantage."

"This can be said to be a plan to drain money from the bottom of the cauldron. Let's take away all the population base of the little devil and see what else they can do with it."

After the actual battle began, every time the Eighth Route Army soldiers conquered counties and towns, and under the propaganda of the propaganda department, the people in the security areas who had long been fed up with the oppression and exploitation of the Japanese army would drag their families with them one by one without saying a word. Following the Eighth Route Army officers and soldiers, they rushed to the base area.

The common people have long heard that the development of the Eighth Route Army base area is getting better and better. The common people living there are said to have no worries about food and clothing and have enough to eat every meal.

The fact is even more obvious. In recent years, severe drought has occurred in various places.

The people in the Kuomintang-controlled areas and the Japanese-occupied areas were living in misery, but the Eighth Route Army had been taking in the victims and helping the people tide over the difficulties.

Those ordinary people who want to live a peaceful life have long been looking forward to living in the Eighth Route Army base area.

It's just that they have been controlled by the little devils in the occupied area.

In order to cover the transfer of ordinary people.

The Eighth Route Army still retains Datong and Zhangjiakou. These two county towns are important in location. In addition to facing the Japanese on one side, they are all base areas behind them.

It can be said to be an excellent line of defense.

In addition, if you don’t use this place to release the blood of the Japanese, the Japanese will be suspicious, have random thoughts, and cause trouble everywhere during the New Year.

and so……

The high-level military meeting convened by Junroku Hata in Peiping actually discussed the problem of how to retake Zhangjiakou and Datong.

In this regard, Junroku Hata said: "Datong and Zhangjiakou have extremely high military value and cannot fall into the hands of the Eighth Route Army under any circumstances. We must find a way to retake them and incorporate them into the territory of our Empire of Japan."

Speaking of Zhangjiakou being captured by the Eighth Route Army's offensive.

Qitian Laoguizi, the commander of the Mongolian Army who was responsible for the defense of Zhangjiakou, said: "Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, I have an unshirkable responsibility for the loss of Zhangjiakou. I am willing to lead my men to fight back immediately and recapture Zhangjiakou!"

With that said, Commander Nanita, who was armed with a gun and a stick, especially said to Commander Dohashi of the 12th Army: "But, Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, if we want to recapture Zhangjiakou and Datong, I welcome anyone else to help, but only I don’t want to see the 12th Army team!”

As soon as these words came out, the entire conference room fell silent.

The Japanese officers were a little confused and didn't know where Qita's anger came from.

The commander of the 17th Division, Norihito Hirabayashi, who attended the meeting, quietly explained to Buntaiichiro of the [-]th Division, "In this battle, our division was encountered head-on by the Eighth Route Army's mobile troops in the north of Linyi, and was repulsed by them. After a bitter battle, we evacuated, and we suffered losses. heavy.

However, according to our subsequent understanding, not only did the Twelfth Army closest to us at that time not come to rescue, they did not even intercept the Eighth Route Army transport teams passing through their defense area. They all huddled in important counties and only guarded transportation hubs.

The disadvantages of the jihad are all caused by these bastards, who have completely lost the confidence to fight.During the war, everyone acted like a coward, but now that the war is over, everyone is so excited during the meeting that they feel like they are in a state of excitement.

Look, Harada hasn’t lost a hair and is wrapped in a bandage. Why doesn’t this Eighth Route Army sniper give him a blow on the head? "

Commander Gao Qiao of the Third Division complained: "The Mongolian Army, the First Army, and the Twelfth Army were defeated in turn. Even the First Division and the Fourteenth Division of the Kwantung Army were defeated by the Eighth Route Army. With a disgraced face, Commander Mahu (Okabe) cannot bear all this responsibility.

If he were to carry it all, everyone below would have to settle accounts later, and no one would be able to escape. "

Even though they are doing performance art, which is very funny, the actual purpose is to raise the big board of the military department high and then gently fall down.

After all, these are all frontline generals. They have all been replaced. The Eighth Route Army has reorganized its counterattack. Isn't it possible that the Imperial Army's defense line will be in chaos?
Old Japanese Ping Lin said angrily: "Then they don't have to take responsibility for the heavy losses in our battlefields?"

Buntaiichiro said: "These living people are still useful, aren't those dead people the best candidates to take the blame?
Don’t the Chinese have a very vivid saying, Jianghu is not about fighting and killing, but Jianghu is about human nature!
Which of these people does not have the support of interest groups?Including us, every one of us got hit a little bit, and in the end we all probably got a lighter sentence. "

Hirabayashi said helplessly: "How could this happen? In the past, Commander Okamura was also a pig guarding the city. This Mahu Okabe has been led by the Eighth Route Army, and he doesn't even want to face him?"

This was said a little too loudly.

Hata Junroku asked him what he had in mind.

Hirabayashi Morito said: "Commander Dobashi, Commander Yoshio Iwamatsu, and Commander Nanada are right. We must pursue the Eighth Route Army fiercely and never let them escape back to their base. The Imperial Army will win."

We also need to severely punish those bastards of the so-called imperial intelligence agencies. They were completely unaware of the large-scale mobilization of the Eighth Route Army. The intelligence collected was either outdated or false. They must be held responsible. "

As soon as these words came out, a group of military officers seemed to have found an outlet, and they began to curse the Japanese military intelligence system for being useless, and tried every means to put all the blame on the intelligence department.

The final conclusion is:

The imperial army fought bravely, but the intelligence system was not good.

Concentrated transportation of materials can easily be captured by the Eighth Route Army, so dispersed and mixed transportation is required.

The air force must be dispersed in the stable Yongbi Airport. Each mission must cover each other. As soon as it lands, it must be pulled into the aircraft fortress. The airport must also set up a strong defense system and independent guard troops. Private attacks are not allowed under any circumstances.

Each unit strengthens transport trucks, new tanks, and heavy anti-tank guns. They must communicate clearly when going out at night, spread out scouts widely, attack cautiously, and allocate submachine guns and a certain number of semi-automatic rifles to each unit.

Finally, the head of the Japanese military secret service, Tu Feiyuan, was ordered to go to Zhangjiakou to negotiate with the Eighth Route Army, to retrieve the bodies of the fallen warriors, and to investigate the deployment of the Eighth Route Army. Once the winter supplies were in place, they would immediately launch an attack.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see this result at a glance.

It was clear that they were just fooling around, not grasping the key point at all, and did not punish those commanders who were unwilling to save their lives and were dilly-dallying.

On the contrary, all the final blame was placed on the Japanese intelligence department. Anyway, it was the intelligence department that was doing nothing and was useless, which led to the defeat of the battle.

All the blame was placed on the Japanese secret service, and all the Japanese officers, including the Central China, Kwantung Army, and North China Front Army, were surprisingly consistent.

What was originally a good military meeting turned into a meeting of criticism and shirking of responsibilities.

In this regard, the head of the secret service, who directly transformed into the worst scapegoat, was even more unjust than his mother Dou E. He was full of anger.

Why should I be blamed for all the mess they made?
Although the intelligence he collected was inaccurate, these pig-headed generals were in a mess on the frontal battlefield. They were humiliating and had no samurai backbone at all. The wind was shaking, the trees and grass were all soldiers, and they were fooled around by the Eighth Route Army.

These stupid pig-like guys, my God, are they really the commanders of our Empire of Japan who carry the hope of jihad?

Tu Feiyuan couldn't help but become suspicious.

What's even more disgusting is that these commanders actually asked their intelligence agencies to pay for the bodies of fallen warriors in the hands of the Eighth Route Army.

How shameless!
Shortly after the meeting, Doi Yuan was having a headache, how to redeem the bodies of the fallen warriors!Then the news came from his men:
"Shichita, Yansong, and Doqiao actually brought a group of officers to celebrate Okabe's success after the meeting, and took the initiative to withdraw the Eighth Route Army from Pingjin. It is said that Okabe had good command and deployment, and repelled the Eighth Route Army and successfully defended it. Peiping, in one fell swoop, reversed the situation on the battlefield, and successively rescued Taiyuan and Baoding from danger.

He also boasted that the commander of the Kwantung Army, General Umezu Umejiro, rushed to the rescue and provided help in times of need, and was the biggest contributor.

The last group of people praised General Hata Junroku for being confident and commanding with ease. He played with the counterattack launched by the Eighth Route Army in the middle of applause, failed to make any progress, and gave up a lot of territory in vain. He is really a military god in this world! "

Regarding this, Madoka Doi didn't know what the expressions of Junroku Hata, Umejiro Umezu, and Naosaburo Okabe were during the banquet. Whether they were thick-skinned enough to enjoy the banquet calmly or not.

But when he received the news, his old face almost turned green with anger.


"These empires are a disgrace. With commanders like them in the Jihad, is there really any hope?" Doi Yuan became more and more doubtful.


On the other hand, just as these Japanese commanders were blaming each other, the Eighth Route Army base area, the Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Special Experimental Military Region.

Kong Jie, the newly appointed chief in charge, held the first special meeting of the Experimental Military Region.

There were many people attending the meeting. In addition to Ding Wei, the person in charge of the first experimental area, and Li Yunlong, the person in charge of the second experimental area, some Eighth Route Army commanders from around the special experimental area also rushed over to join in the fun after hearing the news.

The so-called new officials took office three fires.

What's more, there are rich locals like Lao Kong, the God of Wealth, and the old comrades came immediately after smelling the smell. Everyone's thoughts were surprisingly consistent:
This old Kong will definitely have another way to make a fortune during the meeting. If he comes too late and can't eat meat or drink soup, it will be a big loss.

Nowadays, Lao Kong is not bragging to you. Just mentioning the various ideas and wonderful ideas for economic development in his head is enough for you to develop your base and make a fortune.

This is the consensus of old comrades-in-arms and many Eighth Route Army commanders.

(End of this chapter)

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