The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1233 Hearty air raid and evacuation

Chapter 1233 Hearty air raid and evacuation

...The command from the command plane was then conveyed.

The bombers carried limited bombs this time and would never waste too much ammunition in one area.

In fact, before this bombing operation started, the Eighth Route Army Huangyadong Strategic Bomber Aviation Command had already started preparations.

Command talents and technical talents from all aspects have continuously improved the routes and determined the applicable aircraft models and types of ammunition. Including using the power of various heavy aerial bombs, they have speculated on the ammunition that needs to be dropped at the same port and the same dock. The question of how much.

They even conducted simulated flight training in secret to anticipate and overcome various difficulties that may be encountered at any time during the actual bombing operation.

Bombers roared past, blowing up one area and then another.

The sky-high firelight became the only bright spot under the dim night rain.

Devoured by artillery fire, in addition to the cold ships, buildings, and factories, there must be soldiers and civilians living in them.

The Eighth Route Army pilots and soldiers looked at all this with a deep look, not out of indifference of human nature, but out of the blood feud, the incisive joy of having their blood debt repaid under the hatred of family and country.

Does the executioner also deserve mercy?

We have done our best by not flying bombers to bomb your densely populated cities.

When you stupid Japanese invaders bombed cities full of innocent people on our Chinese soil, when did you consider those living lives, when did you condemn your own hearts, and when did you think about it? What about so-called kindness?

Blow it up, blow it up, blow it up hard.

It's really a pleasure.

It’s really enjoyable!

Does a nation as humble as Japan deserve to exist in the world?

——This is the silent roar from the hearts of the soldiers who lost their families and lives under the brutal invasion of the Japanese invaders. This unforgettable hatred will be unforgettable for generations. Who dares and has the face to say "forgive" for them? "Two words?"

Blood debts must be paid with blood.

This is the eternal truth.

The night rain almost completely blocked all the sounds. The wails and cries from the executioner were nothing more than a clapping and heart-wrenching revenge movement intertwined between heaven and earth.

Under the cover of the night rain and the reflection of the sea of ​​fire,

One after another, the fighter planes then extended the bombing line along the coast in accordance with the established bombing plan, vowing to destroy all targets before the missiles were exhausted.

This was a surprise attack under the rain at night.

Protruding in a lightning fast.

The bombing of the port focused on the docked ships and warships, as well as various equipment, buildings, factories, and military camps at the docks.

After quickly destroying these targets, the bomber team continued to sail to the next port without stopping at all.

As the communication messages from various formations came.

The air raid launched was surprisingly smooth.

It turns out that everything started with the heavy rain that affected the coastal areas of China and Japan.

On this rainy day, all airports of the aviation force, which were originally small, took aircraft to the hangars to take shelter from the rain. The anti-aircraft gun positions also took their equipment into the warehouse, and the production bases were brightly lit to pump water and drain water.

The little devil never dreamed that at this juncture, the most unexpected enemy, the Eighth Route Army, would actually send an air force to attack.

It just happened to be such a coincidence.

In the Nagasaki area, the electronic reconnaissance force at the core of the Japanese defense circle, considering the impact of heavy rain, was worried that the equipment would be damaged, and even turned off the radar.

It's a rainy day, and there's thunder. If the equipment is damaged by lightning, who's responsible for the loss?

It seems that even God is partial to helping the Eighth Route Army!

With such strong cooperation from the little devil, the air raid by the Eighth Route Army Air Force led by Chief of Staff Liu and Doolittle went as smoothly as if they were in an uninhabited land.

In the Fukuoka area, the Japanese did not turn off the air defense electrical detection nets, but in fact, these were almost the electrical detection nets that were turned on according to routine, and the actual effect was not very good. Basically, emergency interceptions would only be launched after being attacked by air raids.

Not to mention the small quantity, they are also extremely unreliable.

After all, during this period, it was a country that boasted of being a powerful air force. In fact, it did not have a good grasp of advanced technologies in the aviation field.

In other words, in a situation where novices are pecking each other, they are just bullying China, which was lagging behind at the same time.

In addition, in the early days of local air defense operations, there has always been an unsolvable problem - the land area is too small and there is almost no defense depth. The US bomber formations all come from the sea. By the time your radar network detects them, they are almost there. destination.

There was no time to intercept.

In addition, Chief of Staff Liu, and the radar jamming equipment carried by Doolittle and his party were almost a dimensionality reduction strike once they were turned on. The air defense forces set up by the Japanese along the coast were ineffective.

At various airports that were targeted, parked fighter planes were completely destroyed before they could even take off.

Suddenly, the native garrison headquarters in charge of Nagasaki and Fukuoka were completely blown away.

Under the rainy night, as the Eighth Route Army aviation force's air raid areas rapidly increased, the Nagasaki Shipyard, the Japanese 12th Division's barracks, arsenal, and the warships parked in the ports of Fukuoka and Nagasaki all suffered.

It's really a coincidence.

Xiaozhi has recently spent a lot of money and assembled a considerable number of warships, concentrated in the waters near Nagasaki.

What are you doing?

It is used to wait for the success of Okamura Neiji's No. 1 combat plan, and after the communication lines in mainland China are completely opened, these ships can be quickly reinforced to assist the Sino-Japanese war!

As a result, it happened to be hit by an air raid force of the Eighth Route Army and was blown to pieces.

Not only that.

On this day, Nagasaki was particularly lively, especially near the port.

——Later, the historical records of this day were written like this:

July 7 was an unlucky day for Nagasaki, and it was also a day of great shame. Heavy rain began at noon, and lightning damaged the largest communication tower in the Nagasaki area. The heavy rain caused the repair progress to be extremely slow. The short-wave electrical detection network deployed by the Army's air-to-air detection unit on the highlands was also partly damaged by lightning strikes. Major Hebian, who was on duty at the radar network, asked for instructions and shut down the remaining radars. He decided to wait for the thunderstorm to pass before turning them back on, and began to repair the equipment, leaving only air defense. Listening units on alert.

Due to heavy rains, thunder and lightning, and flash floods, the power system in the Nagasaki area failed, causing problems in communications, electricity, and transportation.

In the afternoon, the amount of rainfall exceeded the flood drainage system, causing serious water accumulation at Nagasaki Airport. All patrol aircraft squadrons that had originally taken off as planned were grounded, and all aircraft at the airport were moved to the warehouse to take shelter from the rain.

All air defense positions were also moved into bunkers under the orders of the Air Defense Command to take shelter from the rain.

The stay-at-home headquarters of the 12th Division in the Nagasaki area ordered all troops who were dispersed for training to return to their barracks, and all equipment was put into warehouses to take shelter from the rain.

After receiving and berthing warships, Nagasaki Military Port also began to transfer materials and equipment, causing chaos.

The most terrible thing is that this day is the anniversary of the comprehensive jihad. News of the victory in Henan, Hunan and Guangxi came. The army, navy and relevant government personnel held celebration parties respectively, and a large number of military officers left their duty posts. Due to the superposition of these many factors, the enemy's bomber forces were in an uninhabited territory, and even explosions occurred one after another at military ports, arsenals, and military camps, which made things worse.

The air defense command here reported hearing the roar of engines, and the air defense command here regarded it as a night training of the aviation force; the navy over there observed an explosion in downtown Nagasaki, and laughed at the army for not even being able to see a warehouse; and then The Navy was bombed, and the Army also laughed at the Navy being struck by lightning.

Finally, multiple communications departments reported that they had been hit by an unknown air attack, and then they hurriedly sounded the alarm throughout the city... The roar of enemy fighter planes came from above, and the dense bombs were mixed with the same dense rain, almost indistinguishable, covering large areas When we came down, as the artillery fire devoured everything, we looked desperately at our companions around us who were quickly evaporated and torn apart by the high temperature, as if they were no longer in the world...

This night was destined to be a nightmare for the Japanese in Nagasaki.

More than a hundred enemy planes roared in the night sky.

Probably since the emergence of aircraft in various countries, and since the rapid rise of Japan as a military power, the mainland of Xiaori has never been attacked by such a large number of fighter planes.

Almost all the ports around Nagasaki and Fukuoka were bombed.

A large number of docks were directly destroyed, and all kinds of military equipment, docked warships, barracks, aviation bases, and major storage warehouses in Nagasaki were all covered by the enemy's plowing artillery fire.

The Japanese officers at the Japanese command headquarters, who were finally determined to have been attacked by enemy air attacks from overseas, roared and went completely crazy.

The tragedy of Doolittle's air raid on Tokyo seems to still be vivid in his mind.

Now, they were once again subjected to such arrogant and crazy air attacks by the enemy.

How can the so-called little Japanese Empire have any bullshit majesty to speak of?

"You bastards, we must wipe out all these damn air raid bastards!"

The Japanese officers in the high-level command organs of the Japanese army who quickly heard the news were even more furious.

Death orders were issued overwhelmingly from all channels - no matter what the cost, even if they chased all the way to the enemy's homeland, this arrogant aviation force must be completely destroyed.

After the order was issued, various night fighter planes from the aviation bases located in major Japanese cities were dispatched one after another, heading straight for Nagasaki and Fukuoka.

Over the sea near Nagasaki.

Under the lightning-like air attack, which did not last too long, various aviation formations of the Eighth Route Army basically completed the pre-planned bombing mission.

Even if they couldn't see clearly what was happening on the ground through the rainy night, the soldiers could almost imagine the miserable state of the Japanese army's major dock military bases under the cover of artillery fire when they closed their eyes.

How happy!

Chief of Staff Liu and Doolittle seized the opportunity and immediately issued an order to quickly set sail and evacuate.

Of course, there’s one more kick in the butt before evacuating!

——Before the air strike began, Kong Jie had a detailed discussion with Chief of Staff Liu, Doolittle and his team on how to cover the evacuation of the troops after the air strike mission was completed.

Kong Jie is a man who does not fight unprepared battles.

In the end, according to the plan discussed by everyone: after the bombing, when the aviation units were preparing to evacuate, a special formation was prepared to conduct a covering air strike. This formation also went out from the Jiaodong area, but its target was to bomb the Sasebo area north of Nagasaki.

This formation is commanded by Staff Zhou of the Air Force Command. It is a formation composed of B25 and TB3 medium bombers, as well as a fake aircraft towing formation composed of several squadrons of C47 and Lier transport aircraft.

The mission is to launch air strikes on Sasebo Airport, ports and various military targets, then release these fake aircraft towards the Japanese mainland, and then quickly evacuate the mainframe.

These fake planes, which have been specially processed to display the characteristics of strategic bombers on the radar and have a loud roar, are a special surprise for the little devils.

And what effect was achieved?

——The air raid on Nagasaki ended, the Japanese came to their senses, and the high-level headquarters issued death orders to intercept these enemy planes attacking Nagasaki and Fukuoka at all costs.

As a result, the Japanese were just about to dispatch the air force for an emergency takeoff. When they went to intercept, they suddenly received news that the Sasebo area had also been attacked by air, and there was even a larger bomber formation heading towards Honshu Island.

The local residents were even hiding in panic. Under the night sky, there was the terrifying roar of the engines of enemy planes passing by at low altitude.

At this time, the Japanese high-level command was completely confused.

Even though they don't understand it at all.

How rampant was this group of enemies who launched air raids on the Empire's mainland? After bombing the ports around Nagasaki and Fukuoka, not only did they not evacuate immediately, they even dared to continue to carry out air raids in depth.

Are they crazy because they are determined to die?

At this point.

Although the little devil was furious, there was nothing he could do.

The top priority is not to blindly pursue those damn enemy air fleets, but to take the lead in relocating military targets and civilians near the enemy bomber's route overnight, and at the same time quickly intercept the enemy aircraft advancing deep into the mainland.

Air strikes must not be allowed to spread to densely populated inland cities.

As for the airports in Nagasaki and Fukuoka, due to heavy rains, the air force airports at all airports have moved aircraft into hangars to take shelter from the rain. The anti-aircraft artillery positions have also received equipment into the warehouse, and the production bases are brightly lit for pumping and drainage. .

It is simply impossible to intercept the retreating enemy aviation forces in the first time.

Chief of Staff Liu and Doolittle took the aviation force that successfully completed the mission and roared away from the skies of Nagasaki and Fukuoka.

Before the bombers returned home, the cautious Chief of Staff Liu also made a special request not to use up all the bombs, especially anti-ship armor-piercing incendiary bombs developed for Japanese ships and aircraft carriers.

This kind of artillery shell is extremely powerful and its weight is even more astonishing. A fighter plane can only drag 1 or 2 such armor-piercing bombs. It can be said to be the nemesis of all kinds of ships. Even the Japanese aircraft carrier was hit by two cannons. , even if it doesn't sink, it will be seriously disabled.

Based on the principle of no waste, Chief of Staff Liu thought that he might try his luck before returning and maybe catch a big fish!

It was a pity that he wasn't there when the Japanese Izumo was blown up. Maybe we'll have good luck again this time?

The result was that the emperor really paid off.

Before evacuating, Chief of Staff Liu and his party were searching the sea area and came across some ships secretly docked by the Japanese. Among them was an extremely large ship. If nothing else, it should be the Japanese aircraft carrier.

Without saying a word, all the seven or eight armor-piercing incendiary bombs towed by the fighter plane were thrown down.

boom -

The bomb seemed to have eyes, passing through the rain curtain and hitting the target hard.

This rainy night was not peaceful again.

(End of this chapter)

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