The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 1251 The alarm bell is sure to win

Chu Yunfei's departure was more like an episode, like a stone thrown into a calm and open lake. It only caused a few ripples and quickly disappeared.

How deplorable it is to say this.

Because of the butterfly effect brought by Kong Jie.

Even if Li Yunlong doesn't say it, he probably no longer regards Chu Yunfei, the mere commander of the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army, as his old enemy and rival.

Lao Li's situation is now completely open.

Especially after this military discussion with General Patton and representatives of the Allied forces.

If Li Yunlong's previous view of war was microscopic, it was only fixed on one or two local battles, only on the regiment level, not the brigade-level and division-level battlefields.

Today, Lao Li has even set his sights on group armies and even large corps operations.

It is completely different from previous years.

This may also be the reason why Chu Yunfei left lonely. Once upon a time, the Eighth Route Army was still very backward and weak, including Kong Jie's Independent Regiment and Li Yunlong's New Second Regiment. He didn't even need to take it seriously.

Now, Chu Yunfei was far behind him.

Even Kong Jie could offer him an olive branch, Chu Yunfei.

Poor Chu Yunfei was helpless. In fact, Chu Yunfei was well aware of what Kong Jie said about the domestic situation.

In this regard, he could only feel deep helplessness and sigh, as well as deep concern for the future of the national army.

Maybe he still has extravagant hopes.

But in Li Yunlong's words: "This kid Chu Yunfei has a bit of backbone, but if this kid knew about our plan to advance northward, I would probably scare him silly.

Once we successfully complete the established combat objectives, we will completely defeat the Kwantung Army.

No matter how courageous he is, he should know that the rise of our Eighth Route Army is a general trend and unstoppable! "

Indeed, the Japanese army was close to its end, and as a result, the Henan-Hunan-Guangxi Battle launched in the south still resulted in successive defeats of the Central Army.

The central military only wants to hold on to its own territory, waiting for the war situation in the Allied countries to reverse, and then help clean up China's mess.

But the Eighth Route Army was not only making more and more trouble on the battlefield behind enemy lines.

The strategic goal has even been pushed northward.

The layout and strategic level of the two sides are not at the same level at all.

Kong Jie even thought about it. If the principal knew in advance the Eighth Route Army's plan to march to the north, he would probably curse Niang Xipi again.

...The military competition in Licheng continues.

The generals on all sides of the Allied forces were still chatting lively.

The Allied representatives Patton and others who were chatting happily drove the Eighth Route Army's high-end Type 42 tank - an improved tank equipped with a long-barreled 42 gun based on the Type 85 tank (using the new artillery barrel processing technology provided by the British, in Improved version with the assistance of French engineers), this tank gun is more powerful, has a longer range, higher accuracy, and deeper penetration.

They personally drove tanks produced by the Eighth Route Army to experience the competition. While racing, they experienced mobile shooting and static shooting. They were extremely happy.

After in-depth exchanges between the Soviet generals and the Eighth Route Army generals, they expressed a strong intention to cooperate.

On behalf of the Eighth Route Army, Kong Jie expressed warm welcome to the Soviet Union's intention to cooperate.

As for some of the needs of the Soviet generals, and even the subsequent cooperation between the two sides in politics, economy, and military, Kong Jie said that the Eighth Route Army is willing to cooperate with the Soviet side for win-win results.

In addition, Kong Jie also stated on behalf of the Special Experimental Zone that the Eighth Route Army could provide some detailed combat data, equipment data, etc. needed by the Soviet side on the Japanese troops.

Of course, Kong Jie would not let himself suffer.

Long before the military competition officially started, Trov promised to provide special assistance to the Eighth Route Army on behalf of the Soviet Union.

This special aid has now arrived at the Taihang Special Experimental Zone.

A captured and repaired Tiger tank, a Panther tank, an Elephant tank destroyer, a large number of wrecks of Panzer III and Panzer IV tanks, and a batch of German half-track trucks.

These are Soviet spoils of war, most of which were captured in the Battle of Kursk.

Troff said: "I have long heard that your Eighth Route Army is good at turning decay into a magical force, and your military and industrial talents are extremely creative.

Damaged tank sites can be converted into combat vehicles. These tanks and trucks captured from the Germans can be given to you as gifts! "

The words were spoken lightly, somewhat in a show-off manner.

Kong Jie naturally expressed his gratitude. These German Tiger heavy tanks, which were relatively advanced at this period, are naturally of great research value.

Then he expressed his congratulations very much on the Soviet combat power and the reversal of the war situation between the Soviet Union and Germany.

In fact, when the Soviet army proposed this additional assistance, the deputy commander-in-chief asked Kong Jie what the use value of these tank wreckage was.

But Kong Jie answered the question and said: "Arrogant soldiers will be defeated!"

The deputy commander was surprised: "Why do you say that?"

Kong Jie took the deputy commander-in-chief and deputy chief of staff to the renovation workshop to visit the disassembled chassis and parts.

Li Yunlong, who was accompanying him, mysteriously shone a flashlight on the site of a No. 1939 tank. The production date marked on it clearly said , and the model was D type.

Ding Wei on the side immediately discovered the problem: "I remember that the Battle of Kursk was only fought this year, right? But how can these tanks, which are already backward models, appear on the battlefield on a large scale?

With these backward models of tanks, even if the Japanese are equipped with the new 47mm tank gun, they can compete head-on with them.

Do you think it's possible that the German side deliberately abandoned these equipment to paralyze the Soviet side and prepare to lure the enemy deep into the country and attack the Soviet side's effective forces? "

Li Yunlong said thoughtfully: "It seems that the German side suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Kursk, but judging from this batch of equipment, it is estimated that most of the discarded equipment are these old models of tanks. All their effective forces are probably gathered in the rear, and they have a big conspiracy." .

When we discovered this situation, Lao Kong and I realized that there was something fishy in it.

This is very similar to our commonly used tactics. We often use similar methods to fool the Japs, throwing some equipment and other equipment to the Japs, so that the Japs blindly think that we have lost our armor, and then continue to pursue in depth. .

Isn’t this the see-saw tactic we often play in the watermelon field?

——Regardless of temporary success or failure, plan to attract the Japanese to break through to a disadvantageous position, and then carry out targeted attacks on the Japanese's effective forces.

If the German side really played this way, the Soviet side might suffer a big loss! "

"Do you want to remind Big Brother?" Ding Wei asked.

Kong Jie said: "Big brother is not stupid either. Most of the problems we can find will be discovered by them. It depends on how they are dealt with and whether they take it seriously.

I'm afraid it's inappropriate for us to speak rashly, and others may not believe what we say. Proud guys often don't listen to any advice. Forget about implicit reminders. "

The deputy commander-in-chief also agreed with Kong Jie's idea.

However, from another perspective, this incident reminded Kong Jie:

“This incident has also sounded a wake-up call for us.

We still need to continue to be vigilant and prepare for war. Even though the Japanese seem to be peacefully coexisting with us, in North China they have basically shrunk their troops and retreated to the main counties and last transportation lines.

But with the gambler's temperament, that old Japs Okamura might make another desperate move at some point and stage a desperate military operation similar to Operation Plan No. 1.

We don't dare to gamble.

This eastern Mongolia defense line was originally built to paralyze the Japanese army's judgment and make the Japanese army believe in our intention to attack the south and defend the north, so that we could launch follow-up plans to plot in Guandong.

But have you ever thought about it. If the Kwantung Army believes our intentions, the old Japanese soldier Okamura will be paralyzed by us, and then the Kwantung Army will gather and suddenly launch a large-scale raid on the eastern Mongolian defense line.

How should we respond to such a sudden situation?

In this chaotic situation, the little Japanese might accidentally hit us and use the eastern Mongolian defense line to completely destroy our follow-up plan to advance north. "

The lessons of history have already given the answer:

The Soviet side blindly expanded its results after the Kursk battle, and was severely damaged by the German side.

Kong Jie, who stands on the shoulders of giants, naturally knows this result.

Therefore, he was even more worried: "As the saying goes, be prepared for danger in times of peace. The closer we get to the final victory, the stronger our Eighth Route Army will become, and the closer the Japanese army will be to the end of the road.

The more we must be alert at this most critical moment, we must not take it lightly! "

Li Yunlong and Ding Wei were also shocked by these words.

Even the deputy commander-in-chief agreed: "Kong Jie said it well, and he considered it far-reaching. This reminded me that it is time to hold another meeting, especially for our cadres."

The Deputy Chief of General Staff proposed: "The plan to advance north cannot be missed, and the defense line in eastern Mongolia must not in turn become a flaw in our Eighth Route Army.

It seems that it is necessary to fully operate our intelligence network and always be alert to the movements of the Japanese army.

In addition, as Kong Jie said, we must prepare for the worst in everything. From the beginning of the construction of the Eastern Mongolian Defense Line, we must consider how to respond if the Japanese army concentrates its forces to launch a fierce attack on the Eastern Mongolian Defense Line.

The 35th Route Army is now our own friendly army, we must not leave the risk to them alone! "

Kong Jie felt relieved. With the deputy commander-in-chief and deputy chief of staff taking the lead in planning this matter, it would be absolutely foolproof.

As for the specific situation, no one can say for sure.

Kong Jie was not sure whether the Japanese would launch a sudden and large-scale attack on the eastern Mongolian defense line as he speculated.

And actually.

It's really a coincidence.

Just two days before Kong Jie took advantage of the Soviet-German war situation and began to worry about the eastern Mongolian defense line.

After Okamura completely persuaded Umezu Meijiro to go south for reinforcements, the two old devils quickly reached an intention to cooperate.

Their attention was almost unanimously placed on the Mengdong defense line.

Okamura said: "No matter what the real intention of the Eighth Route Army in building this permanent defense line in eastern Mongolia is, whether it is to guard against attacks by our Kwantung Army and the troops stationed in Mongolia, or to attack from the south and defend from the north to resist the offensive from the north. .

Our army cannot sit still and wait for death.

Even if the Eighth Route Army had nothing to do, the imperial army would never allow the Eighth Route Army's defense line to be built smoothly. "

Umezu Yoshijiro was deeply convinced of this, and the two parties reached an agreement in a secret meeting.

Umezu Yoshijiro said: "It is inevitable for our Kwantung Army to go south for reinforcements, but before going south for reinforcements, it must first destroy the Eighth Route Army's Eastern Mongolia defense line.

Attack from the south and defend from the north?

That's a good idea! The Eighth Route Army must not be given any opportunity to take advantage of it. "

Okamura also agreed with this and decided to support the Kwantung Army's operations. He secretly mobilized the Chinese Expeditionary Army's air force to the Kwantung, including some elite air advance teams. By August 8, which was the closing ceremony of the Allied Games promoted by the Eighth Route Army, the awards were presented. On the day of the conference, at dawn, ground and air raids were launched on the Eastern Mongolia defense line in three directions, giving the Eighth Route Army a special surprise.

At a military meeting at the headquarters of the Chinese Expeditionary Forces in Nanjing.

Okamura's expression was grim. After announcing his battle plan, he pulled out his command sword and slashed it at a photo on his desk. In the photo, the solemn-looking Fu Yisheng was immediately split into two. Half.

Okamura has hated the 35th Route Army and Fu Yisheng for a long time.

It is because of the existence of this force that everything from the Hetao area to the western Mongolian area and now the eastern Mongolian area has been completely disrupted.

If the Eighth Route Army was at the top of Okamura's blacklist, the 35th Route Army was undoubtedly second and was regarded as a serious concern by the Japanese army.

As long as the 35th Route Army is not eliminated, the Japanese army will not be able to completely occupy western Inner Mongolia and northern Shanxi.

Now the 35th Route Army is even more closely tied to the Eighth Route Army.

Okamura has long wanted to take revenge on the 35th Route Army.

To this end, the Japanese army's intelligence department and reconnaissance forces quickly became operational.

Okamura thought the timing was right.

According to the intelligence collected by the Japanese side, although the Eighth Route Army moved quickly to build the eastern Mongolia defense line, the progress of the project was even more amazing.

But after all, the construction has not been completely completed. Many fortification groups and Anlei bunkers cannot be completely connected. If you look carefully, you can find that there are still many defensive loopholes.

According to Umezu Yoshijiro and Okamura’s plan:

Attacking them unprepared, in recent days, the Japanese army has been in a posture of confronting the Eighth Route Army at a distance, across the Eastern Mongolian defense line, and the situation is that the wells and rivers are not invading.

Just to mislead the Eighth Route Army's judgment.

Once the raid begins, the Kwantung Army will gather its forces to launch a fierce assault. In accordance with the strategic goals set by Umezu Yoshijiro, in the shortest possible time, with the help of artillery fire and mobility advantages, the first and second lines of defense of the Eastern Mongolia Defense Line built by the Eighth Route Army will be completely destroyed. destroy.

Then, the troops were withdrawn in time before the mobile troops of the Eighth Route Army on the third line of defense could react.

“As a result, the Eighth Route Army spent nearly two months and a lot of manpower and material resources to build the eastern Mongolian defense line, but most of it was destroyed in the blink of an eye.

Attack from the south and defend from the north? I want to see what you Eighth Route Army can do to attack the south and defend the north! "

Umezu Yoshijiro smiled very confidently and seemed to have a winning chance.

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