Time flies, and time flies to more than six decades. Kong Jie is already over fifty, his wife Shen Wenyue is almost fifty, and his son Kong Xinguo has grown into a young man in his twenties.

In later years, two more people were added to the family, the second son Kong Anguo and the youngest daughter Kong Xiaohui.

It was just in time for the end of the year, and the New Year was about to start. Early in the morning, the family gathered together. Kong Jie suggested that all the old neighbors be called to the family compound to celebrate the New Year in advance and have fun. And, have a meal of reunion dumplings.

Shen Wenyue called the children out to call for help.

"Boss, go to your two uncles' houses and old uncle Zhao's house to call for help."

"Second brother, the rest of Uncle Wei, Uncle Sun, and Uncle Chu's family will be left to you!"

"Mom, what about me?"

The youngest daughter Kong Xiaohui, who just turned 18 this year, is unhappy. The eldest brother and the second brother have arranged tasks, so why should they be idle by themselves?

Shen Wenyue said with a smile: "You are just helping your mother make dumplings at home. Those children in rural areas who are early and sensible, let alone seventeen or eighteen years old like you, are seven or eight years old, let alone making dumplings. Meals for the whole family can be prepared neatly!

It's a good thing for you, but your father can't cook as well as you do.

This girl should also be ambitious, not to mention that your father is a soldier, so the family tradition cannot be distorted.

Being able to fight on the battlefield and being able to work in the kitchen are the minimum standards!

I just keep you at home and study hard, don't be lazy! "

"Dad!" The girl couldn't help but look at Kong Jie and asked him for help.

Kong Jie spread his hands helplessly: "Don't look at me, I have to listen to your mother, and I think your mother did a good job in this matter!"

"Yes, it's still the same. Dad, I'm afraid your wife-control problem will never be cured in this lifetime!" The girl curled her lips and snickered.

Kong Jie had no idea: "There is no cure!"

The eldest brother and the second child rushed out and went their separate ways to make announcements.

It only took more than twenty minutes.

Before anyone arrived, a loud voice floated in from outside the yard:

"Haha, Lao Kong, your son is not well trained! He doesn't look like a communications soldier at all. He doesn't stand at attention or salute when he arrives. As soon as he opens his mouth, Uncle Li, my parents said they would invite your family to their home. Have a reunion dinner!

Listen, how is this decent? "

Immediately, Li Yunlong walked into the already open gate of the courtyard.

The two families live close to each other. As Li Yunlong said, after being old neighbors for many years, they have been familiar with each other for a long time.

Kong Jie did not regard Li Yunlong as an outsider at all.

"Lao Li, what should you say?"

Li Yunlong said: "These two brats should stand at attention, salute and then make a report. What are they talking about?

——Report to the commander, a batch of supplies has arrived at Lao Kong’s house. Should we immediately gather our troops and kill them?

Haha, I have to say this, this is so exciting! "

Kong Jie smiled and said: "Old Li, how many years have we been at peace? Why are you still thinking about your life during the war?"

"No, I still dream about it all the time. It feels like years have passed in the blink of an eye, but it seems like it happened yesterday. It's so damn weird!"

Li Yunlong was a little sad.

Suddenly, another voice came from outside the yard: "Let me guess, Li Datou, do you miss the time when you killed Japanese soldiers again?"

After the words fell, Ding Wei appeared at the door of the open courtyard.

Li Yunlong smiled and said: "The big knife is going to chop off the Japs on the head. Back then, we were on the front lines killing Japs and doing side jobs. Although life was a bit harder and we had to put our heads in our belts to fight against the Japanese all day long, but now that I think about it, that was really true. happy.

Later, we not only fought against Japanese devils, but also against Western devils!

What happened in the past few years?

We still beat him to pieces!

What is the first-class military power in the West, what is the strongest army elite? Hehe, what we, Lao Li, are fighting are his mother-in-law elites. It doesn’t matter whether he is a foreigner or a Westerner. As long as he dares to mess with us, China, we will beat him! "

As soon as this topic came out, it was as if the conversation had completely opened up. Ding Wei immediately echoed: "Yes, I think back when the Anti-Japanese War just broke out, our Eighth Route Army only had a team of tens of thousands, and we wanted guns or cannons. Without artillery, no supplies, and being blocked by the little devils in the deep mountains and old forests, life was unimaginably miserable.

But who would have thought that a poor and backward team like ours would eventually defeat that little devil.

Then when the Goryeo War broke out a few years ago, hey, the elite of our old Iron Triangle Army made their debut on the Goryeo battlefield, with their advanced standard equipment and perfect tactical combination.

Regardless of whether it's a battle on land or a confrontation in mid-air, we are no weaker than the pretty guy.

Our team dares to fight and fight hard, and our soldiers are not afraid of death. The combat power of our team is derived from the sea of ​​​​blood on the tip of a knife.

Just like Lao Li said, even if the other party is the most powerful country in the world, so what? When our motherland is invaded, we old Eighth Route Army soldiers have the confidence and the courage to completely tear all invading enemies into pieces! "

Ding Wei was immersed in excitement and talking happily, but he found that Li Yunlong didn't listen carefully and looked around with his eyes.

"I said, Lao Li, what are you looking at?"

Li Yunlong said: "Old Ding, where is your wife?"

Ding Wei: "..."

"Li Datou, this is an old comrade-in-arms. I won't argue with you, but do you ask me this question? When this friend meets you, why don't you greet him for a while and first ask if his wife is here?"

Li Yunlong quickly explained with a smile: "Old Ding, don't get me wrong. My main siblings are good drinkers. How can we drink without such a good drinking partner?"

"Well, you ladies have a lot to do. You have to spend time cleaning up when you come out. My son and I are following behind, so I came here first!"


As they were talking, someone shouted outside the courtyard. Everyone looked over and saw a young man of mixed race, with three-dimensional and handsome facial features, who was over 1.8 meters tall. He had inherited a big nose like Ding Wei, standing in the courtyard. shouted at the door.

"Zhonghua is here, come on, come on in! I haven't seen you for a while, and you're growing taller again!"

Kong Jie greeted the people in with a smile.

This child is Ding Wei's third child, named Ding Zhonghua.

Just in line with Ding Wei's original intention, Kong Jie's son was named Kong Xinguo, Li Yunlong's son was named Li Shengguo, and his son should be named Ding Zhonghua.

Synthetic China prospers!

Although there was a little hiccup in the middle, the first two children were both daughters, so they couldn’t be called Ding Zhonghua, right?

So Lao Ding could work hard until the third child was born.

Finally, a son was born, and Ding Zhonghua was born.

Just as he was talking, Zhang Bailu arrived, bringing with him two equally tall and beautiful girls of mixed blood.

Speaking of which, Zhang Bailu, Tian Yu, and Feng Nan are indeed much smaller than generals such as Ding Wei, Li Wenjie, and Zhao Gang.

Nearly 20 years old!

So although Ding Wei is a few years younger than Kong Jie and almost 50, his wife Zhang Bailu is only in her early 30s this year. If it weren't for Li Yunlong and Ding Wei, both of whom were born in the training field and were in good health, at first glance, they might have identified a stooped old man and a young girl, and thought they were his daughters.

In the past few years, every time Li Yunlong and Ding Wei drank, they would always show off this matter and ridicule Kong Jie.

I haven’t spoken at all these years...

While rolling out dumpling wrappers, Shen Wenyue was tapping her husband in a low voice:

"Look at your old comrades, each one has a wife younger than the other, so many years younger. It's a shame for you, Commander Kong. Your wife is not much younger than you, and she is already very old!"

"How about I change you to a younger one?"

"How can that be possible?" Kong Jie said with a smile: "Don't look at Lao Li and Lao Ding, who appear to be prosperous on the surface. They are all in their 50s and dozens of people, and their 30-year-old daughter-in-law is at home. Who is suffering in their heart?" Who knows.

Sometimes, this young grass may not be suitable for old cows. Why? Even if you don’t have any teeth, you might as well chew some dry grass for more flavor! "

"Fuck you, what did you say?"

Shen Wenyue laughed and scolded.

Soon, the neighbors arrived one after another, except for Li Yunlong and Ding Wei's family who arrived first.

Li Wenjie came with his wife Tian Yu.

Even the boy Wei Monk later married a beautiful wife. Specifically, it seemed that Tian Yu introduced another school girl who was one year younger than him.

A college student married and gave birth to four children at once.

This boy, the monk, has achieved perfection in his life.

Chen Quan is here, Wang Huaibao is here, and Madman Han, who made such a big name fighting Japanese in Zhongtiao Mountain, is here.

Of course, Zhang Dabiao, who always likes to lose his hat, is indispensable. Chief of Staff Xu Guoan, including Chu Yunfei, also arrived with his family.

Plus a bunch of other old comrades.

When talking about the Anti-Japanese War that year, everyone sighed with emotion, recalled the past, and talked about it for a long time.

Let’s talk about the Goryeo War a few years ago.

These passionate generals who rushed to the front line to fight, all held their heads high, showing great ambition to bring glory to the country and promote our country's majesty.

Let’s talk about some of the chaos in Guan in the past few years.

The topic was meant to be opened.

Kong Jie stopped him again with a sentence: "Let the past go by. We are soldiers, and there are too many things that we can't do anything about.

History will continue to move forward, and the wrong path will eventually be brought back on track. Our task is to contribute our due strength to the border defense of the motherland and keep one side safe!

In addition, if the country wants to develop in the future, it must still focus on economic construction.

I think it is a good way to use our old military industry as the basis to radiate to all walks of life, including the civilian field.

After all, it is a technologically powerful country! "

For this reason, Kong Jie has worked hard over the years, using a large amount of technology at hand and the foundation of the original military factory to produce a series of cutting-edge technological products that transcend the times.

Then we talked about the Goryeo War.

I don’t know how the topic came to Doolittle, who helped build the aviation force in the base area.

Kong Jie smiled and said: "Lao Du was quite unwilling when he left, saying that the construction of the aviation force had just reached a critical point, but something went wrong at this time.

But they were all fighting, and he had to go back.

I heard that after the Goryeo War broke out, our aviation forces caused a lot of trouble to the enemy in the fight for air supremacy.

I don’t know who made the suggestion, but put all kinds of targets on Lao Du. Speaking of which, we owe this Lao Du.

If you have a chance in the future, go and see him! "

Everyone agreed.

After the reunion dinner, before leaving, Lao Li and Lao Ding looked at Kong Jie who looked like a body made of iron, and couldn't help but murmur.

"Lao Kong, do you think you are getting younger as you live?"

"Yes, you are over 50 years old. Why do you still look the same as you did 40 years ago?"

"Lao Li and I, look at how old we have become!"

Ding Wei sighed.

Kong Jie said with a smile: "Everything has its own pros and cons! This tender grass is delicious, but you can't eat too much! Two old comrades, if nothing happens in the future, you should keep fit. I'm still thinking that we can go together when we are 70 or 80 years old. We’re fishing, playing chess, and doing Tai Chi!”

"Go to hell!" Li Yunlong and Ding Wei couldn't help but yell.

Time flies by and it's more than seven years.

The development track that was once on the wrong track has been put back on track again.

Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, including Zhao Gang, Li Wenjie, Chu Yunfei and other old comrades and generals have basically retired with honor.

Everyone lives nearby, and the old neighbors have deep feelings. A group of people tinkered with this and that, and their retirement life in their later years was quite fulfilling.

03, April 2.

The program "Moving China" started filming for the first time, and the first person to appear was a heavyweight figure from the Anti-Japanese War, a gray-haired but still energetic veteran in his 90s.

The award speech said:

He is a person, but he also represents a group of people, a group of soldiers who threw their heads and shed their blood, and did not hesitate to wrap their bodies in horse leather for the sake of the country without regrets. He is the backbone of a generation of martyrs and the epitome of the cruel war era.

It was they who built the nation's Great Steel Wall with their own flesh and blood.

You, and you, are our eternal heroes and our eternal role models!

When Kong Jie, an amiable veteran in his nineties, sat on a simple bamboo chair, gently rocking, he told the children about the thrilling and gun-fired years.

Stories made of war, fire and blood are vividly written on the page.

In that era when tragedy and heroic sentiments coexisted, people with lofty ideals and soldiers who destroyed their families to relieve difficulties and fought hard, even if they shed the last drop of blood, used their lives to defend the dignity of the motherland and nation, gathered together to form this entire line. turbulent history.

"Our story begins with the Northwestern Iron Triangle of Shanxi. My old comrade Li Yunlong, who passed away a few years ago, and Ding Wei were still in their prime at that time..."

The old but heroic voice slowly sounded throughout the venue...

Wonderful stories always start again at the end in the form of reincarnation...

(Complete book)

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