The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 131 Wolves and Sheep

Chapter 131 Wolves and Sheep

Zhao Gang served as the political commissar of the independent regiment. On the second day after taking over the job, Kong Jie held a military meeting of the regiment's cadres.

The old rule is that if there is no room to sit in the house, they sit in the courtyard of the regiment headquarters.

Even the principal and deputy monitors at the grassroots level came.

Zhao Gang was a little dumbfounded by this, and didn't know what Kong Jie was going to do next. Li Yunlong was also puzzled, not knowing what kind of medicine Kong Jie was selling in his gourd.

In the compound, at the beginning of the military meeting, the head of the regiment, Kong Jie, made an opening remark, "Comrades, I called you here today because I have some good news to tell you."

"What's the good news? This is the first thing. Our independent regiment has added a new political commissar, deputy head, and instructor."

"Comrade Zhao Gang, political commissar, a brilliant student who graduated from Yenching University, an outstanding graduate of the Fourth Period of the Anti-Japanese University, and one of the leaders of the [-]th Movement, his qualifications are not shallower than mine."

"Deputy regiment leader Li Yunlong, I don't have anything to say about that. Anyone in our independent regiment who knows me as the regiment leader, Kong Jie, doesn't know him, Li Yunlong."

Li Yunlong on the side said happily: "Hey, Lao Kong, is Lao Tzu so famous in your independent group?"

"That's right, you are full of swear words, you are a big boss, you love to violate discipline, and you don't obey orders. You are almost becoming a negative example of our independent regiment's discipline teaching."

Li Yunlong: "..."

"You successfully choked Li Yunlong, your charisma value +1"

Kong Jie is happy, well, his personal charisma attribute value has finally surpassed Lao Li by two points.

The fighters who were sitting neatly on the drawn bench were already laughing.

Zhao Gang on the side couldn't help but smile too.

"Of course, Lao Li is a good player in war. When he was in the Xinyi Regiment, he made the whole regiment scream. This time, Lao Li is going to be the deputy head of our independent regiment. Comrades, you should also take care of yourself." Learn, learn from the spirit of our Deputy Commander Li, the steely will that a soldier should have, the fearless fighting spirit of bravely shining the sword when meeting in a narrow road!"

"That's it, let's applaud Deputy Head Li."

There was thunderous applause.

Li Yunlong, who likes this kind of thing very much, was originally in a depressed mood, but he had already been thrown to Java country.

Yep, Lao Kong really knows how to slap someone for a jujube.

Li Yunlong had nothing to say, with a smile on his face.

"Then next, let's ask Deputy Head Li to talk to everyone!"

There was another burst of thunderous applause, Li Yunlong laughed twice, and said loudly: "It's okay to say a few words, but what Old Kong said just now is good, our old Li is uneducated, just a big bastard, and he will fall down if the carrying pole falls." Mother doesn't know it's a single word, but I don't know how to say those beautiful words."

"Just a word, I, Li Yunlong, don't like sheep. Why? Because sheep are too cowardly. When encountering a strong enemy, they obviously have the power to resist. They have two sharp horns that can kill the opponent, but they dare not resist. their demise."

"So what do I like? I like wolves. Wolves are cruel and cunning, and wolves live in packs. Tigers have to give up three points when they see them. If you want to deal with a wolf, you have to do it well with a pack of wolves." The wolf is preparing desperately."

"So the team I want, Li Yunlong, has never been a team of cowardly sheep, but a pack of ferocious wolves. We must have the spirit of bright swords. Even if we know we are invincible, we must fight from the opponent's body like the ferocious hungry wolves. Tear off a piece of meat for me!"

The classic words reappeared, and even Kong Jie who was at the side felt the power of these words and the rendering. He took the lead in applauding, and soon, the applause in the courtyard sounded like thunder.

At this time, Wang Leihu, the first battalion commander sitting at the head of the cadre team, couldn't help asking: "Deputy Commander Li, do you think our independent regiment is a sheep team? Or a pack of wolves?"

After the words fell, the whole small courtyard suddenly fell silent.

All eyes were on Li Yunlong, even Kong Jie was no exception. He really wanted to see how this old Li would answer.

To be honest, if this was before the Battle of Cangyunling, Li Yunlong would have felt that although Kong Jie's team were not sheep, they were definitely not as good as hungry wolves.

But it's different now.

Li Yunlong said decisively: "Obviously, our independent group is a pack of hungry wolves, and the cunning shown in you pack of wolves is even better than your ferocity. Why? Because of the influence of your leader wolf, your Who is the leading wolf? It's Lao Kong!"

Kong Jie was dissatisfied, "Old Li, who are you scolding inside and out?"

Li Yunlong said to the soldiers: "Brothers, I am not speaking ill of your regiment commander. Do you know how cunning your regiment leader is? In the Battle of Cangyunling, I fought with him. Breaking through the encirclement, our two regiments are almost together, the result? Bantian regiment headquarters let your regiment commander give it a shot, and the superior's punishment, let me carry it alone. This is all the benefits. The head of your family has taken over, and I have covered all the bad points, tell me, isn’t this cunning, what is it?”

Ha ha ha ha--

The soldiers burst into laughter, and seemed very happy that their regiment leader could take advantage of Deputy Commander Li.

Li Yunlong continued: "So, our independent group is a pack of wolves, and a pack of wolves that are more cunning than vicious."

"If the team I lead, Li Yunlong, is a pack of wolves who dare to go up and tear off a piece of meat when they encounter a tiger."

"Then our independent regiment is a cunning pack of wolves who follow secretly, show their fangs, but are patient all the time, and insist on waiting until the tiger is weak, and then launch a surprise attack, revealing its ferocity, and giving it a fatal blow. "

clap clap clap-

Needless to say, the soldiers applauded one after another.Looking at his team leader, he also admired him more and more.

Kong Jie looked at Li Yunlong warily. Suddenly, the weasel greeted the rooster and said good things about himself. What kind of tricks was he probably doing?
You have to be careful, don't be taken advantage of by Lao Li.

Then Kong Jie introduced the instructor Li Wenjie.

"Our Ninth Company's instructor, Comrade Li Wenjie, is an outstanding graduate of the Fifth Phase of the Anti-Japanese University. This time he is coming to our independent group. Everyone must cooperate with him in his work."

"By the way, speaking of which, the Ninth Company Commander, you have a bad temper. Wen Jie went to your place. You didn't wear shoes for him, did you?"

Zhu Wu, the commander of the Ninth Company, quickly stood up and said with a smile, "Commander, how can we do that? As for the intellectuals, it's too late for our old Zhu to welcome them!"

As for the truth, Kong Jie could guess a thing or two from Li Wenjie's unnatural smile.

It's just that he knew that Li Wenjie was stubborn, since he didn't take the initiative to speak up, Kong Jie simply let it go.

In fact, before Li Wenjie went to Jiulian as an instructor, the Second Battalion Commander Shen Quan had said this to him.

"Wen Jie, it's not easy to be the instructor of the Ninth Company. How should I put it, you'll know when you get there."

"However, if you say that you are the younger brother of our political commissar Li Wenying, I believe that no one in the company will make things difficult for you. From the company commander to the platoon leaders, they will definitely support your work."

Shen Quan remembered that Li Wenjie did not hesitate to answer at that time.

"Thank you for the reminder of the Second Battalion Commander. I have made it down. My brother is my brother, and I am me. I want to inherit my brother's last wish to continue the resistance against Japan, not to kill my brother's last reputation in the independent regiment."

"If one day I feel that I am worthy of this uniform, I will reveal my identity. At that time, the soldiers will only feel that Commissar Li Wenying has a good brother who is worthy of him."

"But if I don't deserve this military uniform, but I reveal my identity in advance, the soldiers will only say that Commissar Li Wenying is such a hero, but my younger brother is a coward, then I will lose my brother's face? "

Shen Quan had nothing to say for a while, but he was more and more optimistic about this stubborn young man in his heart.

After returning to the regiment headquarters, Shen Quan reported the matter to Kong Jie.

Kong Jie's original words were: "If he really agrees to your proposal, his next achievements may stop as an instructor."

Back in front of him, Kong Jie's eyes fell on Wen Jie. He noticed the seating situation of the Ninth Company cadres. The company commander sat with several platoon leaders, and the squad leaders and deputy squad leaders sat behind. It was Wen Jie, the instructor, who seemed to be sitting somewhat isolated on the edge.

There is a long way to go!

Kong Jie smiled from the bottom of his heart, hoping that with time, Wen Jie would be able to integrate with the soldiers of the Ninth Company soon!

As the military meeting continued, Kong Jie suddenly asked the soldiers, "Let me digress, comrades, do you respect intellectuals?"

Shen Quan, the commander of the second battalion, answered first: "Commander, that's for sure!"


"Because we are all rough, uneducated, and intellectuals, all of us are Wenqu stars."

Kong Jie said: "Bullshit, Wen Quxing didn't understand culture since he was a child, he learned it step by step."

"What I want to tell you is that we big bastards respect and envy cultural people. They read, they can read, and they are educated! But you have never thought about it. You should also learn more knowledge and become Are you a man of culture?"


The cadres below were surprised.

Wang Leihu, the commander of the first battalion, said: "Regimental commander, when we were in the Red Army, there was continuous cultural learning in the team, but our knowledge base is limited, so we can recognize more characters, and then listen to the instructor's instructions. Let us talk about the international military situation, and we have the right to have fun."

"Later, the war became more and more intense, followed by the Long March and the fight against devils, leaving less and less time for us to study culture. In addition, there was a shortage of cadres in the team, especially cultural and political cadres such as trainers and instructors. gone."

"After a long time, the words I knew originally, and some things I remembered in my mind, have all returned to my mother's stomach."

"As far as we are concerned, if we still want to be cultural people, don't you try to drive a sow up a tree, it's hard to be a human being!"


(End of this chapter)

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