The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 313 The Japanese Counterattack

Chapter 313 The Japanese Counterattack

After the matter was settled, Yoshio Shinozuka's originally planned Tiegun mopping-up tactic, in conjunction with Kazuki Yamamoto's beheading operation, planned to take action a week later.

But within a few days, the frenzy of looting the areas occupied by the Japanese and puppet troops officially kicked off.

Throughout Northwest Shanxi, a large number of bandit forces suddenly joined the camp to rob the Japanese-occupied area, which completely exceeded the expectations of the Japanese side.

Shinozuka Yoshio, who suddenly learned of this, was also caught off guard.

Yoshio Shinozuka, together with Yamamoto and Beichuan, concluded that the small group of special operations troops from the Eighth Route Army were most likely the ones who attacked the banks in the occupied area.

Then, who knows what the bandits went crazy.

They even dispatched from all directions to attack the occupied areas of the Japanese and puppet troops.

All of them were rampant and even surpassed the regular anti-Japanese armed forces.

They also threatened that they were the ones who robbed the bank of the Japanese and puppet soldiers not long ago.

Isn't this slapping the faces of Shinozuka Yoshio, Yamamoto, and Beichuan?

Although the bandits are not very good, whether in terms of numbers or combat effectiveness, they are not even considered as a third-rate army.

However, so many bandits suddenly harassed the occupied districts and counties everywhere, which affected the security and stability of the Japanese and puppet troops.

Naturally, the little devil couldn't bear it.

On the one hand, Yoshio Shinozuka ordered to strengthen law and order to deal with the bandits who harassed everywhere.

On the one hand, he ordered the intelligence department to investigate what was the reason that caused the crazy behavior of these bandits.

As a result, the cause has not yet been investigated, and the bandit camp that originally robbed has expanded rapidly.

The first to react was the Eighth Route Army troops from all sides.

In the eyes of the Japanese, these Eighth Route Army are the most hateful.

No matter what kind of anti-Japanese armed forces, as long as there is some movement, the Eighth Route Army will always come out to join in the fun.

As long as the opportunity to fight the Japanese army is seized, the Eighth Route Army will never miss it.

As soon as the Eighth Route Army reacted, the wind direction immediately changed.

Looting the areas occupied by the Japanese and puppet troops quickly became a trend, and it seemed that anyone could take advantage of the fire to loot and make some money.

Then, the local national army, the central army, the stubborn army, and the Jinsui army, seeing that there was an advantage to take advantage of, they all rushed over to join in the fun.

"Baga, these bastards, do you really think that the Japanese Empire is a soft persimmon?"

Takeo Nakahara, the commander of the Japanese army stationed in Yangquan, couldn't help cursing at the headquarters.

When did the dignified imperial army suffer such humiliation?

The Eighth Route Army, Central Army, Jinsui Army, and bandits, these armed forces dared to bully the Great Japanese Empire, which has the strongest actual military power.

There are not a few people who hold the same idea as Takeo Nakahara.

It doesn't matter to the bandits, as long as there is an opportunity to take advantage of it, no matter who they are, they will rob them if they need to.

Not to mention the Eighth Route Army, as long as they can beat up little devils and accompany them at any time, if there is an opportunity to beat a dog in the water, it is natural to seize it.

As for the Central Army, the miscellaneous national army, the recalcitrant army, and the Jinsui Army troops, they basically came in following the trend.

Firstly, he wanted to gain some benefits, and secondly, he wanted to take the opportunity to beat up the little devil, so he finally felt proud.

After all, he is a Chinese, and occasionally he is a bit passionate and spine-chilling.

Taiyuan City.

The intelligence personnel reported to Yoshio Shinozuka the losses of the Japanese army after the upsurge of large-scale looting of the occupied areas in Northwest Shanxi in the past week.

"General, according to the statistics conducted by relevant departments, in the past week, our Yangquan, Shouyang, Tanxian, Taigu, Pingan counties, and even the surrounding areas of Taiyuan City have been affected.

In the robbery operations mixed by bandits, the Central Army, the Jinsui Army, the Eighth Route Army, and the National Army, heavy losses were suffered.

As far as Shouyang County is concerned, a total of five large and small banks opened by the empire in the county were robbed, a total of twelve times. The shops invested and participated by the empire, including tea, oil, tobacco, cloth and other material stores, were robbed a total of 21 Home, a total of 45 times, three military material warehouses were robbed, one outside arsenal was robbed, and six maintenance associations in various towns under the jurisdiction of Shouyang County were robbed, a total of eleven times..."

A series of data came down, it was really appalling.

And this is just a Shouyang County, and all the major counties around Shouyang were brutally murdered.

The one that is a little better is Taiyuan City, where the main force of the Japanese army is stationed, and the law and order are more stringent.

Even so, many remote villages and towns around Taiyuan City were also robbed a lot.

What made Shinozuka Yoshio the most angry was that these bastards from all sides involved in the robbery.

A store, a bank, and a maintenance association were robbed two or three times at least, and even five or six times.

It's like knocking on a piece of wool and pulling it hard!
the devil?
This is crazy friction in the face of the Japanese Empire in Canada.

After hearing the news, Shinozuka Yoshio held back his anger, and after the informant left with the documents, he couldn't bear it any longer, and directly swept away the objects on the table and smashed them to the ground.

When Chief of Staff Ayumi Kitagawa arrived at the headquarters, he was also taken aback.


"sit down!"


"Have you heard about the matter?" Shinozuka Yoshio asked, after venting just now, the anger in his heart calmed down a little.

"Hi!" Bei Chuan replied, "It happened too suddenly. Our army is focusing its main force on dealing with the Eighth Route Army and preparing for the follow-up Tiegun mopping up tactical plan. Unexpectedly, the bandits around the occupied area will suddenly riot. Crazy robbery!"

"Because of the sudden incident, I heard that during these days, the counties and towns in the occupied area have lost a lot of cash, supplies, and equipment."

Shinozuka Yoshio said with a headache: "These bandits really deserve to die. How did they lead to the current situation if they were not careful? What a mess."

Bei Chuan smiled wryly and said, "General, this is the end of the matter. Although it is troublesome, the little bandits, even with the Central Army, Jinsui Army, and Eighth Route Army who join in the fun, are not enough to shake our Empire of Japan's rule over the occupied areas."

"It's just that we originally planned to implement the Iron Rolling Sweeping Tactic in two days, and the beheading operation with the secret service team. Now it seems that we have missed the best time, and we can only postpone it for a while."

Shinozuka Yoshio nodded, and said: "That's the only way to go. The current situation has to be dealt with. This is not only a huge loss in the occupied area, but also involves the majesty of our Great Japanese Empire."

"The next step is to deal with the bandits, the Central Army, the Jinsui Army, and the Eighth Route Army who are looting wantonly in the occupied areas. They must be quickly defeated by thunderous means, or even wiped out completely, so as to re-establish the power of our Great Japanese Empire."

"We must not let the resistance against Japan become a trend. In this way, it will only increase the progress and difficulty of our comprehensive unification of the entire North China."

Bei Chuan agreed: "The general is right. In my opinion, the Eighth Route Army should be inseparable from the large-scale looting incident in front of us.

Speaking of it, before the Eighth Route Army launched a large-scale raid in August, in fact, in Shanxi, the form of the anti-Japanese armed forces was already at an absolute disadvantage.

The Compromise Faction and Surrender Faction of the Shanxi-Sui military, as well as some local national army units, have all shown a tendency to compromise or surrender to the Great Japanese Empire.

As a result, the Eighth Route Army made such a fuss in the raid, and these vacillating guys turned around and raised the anti-Japanese banner again, which is really ruthless. "

"In the final analysis, the source lies in the Eighth Route Army."

Shinozuka Yoshio felt the same way: "The Eighth Route Army is a great disaster, and sooner or later it must be eradicated. If the Eighth Route Army is not eradicated, there will be no peace in the area occupied by our army."

"Not long ago, the Eighth Route Army launched a large-scale sabotage operation. Our department sent Yamazaki Brigade to deeply test the Eighth Route Army's strength. The plan to encircle and annihilate the Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop failed. Now, all Chinese anti-Japanese armed forces participated in looting the camps in the occupied areas. We are big in Japan. The majesty of the imperial troops has slipped to the bottom of the slope."

"If things continue like this, morale will definitely drop, and there will even be a trend of the rise of anti-Japanese armed forces in Shanxi."

"The Jinsui army and some national army units are typical scumbags. Once the advantage is tilted to the Eighth Route Army, they may follow suit and raise the banner of resistance to Japan. This is something we never want to see."

Speaking of this, Shinozuka Yoshio said decisively: "So I plan to temporarily delay the mopping up and beheading of Tiegun, and focus on dealing with this wave of bandits robbing the occupied areas in Northwest Shanxi."

"Focus on the central army, the local national army, and the Jinsui army, so that these bastards can wake up and realize the invincibility of our Great Japanese Empire."

"In addition, use thunder to destroy the bandits and Eighth Route Army troops as much as possible, as a deterrent, to re-invigorate the morale of our imperial troops."

"By opening the temporarily delayed iron roll mopping up tactics, the beheading operation with the secret service team has a smooth start!"

"Order that the army combat units stationed in the counties of the occupied areas temporarily cooperate with the local security forces to quickly wipe out the invading bandits, the Central Army, the National Army, the Eighth Route Army, and the Jinsui Army."

"Focus on attacking the Central Army, the Jinsui Army, and the local national army. Focus on eliminating the bandits and the Eighth Route Army. After obtaining information, we will immediately carry out a thorough encirclement and suppression of the bandit forces on the major hills around the county to prevent the bandits from making a comeback."

"The law and order in the major counties has been initially stabilized, and the bandits have been encircled and suppressed. After some progress has been made, the main force will be deployed to sweep the villages and towns around the counties, destroying the guerrilla areas and bases that the Eighth Route Army has taken advantage of these days to develop in one fell swoop."

"Hi! General, I will order the staff to formulate a detailed battle plan." Ayumi Beichuan replied.

Shinozuka Yoshio added: "The Eighth Route Army and the bandits don't consider persuading the surrender for the time being, and directly focus on annihilation as the main goal.

Focus on attacking the Central Army, the local national army and the Jinsui Army.

In private, we can start persuading surrender operations. If some of these troops surrender to the Great Japanese Empire first, it will definitely form a chain effect and set an excellent example for those surrendering and compromising factions. "

"Hi!" Beichuan responded loudly.

The sky in Northwest Shanxi is about to change...

(End of this chapter)

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