The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 347 Old Li Takes the Blame Again

Chapter 347 Old Li Takes the Blame Again

Lu Duoxian, the head of the [-]st Regiment, had already learned the ins and outs of the incident from the soldiers who followed the deputy head Liu Cai to rob the county town.

It turned out that after Liu Cai led people disguised as bandits and broke into the town, he was ambushed by the Japanese and puppet troops and fled all the way out. Before he escaped for a long time, he fell into the hands of the Eighth Route Army.

Then the Eighth Route Army disguised themselves as soldiers from the [-]st Regiment and mixed in with the ranks.

After arriving at the gate of Taiyuan City, the Eighth Route Army suddenly attacked the Japanese army, causing the immediate misunderstanding.

"These bastards of the Eighth Route Army are really hateful. They ruined all my good deeds."

"Old Liu, old Liu..."

Lu Duoxian yelled a few words, and then he remembered that Liu Cai, the deputy head of the regiment, was beaten to death by the devil.

I couldn't help cursing again, "Old Liu is an idiot, you are so stupid, since you were threatened by the Eighth Route Army, at least you guys can give me some hints..."

Speaking of this, Lu Duoxian was stunned again.

He seemed to recall that when Liu Cai approached the team, he winked at him.

Then he himself nodded, expressing his confidence.


"Well, I misunderstood it." Lu Duoxian muttered in his heart, regretting it too late.

"Tuan Zuo, right now we surrender to the little devils and have been destroyed by the Eighth Route Army, what shall we do next?" asked the battalion commander.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Lu Duoxian cursed.

After cursing for a while, Lu Duoxian asked again: "Tell me, is that old devil Wutian dead?"

The battalion commander thought for a while, and said: "The bullet hit the vital point, and he probably won't survive."

"It's over, it's over, once Takeda dies, it will be difficult for us to handle this matter."

"Tuan Zuo, how do you say that?"

"Although that old devil in Wutian has a cautious personality, he is also relatively generous. If he is still alive, he should be able to figure out what happened today. It wasn't what the [-]st regiment wanted to do. We will clear up the misunderstanding by then. , Takeda designated will recruit us.

But Takeda's deputy, Kudo Takatoshi is different, he has a very bad temper.

If he really puts the blame for killing Takeda on our heads, we will have nothing to talk about if we want to surrender to the Japanese army. "

The battalion commander said: "Teacher, are we still going to surrender to the little devil? You are not afraid that this matter will not be covered, and the superior will accuse us of collaborating with the enemy?"

Lu Duoxian said: "What do you know, kid? Now there are wars everywhere, life-saving straws, you need to grab a few more, and the road will be wider, so that you can live longer."

"This time we surrendered to the little devil, but the Eighth Route Army ran into it and ruined our good deeds.

After we go back, we must increase the anti-Japanese propaganda on the surface.

And in private, we should try to get in touch with that Kudo Takatoshi again to find out what he means. If the Japanese really can't go this way, let's find a way. "

"The regiment is wise!" the battalion commander admired.

Just as he was talking, the communications soldier behind hurried over to report: "Reporting to the regiment, we found a cavalry two miles away, and they are coming towards us."

"Cavalry? Do you know what team it is?" Lu Duoxian asked.

"Reporting to the regiment, it seems to be the Eighth Route Army."

"Hey, why is the Eighth Route Army here again?"

Now Lu Duoxian hated and feared the Eighth Route Army. When he heard that the Eighth Route Army was coming, he quickly ordered: "Quickly, let the brothers hide on the steep slopes on both sides, and don't let this group of Eighth Route Army bump into us. Then treat us as The enemy army was wiped out."


When it came to fleeing for their lives, the soldiers of the [-]st Regiment were not slow in their movements. Nearly [-] soldiers quickly hid behind the slopes on both sides of the mountain road.

Not long after, the sound of horseshoes came, and a group of cavalry came loaded with all kinds of equipment. With wide eyes, each soldier had at least four or five guns on his back.

There is also some Japanese equipment.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of horseshoes traveled farther and farther away, the dust was still flying in the air, and the cavalry team had disappeared.

After a while, Lu Duoxian led the team to walk on the mountain road again, the battalion commander came over and said: "Tuan Zuo, why do I look at it, the Eighth Route Army just now looks like the Eighth Route Army we met before?"

Lu Duoxian said with a dark face: "What is resemblance? It's these bastards."

"They stayed at the foot of the mountain to fight for us. The gunshots were heard earlier, and the fight was fierce. Why did they appear here again all of a sudden, all of them riding horses?"

"Tuan Zuo, could it be that the Eighth Route Army wiped out the Japanese and puppet troops who were chasing them? I also saw the crooked light machine guns in the team earlier."

Speaking of this, the officers of the [-]st Regiment all shivered.

This group of Eighth Route Army is definitely not easy to mess with.

Lu Duoxian scolded: "This is not what we should consider now. The Eighth Route Army has withdrawn, and there are no troops behind us. Once the little devils catch up, we will be done playing. Let the order go, and everyone will run forward."




until the next morning.

The big counter-offensive of the Japanese and puppet troops ended, and the news spread in all directions.

The upsurge of armed troops from all sides looting the devil-occupied areas is gone forever.

The Japanese counterattack gradually came to an end.

In less than a day, except for the Eighth Route Army, which shrank its troops in time, all the troops basically suffered a big loss.

The troops that sneaked into the devil-occupied area that day, or attacked the occupied area around the devil, whether it was the national army or the Jinsui army, were defeated by the Japanese army's counterattack. Without exception, they suffered heavy casualties.

After the Japanese army's major counterattack began, the armed forces of all parties stationed in the villages and towns around the enemy-occupied area were also immediately raided by the Japanese army.

According to incomplete statistics, it took less than a day.

After the Japanese counterattack began, nearly eight regiments of the Jinsui Army were defeated, and the Jinsui Army suffered more than three regiments of casualties; nearly three regiments of the Central Army were defeated, and the Central Army suffered more than one regiment; nearly four regiments of the local national army were defeated, and the casualties exceeded Two regiments; defeat or eliminate the bandit team Seventeenth Route...

As soon as this data comes out, it will deal a big blow to the Chinese anti-Japanese armed forces.

The Japanese army was encouraged. From the large-scale raids of the Eighth Route Army to the trend of looting enemy-occupied areas, the Japanese soldiers finally felt the strength of the long-lost imperial army.

In addition, there is actually another piece of data:
After the Japanese army launched a major counterattack, the Jinsui Army, Central Army, and National Army that were attacked by the Japanese army received assistance from the Eighth Route Army.

Eighth Route Army Independent Regiment, New First Regiment, and New Second Regiment.

After the Japanese army launched a counterattack, they provided timely assistance to rescue friendly troops.

The three regiments rescued a total of more than a dozen national army troops, including the Jinsui Army and the Central Army.

A total of nearly six regiments of the national army were rescued, and nearly a brigade of the Japanese army was wiped out.

After the news of this data spread, the entire northwest of Shanxi was shaken.

Boss Yan, the commander-in-chief of the Second War Zone, personally telegraphed the Eighth Route Army and commended the Independent Regiment, New First Regiment, and New Second Regiment of the Eighth Route Army.

Of course, it is limited to verbal awards.


Taiyuan City.

Shinozuka Yoshio, commander of the Japanese First Army stationed in Shanxi, was full of depression.

When talking about the results of this major counterattack, Shinozuka Yoshio said: "In response to the wave of Chinese armed robbery in our occupied areas, this counterattack has achieved certain results.

But the result of the fact is not satisfactory to me.

I remember that in the deployment before the battle, I specifically instructed that this time the order is to give priority to eliminating the Eighth Route Army and bandit troops, and focus on attacking the Jinsui Army, the Central Army and the local national army.

The reason for such an order is obvious.

Bandits will affect law and order and should be killed.

The Eighth Route Army is currently our biggest enemy in the occupied areas.

As for the national army and the Jinsui army, in fact, they have been somewhat ambiguous with the imperial army since this period of time.

At this time, it would be best if they could be pulled into the camp of the imperial forces, or kept neutral.

In this way, we can free up our hands and concentrate on dealing with the Eighth Route Army. After the Eighth Route Army is eliminated, we will finally deal with these Chinese armed forces.

This is the principle of long-distance and short-range attack in the Chinese art of war, and the same is true in front of you.

But the facts are beyond my control. This counterattack did not wipe out any troops of the Eighth Route Army.

On the contrary, it defeated and eliminated many teams of the Central Army of the National Army and the Jinsui Army.

The Eighth Route Army also secretly acted to sabotage and saved many national troops.

what does this look like
It's like the imperial army is fighting to the death with the national army, and the Eighth Route Army is taking the opportunity to help the national army. It seems that we are against the national army.

This is by no means the result we want to see.

We must transform the main contradiction between the imperial forces against the National Army and the Jinsui Army into the main contradiction between the imperial forces against the Eighth Route Army.

The current situation is extremely unfavorable for the transfer of contradictions. "

Chief of Staff Beichuan Ayumi said with a wry smile: "General, these Eighth Route Army are really cunning.

We got the news that just before our army's counterattack started, all the troops of the Eighth Route Army suddenly withdrew their troops back. We don't know if we noticed something. "

"So after the big counterattack started, only the national army, the Jinsui army and the bandits fell into the trap."

"Then the Eighth Route Army jumped out of the team again. While our army was fighting with the Jinsui Army of the National Army, they secretly attacked and rescued some of the National Army and the Jinsui Army."

Shinozuka Yoshio nodded, and a word came out of his mouth: "Independent group!"

"It's this independent group again, that is, the team led by Kong Jie."

Beichuan Bushi said: "According to the information, not only this independent regiment, but also the New First Regiment and the New Second Regiment, these three regiments of the Eighth Route Army are at the frontier of our occupied area in Northwest Shanxi.

In other words, General, if the imperial army wants to wipe out the main force of the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang area, we first need to break through the defense of these three regiments of the Eighth Route Army.

In addition, I don't know if you have noticed, General?

Although the small three regiments of the Eighth Route Army are not worth mentioning, I discovered by accident that these three regiments of the Eighth Route Army are very interesting.

From the map, the locations where the three regiments were stationed just formed an overall triangular defense system.

I don't know if the generals of the Eighth Route Army have discovered this problem, but once such a system is formed, it may take a lot of effort for the imperial army to break through the overall defense formed by these three regiments. "

Hearing this, Yoshio Shinozuka walked to the map and began to observe.

Speaking of which, these two old devils.

One is the commander of the Japanese First Army, and the other is the chief of staff of the Japanese First Army.

Such two big men, at this moment, are focusing their attention on the three small regiments of the Eighth Route Army. If it is spread out, they will be laughed at.

Shinozuka Yoshio didn't take it seriously.

"From the sacrifice of Sakata-kun in the battle of Cangyunling, this independent regiment appeared in our sight."

"Then Qu County was attacked by surprise."

"Following the fall of Yamazaki-kun, the North China Arsenal was attacked."

"The independent regiment in front of us is again in the midst of the imperial army's counterattack, and made a high-profile move to rescue the national army and the Jinsui army, and defeated the imperial army's multiple troops."

"If you analyze it in terms of team formation, a small regiment of the Eighth Route Army is naturally not worth mentioning."

"However, if we analyze it in terms of combat exploits, destructive power, and threat level, this independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army poses no less threat to the Imperial Army than a division of the National Army."

"Isn't this enough to attract our attention?"

Chief of Staff Beichuan Bushi responded: "What the general said is that if the Eighth Route Army in the occupied area is compared to a knife, this independent regiment can be said to be the tip of the Eighth Route Army's knife. As long as we can break the knife point of the Eighth Route Army first, the The knife isn't as sharp anymore."


Yoshio Shinozuka's gaze fell on the map, where the Shinichi and Shinji regiments of the independent regiment were roughly located.

"Mr. Beichuan, you are right. Of the three regiments of the Eighth Route Army, the Independent Regiment is near Yangquan, the New First Regiment is near Taigu, and the New Second Regiment is near Ping'an County. The three defense areas are united into one. It is really ingenious."

"Among the defense systems in the art of war, the triangle defense system is the most stable.

Of course, there are also many kinds of offensive tactics for the defense of the triangle defense system.

Mr. Beichuan, what do you think should be done to deal with the defense of these three regiments after our army's sweep begins? "

Bei Chuan thought for a moment, and said: "General, if you want to break through the triangle defense system, you must attack one point, and you can choose the weakest point among the three points.

As long as one point is broken, the entire defense system will collapse.

Or attack three points at the same time, the strength of the imperial army is enough to do it.

No matter how strong this triangle defense is, there is a limit to what it can withstand.

Once the disparity between military strength and strength is too large.

It can only be crushed to pieces under the front of the imperial army. "

Yoshio Shinozuka smiled and said, "That's true, I prefer the second style of play.

Once our first army is dispatched, it will be unstoppable.

Could it be that the three regiments of the small Eighth Route Army can stop it?
After the big sweep started, these three regiments took the lead in defeating the tip of the Eighth Route Army's sword, and crushed them from the most rampant point of the Eighth Route Army. "

Beichuan Bushi said: "What the general said is that, besides, the main focus is on dealing with this independent regiment.

Judging from the performance during this period.

The combat power of the independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army is the strongest among the three regiments, and it is necessary to defeat the independent regiment first. "

"Then comes the new regiment. Judging from the recent performance, once this new regiment grows up, I am afraid it will become the second independent regiment."

"Where's the new second group?" Yoshio Shinozuka asked.

Beichuan Bushi said: "There is not enough evidence for the New Second Regiment. According to intelligence, the new Second Regiment has not been formed for more than half a month. It is a new army formed by the Eighth Route Army, whether it is the combat effectiveness of the troops or the equipment. , have not developed yet.”

"Based on this aspect, I think that if the imperial army attacks the three points of this triangular regiment at the same time, the new second regiment is likely to be the first regiment to be defeated."

"Yaoxi!" Shinozuka Yoshio nodded.

"It's time to plan the tactics of the iron roll sweep, and cooperate with Yamamoto-kun's beheading operation. In addition, the observation group must prepare in advance. The success of this sweep will mean that our first army will take the lead in implementing the iron roll attack." A successful mopping up tactic."

"If this method of warfare is effective in actual combat, once it is popularized, our imperial troops will definitely be able to uproot all the Eighth Route Army in the occupied area."

Pretty confident words.

"Hi!" Kitagawa Ayumi responded.



Eighth Route Army.

The next day, before dawn, the boss had already found out the situation through the brigade commander.

The first thing, the news from the brigade commander was indeed correct, the Japanese army was planning a big counterattack.

The sudden counterattack in front of them caused heavy losses to the National Army and the Jinsui Army.

For the second matter, the order issued by the headquarters is to let the troops of all parties shrink their forces immediately and stand by for orders.

The result was good. I heard that the Independence Regiment, the New First Regiment and the New Second Regiment jointly attacked. Taking advantage of the counterattacking Japanese army and the national army, the Jinsui Army, and the Central Army to fight, they took the opportunity to wipe out many ghosts and puppet troops, and saved many The National Army and the Jinsui Army.

"More importantly, Boss, I heard that Li Yunlong, Kong Jie, and Ding Wei not only took the opportunity to wipe out the devils and puppet troops.

There are also eight defeated friendly troops, including the Jinsui Army, the Central Army, and the local national army.

They also confiscated all their weapons. "

"And this thing?"

"That's right, the news from the brigade commander said that all the equipment from Kong Jie's side has been sent over, good guy, all the equipment from the Jinsui Army, and some from the National Army."

"When Kong Jie reported, what he said was eloquent:
These equipments were given by the Jinsui Army and the National Army on their own initiative, and some of them were temporarily borrowed. It was definitely not their independent regiment who took the initiative to snatch friendly troops. "

"In addition, Kong Jie also returned a batch of equipment to the Jinsui Army, and said to the Jinsui Army:

These equipments were lost when your soldiers of the Jinsui Army fled, and our independent regiment picked them up. We will return a batch to you first, and we will hand over the rest to the headquarters.

If you Chief Yan want it, you can come to our headquarters in person. As for our headquarters, the boss will definitely return it to you. "

When the boss heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

Recently, the troubles caused by the cut-off of supply by the national army seem to have been swept away.

"If Yan Laoxi is willing to come over with his face and ask for equipment, hehe, I will really give it back to him."

"Kong Jie, you played a good hand!"

"Swallowing the equipment of friendly troops can still make them speechless. If you break the steel teeth, you have to swallow them in your own stomach."

"It's just that I'm a little curious. The equipment in Kong Jie's mouth can actually be sent to the Jinsui army?"

The deputy chief of staff smiled and said: "It's rare to be generous. I sent one or two hundred broken guns. The parts are uneven. If they are sent to the arsenal, they will probably be disposed of as waste."

Ha ha ha ha--

In the earthen hut of the headquarters, everyone couldn't hold back any longer and burst out laughing.

Then, everyone praised Kong Jie, Li Yunlong, and Ding Wei, and by the way, praised the brigade commander for his ability to lead the troops.

But the boss changed the subject and scolded with a smile: "You can't just see the cleverness of these three brats. These three brats didn't obey orders and went out secretly to do tricks. I can't take this matter lightly."

"In the past, they did bad things to me one by one, but now it's good, the three bad boys got together."

Everyone asked, "Boss, how do you want to punish these three heads?"

The boss pondered for a moment, then said with a serious face: "Kong Jie, I heard that this kid sent some stoves to the brigade commander some time ago, and that kind of briquette, which he said was for warmth.

This is too outrageous, give it to the brigade headquarters, but not to our headquarters?
It's too unfair to favor one person over another. He was fined to send a batch of warmth to the headquarters. "

"Ding Wei, I heard that this kid likes to drink, so I punished him not to drink for a week."

"As for the bastard Li Yunlong, if there is, let him come to the headquarters, go to the cooking class, and cook for me for a long time."

After the boss finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter again.

The deputy chief of staff smiled and said, "Boss, is your punishment unfair? Why do I see that punishing Li Yunlong is more serious than punishing Kong Jie and Ding Wei?"

That's right.

To Kong Jie, it's not a punishment, it's clearly a favor.

How many regiment leaders want to send warmth to the headquarters, but they can't find a reason!
As for Ding Wei, even if he was fined for drinking for a week, at least it would be done in his own group.

One week, the boss just meant it, and it passed in the blink of an eye.

Only Li Yunlong, if he came to the headquarters to make a fuss, he would make a fool of himself!
The boss said with a stern face: "This kind of punishment is the fairest. Think about it, there is always someone who takes the lead in everything. This time the three regiments are fighting together. I think it must be the idea of ​​this bastard Li Yunlong."

"Ding Wei and Kong Jie are good comrades. They must have been spoiled by Li Yunlong, a bastard. If I don't punish Li Yunlong additionally, he won't be able to go to heaven for me in the future?"


"It must be so!"

The cadres nodded one after another.

This is a consistent way of thinking, don't think about it, as long as the lower levels do bad things, Li Yunlong is involved.

This kid must have done it, that's right.

He didn't do it, he had to do it.

Who made Li Yunlong "famous" since the Long March period!

There's no need for the boss to do such a trivial matter, so spend more energy to find out, right?
Even if Li Yunlong is really wronged.

In the words of the boss:
"Then I have to hold back."


The new second group.

Sneezes, sneezes, sneezes——

Li Yunlong sneezed several times in a row, rubbing his nose, suspicious.

It's okay to sneeze all the time, it's probably going to be bad luck.

"Reporting to the head, a call from the brigade headquarters, saying that the boss asked you to go to the headquarters."

"Headquarters? What are you going to the headquarters for?" Li Yunlong was puzzled.

"I don't know the specifics, but the brigade commander said that this time our new second regiment saved the friendly army, wiped out the devils, and won the battle. The boss was very happy when he heard about it."

Li Yunlong immediately felt relieved, slapped his thigh fiercely, and said cheerfully: "Understood, I won the battle, the boss is happy, and he will reward me for sure! Come on, prepare the horse, I will go to the headquarters right now."


Li Yunlong quickly rode his horse, and accompanied by the guard Hu Zi, he galloped towards the headquarters.

Finally arrived at the place, as soon as he entered the room, Li Yunlong's loud voice rang out.

Lao Li never sees outsiders, no matter whether he is at the brigade headquarters or at the headquarters.

This person who has made great contributions should be honored.

"Haha, boss, report to boss, Li Yunlong came to report, I miss you so much!"

The boss who was studying the battle map heard the loud voice, frowned, turned his head to look at Li Yunlong, and said indifferently: "Just come, the big pots in my cooking class are about to die. You, hurry up, hurry up, and scrape off the accumulated pot ashes for me, everyone is still waiting to eat!"

Li Yunlong: "??????"

Seeing Li Yunlong froze on the spot, the boss said unhappily, "Why, do you have an opinion?"

Li Yunlong hurriedly saluted and said: "How dare I do this, yes, please rest assured, boss, I promise to complete the task!"

After all, Li Yunlong rolled up his sleeves and walked towards the cooking class.

Behind him, there was laughter from the whole room.

Li Yunlong wanted to cry for a while but had no tears.

This mother is so embarrassing!
(End of this chapter)

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