The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 424 The new way of building strongholds is easily won

Chapter 424 The new way of building strongholds is easily won
Two infantry cannons were dug in Wuminggou, which made Li Yunlong realize that his way of making money is absolutely feasible.

After dragging the two infantry guns out of the pit, Li Yunlong turned his eyes and then stared at other combat areas.

"Da Biao, let's do this. During this time, you lead people to hurry up and collect all the specific information about where battles have occurred within a hundred miles around here. Let's find them one by one."

"According to the current momentum, it won't be long before our new second regiment can build an artillery battalion."

Lao Li's imagination is so beautiful.

Zhang Dabiao didn't care about anything else, and he did what Li Yunlong said. The two hit it off and continued to forge ahead on this road to wealth.



When Kong Jie and his party evacuated from the small mountain village area, there were 22 more comrades in the team, including twelve special shooters from the Fifth Regiment, that is, Huang Baiyang, Su Zhengqiang and his party, and ten quasi-special shooters. It is the good seedling that head Feng said.

These ten fighters can be said to have come here especially for their fame.

Originally, Commander Feng told the ten soldiers to go to the Independent Regiment to stay for a while and help Commander Kong, but these soldiers were not happy.

Then Huang Baiyang stood up and said: "I went to the Independence Regiment, the brand new 240-style rifle, yours; [-] rounds of ammunition, yours, after finishing, Captain Kong will supply it at any time; specially equipped with an observer Cooperate with your sniper operations; in addition, there will be more opportunities to fight devils than you think."

"Why does our marksmanship improve so slowly? It's because there are so few opportunities for actual combat. This time, Commander Kong directly led us to hone our marksmanship in actual combat."

"It only takes three months. Not to mention being a super shooter, have you heard of a sniper? That is a much more powerful unit than a sharpshooter. Maybe you can also grow into that kind of sniper."

When the ten soldiers heard this, they didn't say anything else, and followed Huang Baiyang and his party to join the independent regiment. .

Then, Kong Jie drew 40 soldiers from the guard company, and together with Huang Baiyang and his party, they formed a sniper platoon consisting of [-] people.

Then Kong Jie assigned the soldiers a sniper team.

"A shooter, an observer, together form a sniper tactical team."

"Do you know why I formed everyone and set up the sniper platoon in front of me?"

"For the answer to this question, you can imagine yourself as a sharpshooter on the battlefield."

"Sharpshooter, don't I need to say more? This is a unit that scares the enemy. The enemy will never know where he is hiding, but his bullets can kill the enemy at any time."

"Thinking about it another way, a sharpshooter is so terrifying, what if it's a sharpshooter in a squad, or even a sharpshooter in a platoon?"

"So I formed the sniper platoon in front of me. Next, I will take you to continuous actual combat, hone yourself, and let you witness with your own eyes how terrifying the sniper group will be."

"I'll leave it here for you in advance. The soldiers of our sniper platoon have enough guns and ammunition. There is only one request. I will give you a lot of bullets. You are not allowed to rust in the bullet box. Give me as much as possible." Eliminate the Japanese and puppet troops."

"After I have divided the sniper teams for you, you snipers and observers must cooperate tacitly, and you can greet the devils and puppet soldiers with all your strength."

"How about it, comrades, do you have the courage and confidence?"


A temporary sniper platoon, forty soldiers responded at the same time.

Kong Jie smiled and continued: "You should understand the current combat environment to some extent. The current position of our sniper platoon has broken out of the encirclement of the Japanese army."

"The little devil is very busy right now! On the one hand, we must continue to encircle and suppress the main force of the Eighth Route Army in our Taihang area; It doesn't look like it anymore."

"In this case, the devil's eyes will only be on the defense of the rear, and the main force of our Eighth Route Army. As for our 40-man team, the devil will never take it to heart."

"And our small number of people makes it easy to disguise and hide. This is our biggest advantage."

"But if the devils underestimate us, it's their stupidity. Twenty tactical sniper teams, this is no joke."

Speaking of this, Kong Jie's expression gradually became serious, "The sniper platoon was temporarily established. The platoon leader is veteran Huang Baiyang, and the deputy platoon leader is Su Zhengqiang. As for the squad leader and deputy squad leader, you decide for yourself."

"Of course, in our sniper platoon, it depends on the level and record of sniping. If you don't have any level, you can't afford the important task of commander."

"So you comrades who serve as commanders have a heavy burden on your shoulders. You must not only ensure the coordinated operations and safety of the entire team, but also ensure your own efficiency in killing the enemy."

"Okay, let's talk about the main point, what is the main task of our sniper platoon?"

"It's very simple, the stronghold for fighting devils, or the stronghold for deterring devils."

"We have twenty sniper teams. What do I hope to achieve? With the cooperation of one or two sniper teams, we can fight the devils and puppet soldiers in the stronghold, who even have nightmares when they sleep, and dare not leave the stronghold for half a step. "

"Everyone must not underestimate a soldier with only one rifle. When this soldier is a sniper, he poses a much greater threat to the enemy than an infantry soldier."

"One person kills a squad, a platoon, or even a company; one person destroys a gun tower, or even a stronghold. Do you think it is a bit impossible for everyone to hear it?"

"But what I want to tell you is that when you really grow into excellent snipers, you may not be able to complete these tasks alone."

"Then the road is idle, I will tell you some stories, how some excellent snipers fought more with less, and even set a record of single-handedly killing the enemy and capturing a large number of enemy troops. It is a miracle story."


This is Kong Jie's combat plan and operational thinking for forming a sniper platoon.

Use the sniper platoon with small targets but strong combat effectiveness to deal with the devil's strongholds.

We don't want to lay down strongholds directly, but we want to deter the Japanese army strongholds.

Then cooperate with the main combat forces to attack the Japanese strongholds and carry out anti-sweeping operations.

The reason is simple, with the threat of a sniper team, the devils and puppet troops will not leave the stronghold easily.

After the Japanese and puppet troops did not dare to leave the stronghold easily, the connection between the devil's stronghold and the stronghold would not be so close, so that when the Eighth Route Army troops attacked the stronghold, they would not be harassed by reinforcements from other strongholds.

In addition, the main force of the Japanese army had to rely on the many strongholds behind them to provide ammunition and supplies from time to time during the sweep.

Once the stronghold is lost, the devil's logistics supply will definitely be affected.

If the main force of the devil's mopping up came back to aid the major strongholds, it would reduce the pressure on the Eighth Route Army units to counter the mopping up to a certain extent.

This is Kong Jie's new idea of ​​using the sniper platoon to deal with the devil's stronghold.



It was the fourth day since the Japanese army launched a big raid on the [-]th.

In general, the Japanese army continued to shrink the encirclement and sweep the Taihang area, forcing many Eighth Route Army troops around the Taihang area to retreat.

The new second group.

Li Yunlong led a battalion to easily break through the encirclement of the Japanese army. After breaking through the encirclement of the Japanese army, they attacked strongholds and towns in the rear of the Japanese army, attacked the maintenance association, and wiped out the local Japanese and puppet defenders.

Political commissar Zhao Gang led the rest of the New Second Regiment to carry out anti-mopping with the help of the defense of the mountainous area.

The Japanese brigade's raid on Yangcun, where the New Second Regiment was stationed, ended, and they began to return to the villages and towns in the rear to deal with the new Second Regiment that broke out.

During the movement, the New Second Regiment fought against the sweeping Japanese army from time to time, but did not get entangled with it. Instead, it avoided the premise of the main force of the Japanese army and continued to make trouble in the rear of the Japanese army.

New group.

The Japanese army dispatched two full-strength brigades, intending to besiege the new regiment station.

Ding Wei's troops were divided into two groups, leaving a part of the troops to lead the Japanese army by the nose and fight mobile warfare in the mountains.

He also led another part of the main force to break out directly, and ambushed the reinforcements of the Japanese army returning to the county in various places.

In the words of the head of the regiment, Ding Wei: "There are many ways to eat meat. Lao Kong took the opportunity to change his home and went to the devil's lair to eat meat. We robbed the devil reinforcements who went back halfway, and they could still eat meat."

At first, there were not many troops back from the devils, even only one squadron.

These Japanese and puppet troops were naturally accepted by Ding Wei with a smile.

Independence Corps.

Following the transfer order issued by the Japanese Army Command, the Fourth Independent Mixed Brigade and the Ishii Regiment continued to mobilize troops back to the county seat, resulting in insufficient troops left behind to deal with the Independent Regiment, and the two sides fell into a temporary stalemate.

After all, the Japanese army did not break through Xicun and Zhangjiazhuang.

The devils used it to deal with the tanks of the Independence Regiment, and lost four of them successively.

Two vehicles fell into the pit dug by the commander of the Fourth Battalion, Lei Dasheng.

There were also two tanks that were directly blown up by the large-volume explosives buried in the ground.

This made the Japanese army realize that the Eighth Route Army, the Independence Regiment, possessed absolute anti-tank strength, and the few remaining tanks were so frightened that they quickly retreated to the rear.

Niukou Village area,
The left-behind troops of the Independent Regiment continued to pretend to be restrained by the Japanese army, secretly supported Kong Jie, and fought against the [-]st, [-]nd, and [-]rd Battalions in all aspects.


After five o'clock in the afternoon.

Kong Jie led several sniper teams to a certain stronghold of the Japanese army.

After a preliminary investigation, the monk returned to report: "Commander, this stronghold is not big. We just observed with binoculars for a while, and only saw five devils before and after, and there are more than 20 puppet troops left."

Kong Jie nodded, "This time the devils mopped up a lot of troops, and part of the devils in the stronghold were also mobilized. The general situation in the Japanese and puppet army strongholds is that there are more puppet troops and fewer devils."

"In this way, let the sniper teams hide in different directions. I will kill the devils first, and the rest of the puppet army will be easy to say. If you scare them, maybe they will be bloodless."

"Yes!" The monk answered and turned to make arrangements.

At around [-]:[-], the first gunshot sounded, breaking the surrounding calm.

A devil sergeant who was smoking a cigarette in the stronghold was shot dead.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack!"

The puppet platoon leader was wiping a match, and was just about to light a cigarette for the devil sergeant, when the gunshot rang out, and the bullet flew over, directly piercing the devil sergeant's forehead, splashing blood On the face of the puppet platoon leader.

The great panic made the platoon leader of the puppet army tremble, and then the shrill and loud word "enemy attack" popped out of his voice.

bang bang-

Another gunshot rang out, and under the gradually darkening sky, the devils and puppet soldiers in the stronghold didn't even know where the shooter was hiding.

Two devil soldiers fell down one after another.

Now, there are only the last two devils left in the huge stronghold.

After the puppet soldiers were terrified, they realized a problem. The enemy's sneak attack seemed to be aimed at devils.

This made them feel terrified, but also fortunate.

"Taijun, they must be the sharpshooters of the Eighth Route Army. We haven't even found out where they are hiding. Now we dare not show our heads. Showing them is death!"

The puppet platoon leader hid in the gun tower and said to the remaining two devils.

"Baga, these nasty bastards!"

The remaining two devils cursed while jumping, but they were also afraid of death and did not dare to show their heads.

It was quiet outside the stronghold, and Kong Jie led the members of the sniper team to hide very well.

The sudden silence, as if nothing had happened before, if it weren't for the corpses of the three devils lying quietly on the ground at this moment, the puppet soldiers probably thought so too.

But the Japanese and puppet troops all knew that outside the stronghold at this moment, they might have been targeted by sharpshooters of the Eighth Route Army.

... "Regimental Commander, three devils have been defeated, and the rest of the devils and puppet soldiers have all hid in houses and gun towers. What should we do next?" The monk quietly approached and asked.

If this devil and the puppet army were to hide their heads in the fortifications, it would be really difficult to deal with them.

Kong Jie thought for a while, then looked up at the sky, and said with a smile: "It's easy to handle, the sky is getting dark now, let's do three things next."

"First, leave two sniper teams and continue to stare at the stronghold. As long as the devils and puppet troops show up, they will be killed directly."

"Second, use the two grenadiers we brought and fire two shots into the stronghold to let the devils and puppet soldiers know that we also have artillery on hand."

"Thirdly, let the rest of the comrades ride horses and stand around the stronghold, not too far away, just go back and forth and shout."

The monk understood it, his eyes lit up, and he immediately responded, "That's it!"


boom -

First, two grenadier shells hit the gun tower in the Japanese stronghold. The loud sound shocked the Japanese and puppet soldiers in the gun tower.

"No, Majesty, these Eight Routes have cannons in their hands, so could it be their main force that came here?"

"Third brother, go and see the situation."

The puppet soldier named Lao San nodded his head bravely, and just poked his head out of the window of the gun tower, and was knocked out with a bang shot.

The observers of the sniper team who stayed outside the stronghold immediately locked on to the puppet army called Lao San. Huang Baiyang fired his gun in an instant and successfully killed the target.

Looking at the puppet soldier lying limp on the ground, the puppet platoon leader turned pale with fright.

The sharpshooter of the Eighth Route Army is still there, staring at it all the time!
The Japanese and puppet troops in the gun tower were looking at each other in shock, and suddenly there was the sound of galloping horses around the stronghold. Judging by the sound, there seemed to be a lot of them.

At this moment, all the puppet soldiers were completely panicked.

"Taijun, the main force of the Eight Routes is really coming!"

Then, outside the stronghold, a shout came out through the loudspeaker:
"Listen up, the puppet soldiers in the stronghold. The Independent Group of the Eighth Route Army is here. The Chinese don't kill the Chinese. If you want to survive, tie up the devils in the stronghold and come out and surrender immediately."

"You only have 1 minute to think about it. Once the 1 minute is up, we will directly bombard the stronghold. At that time, no one will survive!"

The shouts sounded, and the Japanese and puppet troops in the gun tower were shrouded in fear.

Puppet soldiers, you look at me, I look at you, and want to go out to see the situation, but no one dares to show their heads. The sharpshooters of the Eighth Route Army are terrible.

One of the two devils could understand Chinese. Seeing that the faces of the puppet platoon leader and his party were cloudy, he immediately clenched the gun in his hand and cursed: "Baga, Wu, you want to Can't rebel?"

The devil was obviously a little excited. If the puppet army didn't do anything at this time, the devil might be the first to do it.

The platoon leader Wu shouted violently: "Fight!"

Before he finished speaking, he pulled out the bastard box in his hand, opened fire first, and directly killed the devil in front of him.

Before the other devil had time to recover, his gun was knocked out by a group of puppet soldiers, and his gun was snatched from his body, and he was tied up with a rope.

In the babbling Japanese, the last remaining devils screamed in horror.

"Hey, what's his name? I usually put up with the uselessness of you little devils."

Platoon leader Wu cursed and even kicked the startled and angry devil.

Then Plato Leader Wu looked at the puppet soldiers around him and said, "Brothers, this Eighth Route Army Independent Regiment is not easy to mess with. Right now we are just trying to survive. I'm so rotten about this, don't tell anyone else." go out."

"Yes!" The puppet soldiers responded in unison.

Then Platoon Leader Wu hurriedly asked someone to take the white chess that seemed to have been prepared early in the morning, and while stretching it out along the machine gun port of the gun tower, he shouted: "Commander Eighth Road, don't shoot, we will kill the rest of the devils!" One, and another tied up, the Chinese don't beat the Chinese!"

Outside the stronghold, Kong Jie was delighted, and shouted at the puppet soldiers in the stronghold: "Forget that you still have some backbone, that's fine, we won't shoot, get out of the stronghold quickly! Bring it on, devil."


(End of this chapter)

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