The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 441 The 8th Mixed Brigade Fleeing

Chapter 441 The Eighth Mixed Brigade Fleeing

Kong Jie made a real move this time, and the Eighth Mixed Brigade hit the hole of the gun.

Under the command of the howitzer, the mountain artillery company moved towards the intersection area of ​​Xicun and Northwest Mountain Road. After covering the area with full firepower, there was a Japanese army squadron in the area, plus more than 100 Japanese wounded soldiers, and the eighth mixed army. The strength of nearly two regiments deployed by the brigade on the fortifications was brutally bombarded by artillery fire.

The Japanese puppet army under the coverage of artillery fire would not be completely wiped out. After all, the density of the artillery strikes is limited.

However, the casualties of the Japanese and puppet troops in the bombardment area were completely unavoidable under the cover of full firepower without the power to fight back. In less than 5 minutes, the Japanese and puppet troops suffered quite tragic casualties .

The casualties of the Japanese and puppet troops covered by firepower exceeded [-]%, and the number of casualties was simply too many to count.

It is roughly estimated that the two regiments of the eighth mixed brigade of the puppet army deployed about 2000 troops, plus a squadron of the Japanese army and more than 100 seriously wounded.

The final number of casualties was around 500.

Among them, the number of casualties accounted for about 600% of the casualties, that is, about [-] people.

In less than 5 minutes, more than 500 casualties were caused to the Japanese and puppet troops. This data is shocking enough.

It was really the sudden bombardment of the mountain artillery company, which was perfectly handled by Kong Jie.

But the Devil Squadron took the seriously wounded to the intersection area, and it happened to join forces with the two regiments of the Eighth Mixed Brigade.

At that time, no one thought that the temporary retreat of the soldiers of the West Village Independent Regiment was only for the follow-up artillery strike.

This round of artillery fire completely frightened Yan Sanfu, commander of the [-]th Mixed Brigade of the Puppet Army. .

Yan Sanfu never imagined in his dreams that the Eighth Route Army, which has always been outdated in equipment and scarce in ammunition, would be completely different when it came to the Independent Regiment?

Good guy, considering the intensity of the artillery bombardment, the number of artillery in the hands of this independent regiment is definitely not a small number.

The artillery strength of a regiment of the Japanese army is no more than that, right?

This round of bombardment also shattered the hope of Shubian Yamaguchi, head of the [-]th Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army, to break out from the west to Xiaoshan Road.

Hiding in the back of the village, seeing the bombed Japanese and puppet soldiers crying for their fathers and mothers under full firepower, Zhao Dazhong, the platoon leader of the [-]th company, and other comrades were secretly dumbfounded, and all of them looked strangely at the people in Niukou village. Direction thumbs up.

"This is our head, one word, cow!"

"This battle was fought so happily, the regiment commander avenged the blood of our sacrificed comrades."

After the soldiers cheered, the platoon leader Zhao Dazhong ordered: "Comrades, the opportunity to beat the dog in the water will come soon. After the artillery bombardment is over, let's make up for it immediately. Taking advantage of the fact that most of the devils and puppet troops are wounded, let's ruthlessly beat them." Beat these bastards."


...Mountain artillery company, near the 5th minute, Kong Jie's order to cease fire was conveyed.

The continuous bombardment lasted for nearly 5 minutes. Although the bombardment was hearty, watching the rounds of shells being delivered continuously, the howitzer felt distressed and was about to bleed. As soon as Kong Jie's order arrived, he quickly issued a ceasefire The command.

"Stop the bombardment, stop the bombardment, grandma, I feel so sorry for you. In just a short while, we must have fired nearly [-] shells, right?"

The third platoon leader quickly counted the ammunition consumption and reported: "Reporting to the company commander, the total consumption of artillery shells of each caliber is 170 five rounds."

The howitzer complained incessantly: "The Eighth Mixed Brigade of the puppet army, what do you think they provoked our regiment leader to do? Our regiment commander lost most of our family property when our regiment leader got angry. Who should I ask for reason? "

The third platoon leader looked at the intersection area covered by artillery fire, and said with a smile: "Hey, company commander, our nearly [-] rounds of shells can be shot in vain, and the number of devils and puppet troops that we have wiped out is definitely not a small number. Besides, are you right?" Wrong calculation? According to our company’s wealth, these shells only account for about [-]% of the total.”

The howitzer glared and scolded: "I said, can you be less frightened, kid? Don't you understand the principle of making a fortune in silence?"

"No matter when, as long as someone asks, how many mountain cannons does our mountain artillery company have? How many shells are there for just one or two? Just tell him, just a few dozen rounds, don't say anything more."

"Yes!" The third platoon leader responded.

The howitzer said: "Okay, our work is finished, the command of the regiment commander, in order to guard against bombers from the devils, take the time to pull the artillery to the air-raid shelter, and hide and stand by."


The howitzer led the team, pulling a dozen artillery pieces towards the air-raid shelter in the nearest area. On the way, the hand-cranked air-raid siren in the village suddenly rang loudly.

In the battle against Japan, the independent regiment could seize the devil's weapons and even artillery, and could use its own repair shop to repair or even transform some new weapons.

But there is one thing that is absolutely impossible to achieve, that is to have its own air force and compete with the Japanese air force.

Considering the Eighth Route Army's existing industrial base and the complicated environment against the enemy, this is simply a fantasy.

In Kong Jie's view, at this stage, instead of trying to develop one's own aviation power, it is better to spend some time researching air defense and anti-air power.

Kong Jie deeply knew what kind of fate the base area would suffer once the Japanese bombers attacked.

Therefore, since the construction of Niukou Village and surrounding base areas, Kong Jie has attached great importance to air defense construction.

Every village must prepare at least two to three strong air-raid shelters.

These air-raid shelters were built by the soldiers of the independent regiment after spending nearly half a year with the help of the already solid mountain.

Even if the devils have dozens of planes bombing in turn, and the shells keep falling on the same point, they don't want to blow up such a strong air-raid shelter easily.

With an air-raid shelter to avoid the bombing of the Devil bombers, it is natural to be equipped with corresponding air-raid warning facilities.

In this regard, Kong Jie ordered the construction of wooden watchtowers at the head of each village and the surrounding highlands.

Each of these air defense observation towers is nearly six meters high, guarded by soldiers in shifts, 24 hours a day, and equipped with hand-cranked sirens and reconnaissance binoculars.

The loud and clear siren sounded from the top of the observatory and could be quickly transmitted in all directions.

In addition, this siren can emit two sounds in total, one is an aviation siren, and the other is an enemy attack siren.

These common senses have been popularized by the propaganda cadres to the villagers, and the villagers are very clear about the specific corresponding situations.

Once the alarm sounded, the folks could quickly make a judgment on whether to immediately transfer to the air-raid shelter for shelter, or to transfer according to the evacuation drill.

The watchtower is equipped with the magic function of the siren, which not only prevents sneak attacks by devil planes, but also serves as a security guard for the village.

Very practical.

Hearing the movement at this moment, the howitzer's expression changed, and he hurriedly urged: "Hurry up, hurry up and send all the artillery into the air-raid shelter immediately!"

The soldiers rushed into action.

Sure enough, after the soldiers took a while to transport all the artillery and shells to the nearest air-raid shelter, not long after, the roar of Devil fighter jets came from above.

In less than 10 minutes, the aviation support called by Yamaguchi arrived.

The shells soon exploded in the area at the end of the village.

"Grandma, this devil's bomber is obviously aiming at us!"

The howitzer hiding in the air-raid shelter cursed loudly.

"Fortunately, we escaped in time."

The devil's dozen or so bombers circled back and forth over the West Village three times, and the target was indeed aimed at the mountain artillery battery at the end of the West Village.

As for the nodes outside the West Village, the devils didn't intend to provoke them. The lesson from last time is still vivid in his memory. The MG15 aviation machine guns in the hands of the soldiers stationed at the nodes are not easy to provoke.

The intersection area between the West Village and the northwest mountain road.

The Japanese and puppet troops were cleaning up the mess amidst howling, and were preparing to withdraw from the intersection area while the artillery of the Eighth Route Army was temporarily suppressed by bombers.

The eighth mixed brigade of the puppet army was bombed to pieces, and the head of the fifth regiment was directly killed in the bombardment.

Two regiments were shelled down to two battalions.

The bewildered puppet soldiers couldn't find a place to cry.

The Devil Squadron that originally came over now has only five or sixty people left, and most of them are wounded. As for the more than 60 seriously wounded people transported over, they were affected by the shelling, and less than half of them remained.

It's all over now, everyone is injured, it's still a question of who will carry the stretcher and who will lie on the stretcher!
As far as the eye can see, everything is withered, and just as the surviving Japanese and puppet troops, in lingering fear, quickly searched for the wounded soldiers who were still alive on the battlefield, and were about to take the wounded soldiers to evacuate the battlefield, a sudden firepower raid arrived. .

Zhao Dazhong, platoon leader of the [-]th Company of the Independent Regiment, led the county brigade and militia comrades to kill him.

During the bombardment, two more platoons came from the direction of Niukou Village to support platoon leader Zhao and his party.

A group of nearly [-] soldiers returned to the carbine.

"Listen up, devils and puppet soldiers. Hand in your guns and don't kill them. The Eighth Route Army treats prisoners preferentially!"

At the same time as the platoon leader Zhao roared, a dozen light machine guns brought by the soldiers quickly leaned against the low walls of the houses in the village and completed the construction.

A series of [-] small cannons are also lined up in the rear area. As long as the devils and puppet soldiers on the ground refuse to surrender, they will immediately lean over with firepower.

The sudden pressure, looking at the muzzles of the machine guns protruding from the cracks in the house, the puppet soldiers who were already bombed to pieces by the shells, and some puppet soldiers who couldn't recover, felt restless and subconsciously wanted to Throw away your guns and raise your hands to surrender. Anyway, it has long been common for their puppet troops to surrender to the Eighth Route Army.

The dozens of devils screamed strangely, and then raised their guns to fight back.

Platoon Leader Zhao frowned, and ordered directly: "Fire!"

The resistance of the devils was expected by Platoon Leader Zhao long ago. The little devils have never been in the habit of surrendering, which is completely opposite to the puppet army.

The fifty small cannons lined up in a row had already locked the area where the remaining devils were.

In an instant, there was only the sound of shells slicing out of the barrel.

Immediately afterwards, the artillery shell exploded in the area where the remaining five No. 60 devils gathered, and the violent artillery fire swallowed up the counterattacking devils in an instant.

Under Zhao Dazhong's command, more than a dozen light machine guns fired at the devils.

The smoke from the explosion quickly dissipated with the cold wind blowing.

The puppet soldiers around looked towards the area where the Japanese army was originally located. How could there be any devils standing there?
Only the corpses that fell permanently on this cold earth remained.

All the devils who resisted, including those wounded devils who fought back, were all killed.

This is probably the fate of refusing to surrender and being an enemy of the Eighth Route Army.

The puppet soldiers who witnessed all this shuddered in unison, and the roar came from the direction of the platoon leader Zhao: "The Chinese don't fight the Chinese, listen to the puppet soldiers on the opposite side, hand in your guns and don't kill them, our Eighth Route Army Give preferential treatment to prisoners."

The puppet soldiers don't care about preferential treatment of prisoners.

The Chinese don't beat the Chinese?The puppet soldiers sneered even more. If they really didn't fight, what happened to the previous bombardment?

At this moment, the action of throwing guns in unison and raising hands to surrender was just frightened by the previous artillery fire and the violent methods of the independent regiment soldiers who quickly killed the Japanese army in front of them.

"Sir, don't shoot, surrender, we surrender!"

I don't know who was the first to yell such a voice and throw away the gun because of the great fear in his heart. Under the chain effect, the other puppet soldiers hurriedly threw the guns on the ground like hot potatoes, and then Raise your hands above your head.

There are actually not many puppet troops remaining on the ground at this moment. Those puppet troops who had survived the shelling earlier, after receiving Yan Sanfu's order, as long as their two legs were intact, they would have already sacked from the northwest. The mountain road retreated.

It is a consistent tradition of the puppet army for the officers to leave the soldiers and flee.

"You, you, take the wounded soldiers and keep up with the retreating team!"

Therefore, the more than 200 puppet troops quickly captured by the platoon leader Zhao Dazhong and others, plus the more than 300 wounded soldiers, were left behind by Yan Sanfu, who was hastily retreating.

Under the bombardment of the Independent Regiment's Mountain Artillery Company, the retreat of the Eighth Mixed Brigade of the Puppet Army was more like a rout. It panicked and evacuated from the northwest of the original road to the direction of the mountain road.

Yan Sanfu didn't have the courage to continue to deal with the independent regiment at this moment, he wished to have two more legs. As for his mixed brigade, it counted as much as it could run.

Yan Sanfu was afraid that the artillery of the independent regiment would turn around and bombard him northwest on the mountain road.

In addition, platoon leader Zhao also led the soldiers to capture more than a dozen seriously wounded devils.

Although this devil has amazing combat awareness, he will not surrender easily, but the seriously wounded are an exception, maybe he can't even move his fingers, how can he resist?

"For the seriously wounded devils, they must be thoroughly searched, and no weapons can be left for them. In addition, the weapons worn by soldiers carrying stretchers must be careful. Do not wear grenades or grenades on their waists, so as not to be seriously injured by devils. Take the opportunity to seize it."

These are the experiences gained from the lessons of blood, Plato Chief Zhao arranged everything in detail.

As time continued to pass, when more than a dozen planes of the devils roared away from the sky over the West Village, the platoon leader Zhao Dazhong and his party reoccupied the fortifications at the intersection of the northwest mountain road and the West Village.

Platoon Leader Zhao sent sentries to continue to guard the northwest mountain road. The remaining troops of the [-]th Mixed Brigade had already retreated in a panic.

"Listen up, the puppet soldiers who surrendered. Our Eighth Route Army treats the prisoners preferentially. Since you choose to surrender, you are all Chinese, so we will naturally give you a chance to reform yourselves.

Help me now, carry your wounded soldiers to the regiment, and we will give them medical treatment. "

After Zhao's platoon leader finished speaking, the wounded soldiers of the puppet army showed hope one by one.

The uninjured puppet soldiers who chose to surrender were relieved. Since they would take care of the wounded soldiers, it can be seen that the Eighth Route Army does treat the prisoners preferentially.

A group of puppet soldiers who surrendered became more honest.

Platoon Leader Zhao sent a squad of soldiers to command more than 200 puppet soldiers who were not injured, and along the way transported more than 300 puppet wounded soldiers, plus a dozen seriously wounded devils, and rushed towards Niukou Village. go……

(End of this chapter)

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