The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 452 Famous in North China——Shanxi Northwest Railway 3 Corners

Chapter 452 Famous in North China—Iron Triangle in Northwest Shanxi ([-])

The gunshots in the dark night were like waves rising and falling, and then gradually stopped, and the entire mountain forest returned to dead silence again.

The battle between the Independent Regiment and the Ishii Regiment lasted for more than 20 minutes and ended completely.

The monk led the soldiers of several guard companies to search all the way, and finally found the temporary headquarters where Ishii Haraichi was located.

"Company commander, the antennas erected by the devils are right behind here. These places must be the headquarters of the Ishii Regiment."

The monk nodded, and quickly led people into the headquarters.

In the not-so-large headquarters, there seemed to be an explosion. Looking along the light of the flashlight, I saw the wreckage of the radio station. Other than that, I only found a corpse in the corner.

With the help of the flashlight, the two searching soldiers looked at the military rank on the corpse's collar badge, and were overjoyed, "Company commander, we found it!"

Then, two soldiers carried Ishiiharaichi's body out.

Finally, the monk who got out from the devil's temporary headquarters was fiddling with a Browning pistol seized from Ishiihara, and while wiping the front half of the gun with his clothes in distaste, he faced Shen Quan who came over. Several people said:

"It's gone. This old devil is really ruthless. He stuffed this pistol into his mouth and pierced his skull."

"It's really disgusting. The pistol that was pulled out from this old devil's mouth is stained with saliva, and it still has a bad smell!"

As he spoke, the monk handed over two epaulettes to Shen Quan.

"There is only one rank in the entire Ishii Regiment, and it should be that old devil Ishiihara."

Shen Quan waved his hand, pushed back the epaulettes that the monk handed over, and said with a smile: "This time you can win the Ishii United team, the monk is the first one, you can take this epaulet, and when you turn around to ask for credit, the team leader can't do it." Repudiation is not!"

"Hey!" The monk smirked twice, and put the epaulettes into his pocket, the devil with the rank of the chief officer, this is a rare commodity.

The battalion commander Wang Leihu on the side was concerned about another matter: "I said monk, your guard company cleaned the battlefield in advance, did you capture the devil's alliance flag?"

The monk shook his head with a wry smile, "I asked the soldiers to clean the battlefield several times, but I didn't see any alliance flag."

"Only one radio station blown up by devils was found in the headquarters."

Shen Quan said happily: "Leihu, what do you think of the little devil's alliance flag? I heard that it was awarded by the devil's emperor himself. In the little devil's team, it symbolizes the supreme glory. If we capture the military flag that is unique to this kind of organization, believe it or not, tens of thousands of devils in Taiyuan City will come to us to fight for their lives?"

"The devils would blow up the radio station before they died. The flag of the alliance should have been sent back by the Japanese army who reinforced the county, or it would have been destroyed by the devils."

Wang Leihu said indifferently: "I'm afraid the little devil won't come! If you, old Shen, say that, I'll really have to seize the devil's alliance flag later."

"Blow it, keep blowing it, I think you, Lei Hu, haven't learned much about the commanding ability of the regiment leader, but this bragging skill is already out of the way." Shen Quan said contemptuously.

During the ridicule of the two battalion commanders, the conversation changed, and Wang Huaibao, the commander of the third battalion, said:
"Speaking of which, Xicun and Zhangjiazhuang have two pieces of fat, and we just ate one piece right now. I'm afraid the Fourth Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army will not be able to deal with it."

Shen Quan said: "The old devil Shankou is indeed better than the old devil Ishii."

"The defenses deployed by the [-]th Mixed Brigade on the outskirts of the West Village have almost no loopholes. We want to use latent tactics, the same way we are currently destroying the Ishii United, which will also not work."

"So what the head of the regiment means is, eat up the Ishii regiment in one bite before dawn, and place it in the fourth mixed brigade of the Japanese army, as much as you can eat!"

Several battalion commanders are chatting with each other one by one.

As everyone knows, the news of the demise of the Ishii Regiment quickly spread through the reinforcements of several Japanese brigades, as well as the [-]th and [-]th mixed brigades of the Japanese army.

After all, the communication of this radio station is not directional, and the communication signals transmitted can be received by all departments of the Japanese army.

Plus they have a common codebook with each other.

These devil troops were even ahead of Li Yunlong and Ding Wei's troops, and they were the first to hear the news of the Ishii unit's demise.

In desperation, Ishii Haraichi, the last communication message was:
The soldiers of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army pressed the border, and all the soldiers of our department decided to live and die with the position, and smash the jade to repay the emperor.

Colleagues and ministries, I hope to take this as a warning, remember the lessons and hatred, and one day destroy the independent regiment and avenge our Ishii unit!

After finishing the communication, Ishiihara slowly raised the Browning pistol in his hand and aimed it at his mouth.

Then he gave the final order to the two signal soldiers beside him:

When the message is done, blow up the station, boys, please!

As the voice fell, the bullet pierced Ishii Haraichi's skull.

Ishii Yuanichi, the captain of the Japanese army, committed suicide by swallowing a gun.

After completing the order, the remaining two devil communicators carried Ishiiharaichi's body to a corner, covered it with some wood and stones, threw two grenades beside the radio station, and then rushed out of the cat's ear hole The artillery fortifications were shot dead by the Eighth Route Army soldiers who caught up.


West Village.

Temporary headquarters of the Fourth Mixed Brigade of the Japanese Army.

Listening to the faint gunfire coming from the direction of Zhangjiazhuang, after nearly half an hour, it gradually stopped until there was no sound.

The heart of the Japanese brigade commander Yamaguchi sank to the bottom of the valley. He knew that, as the newsletter said, the Ishii Regiment had all been broken.

The Ishii Regiment and his Fourth Mixed Brigade were trapped in West Village and Zhangjiazhuang almost at the same time. This made Yamaguchi feel terrified and humiliated at the same time.

In order to wipe out a small independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army in the originally mighty sweep, he did not hesitate to join forces with the Ishii United Brigade, the Fourth Mixed Brigade of the Empire.

The result turned into the present situation.

Not only failed to eliminate the independent regiment, but suffered repeated setbacks, and now even the Ishii unit was destroyed by the independent regiment.

His [-]th Mixed Brigade had the same remaining strength as the Ishii United Brigade, and its strength, firepower configuration, and defensive methods were basically the same.

Since the Independent Regiment was able to wipe out the Ishii United Brigade in one fell swoop, Yamaguchi had no doubt that if tonight's attack was aimed at his Fourth Mixed Brigade, his fate might not be any better.

A small independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army, at this moment, puts pressure on Shankou as much as a division of the National Army.

Feeling ashamed and angry, Yamaguchi didn't know how the battle ended like this.

As for the reinforcements of the various Japanese brigades, they were all shocked when they heard the news of the destruction of the Ishii Regiment.

Seeing that the sky was about to light up, who would have thought that the Eighth Route Army would eat up the Ishii Regiment in one bite.

Taiyuan City.

Due to the turmoil of the Iron Triangle, Yoshio Shinozuka, the commander of the Japanese First Army stationed in Shanxi, who had not been able to sleep well for the past few days, was awakened by the report of the signal soldier during a short nap.

"Reporting to Your Excellency, Commander, there is news from the front that the Ishii Regiment has broken all the jade pieces on Wuming Mountain in Zhangjiazhuang 10 minutes ago."


Shinozuka Yoshio stared wide-eyed, with an expression of disbelief, the general, who had always been moody and angry, was also shocked by this bolt from the blue at this moment.

Shinozuka Yoshio never thought that the Ishii United Team would be eaten by the Eighth Route Army.

"Could it be that the main force of the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang area sent reinforcements to the Zhangjiazhuang area and wiped out Ishii?" Yoshio Shinozuka asked.

The communications soldier shook his head bitterly.

"So, the main force of the three branches and eight routes of the Audio-Technica forcibly broke through Ishii's fortifications regardless of the cost of casualties?"

The communicator still shook his head.

"Baga, what's going on?" Shinozuka Yoshio asked.

The communications soldier quickly replied, "Your Excellency, get off the car. The information from the front line is that the Eighth Route Army sent a small force at night to lurk outside the fortifications of the Ishii Regiment in advance, and then suddenly launched a surprise attack. The main force of the Independent Regiment took the opportunity to launch a general attack. Breaking through the defense of Ishii United in one fell swoop, this is..."

"Independent regiment, this independent regiment again, where are the reinforcements? Where are the reinforcements?" Yoshio Shinozuka was furious.

The communication soldier said: "Our army rushed to the reinforcements outside Zhangjiazhuang, but all of them were blocked by the Eighth Route Army troops, and they failed to provide effective support to the Shijing regiment!"

Yoshio Shinozuka came back to his senses and leaned back on the back of the seat, letting go of all his strength in a slump. He suddenly felt a deep sense of frustration, which was actually caused by this small independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army.

The current sweep is due to the destruction of the three Iron Triangle regiments, especially this independent regiment.

Shinozuka Yoshio's original plan was to last for about a week, but now it has almost dragged on to the tenth day, but he still hasn't made any substantial progress, and has even shown signs of failure.

At this time, news came that the [-]th Mixed Brigade and the Ishii Regiment were trapped in Xicun and Zhangjiazhuang on the outskirts of the Independent Regiment base of the Eighth Route Army respectively.

Yoshio Shinozuka immediately ordered reinforcements from various armies. On the one hand, Yoshio Shinozuka wanted to rescue Ishii and Yamaguchi. On the other hand, Yoshio Shinozuka wanted to put all his eggs in one basket and bet the final decisive battle in the Nishimura and Zhangjiazhang areas.

If we can continue to reinforce the Eighth Route Army and force the Eighth Route Army to launch a decisive battle, perhaps we can also use the Ishii United and the Fourth Mixed Brigade to defeat the Eighth Route Army's vital forces in one fell swoop with the help of the Ishii United and the Fourth Mixed Brigade, and lay a good foundation for public security in the occupied areas .

Now there is news that Ishii United has been eaten!
It was like a heavy hammer swung by Shinozuka Yoshio, but it hit the air, and he couldn't help feeling depressed.

After being angry for a long time, Shinozuka Yoshio, who suppressed his anger in order to take the overall situation into consideration, quickly called his staff and studied the current battle situation with the map of Niukou Village.

The chief of staff, Ayumi Kitagawa, analyzed the front-line intelligence that was sent back, and then contacted the battle map and spoke first: "General, the current situation is really not quite right. Ishii's defeat has already put us in the Niukou Village area. passive.

But not long ago, news came from the front that the Eighth Route Army troops from all sides that were advancing towards Niukou Village actually stopped not long ago, and there was no intention of rushing to Niukou Village for support.

What are they trying to do?Is it to let the independent group do nothing, or is there another plan? "

Yoshio Shinozuka was naturally aware of this problem, and analyzed:
"The Eighth Route Army Command's thinking is not difficult to guess. We hope to force the Eighth Route Army to start a decisive battle with our army in Niukou Village, but the Eighth Route Army absolutely does not want to do this. They still don't have the strength to forcibly fight with our Imperial Japanese Army."

"The independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army that is emerging now is just an anomaly in the Eighth Route Army. It will affect the local battle situation, but it is not enough to change the overall situation."

"They didn't want to start a decisive battle with our army in Niukou Village, and they were even more afraid of being encircled by our army, so they took the initiative to stop the pace of reinforcements."

Beichuan Bushi said: "General, it's just that, since the Eighth Route Army is stationed on the periphery, our army's next actions must be considered."

"If our army devotes all its forces to the local area of ​​Niukou Village, these eight roads are likely to surround our army from the periphery."

Shinozuka Yoshio nodded and said: "That's right, this is exactly the plan of the Eighth Route Army. They sent reinforcements, but they didn't directly reinforce Niukou Village, but put them on the periphery as a deterrent."

Ayumi Beichuan thought for a while, seemed to hesitate for a moment, and then said: "General, it has been nearly ten days since the sweep was launched, and all combat troops are almost exhausted, if we continue, I'm afraid we will be powerless.

The purpose of mopping up and suppressing the Eighth Route Army in the Taihang base area, except for a few Eighth Route Army units such as the Independence Regiment, can also be regarded as the achievement of the task.

Why don't you give an order, and the ministries immediately conduct a strategic retreat, and then plan later? "

Shinozuka Yoshio did not reply immediately, but continued to focus on the map, the tiny and inconspicuous spot where Niukou Village was located. After a while, he suddenly asked: "Mr. Beichuan, are you willing?"

Beichuan Bushi was a little startled, "Please tell the general!"

Shinozuka Yoshio said: "The failure of this big sweep was all due to the independent regiment of the Eighth Route Army. Since the Battle of Cangyunling, this independent regiment has gradually become a thorn in the side and a thorn in the flesh of our imperial troops, and it is gradually growing. If it goes on like this, won't it be out of control?"

"Yamamoto-kun has always believed that small people can also change history. Now it seems that it may not be exaggerated."

"Right now, the main reinforcements of the Eighth Route Army are no longer gathering around Niukou Village. It seems impossible to continue to force the main force of the Eighth Route Army to fight our army in the Niukou Village area."

"But the Eighth Route Army is too confident. The imperial troops gathered around Niukou Village are far greater than the strength of the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army."

"The Eighth Route Army took the lead in stopping the reinforcements. This clearly believes that a small independent regiment can stop the attack of my main reinforcements."

"A vain attempt to win the overall initiative with a team."

"For our army, this is an opportunity, an opportunity to uproot the independent regiment."

"For more than a year, the rising independent regiment is like the sharpest spear of the Eighth Route Army. If we can break the tip of the Eighth Route Army's spear before retreating after this big sweep, it will definitely be a big deal for the Eighth Route Army. hit."

"The failure of this big sweep has also restored the dignity of our Great Japanese Empire, so why not do it?"

Beichuan Bushi, who came to his senses, replied: "General, what you mean is that our army's follow-up reinforcements will continue to advance, but leave the main force in the rear, facing off against the watching Eighth Route Army troops, and let the reinforcements reach Niukou Village. The troops in the region took down the independent regiment in one fell swoop?"

"This move is to declare to the entire North China that the majesty of our Great Japanese Empire will never be provoked." Shinozuka Yoshio asked, "What do you think, Kitagawa-kun?"

Beichuan Bushi refocused his eyes on the combat map, and said with a smile: "Before last night, our army has reinforced the troops around Niukou Village, and there are already nearly five brigades of troops. By dawn today, the strength of the troops can be increased. Twice as much, plus the troops of the Imperial Association Army."

"Even if the independent regiment has the support of the new first regiment and the new second regiment, it will not be easy to block our attack."

"The two Eighth Route Army reinforcements from the other two directions can also be stopped by our reinforcements."

"In addition, the three regiments of the Eighth Route Army have only experienced fierce battles. In the absence of reinforcements from the Eighth Route Army, there is great hope for the complete destruction of the independent regiment."

Ayumi Kitagawa's affirmation made Yoshio Shinozuka more determined.

"Yaoxi, immediately contact the reinforcement brigades from all walks of life and convey orders..."



(End of this chapter)

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