The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 466 Li Yunlong Shows His Strength

Chapter 466 Li Yunlong Shows His Strength


The commendation meeting of the brigade headquarter was over, and on the way to leave the brigade headquarter, Li Yunlong and Kong Jie walked side by side. The two of them were talking, and the topic seemed to be very interesting.

"Maybe it's Lao Cheng and Lao Feng who buried it in the wrong place by themselves, and they won't be able to dig it when they go back. Can I blame it?"

Kong Jie: "You, Old Li, dug it!"

Li Yunlong said: "The Japanese army, the puppet army, the Jinsui army, and the national army, the Japanese army, the puppet army, the national army, and so many people, couldn't they be the ones who dug this time?"

Kong Jie: "You, Old Li, dug it!"

Li Yunlong raised his eyebrows and said, "Damn it, Lao Kong, you have to talk about evidence. You said that I dug up the artillery and machine guns buried by Lao Feng and Lao Cheng. Do you have evidence?"

Kong Jie said decisively: "No, but I know it was you, Lao Li, who dug it!"

Just this one sentence back and forth, but Li Yunlong admitted his failure, looked at Kong Jie, and said helplessly: "Yes, I admit, this thing was indeed done by our old Li, but this thing buried in the soil Artillery, you won’t agree to it if you call it, whoever dug it will naturally belong to him, so why can’t our old Li dig it? What if our old Li didn’t dig it and was later dug away by the devils and puppet soldiers?”

Kong Jiele said: "Old Li, it's useless for you to tell me this, let's save it and explain it to the brigade commander!"

"Paper can't hold fire. I don't think you can hide this matter for long."

As he spoke, Kong Jie quickened his pace and left Li Yunlong behind. Li Yunlong thought for a while, looked up at the back of Kong Jie who was gradually going away, and said to himself confidently:
"Old Kong, just watch, kid, even if this matter is exposed, our old Li won't panic."


After returning to the regiment headquarters of the New Second Regiment, Li Yunlong asked Zhang Dabiao, the commander of the first battalion, to tell Zhang Dabiao and Zhao Gang about digging up machine guns and artillery.

In the end Li Yunlong came to a very helpless conclusion:

"These eight heavy machine guns and four infantry guns, I don't think we can keep them."

Political commissar Zhao Gang couldn't help laughing, "Old Li, I just said that this matter won't work, and sooner or later we have to let the brother troops know."

On the other hand, Zhang Dabiao had a pained expression on his face, "Leader, why don't we play a scoundrel? Let's not give it. Let's see what the [-]nd and [-]th regiments can do to us."

Li Yunlong scolded: "Da Biao, you don't feel pain in your back just standing up and talking, and it's not you who was scolded by the brigade commander together."

"It's not good to cheat. In addition, Lao Feng's regiment is indeed short of equipment. If you really come to ask, we have to give it."

Zhao Gang said with a smile: "The cannons and machine guns dug up must be returned, but with your old Li's temperament, it's not like you to return them for nothing.

Old Li, what the hell did you think of? "

"Haha, Old Zhao, why don't you say that you can pee in the same pot as me?" Li Yunlong said cheerfully, "That's right, I thought about it, the infantry guns I dug this time will be returned sooner or later, but Before returning them, if we can maximize the effect of these infantry guns, we will not be at a disadvantage."

"In addition, we helped Lao Cheng and Lao Feng dig out the cannons and machine guns, so as not to be poached by the devils and puppet soldiers, this is a great favor.

It's fine for them to get their equipment back, but they have to get some benefits, right?

Especially Cheng Xiazi's [-]nd Regiment, which is the main force, has made us envious a few years ago.

Now that Feng Shui is taking turns, I can't take him too cheaply. "

Zhang Dabiao asked in confusion: "Regimental Commander, how do we make full use of these infantry artillery?"

Li Yunlong said: "Da Biao, let me ask you, what do you fear most in the devil's strongholds around our base?"

Zhang Dabiao thought for a while and replied: "Regimental Commander, the buildings and gun towers in the strongholds built by the devils and puppet troops are most afraid of the artillery we have at hand."

Li Yunlong said: "That's right. Devils are afraid of attacking artillery. What is this infantry artillery? This infantry artillery is a sharp weapon for attacking artillery towers and strongholds."

"A few years ago, when our equipment was backward, as long as a regiment had an infantry artillery, it would not be bullied by the little devil's stronghold."

"I remember that one of our regiments seized an infantry artillery the year before last, and they made two shells. In the end, only one shell was used, and they directly shot down a stronghold of the devils."

"The devil and the puppet army immediately reported the situation back. The little devil was terrified. He asked the puppet army spies to find the regiment commander and wanted to replace the infantry cannon with a machine gun or something like that!"

"Regimental Commander, what happened next? Did the infantry guns go to the devils?" Zhang Dabiao asked curiously, and even Zhao Gang, who was on the side, turned his ear.

Li Yunlong said: "Da Biao, you can't use your brain? Can such a good thing as an infantry cannon be exchanged for a devil?"

"But there is only one shell left!" Zhang Dabiao said.

Li Yunlong said: "Yes, there is only one shell left, but the little devil and the puppet army don't know it! Later, with this infantry cannon, the regiment leader frightened the devils in the big and small strongholds around the ground. The puppet army did not dare to be rampant, and they did not even dare to leave their strongholds for half a step."

"Those traitors who maintain the association in the surrounding area are also honest, and the soldiers of that regiment later set up red and black accounts in the surrounding area, and it is much more convenient."

"This is a combat regiment. The deterrence brought by artillery for attacking fortifications is not more effective than machine guns or something?"

Zhang Dabiao suddenly realized: "Commander, I understand. What you mean is that we take advantage of the four infantry guns still in our hands and pull them around to scare the devils and puppet troops, even if we return the artillery to the [-]nd regiment." And the Fifth Regiment, the devils and puppet troops around us don’t know about it, so we can use this method to continue to deter the Japanese and puppet troops.”

Li Yunlong smiled and said, "It's not too stupid."

"Hey!" Zhang Dabiao scratched his head embarrassingly, how could he have more ideas than the leader Li Yunlong?
In this way, Li Yunlong did what he said.

The four infantry guns dug out, of which the two infantry guns dug from the [-]nd regiment are still working, plus there are a lot of shells.

In Li Yunlong's words: "Just before returning it, I pulled it out to be useful."

boom -

In this way, in less than three days, many strongholds in the guerrilla zone outside the New Second Regiment's garrison were successively bombarded by infantry artillery.

At some small strongholds, the infantry cannons were pulled out, and once they appeared, two cannonballs bombarded them.

The soldiers of the New Second Regiment used loudspeakers to shout again, and the puppet troops in the stronghold immediately surrendered.

Some of the larger strongholds, seeing that Balu had assault artillery in their hands, were so frightened that they huddled in the strongholds and did not dare to show their heads.

In order to show his muscles to the Japanese army, Li Yunlong even ordered several infantry artillery to be deployed at the same time, in different directions, and in different places.

Although the two damaged infantry guns dug out from Commander Feng could not be used, they were pulled out and slipped around twice to frighten the devils and puppet troops.

In addition, several infantry artillery that the New Second Regiment originally had.

Li Yunlong's show of strength this time really scared the devils and puppet troops around him.

The intelligence news quickly spread to the major counties behind the Japanese army.

The troops stationed in various counties soon learned that the newly formed Second Regiment of the Eighth Route Army has a considerable number of infantry artillery, and the threat level should be greatly increased.

"Sir, according to intelligence collection, the infantry artillery deployed by the New Second Regiment appeared at different places at the same time, which is enough to prove that the number of infantry artillery is at least seven or more."

You know, the artillery squadron under the Japanese Army Wing's command is only about six Type [-] infantry artillery.

Regardless of other artillery such as mountain artillery and rapid-fire artillery, the number of infantry artillery owned by the independent regiment is already comparable to that of an artillery squadron.

Such a conclusion made the Japanese army terrified, and the Japanese and puppet troops in the New Second Regiment's garrison and the large and small strongholds in the guerrilla zone were in a state of panic all day long.

The news then spread to the headquarters of the First Army in Shanxi in Taiyuan City.

Commander Shinozuka Yoshio was also a little dumbfounded.

"Your Excellency, Commander, according to our previous intelligence, among the three regiments of the Shanxi Northwest Iron Triangle of the Eighth Route Army, the independent regiment should be the leader, with the largest number of troops, the strongest strength, and the most solid defense in the base area.

And this new second regiment was formed not long ago, with the weakest strength, the worst equipment, and the least number of troops.

But at present, our inference may still have a big error.

Among the three regiments of the Audio-Technica, the second regiment, the weakest overall, actually has seven infantry artillery.

It can be seen that the firepower configuration of the New Second Regiment is far better than that of the regular combat regiments of the Eighth Route Army. From this, it can be inferred how sophisticated the equipment of the Independent Regiment and the New First Regiment will be? "

After these words were finished, Ayumi Kitagawa, the chief of staff of the Japanese army, was also shocked by his deduction.

"Since half a month ago, the Ishii Regiment and the [-]th Mixed Brigade joined forces to deal with the Independent Regiment, but were attacked by the New First Regiment and the New Second Regiment.
Looking at the big sweep before us, the three regiments of the Audio-Technica jointly defended and attacked together.

The Eighth Route Army Shanxi-Northwest Iron Triangle can basically be used as a defensive whole. If we want to eliminate any corner, we need to be prepared to fight the entire Iron Triangle.

Judging from the strength demonstrated by the new second regiment this time, it will be difficult for our army to deal with the three iron triangle regiments at the same time, which is really unimaginable. "

"Before you are fully prepared, Commander, I suggest that you should not rashly set off a big raid!"

Shinozuka Yoshio nodded, and said, "Now that the spring sweep has just failed, it is indeed inappropriate to launch an attack on the Independence Regiment. Moreover, the current focus is on the direction of southern Shanxi."

"The disastrous defeat of the Great Sweep has damaged the majesty of the empire one after another. According to the instructions of the Commander-in-Chief, it is time to launch a large-scale battle to the south of Shanxi to revive the inviolable military prestige of our empire."

"As for the independent group and the Northwest Shanxi Iron Triangle, Yamamoto-kun is already making preparations. Let's wait for his good news!"

"Hi!" Beichuan responded.



It was only three days since the regiment leaders rushed to the brigade headquarters to participate in the commendation meeting after the victory of the sweep.

Head Cheng of the Seventh Seventh Regiment and Head Feng of the Fifth Regiment came hand in hand to meet the brigade commander. The two heads even choked with grievances on their faces.

"Brigade Commander, you must decide for us!"

Tuan Zhang Cheng opened his mouth full of grievances, and was short of snot and tears.

The brigade commander was a little puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, "Tell me slowly, what happened."

"Li Yunlong, it's this Li Yunlong again! Brigadier, we have already found out that whether it was the Wuminggou battlefield in Xiaosongpo or the Xipo battlefield in Xiaoshan Village, only Li Yunlong's team went there.

We inquired with fellow villagers in the surrounding villages, and it was said that Li Yunlong was still leading the soldiers to ask the surrounding villagers where the fighting had taken place.

Li Yunlong must have poached the cannons of me and Lao Feng.

Brigadier, you have to decide for us! "

Captain Cheng said with some sobs.

The brigade commander's expression was a bit weird for a while, but in front of the sufferer, he should curse Li Yunlong, of course he should curse Li Yunlong.

After scolding, the brigade commander and political commissar looked at each other, and both of them smiled wryly.

Not long ago, the brigade also got the news that this time after Li Yunlong led the team to hit the devil's rear, it not only hit the Japanese and puppet troops, but also hit the traitor organization, and also killed some local landlords who colluded with the Japanese and puppet troops. The processing of the processing, the raiding of the house that should be ransacked.

I heard that with a few mine detectors, I brought some people in the villages and towns to dig for money!
It is also heard that even the method of kidnapping tickets has been used.

"Li Yunlong, bastard, tell me, why can't this kid let me relax?"

The brigade commander who heard the news was also very annoyed.

The political commissar held back a smile and said good things: "Brigade Commander, don't be angry. Li Yunlong didn't do this for himself. Every piece of property, every bit of equipment and supplies he got was for him. Used in the development of the new second regiment.

From this point of view, Comrade Li Yunlong is still a good and selfless comrade! "

"Just him, selfless?" The brigade commander scolded: "If I hadn't considered the development of the new second regiment, I would have typed up a report and asked the boss to beat this kid."

"Pick up Li Yunlong, brigade commander, are you willing?" the political commissar asked back.

With a dark face, the brigade commander pointed to his hair and said, "Why can't I bear it? Look, how much white hair has grown since I got this bastard Li Yunlong?"

Ha ha ha ha--

Now that the two bitter masters Cheng TuanZhang and Feng TuanZhang are here, the brigade commander is helpless, and he has to coax him:
"Don't be wronged, don't worry, I will decide this matter for you. Li Yunlong dug up your infantry guns and heavy machine guns, as much as you want, and return them to you."

"Just this afternoon, send your own team to the new second regiment's garrison to get the weapons back."

With the assurance from the brigade commander, Commander Feng and Commander Cheng were immediately overjoyed. They immediately put their heels together, saluted the military salute, thanked them repeatedly, and left satisfied.

Looking at the backs of Commander Cheng and Commander Feng leaving, the political commissar said with a smile: "Brigade Commander, there is news from the Second New Regiment that Li Yunlong has been wandering around the garrison with some of his infantry artillery recently!"

"It's like knocking a mountain to shake a tiger. Not to mention, the effect is really good. I heard that the devils and puppet troops in the strongholds around the New Second Regiment have been frightened a lot these days."

The brigade commander scolded: "Li Yunlong, this boy, has a belly full of fancy, all of which are used in this aspect. This kid knows that his infantry cannons can't be kept, and he wants to make some use of them before returning them."

The political commissar looked in the direction of Commander Cheng and Commander Feng who had already left completely, and asked, "Brigade Commander, tell me, can Feng Zheng and the others get the equipment back from Li Yunlong?"

The brigade commander was a little startled, then smiled and said: "There is an order from the brigade headquarters, if you can get it back.

But Li Yunlong has always taken advantage of what he has, and never suffers.

I think Feng Zheng and the others want to get the equipment back for nothing, but it may not be easy. "

With that said, the brigade commander and the political commissar shook their heads in unison, looked at the direction where Feng Tuanchang and Cheng Tuanchang left, and secretly sweated for the two of them.


(End of this chapter)

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