Chapter 472 Li Yunlong who doesn't play cards according to the routine ([-]) (seeking monthly ticket)
Just when the independent regiment began to counterattack the large and small strongholds of the Japanese army and gradually developed villages to the periphery.

As Kong Jie's old comrades in arms, Li Yunlong and Ding Wei were naturally not idle.

New group.

A few days ago, under the instructions of the head of the regiment Ding Wei, the new regiment's counterattack against the Japanese army almost followed in the footsteps of the independent regiment.

At the military meeting held before the counteroffensive, Ding Wei said: "Now the Japanese army has just suffered a defeat. The big sweep has just ended, and they retreated to the occupied area, and their footing is unstable. This is the time for us to take the opportunity to launch a counteroffensive."

"Partial small-scale counterattacks, one or two victories, seem nothing at first glance, but when such victories are piled up, it is a big victory, and it can also hurt the little devil."

"This anti-sweep is over, and the Independence Regiment has become a thorn in the side of the Japanese army, the focus of attack. The Independence Regiment is the first to launch a counterattack, and ninety-nine percent of the attention of the devils will be attracted there. This is our opportunity to take action."

"However, we must pay attention to controlling the scale of the battle, not only to ensure victory, but also to ensure that a large-scale battle will not be induced."

Xu Lianzhong, deputy head of the regiment, said: "In this case, our targets should still be placed on some small and medium-sized strongholds and villages that are relatively remote by the devils, so as to avoid direct confrontation with the Japanese combat troops."

Ding Wei nodded, and said on the sand table map: "Yes, our confrontation with the Japanese army behind the enemy lines, in fact, the main point is to control the surrounding villages."

"Surround the city with the countryside, and finally seize the national power by force."

"Leaving aside, let's look at the northwestern region of Shanxi. Whether it is military, political, or economic, the centers of gravity are all in the major counties. Therefore, with the fall of Taiyuan, the Japanese army mainly occupied various areas in the region. A large county seat and important military base, an important pass town."

"The small and large villages scattered around the county seat may not be very eye-catching from a local point of view, but if you connect the whole as a whole, you will find that these villages are also very important."

"From a military point of view, these villages are scattered and generally present a tendency to encircle, enclosing all the county towns and villages in the Japanese-occupied area."

"Economically speaking, these large and small villages can also support a lot of troops, as the economic backing for us to gradually develop, accumulate strength, and finally seize the city's political power in one fell swoop."

"So at any time, the development of our base areas is inseparable from the struggle for these villages. Recapturing these large and small villages from the hands of the Japanese army is exactly the strategic method of the Ecuador army."

Xu Lianzhong nodded in deep agreement, and then said happily: "Speaking of which, fortunately, the little devil didn't pay special attention to some villages outside the county seat, and the deployment of troops in each village was very limited, which gave us a chance to fight back .”

Ding Wei said: "The little devil's troops are limited, and the scattered villages are blooming everywhere. Naturally, the little devil can't manage it."

First Battalion Commander Sun Zhenguo said: "So, whenever they find villages that help our Eighth Route Army, the devils have always directly carried out military strikes, and even more frantically, they directly implemented the Sanguang policy."

"But this is not the scariest thing." Ding Wei said.

Seeing that Sun Zhenguo and Xu Lianzhong were somewhat puzzled, Ding Wei explained:

"It's human nature to keep warm in groups. If the devils just conduct indiscriminate military strikes, it will only encourage the people to stand on the same front with our Eighth Route Army."

"What I've been worrying about is that the devils have stopped their military strikes and changed to political wooing. That may be a disaster for us..."


Xu Lianzhong and Sun Zhenguo were frightened by Ding Wei's worry that he was too far ahead.

Ding Wei didn't go any further on the topic, it seems a little too early to talk about it now.

Turning the subject, Ding Wei said: "In the previous anti-sweeping operation, we fought jointly with the independent regiment, and the independent regiment adopted some improved tactics, such as sniper team tactics, [-] small artillery tactics, infantry coordination tactics, and so on.

In this counterattack, everyone should study and learn, and practice and explore what should be practiced. "

As he spoke, Ding Wei pointed to the several villages outside the guerrilla area on the sand table, and said: "Every time the devils launch a big raid, in order to ensure the mobility of the team, they will not carry too much rations, usually about a week's worth of rations." , carried by a single soldier."

"The big raid on our Taihang area a few days ago lasted longer than we expected. It started from No.12 and ended on No.20."

"In the next few days, the devils obviously ran out of military food, and the transport troops in the rear kept trying to transport food to the frontline combat area."

"As a result, when passing through some villages on the way, these transport teams were all ambushed by our troops."

"The devils have cut off their logistics supply and cannot continue to fight for a long time. This is one of the reasons why they were forced to evacuate from the Niukou Village area."

"Afterwards, I specifically studied Lao Kong's deployment in these villages."

"I found that Lao Kong is cunning enough. His independent regiment used various tunnels to build these outlying villages that were still under the jurisdiction of the Japanese army into fortress villages and nail villages."

"After the devil's sweep started, the main force of the sweep naturally ignored these villages and went straight to the Niukou Village area."

"When the follow-up devils' transportation and supplies want to rush from the county to the front line, Lao Kong arranges these nail villages, and the soldiers lurking in the fortress village will suddenly attack again to cut off the devil's supply line."

"That's it, the devil's mopping up troops won't last long without follow-up supplies."

Xu Lianzhong suddenly said: "Old Ding, this method is absolutely perfect, I think we should do the same, and turn these surrounding villages into Dingzi Villages and Barrier Villages, which are specially used to cut off the supply lines of the devils.

If the devils launch a sweep against our Xinyi regiment, our main anti-mopping force will drag the little devils away in the mountains.

At that time, the devil's battle line will get longer and longer, and the supplies will not be able to keep up. Sooner or later, the rations will be cut off. Let's take the opportunity to turn around and slowly deal with the little devil. "

Ding Wei smiled and said, "That's exactly what it means."

I was thinking in my heart, Lao Kong, this guy, over the past year, it seems that he has developed not only the equipment and strength of the independent regiment, but also researched a lot in terms of tactics, it is time to find an opportunity to join the independent regiment Learned from the scriptures.


The new second group.

A few days ago, the unscrupulous businessman Li Yunlong exchanged the devil's body for supplies, and ended up ambushing the little devil halfway, completely offending the devil.

The devil officers of the Japanese army headquarters scolded Li Yunlong for not being honest.

By the way, Lao Li was put on the blacklist and put into a category where he could no longer trade.

In order to retaliate against the New Second Regiment, and for some other purposes, two Japanese squadrons, plus a regiment of puppet troops, advanced towards the base of the New Second Regiment.

Li Yunlong was overjoyed when he heard the news.

"Damn it, the little devil has a strong sense of revenge, so I knew this trick would work. Old Kong, this guy was so bad. When he left, he just scoured all the oil and water around the base area. If I If we don’t want to find a way to catch the little devil, our new second regiment can’t drink the northwest wind?”

It turned out that the black-hearted businessman Lao Li deliberately ambushed the Japanese army to make a deal, just to lure the Japanese and puppet troops to take the initiative to attack, so as to make money from it.

In the following military deployment, Lao Li spared no effort, and said directly at the beginning of the meeting:

"There is only one goal in this battle. Eat up these two squadrons of devils, as well as the puppet army. Such a big piece of fat will be delivered to your door by yourself. If you don't eat it, you will be sorry for the little devil."

Zhao Gang analyzed: "Lao Li, although there are not many devils coming this time, there are only two squadrons of devils. With the current firepower configuration of our new second regiment, if we can make good use of the terrain and rely on the mountainous area to launch an ambush, we will eat a lot of money." It’s not impossible to lose this devil.”

"However, according to the information sent back from the front line, this group of devils acted quite cautiously in their advance. They avoided the surrounding mountainous areas, but advanced along roads and railway lines."

"Around this road and railway line, there are also devils' strongholds for defense. We will be discovered first before we get close. In this case, it is not easy to eat this devil."

"In addition to that pseudo-legion, even if the combat power is third-rate, it is still the strength of a regiment, and we have to consider it."

Zhang Dabiao, the battalion commander at the side, said: "Political commissar, if the devil wants to deal with our new second regiment, two squadrons are definitely not enough to watch, but the little devil still sent two squadrons over, it seems to me that he is trying to test our truth. .”

Zhao Gang agreed: "During this period of time, our troops have been attacking everywhere, and with a few infantry cannons knocking on the mountain, the devils and puppet troops have been bluffed. It is very likely that these two Japanese squadrons will come to spy on our army's strength. Big."

"According to the Japanese army's habit of targeting our army's base areas, if we cannot directly eat up the two invading Japanese squadrons, the follow-up Japanese army will use this to adjust the corresponding forces, and then mop up and deal with our new second regiment."

"Then eat it!" Li Yunlong decided.

Zhao Gang didn't object, but asked, "Old Li, what are you going to do?"

Li Yunlong thought for a while, and said: "It's not difficult. Didn't the little devil want to test the reality of our new second regiment? Then I will let him test it enough. Let's fight more and less, and give the little devil a battle of encirclement and annihilation."

Zhao Gang was taken aback, and quickly persuaded: "Lao Li, the anti-sweeping battle has just ended, and our new second regiment has not yet stabilized."

"I'm afraid it's inappropriate to launch a large-scale battle now. The superior has an order. After the anti-sweep is over, all ministries will temporarily enter a state of rest. Without orders, large-scale military operations are not allowed in private."

Li Yunlong said: "Don't worry, old Zhao, we can dispatch two companies of troops. Even if we add our militiamen and local comrades from all over the country, it will definitely not exceed one battalion."

"Right now, the little devil is taking the initiative to attack, and our new second regiment is only taking a certain military counterattack accordingly. The superior has nothing to say, right?"

Zhao Gang asked suspiciously: "It's less than a battalion of troops. The Japanese army has two squadrons, plus a puppet regiment, and there are more than a dozen strongholds in the surrounding area. With this little manpower, do you want to encircle and wipe out the Japanese puppet army?"

"Old Li, what kind of medicine are you selling in this gourd?"

Li Yunlong smiled confidently and said, "Old Zhao, just watch."

"Zhang Dabiao."


"Notify immediately according to the plan, so that the militia and local comrades can prepare early."



On that day, near dusk, two Japanese squadrons and puppet regiments arrived somewhere in the guerrilla area outside the base of the New Second Regiment.

A platoon leader of the puppet army laughed at the side. He was the commander of the puppet army's garrison at a stronghold nearby.

He pointed to the mountainous area not far away and said, "Taijun, this is here. According to the news, this generation is the guerrilla area of ​​Tuba Road, and there are often guerrillas."

"In addition, there are regular troops from the New Second Regiment of the Eighth Route Army, who will come and harass our stronghold from time to time."

"A few days ago, when a unit of the New Second Regiment passed by here, it pulled an infantry artillery and fired a shot at our stronghold."

The two devil squadron leaders looked at the endless mountainous area and nodded thoughtfully.

On this point, Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang, and Zhang Dabiao made a good judgment. The devils did come to test the new second regiment this time.

A few days ago, Li Yunlong's knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger scared the Japanese and puppet troops around the stronghold.

The devils hurriedly asked for help from the county headquarters, saying that the New Second Regiment of the Eighth Route Army had a large number of artillery in their hands, and the safety of the stronghold was always threatened.

On the part of the Japanese Army Command, two squadrons were transferred from Shouyang County, plus an Imperial Association Corps, rushed to the vicinity of the base of the New Second Regiment to investigate the reality of the New Second Regiment.

It is also to give a reassurance to the Japanese and puppet troops in the large and small strongholds on the outskirts of the New Second Regiment base area.

To save those puppet troops who are not firm in their stand, being frightened by the Eighth Route Army, and then secretly surrendered.

In addition, the two Japanese squadrons and the puppet regiment that came this time, a more important task is to transport some materials in the county to the large and small strongholds in this area.

Supplementary supplies for the Japanese and puppet troops stationed in the stronghold.

In fact, during this period of time, the Eighth Route Army was so noisy that the Japanese and puppet troops in the stronghold did not dare to go to the nearby villages to collect food, and they did not even dare to leave the stronghold.

With the consumption of materials in the stronghold, they can only ask for help from the county.

This is exactly one of the results achieved by the Independent Regiment, the New First Regiment, and the New Second Regiment after they launched partial counter-offensives during this period.

In the past, with a small force, the devils used strongholds and gun towers to guard the main traffic routes, and they could use the cage policy to advance step by step, reducing the living space of the Eighth Route Army.

The existence of these strongholds and artillery towers, on the one hand, can stabilize the law and order in the occupied area and cut off the connection between the base areas of the Eighth Route Army. and supplies, in turn to support the Japanese army.

It is even possible to directly provide material support for the Japanese mopping up troops nearby when the Japanese army launched a major raid on the base areas of the Eighth Route Army.

The current form is directly reversed.

These strongholds scattered around the periphery became a drag on the devils in the county town.

The Japanese army in the county even needed to transport supplies in turn to rescue the defenders in the stronghold.

It's ridiculous.


At this time, one of the ghost squadron leaders said: "Mr. Jing Teng, the task of this transportation has been completed. According to the command of the headquarters, after the spring sweep is over, the New Second Regiment of the Eighth Route Army will retreat near here. What is the current specific strength?" How, we still need to make a test this time.”

"At the moment, it seems that if we continue to stay near the stronghold, the Eighth Route Army may not dare to make a move. Why not be bolder and directly march into the villages in the guerrilla area of ​​the Eighth Route Army and see how they react?"

Another ghost squadron leader nodded, "Okay!"

But in fact, these two old devils were a little guilty.

A few days ago, the New Second Regiment showed off its skills, and it was said that it had no less than seven infantry guns. Such a firepower configuration is really shocking.

Looking at the lonely village in the mountains, the two old devils did not dare to rush in, for fear of being ambushed by the Eighth Route Army.

In the end, after thinking about it, the captains of the two ghost squadrons ordered the commander of the puppet army to send a company of troops towards the village.

The Japanese army waited for the situation near the rear stronghold.

Just like that, the sun went down.

A group of puppet troops moved towards the village located in the mountains amidst the occasional curses of the puppet company commander who was gradually walking away...

(End of this chapter)

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