The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 532 The competition is beautiful and the introversion is crazy

Chapter 532 The competition is beautiful and the introversion is maddening ([-])
Time goes on.

In the base areas of the Fifth, Sixth, [-]st, [-]nd, and [-]th Regiments that Kong Jie didn't know about.

The almost crazy military training inside is still going on in a hurry.

The company commanders of the various regiments also couldn't figure out why the battalion commanders and regimental commanders went to the independent regiment to visit, communicate, and study.

The whole person is much stricter than usual.

Especially in military training, the past goals seem to be insufficient.

The re-set goals one by one stunned the cadres in charge of training.

For shooting training, a small number of cadres equipped with pistols have to practice 30-meter rapid fire, and reach the point of fast and accurate shooting.

I am reluctant to practice with live ammunition, even with a slingshot, I must practice the effect.

For rifle shooting training, the soldiers have to carry out gun training every day, practice aiming for an hour or more, and have to work hard at shooting within 200 meters.

Special shooters should strengthen their training and be equipped with observers, striving to be able to achieve the level of snipers in the sniper team tactics.

The quasi-top shooters should strengthen their training and strive to break through to the shooting level of top shooters within one month.

Ordinary soldiers should strengthen their training and strive to reach the shooting level of quasi-special shooters within three months.

In order to improve the overall shooting level in the regiment.

After the heads of the regiments returned to the base area, they even issued live ammunition practice standards.

After the simulated shooting training reaches the standard, the soldiers can try live ammunition training.

Of course, bullets cannot be wasted. They should be used in long-range ambushes against devil strongholds or some transport teams under the leadership and assistance of veterans.

Even if it is live ammunition practice, it is best to cause damage to the Japanese and puppet troops, and by the way, let the recruits feel the cruelty and reality of the battlefield to the greatest extent.

Combat training, fighting and stabbing training, direct and real, implement two-person actual combat training.

Those who are incompetent, even if they are beaten up with a black nose and a swollen face, can't blame anyone.

The training of the scouts is even more rigorous, including wall climbing, downhill, rock climbing, capture, penetration, touch-in, etc. All training.

And after training for a certain period of time, they will directly carry out actual combat exercises, and try to infiltrate the strongholds, villages and counties of the surrounding devils.

It can be said to be dancing on a tightrope. Once the training fails, there may even be a risk of exposure.

In bomb-throwing training, throwing upwards two hundred times a day, no one can rest unless the grenade is accurately thrown into the basket 30 meters away.

Training is required in all aspects of soil work, from the excavation of smokeless stoves in the field, to the construction of slopes for one-man foxholes, the construction of various machine gun fortifications, artillery fortifications, and so on.

The training of the infantry blasting team, the laying of various booby traps, the removal of landmines, and blasting operations, etc. are also not left behind.

The military skills training of conventional infantry is the same.

Coupled with the intensity of the training and the high requirements for the goals, not to mention the soldiers being trained, even the company commanders and platoon leaders in charge of the training complained endlessly.

Many trainings were even carried out directly in actual combat, which made many cadres in charge of the training feel terrified.

"Captain, isn't this kind of training too crazy, and the intensity is too high, in case something goes wrong..."

Similar doubts and doubts have appeared in all regiments.

At this time, the regiment leaders would grit their teeth and shout:
"I usually bleed more during training and sacrifice less on the battlefield. I would rather let the soldiers sweat more and bleed more during training. Even if they suffer some injuries, I don't want to watch them go to the battlefield for nothing. cost their lives."

"Is there a problem with the way of training? The intensity of the training is too high? Are the goals set too high?
Let me tell you, there is no problem, this is how the independent regiment trains, and their methods will only be crazier and more dangerous than ours.

Their goals will only be higher than ours, and the amount of training will only be greater.

But even if this is the case, you go to the independent group to inquire. Is there any comrade from the independent group who complains?
And I'm not afraid to tell you that the goal you are eager to achieve now has basically been realized.

This time we went to the independent regiment to visit, communicate and study. We witnessed the solid training of the independent regiment and the strong combat effectiveness.

Compared with others, you are just recruits. "

"Not long ago, the Independence Regiment encircled and fought for reinforcements and defeated six or seven brigades of the Japanese army. The Independence Regiment easily turned around and captured Ping'an County, but why can't we do it when we arrive?"

"Really think it's just a gap in equipment, or a gap in military strength? Let me tell you, the bigger gap lies in the combat effectiveness of the troops."

"Du his mother carries one head on two shoulders. The comrades in the independent group can do it. Why can't we do it?"


Recently, all regiments are training, and they all hope to meet or even exceed the training standards of the independent regiment.

The independent regiment can't catch up for the time being, but it must not be compared by other regiments.

"The other regiments are shooting helmets 200 meters away? Okay, then let's shoot light bulbs 200 meters away."

"What, they are fully armed for three kilometers off-road? Then let's add another five kilograms and go off-road for five kilometers."

"They train eight hours a day, so let's train nine hours a day!"

There is no strongest, only stronger.


The soldiers who were stimulated by the words of the cadres stopped complaining and persisted.

The wave of crazy training of various troops quickly spread within the Eighth Route Army troops in the Taihang base area.

Before long, a situation similar to involution even began to appear.

What does this introversion mean?

The most vivid explanation is the hard "inflation".

What do you mean?
The most straightforward explanation is that you work hard, and others work harder than you, so the effect you achieve after you work hard is compared with others, and it seems mediocre, as if you didn't work hard, which is basically what it means.


This trend is far from over at this time, and it is even just the beginning.

The content of the internal volume is not limited to the crazy military training within the Eighth Route Army.

It also includes the production of equipment and ammunition in cooperation between each regiment and the independent regiment's repair shop.


When the heads of each group leave after the independent group visit, exchange and study meeting is over.

Kong Jie discussed with the heads of the regiments how to cooperate with each regiment's weapon repair institutes in the production of arms.

The main content, of course, is the core technology of arms production provided by the Independent Regiment Repair Institute, and some production processes are undertaken by other regiments.

This involves a point, the question of who provides the raw materials.

If an independent group provides raw materials and the final core technology, your other groups are only responsible for outsourcing and undertaking some processing procedures.

Then don't even think about it.

After the production of this batch of equipment and ammunition, the share of each regiment is naturally the least.

But if the raw materials are provided by your regiments themselves, coupled with the simple but time-consuming and labor-intensive process of contracting a lot of equipment and ammunition production.

The independent group is only responsible for the final core technology processing.

Then the equipment share that each regiment can finally get will naturally be much richer.

As for the heads of the regiments, even with their cerebellums, they could guess what they were thinking.

I am definitely willing to make a lot of money and get more equipment.

So a range of raw materials that can be used to produce grenades, explosives, bullets, shells, guns, etc.

Such as steel, copper, iron and other metals for the production of arms, corresponding steel rails, copperware, copper coins, wires, ironware and the like.

Even in order to encourage the production of farmers in the occupied areas, the devils sell fertilizer powder that can be used to make explosives.

Soon it became a resource looted by the regiment leaders.

And if you want to get these raw materials, the fastest way is naturally to find the little devil.

The rails used by the devils to transport trains, the wires used for communication, and some equipment in the power station, all became the favorite objects of looting by the Eighth Route Army troops of various regiments.

Wherever the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army passed, there was almost no blade of grass left, even if it was a screw, it would not leave the little devil behind.

Just like that, in less than a week, more than 500 rail tracks in the devil-occupied area around the Taihang base area were missing, and the total weight of the missing rails exceeded a thousand tons.

Along the entire railway track, only bare gravel remained, not even a sleeper, or even a single rivet.

The devils connected the various counties and used the wires for communication to be cut in as many as 70 places, and the total amount of wires stolen exceeded 5000 meters.

In the most ruthless regiment, even the bridges built by the devils with reinforced concrete were blown up, and then the steel bars in the concrete were smashed out and brought back to the regiment as raw materials for production.

Some regiments that were quick to move ran out of resources that could be grabbed around their own base areas and guerrilla areas, and even went to other regiments to grab them.

A series of sudden incidents frightened the little devils in many surrounding counties, thinking that the Eighth Route Army troops would take advantage of the main force of the First Army to fight in southern Shanxi, and then launch a large-scale sabotage operation!

The panic-stricken Japanese guards in the counties quickly switched from offensive to defensive, shrinking their forces, and even gave up some small strongholds in the guerrilla areas of the Eighth Route Army, and gathered their forces in some large strongholds and inside counties and villages.

Simply withdraw from the surrounding areas of your Eighth Route Army's roots and see what else you can do.

As time continued to ferment, the crazy introversion of each base area actually caused the surrounding devil troops to no longer dare to show their heads.

All the nearby rails that could be pried were pried, all the bridges that could be blown up were also blown up, and all the wires that could be cut were cut.

All of a sudden, it was really hard to get any oil or water.

Perhaps the involution at this time should be interpreted differently-the regiments of the Eighth Route Army competed to make more efforts to compete for limited resources, which led to a sharp decline in the number of seizures by each regiment.


Niukou Village.

It had been two days since the news reached the regiment headquarters, and Kong Jie was speechless when he heard the news.

Originally, I just wanted to let the regiments realize the lack of troop training through an internal exchange and study, strengthen the training of the troop, and vigorously develop the construction of the base area along the way.

Who would have thought that it would evolve into the present situation.

Fortunately, when introspection is placed on the training and combat of troops, it is more inclined to healthy competition.

This is not an involution that fully fits the meaning of later generations.

At least in such a competitive atmosphere, the regiments can be allowed to carry out the training of the troops.

But Kong Jie knew that going on like this was not the way to go, and he had to find a new vent so that the energy of the regiment cadres could be used in the right direction.

In the end, Kong Jie set his goal on assisting the regiments in economic construction.

When the regiments engage in training and combat, the soldiers consume a lot of physical energy and need to eat more. If the economy is not improved and only training without supplementing nutrition, there will be big problems.

"The first batch of cigarettes, chicken essence, and shochu have already been transported to the group that wants to sell as an agent?"

At the regiment headquarters, Kong Jie called Dong San, the head of logistics, and asked.

Dong San smiled and said: "Head, everything is done, but in this way, the demand for our products will suddenly increase. Whether it is our tobacco factory, chicken essence factory, or winery, I am afraid that we will have to expand the scale." gone."

Kong Jie said: "Then continue to expand, now is the time to make money, we can't stop.

As the old saying goes, starve to death the timid, and sustain the bold to death, we would rather starve to death than starve to death. "

Dong San smiled and nodded, "Yes!"


 I have set up a small button group 752691116, everyone can come to chat and fart, and those who have ideas can also guide the author to write. This book was written with the continuous guidance of a book friend brother. He is my consultant. Ha ha!

(End of this chapter)

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