The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 537 Head Kong intends to secretly go to the Tianjin Concession for a major event

Chapter 537 Head Kong intends to secretly go to the Tianjin Concession in person for a major event (seeking a monthly ticket)
The training of the new recruit company of the Independent Regiment was sorted out by Kong Jie, Li Wenjie and a group of battalion commanders, and it was a relatively systematic set of training procedures.

Standing on the shoulders of giants, Kong Jie is no stranger to how the recruit company trains. Of course, some training suitable for the current era and the real situation of the enemy's war will be added.

The independent group recruited new recruits for a period of five days in Niukou Village, and a large number of recruits were recruited.

A total of four recruit companies were formed, from the first recruit company to the fourth recruit company.

Duan Peng is in the fourth company of recruits.

After the recruits joined the army, Commander Kong was very generous. First, he gave each of the recruits a new military uniform.

Now the independent group has also opened a quilt factory in Gentu, although it is not as large as the headquarters quilt factory where Li Yunlong was the factory director.

There is still some confidence in providing military uniforms for recruits.

Putting on the upper body of a military uniform, the company commander of the recruit company who followed the training told the recruits:

"Putting on this military uniform means that you are now an Eighth Route Army soldier. You must keep in mind the mission and glory of the Eighth Route Army soldier, and you must have faith and determination in your heart..."

After some passionate words were spoken, not to mention ordinary recruits, even a resolute guy like Duan Peng felt that there seemed to be something extra in his heart.

That is the glory, blood and responsibility that belong to soldiers.

When you put on this military uniform, it means the beginning of transformation.

As for the training of recruits, according to Kong Jie's request, the recruits were first required to organize their internal affairs.

In Kong Jie's words:

"The arrangement of internal affairs can form the soldiers' rigorous training habits and living habits. The battlefield is not a place of pride, it is more solemn and stirring.
Although we kill devils to defend our home and country, there is nothing we can do about it.

But after all, it is murder, and after a long time, it is also a kind of torture to the hearts of the soldiers.

In the case of high-intensity combat and nervous tension, shifting attention to housekeeping is more conducive to maintaining a good mentality of the soldiers.

Only when internal affairs, training, and combat are grasped at the same time, can a true master of all battles be trained. "

In fact, the Regulations of the Eighth Route Army also included the article on housekeeping.

Among the three major disciplines and eight points of attention, the second of the eight points of attention:
Get up early and tidy up the housework, and clean up the dirt indoors and outdoors.

Therefore, the cadres deeply agree with Kong Jie's point of view.

However, Kong Jie raised the standard, not only requiring the soldiers to do a good job of indoor and outdoor sanitation, but also specifically requesting that the focus of housekeeping should be on the soldiers' arrangement of quilts.

What do you mean?
Stack tofu quilts!

Kong Jie, who has personally experienced the sourness in the army, has almost penetrated into the marrow of the housekeeping.

So the guard Wei Monk was very surprised at the beginning. Every morning when he got up early to clean the inner room of the head, he saw that the room had already been cleaned up by the head, especially the quilt. Leng is stacked squarely, like a piece of tofu piled up on the head of the bed.

Naturally, following what Kong Jie did, the standard was promoted throughout the group.

So in the Independence Regiment, veterans have long had the habit of doing this.

Except for emergency operations and some special occasions, the veterans will fold the quilt squarely.

So this internal arrangement became the first lesson for the soldiers of the recruit company to learn.

The requirements and standards of the company commanders are extremely high.

There is no way, not too high!
When the head of the regiment trained a group of cadres to tidy up the internal affairs, the cadres really felt the taste of it.

First Battalion Commander Wang Lihu ran around the training ground many times with the quilt on top of the tofu quilt because he couldn't fold it well.

Now that the recruits are here, as an old tradition of helping each other in the independent regiment, the veterans will naturally not be polite to the recruits.

This is the usual rule of the independent group:

During training, the commanders are all devils; after training, everyone is friends and comrades; on the battlefield, everyone is comrades-in-arms, comrades, and brothers.

When and what kind of role should be, everyone has to know clearly.

In this way, the soldiers of the recruit company soon realized how maddening the small housekeeping was.

The company commanders, platoon leaders, and even squad leaders of the recruit company were meticulous in their internal affairs, which made the recruits suffer.

An ordinary quilt soon became the first nightmare for recruits and soldiers after entering the independent regiment.

Duan Peng is no exception.

As a martial artist, although Duan Peng has many strengths, housekeeping is really not his strong point.

Less than two weeks after participating in the training, Duan Peng, who participated in the training on the training ground, was kicked back to Tongpu nine times and refolded the quilt.

In the end, Zhao Dachun, who was Duan Peng's training platoon leader, even taught Duan Peng personally, and finally taught Duan Peng.

"It seems that housekeeping has nothing to do with combat, but there is still a lot of knowledge here. Are you willing to listen to this order only when it teaches you how to shoot a gun and how to kill devils? It involves other aspects and has nothing to do with combat. Command The clerk said, so the soldiers below don’t need to listen?”

"The more this kind of innocuous housekeeping, the more it can train the soldiers' sense of absolute obedience."

In the regiment headquarters, some company commanders in the training reported that the recruits and soldiers have always had great opinions on housekeeping, especially the folding of quilts.

Kong Jie explained it as above.

All the cadres smiled wryly, as if thinking of the nightmare when they were trained by Kong Jie.

Kong Jie scolded with a smile: "Why, don't you agree? I think I trained you to tidy up the housework and fold the quilt, and it was a loss to you."

"I'll tell you, as long as there is a strong army, he will always do something else instead of making quilts."

"Americans don't fold their quilts, they shine their leather shoes, and they shine so brightly that they even cast shadows; No exception, there are similar internal affairs requirements."

"Our Eighth Route Army has poorer conditions. We don't have such bright leather shoes, nor do we have such cool shirts. We can't follow others' advice. This stack of tofu quilts is our tradition."

"Housekeeping, this is also one of the important means to test the excellent quality of soldiers."

The cadres were trained and went back honestly, continuing to strictly control the internal affairs of the recruits and soldiers.

After the internal affairs are sorted out, the second item is the training of the queue, the marching of the queue, running, going forward, training the soldiers' military posture, standing at attention, resting, striding, etc.

"Housekeeping and queue training are the basic training items for recruits. Now that the battle is urgent, I don't have much time for them, so I will give them a week to adapt.

A week later, the third physical training will start, followed by bomb dropping, aiming, shooting, tactical training, health and protection training, marching and combat readiness training, and military theory learning, etc., and nothing can be left behind. "

This is Kong Jie's requirement for the training of the recruit company.

So far, the training of the four recruit companies has officially entered the right track.

As for Duan Peng's performance in the recruit company, and how he will perform in the future, it is temporarily unknown.

Kong Jie also didn't know that Duan Peng was among the recruits recruited this time.


Two days later.

Kong Jie handed over the training of the recruit company to several battalion commanders, as well as acting political commissar Li Wenjie, and rushed to the brigade headquarters to report.


Kong Jie, who arrived, saluted the brigade commander, "Old brigade commander, what's the matter? It's not convenient to talk about it on the phone."

The brigade commander said: "Kong Jie, this matter needs to be kept a high degree of confidentiality, so I ask you to take the trouble to go there yourself."

"Old Brigadier, what's the matter?"

"Sit down first, let's talk slowly."


The brigade commander and Kong Jie sat opposite each other, but today the brigade headquarters did not see the political commissar and chief of staff.

After Kong Jie took his seat, the brigade commander thought for a moment, and then said: "Kong Jie, it's like this, the mission this time was personally issued by the headquarters, and we need to send a secret elite combat team to the Tianjin Concession. By the way, comrades from the underground party have recently contacted several experts and professors, as well as some overseas Chinese representatives.”

"The meaning of the headquarters is that these professors and overseas Chinese representatives need to be brought to our base area."

"But you have to go all the way, and you have to safely escort the professors and representatives back. I think you know how many difficulties there are."

"So after the order from the headquarters was issued, I have been thinking about what kind of team to send to complete this mission."

"After thinking about it, this team must not only be extremely good at concealment, but once exposed, it must also have quite flexible and powerful combat capabilities, so that it can adapt to the situation and successfully escort the professor and representatives back."

"These professors and representatives are of great significance to our roots, and there is no room for loss. I thought about it for a long time, and finally I thought of a team, and that is the commando of your independent regiment."

The brigade commander continued: "Among the small combat troops we have formed based on the ground, only the commandos of your independent regiment have successfully completed special operations missions many times, whether it was blowing up Mingbao Airport or rescuing Wei Dayong from prisoners of war. A group of people, and then went deep into the enemy's rear in the anti-sweeping operation, and defeated the temporary joint command of the Japanese army in one fell swoop."

"If you want to complete this arduous task, there is nothing more competent than your independent regiment commando."

Kong Jie said: "This way, the Japanese army deployed defenses everywhere along the way, and if there is a slight mistake, it will be exposed. It is indeed difficult and dangerous."

"It's just that, for the commando of my independent regiment, whether it's going to the Tianjin Concession for concealment or combat, and escorting people all the way back, these are not difficult things. But the difficulty lies in my current understanding of the specific situation in the Tianjin Concession. The eyes are dark, and there must be comrades' support and cooperation in advance."

The brigade commander said with a smile: "You can rest assured that the underground party comrades on the concession side have already made arrangements."

Kong Jie responded immediately: "If this is the case, then there is no problem. I promise to complete the task, but, old brigade commander, I have one more request."


"I have to lead the team personally this time, otherwise I can't guarantee the successful completion of the task." Kong Jie said decisively.

The brigade commander was silent, thinking in his heart whether it would be appropriate to send Kong Jie to take risks.

Kong Jie said: "Old brigade commander, there are quite good reasons for me to lead the team.

First, the commando team was set up by me alone, and I personally commanded it, so I was able to adapt to the situation and complete the task smoothly.

Second, when we go to the Tianjin Concession this time, we must contact these professors and representatives. If the comrades we send are not enough, does it appear that our Eighth Route Army is not strong enough? "

After Kong Jie finished speaking, the brigade commander thought for a long time, finally nodded and said: "Alright, I will report this matter to the headquarters. If the headquarters approves, you will personally lead the team to carry out this mission."

"The time should be set in the next few days, the sooner the better, but you can't let me let go of the military affairs within the independent regiment, it must be arranged."

Kong Jie got up to salute with a serious expression on his face, and replied, "Yes, please rest assured, the old brigade commander, there is still Wenjie in the regiment!"

Then, the brigade commander and Kong Jie discussed a series of details about going to the Tianjin Concession to pick up people this time.

All done.

"Brigade Commander, then I will go back first, please rest assured, Brigadier Commander, I promise to complete the task this time! Also...thank you, Brigadier Commander!"

After finishing speaking, Kong Jie said goodbye to the brigade commander and left from the brigade headquarters.

The brigade commander was a little puzzled, thank me?no need thank me?
When the political commissar came in from the outside, he asked with some doubts: "Brigade Commander, what kind of job did Kong Jie get again? When I bumped into him outside just now, his face was full of smiles!"

The brigade commander said: "It's still a matter of picking up people."

The political commissar said: "That's weird, why is this a good job?"

"Who knows about this kid?" The brigade commander shook his head.


(End of this chapter)

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