Chapter 539
"Cold guns and cold guns?" Li Wenjie was a little puzzled.

Kong Jie explained: "In fact, it can be regarded as a more effective and safer guerrilla warfare. Our Eighth Route Army troops are behind the enemy lines. Even if we have opened up a certain amount of root ground, so far we have not been able to fight against the little devils." Divided into courts against courtesy, generally speaking, the enemy is strong and we are weak."

"Combined with the overall gap in equipment and ammunition, our Eighth Route Army troops should try to avoid confrontation with the Japanese army and avoid firepower consumption."

"So we have all kinds of guerrilla tactics, using small-scale, low-intensity operations to consume the vital strength of the Japanese and puppet troops."

"During this time, the main force of the Japanese army was still in the Zhongtiao mountain area, so the devils in the counties and villages in the strongholds turned from offensive to defensive, and basically no longer actively approached our base areas and guerrilla areas. In response to this situation, we launched cold guns. sports."

"This cold gun movement, as the name suggests, we use the guns and cannons at hand to attack the little devils suddenly, and then withdraw quickly to kill the Japanese army, but completely avoid casualties on our own side and consume less ammunition. Happening."

"However, the main task of this movement is to be composed of snipers with accurate marksmanship and gunners who are skilled in handling guns, either acting alone or in coordination."

"The requirement is that although the scale is small and the strength is low, the density should be large."

"It's even possible that any devils who dare to leave their strongholds, counties, or villages will be attacked by our gunners and gunners from a long distance. The little devils can't even find the enemy anywhere, which makes the devils terrified and have nightmares when they sleep go!"

"In this way, although the victories obtained by local cold guns and cold guns are limited, but a large number of small victories are gathered together, that is a big victory."

Li Wenjie nodded, and thoughtfully said: "This is indeed a good idea, but if we want to kill the Japanese and puppet troops as many as possible, we need a lot of snipers and gunners."

"No wonder you returned a large part of Commander Feng's snipers. It turned out that you had already made plans."

Kong Jie laughed and said, "I'm not afraid that there will be too many soldiers to train, but I'm afraid that there will be no good seedlings."

"This campaign of cold guns and cold guns is not only a tactical adjustment to deal with the Japanese and puppet troops, it is also the best training ground for the soldiers in our regiment."

"Long-range cold shooting, even if it fails, it will not cause any casualties to itself, and it is the actual battlefield environment. This is the best opportunity to promote the progress of the soldiers."

"After this movement is launched, not only snipers, but also every company, every platoon, and even every squad must also participate in it, striving for everyone to progress to the level of a super shooter."

"When the team is led by veterans, certain incentive policies can be set. Veterans who can bring out new recruits and improve their marksmanship will be rewarded, praised vigorously, and even have pictorial praises in the regiment."

"In addition, when fighting cold guns and cold guns, no matter whether it is a sniper or a gunner, a corresponding military reward must be set. Take a sniper as an example. If a sniper can kill more than [-] Japanese and puppet soldiers within a month Yes, I will record personal third-class merit once."

"And so on, in terms of specific details and rewards, you, Wen Jie, look at the plan."


Li Wenjie responded, and continued to quickly record the details of what Kong Jie said in his notebook.

Kong Jie continued: "In terms of military training, the training of new recruits and the exercise of cold guns and cold guns are finished, basically that's all."

"After I left, there were no large-scale military operations in the regiment, so apart from the cold gun campaign and military training, the main thing is the construction of the base and economic development."

"The cooperation with the repair shops of the regiments and the cooperation with the production plants continue."

"In addition, to expand business cooperation, I told Dong San some time ago that I asked the repair shop to transform some of the abandoned trucks of the devils that we captured back then, and produce some small tractors. What are they used for? Cultivation .”

"This tractor is used for farming. Mechanical operation is much more economical than raising cattle. The main reason is that it consumes more fuel. But we always have sources for diesel or something. One is from the national army, and we can buy fuel from Yan'an."

"Yan'an has oil fields. It has been doing business with warlords from all over the world before. The price of oil has been kept down by the warlords. Basically, there is no oil. Why don't we digest it internally? Let's buy oil from Yan'an at a higher price. , whether it is used for tractor farming or for the production and operation of our factory's assembly line, it can always earn more benefits, and at the same time bring a lot of income to the organization in Yan'an. This is a win-win cooperation matter."

Li Wenjie nodded in conviction, the head of the group really thought deeply.

Kong Jie continued: "In addition, how far should we continue to expand the guerrilla areas of our independent regiment? There are guerrilla areas everywhere."

Speaking of this, Kong Jie was a little emotional: "The national army took root in the city and looked down on the backward and poor rural areas around it. Now that the little devils are here, it is basically the same stinky problem.

From a local perspective, the main economy of an area is naturally concentrated in towns. "

"At the end of the day, China is still a country dominated by farming and Everbright's rural areas. On the whole, the overall resources and economy of the rural areas are even better than those of the urban areas."

"If we integrate various resources such as manpower and materials in one local area through the guerrilla areas scattered all over the place, then in this local area, we can even overtake the surrounding counties occupied by the Japanese army in terms of economic aggregate, and in turn, use financial warfare Suppress the Japanese Army."

Li Wenjie also knew a thing or two about financial warfare. He asked, "Leader, what should I do?"

Kong Jie said: "I have also discussed the specific method with Xu Qingnian."

"The border tickets issued in our base areas now use grain as a linked standard system, which can fundamentally cut off the control and suppression of daily tickets and legal currency on our border tickets."

"The first thing we need to do is to put an end to the circulation of daily tickets and legal currency in the base area, and prevent the Japanese or national army from using currency to plunder the materials in the base area in disguise."

"Secondly, stabilize the prices around the area. For example, for every 1 yuan of border area tickets issued, at least 5000 yuan of border area tickets must be used to purchase military supplies such as grain, cotton, and cloth."

"In the regiment, a relevant price inspection and control department must be established."

"If the price of goods in the region shows an upward trend, the control department can release materials to the market and gather currency to lower the price. If the price shows a downward trend, then we can issue more currency and purchase materials to make the price rise again. This will regulate the price of the market to achieve price stability, so as to enhance the stable purchasing power and reputation of our border ticket."

"This is particularly important, because whether it is legal currency or daily tickets, there are obvious inflation problems. Maybe today's money can buy a cow, but a year later you can't even buy a bucket of rice. Such a currency with unstable purchasing power , how can it be recognized by the public?"

"So we must pay special attention to the stability of the purchasing power of tickets in the border area and the stability of prices."

"In addition, in addition to stability, we will continue to increase business exchanges with the Kuomintang-controlled areas and the Japanese theater through the business chain, so that more materials can be circulated in the base areas, so as to stimulate the overall development of our base areas. In this way, the economy of our base areas It will become more stable, and the lives of the villagers will get better and better."

Li Wenjie nodded frequently when he heard it, and quickly recorded in his notebook with his eyes shining, "Wonderful! Commander, this method is so wonderful. In this way, we don't even need to use military means, and we can solve the opponent without bloodshed. "

"What problem is bigger than the problem of having a full stomach? If the devils and puppet soldiers can't even eat enough, how much fighting power will they have left?"

"Leader, don't worry, I'll start making arrangements for this matter immediately."

"If you encounter something you don't understand or something you don't understand, ask young Xu for advice. That guy is a top student in the finance department. As a political commissar, you don't need to be proficient in finance, but you can't be unfamiliar with the aspects you should understand."

Like a patient elder brother, Kong Jie entrusted him earnestly.

"Hey!" Li Wenjie replied, "Commander, apart from these, is there anything else you want to explain?"

Kong Jie was lost in thought. He had always had a big problem in his heart, which was the May Day raids in [-].

This sweep was a very serious blow to the Eighth Route Army.

For more than a year, Kong Jie has actually been preparing for this.

While racking my brains, I was afraid of missing something, afraid that I was not fully prepared.

After a long while, Kong Jie said, "Wenjie, the arrangement of this series of things, whether it is the farming of the base area, the business dealings with the regiments, or the operation of all aspects of economic construction, all of these require manpower, right?"

Li Wenjie replied: "Commander, that's for sure."

"But in the final analysis, we are a unit. An anti-Japanese combat unit, these things cannot excessively consume the strength of our regiment." Kong Jie said.

"Commander, what do you mean?"

Kong Jie said: "Actually, in our base area and its surrounding areas, besides our army, there are other groups participating in the construction. Xie Baoqing and his team of construction team, as well as many fellow villagers who are helping in our base area."

"These manpower are of considerable help to us."

"What if we could integrate them as a group and use their workforce more efficiently?"

Li Wenjie said: "Leader, are you talking about building a comprehensive construction group?"

Kong Jie said with a smile, "Or the labor union."

"Migrant labor group!"

"That's right, a labor force composed of folks has come to assist us in construction, transportation, and a series of related tasks.

In short, we invite the folks to work, we pay the money, and we will never let the folks work for nothing, so that we can get manpower, and the folks can also earn a penny of wages to subsidize their families. "...

(End of this chapter)

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