Chapter 678
The low voice of Japanese drifted in from the gap in the wooden window.

With the dim moonlight outside the house, one can vaguely see a black figure squatting under the wooden window outside the wall, and upon closer inspection, it turns out to be Li Dazhu's face.

The true identity of the refugee Li Dazhu was about to be revealed.

Who can speak Japanese so fluently, what else is it but a little devil?
The most surprising thing was that not only Li Dazhu was among the spies who sneaked in this time, even Wang Mazi, who got along very well with Uncle Zhao and the villagers of Qingshan Village, was actually a spy of the Japanese army.

"Baga, why are you here?"

Wang Mazi, who also lowered his voice, spoke with some anger.

Judging from his tough tone, he should be Li Dazhu's superior.

Li Dazhu was silent for a while, and replied: "Mr. Heibu, I really can't help it. We have been in the village for several days. I have also asked the villagers about the location of the Eighth Route Army from the side, but they have always been indifferent to it." Keeping your mouth shut is no way to go on like this, Kurobe-kun, please make up your mind!"

"Idiot, as a hunter, if you don't have enough patience, what kind of prey are you trying to hunt? You will only increase the risk of our exposure. Get out of here." Wang Mazi, who was leaning against the wooden window of the firewood house, said fiercely. scolded.

"Hi!" Li Dazhu didn't dare to say anything, so he had to leave angrily.

Wang Mazi, with his ear on the wooden window, was sure that the sound of Li Dazhu's footsteps had completely left, so he breathed a sigh of relief, and tiptoed back to the bed covered with straw on the bottom floor of the side room.

His eyes were lightly closed, but he didn't fall asleep, but was thinking about the plan for his next move.

It turns out that Wang Mazi's original name was Heibu Zhengcun, and Li Dazhu's original name was Nanye Kazuo.

The two were spies directly under the Kwantung Army brigade led by Uchida Shinya, the captain of the Japanese army.

When the Northeast was fighting against the Anti-Union, Kurobe Masamura had worked as a spy, successfully infiltrated into the Anti-Union forces, and secretly instigated some weak-willed guys.

Then use the information provided by these traitors of the Anti-Alliance to guide the main force to resist the encirclement and suppression of the Allied Forces, thereby destroying many Anti-Alliance troops.

This time, in order to deal with the Eighth Route Army in Zhongtiaoshan, Uchida Xin also took into account that Kurobe Masamura has rich experience, so he sent him to go out in person.

Originally, the number of spies operating at the same time should be as few as possible.

Especially this kind of interconnection, it is easy to pull out the radish with a hole, resulting in exposure together.

Heibuzhengcun, that is, Wang Mazi, thought that the two people's words could be coordinated, and the effect might be better, so he brought Li Dazhu to act together.

The duo's plan was clear from the start.

He was the first to gain the trust of the villagers of Qingshan Village, and then came into contact with the militia troops of Qingshan Village, and even successfully joined the main force of the Eighth Route Army.

Then find a way to convey information, and get in touch with those former soldiers of the national army who are not determined, and find a way to instigate rebellion.

Afterwards, the main support force wiped out the Eighth Route Army in one fell swoop.

The calculation of the two little devils is excellent.

Early the next morning, Wang Mazi got up early and called Uncle Zhao to work together.

The two washed up briefly, went out with a hoe on their shoulders, and ran into Zhang Dashan on the road.

Zhang Dashan whispered something in Uncle Zhao's ear, Uncle Zhao turned his head and said to Wang Mazi: "Mazi, you go to work first, I have something to do with you Uncle Dashan, I will go to the ground later."

"Hey!" Wang Mazi didn't ask any further questions, and continued to head towards the farmland with the hoe on his shoulders, but his heart became vigilant at the first moment.

Not right.

This is so wrong!

Wang Mazi realized that there must be a big problem in it, what should he take the initiative to avoid?
Intuition told Wang Mazi that perhaps the matter had something to do with his identity.

He turned around and went down the slope. After avoiding the sight of Uncle Zhao and Zhang Dashan, he put down his hoe and turned back quietly.

Zhang Dashan pulled Uncle Zhao and talked quietly under a big tree.

Wang Mazi tiptoed close to the ridge of the field and approached more than ten meters away from the two of them, then turned his ears sideways to eavesdrop carefully.

Zhang Dashan and Uncle Zhao's voices were not loud, so Wang Mazi didn't hear clearly, but he vaguely heard words like "Li Dazhu" and "arrest".

For more information, Wang Mazi, who was secretly shocked in his heart, no longer needed to listen.

He quietly withdrew, picked up the hoe and rushed to the farmland to work on the farm, thinking about countermeasures under a sudden change of mind.

"That idiot Nanye must have been exposed!"

Wang Mazi was thinking secretly, but what he was thinking about now was not to notify Li Dazhu in advance so that he could escape in time.

Instead, he thought about how to keep his identity and avoid exposure.

After all, it took a lot of effort to infiltrate into Qingshan Village this time. If this opportunity is missed, it will be very difficult to infiltrate into the Eighth Route Army.

As for Li Dazhu's pawn, for an elite spy like Wang Mazi, it would be worth giving up if he gave up, as long as he could play enough value.

Nanye-kun, I'm sorry, after the matter is successful, I will ask my superiors for your credit!


After the old village head notified the militia team, the soldiers of the militia team, dressed in the clothes of the people in Qingshan Village, rushed to Aunt Liu's house where Li Dazhu lived, and then rushed into the house, preparing to arrest Li Dazhu.

But this devil's spy was so skilled that he rushed out of the house.

The old village chief yelled from behind: "Grab him."

The captain explained: "Comrades, there must be a secret hidden in this spy, and he will be caught alive."

At this time, Wang Mazi happened to come back from outside carrying a hoe.

The sharp-eyed Uncle Zhao saw Wang Mazi and quickly shouted, "Mazi, stop Li Dazhu, he's a little devil!"

When Wang Mazi heard this, he seemed to tremble with fright and shook his hands, but he still picked up the hoe and threw it at Li Dazhu who was close to him.

This hoe came too suddenly.

Li Dazhu, who was knocked to the ground, held his chest and looked at Wang Mazi in surprise.

Wang Mazi threw down his hoe again, rushed forward fiercely, hugged Li Dazhu and did not let go, at the same time lowered his voice, and said in Japanese uncompromisingly: "Mr. Nanye, please, I will take care of your family in China. OK!"

Li Dazhu, who was still struggling at first, was discouraged when he heard this, and was immediately tied up by the villagers who jumped up with hemp rope.

"Mazi, good job, if it wasn't for you, this traitor would have almost escaped!" Uncle Zhao who rushed over smiled and patted Wang Mazi on the shoulder.

Wang Mazi showed the panic he should have, and said with a look of fear, "Uncle, I was taken aback just now. What's going on? Why did Da Zhu become a devil and a traitor?"

Uncle Zhao said: "At this moment, we have to send this traitor to comrades of the Eighth Route Army. Let's talk about it later!"

Wang Mazi nodded, watching Uncle Zhao and his party lead Li Dazhu away, with an expressionless face, thinking about the next plan.

Li Dazhu was arrested.

It was somewhat beyond Wang Mazi's expectation, but it did not go beyond his pre-plan.

Originally, this operation should have been done alone. He brought Li Dazhu with him just to have one more pawn that could be discarded at any time to keep him handsome.

Moreover, the shrewd Wang Mazi knew early on that Li Dazhu was still lacking in camouflage and lurking.

Unlike myself, for this latent operation, I also spent a week living with some local people, and carefully asked about various local customs and habits.

With Li Dazhu arrested and Wang Mazi helping a lot in this arrest operation, the villagers will definitely trust him even more.

As for whether Li Dazhu will expose himself.

Wang Mazi was not worried, these spies had received corresponding professional training.

Once arrested, they would rather die than reveal any information, which is the minimum requirement for these secret agents.

In addition, there are relatives in the country as threats behind Li Dazhu. Since he knows that he will die, Li Dazhu will never choose to betray the glory of the soldier.

If it weren't for this self-confidence, Wang Mazi would have smashed the hoe at Li Dazhu's head rather than risking exposure.

After all, only the dead can keep secrets forever.

The next day.

The old village head held a meeting in the village, explained the situation to the villagers at the meeting, and directly stated that Li Dazhu was indeed a spy sent by the Japanese army after being confirmed by comrades of the Eighth Route Army.

Regarding this, the old village head said with a smile: "It's a good fortune to find this little devil this time. Speaking of it, we have to thank our Erwazi. It was Erwazi who discovered that the food that this little devil couldn't eat would be wasted, so he secretly dumped it." Drop, isn’t this a devil or something?”

"Later, I asked Dashan to test again. When this devil eats, he can't even remove the rice grains in the bowl. Could this be a refugee?"

"In addition, this little devil has indeed asked our villagers about the Eighth Route Army many times, which is really weird."

"In addition, Dashan noticed that the gap between the little devil's thumb and index finger is not small. In this regard, our Eighth Route Comrades have taught us many ways to identify whether it is a devil or not."

"For example, little devils often wear clogs, and there is a rope stuck between the thumb and index finger, so the gap next to their toes is larger than that of us Chinese, and it is easy to judge whether they are little devils or not. "

"There are many other methods. For example, this little devil likes to bow and nod. Sometimes he is more polite than us. There are also most little devils who don't like coriander. If there are people from outside who like to ask us about the Eighth Route Army situation, we must be vigilant immediately..."

The old village chief said a lot in one breath.

Wang Mazi, who was caught in the crowd, smelled it, his face changed slightly, and he subconsciously buckled his toes hidden in the straw sandals.

Then he straightened his body a little bit, and slouched down like the villagers around him.

He muttered even more in his heart, these Chinese people are really difficult to deal with, they are simple on the surface, but they are very cunning in private, and they need to be more cautious in the future.

This infiltration must be patient enough to take it slowly.

Lying on the bed at night, Wang Mazi looked at the gap between his thumb and index finger where two chopsticks could even be inserted.

He was cruel, and with a click, he directly bent the joints of his toes with brute force to ensure that the gap between the thumb and index finger looked much more normal.


Zhongtiaoshan Independent Fourth Regiment Headquarters.

The traitor Li Dazhu was sent here.

There are soldiers who go to interrogate specifically.

After a while, the soldiers rushed to the headquarters to report to Han Feng and the head of the regiment, Wang Huaibao: "Head, this little devil's mouth is still quite stubborn, and he still won't do anything."

"How about I be more ruthless? Anyway, he is a spy for the little devil, so he doesn't need to be treated like a soldier."

Wang Huaibao shook his head and said, "Forget it, this is not the first time we have encountered devils and spies. These guys are similar to dead men, so don't waste your time."

Han Feng frowned and analyzed: "Head, the situation is a bit uneasy. It seems that the devils have secretly deployed a trick. There will be a devil's traitor in Qingshan Village. Is this the only traitor? Is it the only one in Qingshan Village? ? We have to prepare in advance."

"Indeed!" Wang Huaibao nodded, thought for a while, and said, "In this way, pass the news to the other battalions. In the next period of time, our battalions will move around and must not be fixed in one place. Strengthen vigilance. , In addition, you can't contact the village directly, send a contact person, check the offline and offline, and avoid the risk of exposure."

"At the same time, inform our comrades in the militia to find a way to screen the migrants in the village, and let our folks strictly keep their mouths shut and never disclose any news about the troops."

"Especially the refugees who appeared in our villages during this period can be accepted, but the refugees must be strictly controlled to prevent them from being infiltrated by devils."

"Yes, this is a good way! Even if traitors sneak in, they won't be able to easily obtain useful information, let alone pass it on."

Han Feng replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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