The father of the sword is Kong Jie

Chapter 710 "Pampered and Pampered" Combat Strength Anti-Japanese Hygiene

Chapter 710 "Pampered and Pampered" Combat Strength Anti-Japanese Hygiene

Commander Lu was a little dumbfounded. What the monk said seemed to be true. Would the devils and puppet soldiers still open the city gates and watch your Eighth Route Army go to other people's warehouses to empty out the grain?

Among them, Duan Peng and the monk must have used some special means.

But no matter what, they did it. The large amount of food and supplies brought back by horse-drawn cart made Head Lu's eyes straight.

The most important thing is that everyone can see the traces of fighting, but the soldiers of the guard company and the commando do not seem to be downsizing.

Almost no price was paid, but in exchange for such a rich capture.

The entire 28th regiment, the cadres and soldiers who came to watch the excitement, no one had anything to say, and all they had in their hearts were admiration and envy.

"The comrades in this independent regiment are really amazing!"

"Who said it wasn't? When the comrades from the Independence Regiment came over, we didn't even dare to think about the complete equipment, ranging from guns and ammunition to small water bottles and even candies in our pockets."

"At that time, I thought, this is not the same as those national soldiers who are used to living a good life!"

"Eat well, live well, use well."

"How can this look like the Eighth Route Army team that we are not afraid of hardships?"

A platoon leader from the 28th regiment came over and said with a smile:

"Yeah, I saw it with my own eyes at the time. Guess what was put in the bunkers of the comrades of the Independence Regiment? Good guy, each soldier is also issued a special mosquito net. It is said that the mosquitoes in our Jizhong are big. , afraid of mosquito bites."

"I was completely stupid at the time. Is there such a soldier who knows how to live?"

Another platoon leader on the side echoed: "No, I heard from the old squad leader of the cooking squad that the comrades in the independent regiment usually don't even drink raw water. Boil water and drink."

"In those days, I felt that the comrades from the Independent Regiment did not come to reinforce our 28th Regiment, but came for vacation."

"The comrades of the independent group even have to take a hot bath every other week. They have to make their bodies so fragrant that they can't smell the slightest smell before giving up!"

"When did we have this condition?"

Many of the soldiers' discussions reached the ears of Commander Lu, Sun Chuanzhong, and Lu Shunmin.

"What do you two think?" Captain Lu asked.

"Hey, Captain, you want to talk about the time when the monk and Duan Peng brought the soldiers from the independent regiment to Jizhong. Actually, the thoughts in my heart are similar to what our soldiers said just now."

"I just thought, the fighters of this independent regiment will really enjoy it!"

"To be precise, it's just three words, so delicate!"

"Drink hot water every day, eat a full meal, sleep at night and even wear a mosquito net, take a bath every now and then, and usually carry candy and energy bars in your pocket. I live a small life. I know that I am here to fight devils, but I don't know. You will feel that you are coming to enjoy it!"

Sun Chuanzhong, the commander of the second battalion, changed the subject when he said this.

"I just fought side by side with the soldiers of the Independence Regiment, experienced the battle in Xiaoli Village, and they took back a lot of devil's funds from the bank, as well as the large amount of supplies they robbed right now. That's all I can say."

Sun Chuanzhong gave a thumbs up without hesitation.

"And I believe that the soldiers and cadres of our regiment should feel similar to me about the comrades of the independent regiment. They all have a very big change in perception."

"They seem to be spoiled and spoiled, but when it comes to fighting, I'm not flattering others. Although the fighters in our regiment are good, they really can't compare to them!"

Lu Shunmin, the commander of the third battalion, was no stranger to the living habits of the monk and Duan Peng and his party.

Seeing Lu Shunmin's calm face, Commander Lu asked, "Commander of the Third Battalion, you lived in the Independent Regiment for a while while recovering from your injuries. What do you think of the situation in front of you?"

"Leader, in fact, we really don't need to think that comrades like Monk and Duan Peng are deliberately artificial and too delicate, because in the independent regiment, the soldiers of the entire independent regiment basically live like this at ordinary times."

"When I was in the Independence Regiment, I heard from soldiers that the regiment leader Kong Jie put forward the slogan of anti-war hygiene very early on."

"Anti-Japanese War Sanitation?"

"Yes, Commander Kong said that it is important to fight devils. Maintaining personal hygiene during daily training is equally important, even more important than fighting devils and conducting training."

"Because if you want to fight devils and engage in training, you must first be in good health!
Without good personal hygiene, it is easy to get sick. Even some minor illnesses are likely to gradually develop into serious illnesses, which will eventually lead to non-combat attrition.

You fell ill before you went to the battlefield, what are you going to use to beat devils? "

"That's why Commander Kong pointed out that anti-war hygiene, especially our soldiers slept in common bunks. If there were a lot of people, if we didn't pay attention to hygiene, it would easily lead to the emergence of a collective infectious disease."

"In the other independent regiments, there are special measures to eliminate rodents, and there are measures to disinfect every three and five. In addition, soldiers must pay attention to personal hygiene, change and wash frequently.

The regiment advocates to ensure drinking hot water in non-special circumstances. There are specially built coal stoves in each store. The briquettes are used 24 hours a day, and there are hot water bottles on them every day. Hot water can be supplied at any time or cold for the soldiers to drink. "

"Header Kong said that hygiene during the war of resistance, personal hygiene, sanitation of the base areas, and sanitation of the living environment are also important components of the war of resistance, and every soldier cannot ignore it."

At this time, Sun Chuanzhong, the commander of the second battalion, also stood up and said something fair:

"Leader, when it comes to comrades like Monk and Duan Peng, we thought they were pampered at the beginning, but judging from the past half a month, these measures may have really helped a lot."

"You also know the specific situation!"

"The current season is the time when the incidence of disease is high."

"In the past half a month, soldiers from each of our companies have fallen ill one after another. Some of them were obviously minor illnesses, but the more they dragged on, the more serious they became. If it weren't for the medicines brought by the monk Duan Peng, they came in handy. , we can only be anxious, there is nothing we can do."

"Look at the comrades of the independent regiment, more than 100 fighters. In the past half a month, have you ever heard of any fighter who suffered from even a little illness?"

"These people drink hot water, eat hot meals, sleep with mosquito nets, take frequent baths, and ventilate more. With these measures, it is difficult to get sick!"

"Thinking about it this way, I now understand that the comrades of the Independence Group are not coquettish, this is the real love of their own capital to fight devils and make revolution."

"With a healthy body, what can't you do?"

After hearing this, Regimental Leader Lu was silent for a long time, and finally said: "Anti-Japanese War Hygiene... Old Confucius said it well, I think this Anti-Japanese War Hygiene should also be publicized in our 28th regiment in time."

"Second Battalion Commander, tell the monk and Duan Peng for me, and ask them to go to the regiment headquarters. I want to learn from the monk and them about how to improve hygiene in the base area."

"Hey!" Sun Chuanzhong responded.

...Duan Peng and the monk returned to the station surrounded by soldiers from the 28th regiment.

As for the large amount of supplies and food brought back, the monk and Duan Peng showed the atmosphere of the first team's tiger generals, waved their hands, and sent them directly to the logistics department of the 28th regiment.

As for how to use this batch of materials, or even allocate this batch of materials to other base areas, this is what Captain Lu is worried about.

28 Regiment Headquarters.

The monk and Duan Peng received the news and came to see Lu Dayou.

The monk reported to the head of the brigade how he and his party used their tactics. After ambushing the ghost Japanese and puppet troops who came with the leader of the devil, they disguised themselves as Japanese and puppet troops and entered the nearby towns, taking the opportunity to attack the towns and move supplies.

Head Lu was overwhelmed.

"My good fellow, so to speak, this kid Duan Peng, this Japanese bitch really got it right!"

When Duan Peng heard this, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

After some more exchanges, Captain Lu finally realized deeply what was behind the seemingly pampered and pampered monks and Duan Peng and his other independent regiment soldiers.

"Anti-Japanese Hygiene!"

"It turns out that this is the case. Old Kong always has a long-term vision, and he thought of going ahead of us."

"That's right, if conditions permit, personal hygiene can be improved, clothes can be changed, hot water can be used, and hot meals can be eaten. Who wouldn't want to eat clean and live comfortably? What about beating up the little devil after recharging your energy?"

Head Lu spoke with emotion.

The monk smiled. Regarding the health benefits of the Anti-Japanese War, in fact, when he came this time, according to Kong Jie's instructions, sooner or later he would talk to Commander Lu.

It is only more convincing if the actual effect is reflected now.

"Leader Lu, the leader actually explained to me when I came here."

"Our team leader's suggestion is that the Jizhong base area is not as stable as the Taihang base area due to terrain constraints, but some developments that should be done can also be carried out."

"For example, this briquette, and a special briquette stove equipped with a kettle to heat hot water, so that soldiers can drink hot water. This is possible."

"Some supply troops and small repair shops for emergency repair of firearms are also available.

This kind of repair shop does not have bulky equipment, nor does it need a fixed place, and can be moved at any time to deal with the devil's sweep, which is suitable for the basic enemy situation in the Jizhong area. "

"In addition, our tunnels are developing very well now. These small repair shops can even be placed in the tunnels."

"A larger arsenal cannot be built for the time being. The target is too easily exposed. Moreover, the requirements for building an arsenal are too harsh."

Head Lu took it very seriously, "It's still Lao Kong who is thoughtful!"

"Also, Head Lu, our head has something very urgent that I want to tell you."

"Monk, tell me!"

"The head of the delegation said that the current drought spreading from Henan to the surrounding area is obviously getting more and more serious."

"The head of the regiment predicted from this that in the future, for a long period of time, our base area is very likely to suffer unprecedented disasters. At that time, even the focus of work will be shifted from fighting against Japan to the development of the base area and the troops. survival."

"In order to deal with this disaster, all our bases and regiments should prepare early and stock up on food and supplies early."

"Take our independent regiment as an example. Although the economic development in the regiment is good, the head of the regiment has called on the whole regiment to streamline the administration very early.

On the one hand, expand production and stockpile more grain; on the other hand, reduce the proportion of out-of-production population and reduce consumption. "

"In the face of unforeseen disasters, no one dares to pat their chests and say that they will survive."

"The head of the delegation said that in addition to taking various measures at the moment, in order to deal with the disaster that will continue to expand in the future.

The development of the army lies in the essence and not in the quantity.

Especially for our Jizhong army, due to special circumstances, it is easier to expand the army.

But in this period, we must not rashly expand our troops.

A team of 100 people has been trained, and it is far more effective than expanding to 500 people, with less consumption and more headaches for devils. "

In the end, the monk even threw out a piece of heavy news:
"Our team leader finally said that he can even make a preliminary judgment through predictions and various news channels.

In the next six months, the longest period shall not exceed one year.

Due to the situation in the entire Jizhong war, we have built a large number of military depots, which have threatened the security and stability of the Japanese army on a large scale.

Therefore, it is very likely that the Japanese army will launch a fairly large-scale sweep in a certain period of time in the future to destroy our military depots, weaken the strength of our Jizhong troops, and reduce the Japanese army's defensive pressure on the occupied areas. "

"Big raid!"

"Quite a large scale!"

Head Lu was stunned, he realized the weight of Kong Jie's words...

(End of this chapter)

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